How to discover why canvas.requestFullscreen() failed? -

The hand in hand is to add support for fullscreen mode in a WebGL application written in the dart.

Canvas .requestFullscreen () works for simple test cases, but fails on full app.

Please indicate what is preventing the browser from switching to fullscreen.

The code is:

  zero trapFullscreenError () {document.onFullscreenError.listen ((e) {log ("fullscreenerror: $ E ");}); } Zero toggle fullscreen (canvas element c) {log ("fullscreen support = $ {document.fullscreenEnabled} fullscreen element = $ {document.fullscreenElement}"); If (document.fullscreenElement! = Null) {log ("fullscreen nick"); Document.exitFullscreen (); } And {log ("fullscreen request"); C.requestFullscreen (); }}  

The result in that code in Chrome:

  FullscreenSuggest = TrueFullscreenAllement = Faucet Fullscreen Fullscrearer Request: Example of 'Event'  Event [id = 4] _selector tap bubbles true cancelable false clipboard data exit current target # document [id = 5] default given false event feas 3 hashode 234642739 path node list [6] [id = 6] ] Target Canvas # Main_Canvas [ID = 7] Timestamp 1398779450832TO Please type "WebKit Flasher"  

For security reasons requestFullscreen Only one keyboard can be called in the event handler or click on the event.

See also


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