mysql - evolutive script with php -

I'm trying to improve this script in PHP so that it can give me the value of a .

To insert in MySQL, 9999999999 ..... 9999999999 (up to 72 characters) So far, it stops at 99 I have extended the memory and memory time of extract of Apache, but it still remains the same. This is my script:

  & lt ;? Php function evol ($ length = 1, $ deb_chaine = '') {$ tab = array ("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g" "I", "P", "X", "R", "S", "T", "J", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N" , "5", "3", "4", "5", "Y", "We", "W", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "0", " 6 "," 7 "," 8 "," 9 "); $ Str = ''; If (strangel ($ deb_chioon) & lt; = ($ length - 1)) {foreach ($ tab $ letter) {$ str = ''. $ Debbenchainen $ Lettre; } If ($ deb_chaine == '') {$ str = Evol ($ length, 'a'); } Else {// sinon $ last = substr ($ deb_chaine, -1); $ Reste = substr ($ deb_chaine, 0, -1); If ($$ == "9") {$ i = Stellen ($ deb_chinine) - 1; $ Reste = ""; While ($ i & gt; = 0) {if ($ deb_chaine [$ i] == "9") {$ reste = 'A' $ Reste; } And {$ reste = $ tab [(array_search ($ deb_chaine [$ i], $ tab) + 1)] substrate ($ rest, 0, -1); Break 1; } $ I--; } $ New = 'a'; } And {$ new = $ tab [(array_search ($ last, $ tab) + 1)]; } $ Str = Evol ($ length, ($ reste. $ New)); }} Return $ str; } Echo Evol (72); ? & Gt;   

This code sets the value of a to 99 .


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