phpexcel generating xls with no compatibility -

I am using PHPexcel to open, edit, save and download edited Excel. After that, I am using XLS to import some data into my device (tool does not make any difference), but my tool is telling me that sheet can not be found with name specific name, but it is there.

All I have to do is open the file with Microsoft Office Excel, and save it again without any modification (this should not be possible). After opening and saving the file with Office Excel, the file size is low and the compatibility with my device is restored.

What can I do to save the file directly to the format?

I am saving the file with the following code:

 $ objWriter = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5 ($ objPHPExcel); Header ('content-type: application /'); Header ('content-dispute: attachment; filename =' '. $ _ Files ["file"] ["name"].' '' ''); Header ('cache-control: max-age = 0'); $ ObjWriter- & gt; Save ('test.xls'); $ ObjWriter- & gt; Save ('php: // output');  


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