matplotlib - python - how do i create a figure that fills the screen? -

I would like to show a figure on the entire screen or at least the "white space" in the shape window. Now I use plt.tight_layout () and can get rid of some of it but note it altogether, ideally, I want to maximize it and get rid of any axis.

  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot (category (10), category (10)) plt.tight_layout () # & lt; - Probably something better here: plt.get_current_fig_manager () mng.full_screen_toggle ()  

Will get rid of white space and axis. Although I'm not sure about making it a full screen. Is mng.full_screen_toggle () not working for you?

as import matplotlib.pyplot plt plt.plot (range (10), range (10)) ax = plt.gca () # white back ground ax.set_frame_on (false) # Remove axis and ticks ax.get_xaxis (). Set_visible (false) ax.get_yaxis () Set_visible (false) # no padding plt.tight_layout (pad = 0) # full screen plt.get_current_fig_manager () mng.full_screen_toggle () Make


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