mysql - Gem mysql2 install -

mysql2 needs help setting up. I am searching for everything and have come into despair. I'm new at Santos and killing some obstacles I've been able to get the most out of last, but I'm looking for help. Install the following running gem mysql 2

  [root bin] #gem install mysql2 Creating the original extension can take some time ... Error: Error setting mysql2: Error: Mani Failed to create native extension Check for / usr / bin / ruby ​​extconf.rb dark red / thread.h ... no checking for rb_thread_blocking_region () ... no checking for rb_wait_for_single_fd () ... check for any rb_hash_dup () For rb_intern3 ... no checking () ... no ----- mysql_config check for / usr / bin / mysql_config on----- mysql.h ... for mysql / mysql.h Do not check ... No ----- Mysql.h is missing Please check your installation and try again. ----- *** extconf.rb Failed *** Could not make Makefile due to some reason, perhaps lacking necessary libraries and / You may need configuration options. Configurable options available: - With-Opt-Direction - Without - OPTION DIRECTION - OP-IN - WITHOUT OPTION = $ {opt-dir} / include --with-opt-lib-without-opt-in -lib = $ {opt-dir} / lib - with-makeup -pag - without-make-handling --srcdir =. --Cardir - RBI = / USR / Bin / Rabbi - with-ISSL-DIAR - non-MySQL-DIAR-with-ISSL -Includes - without-MySQL -Included = $ {ISAL-DIV} / included - with-mysql -lib --without-mysql-lib = $ {mysql-dir} / lib -with-mysql-config --without-mysql- Configuration merge files / usr / lib / ruby ​​/ gems / 1.8 / gems / mysql2- 0.3.15 For inspection. Results /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mysql2-0.3.15/ext/mysql2/gem_make.out  Login to 

when I run rpm -qa | Grep mysql I have the following

  [root bin] # rpm -qa | Grep mysql mysql-server-5.1.73-3.el6_5.x86_64 mysql-libs-5.1.73-3.el6_5.x86_64 mysql-devel-5.1.73-3.el6_5.x86_64 mysql-5.1.73-3.el6_5 .x86_64  

most other solutions adds to install mysql-devel, but I have already installed. I can see mysql.h in / usr / include / mysql. Most other people are also missing the line mysql_config on / usr / bin / mysql_config.

Do anyone have any india thank you! In

Edit: trying to make a few more details to add Centos 6.5 Live set (Puppet Master Puppet Labs repo, then added epel, then theforeman install, move sqlite to mysql db, but mysql2 gem MySQL 5.1

OK, I understood it, I located in / usr Logged on mkmf.log /lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mysql2-0.3.15/ext/mysql2/mkmf.log and watched

  -------- ------ -----------------------------: Check for mysql.h ... -------------------- A. "GCC-A-i -ai / usr / lib 64 /ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux me. I / usr / include / mysql -O2 G -Pipe -Wall -Wp, -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE = 2 -fexceptions -fstack- Guard --param = SSP-buffer size = 4-M 64 -mtiutiyuen = generic -fno-Strong-aliasing -fpiaisi Confest C. was $ Czech was program: / * start * / 1: #include & lt; mysql. h & gt; / * end * / ------- -------------  

it basically said, although one Successful log, but what I saw was the GCC that I did not know the beginning of the line The GCC is established, then I

  yum install gcc  

and then set my gem mysql2 and he fixed it.! Hope this helps someone else.


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