Upload and use web folder on Windows Azure -

We already allow our users to upload files to the Azure Blob archive through the app, and then Look inside the app. / P>

What we need now is to allow uploading an entire folder containing web files (HTML, JS, CSS, image ...) that maintain folder structure and then run In the browser, the links references between these files files must also be maintained so that it can work.

What would be the right way to do this? Is it possible through Bob Storage or do we have to upload the folder and its contents directly to the file system?

Thank you!

Note that there is no concept of "folder" in blue drop storage, the closest you will find is a file " Folder name / filename.name "for name. How will you populate the BLOB storage in this fashion, depending on how you can upload all your files. Probably not on a web page as a zip file or through an AJAX-based file upload UI ... Eventually you can not create folders, but one should be able to repeat the behavior of one.


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