
Showing posts from March, 2011

python - sklearn - Cross validation with multiple scores -

मैं recall , सटीक और विभिन्न क्लासिफायर के लिए एक क्रॉस सत्यापन टेस्ट के> एफ-मापन । scikit-learn के साथ आता है लेकिन दुर्भाग्य से इस तरह की विधि कई मान वापस नहीं करती है। मैं तीन बार cross_val_score लेकिन वह कुशल नहीं है क्या कोई बेहतर समाधान है? अब तक मैंने इस फ़ंक्शन को लिखा है: sklearn आयात मीट्रिक डीआर अर्थ माध्यको से (एक्स, वाई, सीएलएफ, एसपीएफ): सेमी = एनपी। शून्य (एनएपी.युनीक (वाई)) ** 2) मैं, (ट्रेन, परीक्षा) एन्यूमरेट (स्फ़ी) में: (एक्स [ट्रेन], y [ट्रेन]) y_pred = clf.predict (X [टेस्ट]) सेमी + = मेट्रिक्स.संस्थापन_मैट्रिक्स (वाई [टेस्ट], y_pred)। फ्लेटन () रिटर्न कंप्यूट_मेजर्स (* सेमी / स्कफ.एन_ फोल्ड्स) डीईफ़ कंप्यूट_आमेचर (टीपी, एफपी, एफएन, टीएन): "" "प्रभावशीलता उपाय "विशिष्टता = टीएन / (टीएन + एफपी) संवेदनशीलता = टीपी / (टीपी + एफएन) फिमेंजर = 2 * (विशिष्टता * संवेदनशीलता) / (विशिष्टता + संवेदनशीलता) रिटर्न सेंसिटिविटी, विशिष्टता, फ़ाइमोर यह मूल रूप से भ्रम मैट्रिक्स मानों को बताता है और एक बार जब आप गलत पॉजिटिव , झूठ...

in jsp by using JSTL , how i can get inserted id -

When I execute the query, I can get the id by call mysql_insert_id () function for this query ID name ------------- 1 jack2s Sarah > & lt; Sql: updated data source = "$ {snapshot}" var = "results" & gt; Include user (name) values ​​(INSERT); & Lt; Sql: Ultimate value = "$ {name}" /> & Lt; / SQL: Update & gt; If I execute this query, then I hope to have ID number 3. But how do I get it? You can use the updated update and query in sql: Transaction Tags: & lt; Sql: transaction data source = "$ {snapshot}" & gt; & Lt; Sql: update var = "results" & gt; Include user (name) values ​​(INSERT); & Lt; Sql: Ultimate value = "$ {name}" /> & Lt; / SQL: Update & gt; & Lt; Sql: query var = "nextIdTable" & gt; Select LastId as LAST_INSERT_ID () & lt; / Sql: Query & gt; & Lt; / SQL: Transactions & gt; Value is: $ {nextIdTable.rows [...

html - How can I get my site to look the same when it is restored down? -

When my page gets maximized, but my site looks fine, how do I fix it? Basically the box on my site gets distorted when I restore it. I am new to website design my coding is below: Boxed {position: absolute; Left: 500 pounds; Correct: 180px; Border: 4px solid green; Font size: 2em; Text align: center; } Suggestions? box The image is covered in the box, and You can consider fixing the width and height using the image blocked by the boundary by using px or something like this, just make sure that it is not the overflow needed. For example, add it to the style of your box width: 500px; Height: auto; / * Auto fix for height * / white spot: pre-rap / * line-break * / display: inline-block; And it will probably improve your website.

windows - Batch file for printing using shared printer in LAN -

I have a report and file that I want to print using the batch file "C: \ Program Files \ Adobe \ Reader 9.0 \ Reader \ "/ t will print it on the default printer What do I want to print the file using the shared printer? how can I do this.? Any help check - emulates this right click -> Print and print the default printer (

python - What use instead of global variables in scipy weave? -

I am following the motility of some particles in the Forcefield described by many parameters . If I do in C or Fortune, then I will define these parameters as Global Variable (this is the most convenient). Here, when I am using spit weaving, I have to give them as a logic of the function. Which I do not like because every time I add or remove a parameter, many functions have to be edited in the title Also, due to passing many arguments the function may be slow ( This performance is a severe tight loop). For example, the following code parameters k, x_surf, C6, C12, CQ, Zeta, E0 and T1, beta many dependent tasks Repeated in the header of . Inline double forex (double x, double queue, double k, double x_serve, double c6, double c12, double cq, double zeta, double e) {...} inline Double step, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, c, double, c12, double cQ, double zeta, double e, double and x, double and v, d...

extending the life of temporary objects in C++ -

I'm reading this: // Example 3 Derivative Factory () ; // A derivative object vs. zero () {Census base & amp; B = Factory (); // Call Derivative: generated here // ... use b ...} // calls received: ~ Generally generated here - Base no: Base + virtual sending! And I understand the first and second examples, but I do not consider the third example. False, what is loyalty / references and what is the 'viral dispatch' example would be good. If you write the code written below: zero ) {Base * b = new derivative; // Call Derivative: generated here // ... use b ... delete b; } Because B is base * , even if the base destroyer was virtual, because virtual dispatch will be called derivative because the The object type indicated by the base indicator is derived. Instead of void g () {derived * d = new derived; // Call Derivative :: Here generated // ... Use D ... Delete D; } Regardless of whether a Base Distribute is virtual or not, a derivative dis...

appcelerator mobile - Open pdf from resource folder in Titanium -

itemprop = "text"> In Titanium I want to open a PDF file that is stored in the resource folder, the onclick event should be opened on Adobe or any client You can open PDF for Android and You can use the webview for the iPhone. var strFileName = 'test.pdf'; Var f = Ti.Filesystem.getFile (Ti.Filesystem.resourcesDirectory, strFileName); Ti.Android.currentActivity.startActivity (Ti.Android.createIntent ({action: Ti.Android.ACTION_VIEW, Type: 'Application / PDF', data: f.getNativePath ()});

php - java file executed from command line but not from browser(apache)? -

I have a Java file that is starting with a shell script if I execute a shell script on the command line It is executing the Java file without any issue, but if I execute this shell script from the browser (I have an index.php that executes this script in the Linux server) then this Java file does not execute Is doing Shell Crypt script is executed properly if I remove the Java execution line shell script. I get an error when executed from the browser below. Error from browser: Java Hotspot (TM) 64-bit server VM warning: Notice: OS :: Command_meMerry (0x00007fcf589ac000, 2555904, 1) failed; Error = 'Permission denied' (error # 13) # # There is insufficient memory to continue for Java Runtime Environment. # The original memory allocation (malloc) failed to allocate 2555 9 4 bytes for reserve memory. An error report file containing # more information has been saved as: # /tmp/hs_err_pid306.log # There is insufficient memory to continue for the Java runtime environment. # The...

ios - iOS7 new update V 7.1(11D167) not compatible in Xcode 5 for development -

I got a new version of iOS7 reported V7.1. I have installed on my iPhone 4S as I am a developer, my iPhone 4S Xcode 5 is not in development mode in SDK. When I opened the organizer in Xcode, it shows, The iOS version on "iPhone 4S" is not supported by this installation of the iOS SDK. Please restore the device to the version of the OS listed below, or update to the latest version of iOS SDK; Which is available here OS installed on iPhone 4S 7.1 (11D167) Hope Apple will fix this problem . You can update using the latest version of Xcode OS X App Store app Edit:

beagleboneblack - GPIO-LED Inter Process Communication via Shared Memory in BeagleBoard Black -

Can one code give us codes for GPIO and board control to promote a live program, Also shared Please follow the GPI-control code. What do you mean by "shared memory communication" and why you need it, it is not clear from your question?

javascript - How to send POST headers with CasperJS' download function? -

I am having trouble posting data w / headers via the CasparJS function. I can find it to post without the header, when I add headers, it appears that they are never sent. casper.then (function () { ("path / to / file / posting / to", "path / per / file / saved / locally", " Post ", // this is stuck on Part I / it will be posted, but how do I add headers to this post?" Mydata = part1 and mydata2 = Part 2 ");}); When I use () then I can post and add JSON with both the header and the data object, But it does not seem like You can use PhantomJS for all requests for the property Set custom headers This post also works for requests and the download () function. Tested with CasperJS 1.1-Beta 3 and Fementmos S version 2.0.1 and 1.9.7. .

BlueJ - Java Code -

मुझे निम्न कोड मिला है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग वर्ग {सार्वजनिक स्थिर डबल [] वर्ग (डबल ए []) {डबल [] एस = नया डबल [a.length]; के लिए (इंट I = 0; i & lt; a.length; i ++) {एस [i] = एक [i] * ए [i]; } वापसी एस; } // अन्य विधियों ...} और जब भी मैं BlueJ विधि कॉल और डबल [] वर्ग (डबल एक []) का चयन करें और प्रकार 0,1 , 2 और 3, मैं एक त्रुटि संदेश त्रुटि आइडेंटिफ़ायर की अपेक्षा रखता हूं तो मैं अपने नंबरों का परीक्षण नहीं कर सकता, मैं इस समस्या से कैसे छुटकारा पा सकता हूं? यदि आप 0,1,2 और 3 टाइप करते हैं, तो आप प्रत्येक संख्या का वर्ग प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, लेकिन किसी कारण से मैं इसे प्रबंधित नहीं कर रहा हूं। संपादित करें: यह है मैं कैसे इस पद्धति का परीक्षण करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं: वर्ग.square (0, 1, 2, 3); समस्या यह है कि आपको डबल [] भेजने की ज़रूरत है लेकिन आप 4 int तर्क भेज रहे हैं। इसका समाधान करने के दो तरीके हैं: एक वास्तविक डबल [] भेजें: वर्ग.square (नया डबल [] {0, 1, 2, 3}); Varargs प्राप्त करने के लिए विधि बदलें: सार्वजनिक स्थिर डबल [] वर्ग (डबल .....

python - How do I format logs so they print out in columns? -

मेरे पास एक प्रोजेक्ट है जहां विभिन्न धागे और फ़ंक्शन समान StreamHandler () लॉग इन कर रहे हैं कंसोल का उपयोग करते हुए कस्टम लॉगलवेल्स में से कुछ कस्टम हैं मेरा लॉग करने के लिए प्रारूपित है: streamformatter = logging.Formatter (fmt = '% (levelname) s: \ t% (threadName) s: \ t% (FuncName) s: \ t \ t% (message) s ', datefmt ='% H:% M:% S ') यह मेरा लॉग डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से बनाता है इस तरह विकृत जहां यह वास्तव में देखने के लिए बहुत आसान नहीं है या जब यह देखने के लिए आसान है कि किस समारोह को बुलाया जा रहा है और किस धागे से। जानकारी: COM14-fwcif-listener: _receive_v32: my_success: 24 लाइनों को फ़ॉर्मेटर भेजना DB_TRACE: COM14-fwcif-श्रोता: _format_and_log_v32: { "शीघ्र": "undef-COM14", "x_type": "tracelogentry", "y_time": १३९२६९५५०६.०,४४,५८३, "z_msg": "...."} जानकारी: COM13- fwutil-श्रोता: _receive_v32: my_success: { "शीघ्र": "undef-COM13", "x_type": COM13-fwutil-श्र...

.net - Serialize value to OData -

There is a function (ODataLib 5.6.1 maybe) OData URI format to a .NET primitive types to order (for) is for example: new Dinanktaim (2000, 12, 12) .ToODataString () // will return: datetime'2000-12-12T12: 00 ' static class with Microsoft.Data.OData.Query.ODataUriUtils, you In order to sequentially ConvertToUriLiteral can call for the value literally Uri. Public Static String ConvertToUriLiteral (Object Value, ODataVersion Version) Public Static String ConvertToUriLiteral (Object Value, ODataVersion Version, IEdmModel Model) Public Static String ConvertToUriLiteral (Object Value, ODataVersion Version, IEdmModel Model, ODataFormat) Format) and you can call ConvertFromUriLiteral to alphabetical. public static object ConvertFromUriLiteral (string value, ODataVersion version) public static object ConvertFromUri literal (string value, Odatavirsian version, Aiidimmodal model, Aiidimtaipreprefrens reference)

What's the Best Way to Schedule and Manage Multiple Processes in Python 3 -

I am working on Python 3 on a project that includes reading lines from the text file, in some way these lines By adding, and then writing out the results of that manipulation in another text file. Applying that flow in serial manner is trivial. However, it takes a long time to run on every step (I'm working on text files that are several hundred megabytes / many gigabytes in size). I thought about breaking this process into multiple, real system processes. Based on the recommended best practices, I am going to use Python's multiprocessing library. Ideally, one should read only another process and writing text files is part of the manipulation, however, that's where I'm running into issues. When "Reader Process" reads a row from the initial text file, then it will be the same as line . Then drag the "manipher process" from that line to qi , then do your work, then put it in another Q , which takes the "author process" and an...

Matlab Neural Net: tansig always returns positive value -

I am taking a classification task, but facing the problem that when I run my patterns on a trained net Only one till I apply the original pattern (the last line of code given below) to the trained net, even then I expect classification (equivalent). All normalization is being done by auto-created functions, and the results are shown below. Advice? [pattern, target] = getData (); Pattern = pattern '; Target = target = 11x3078; % 1x3078 learners = 'trainlm'; % 'Trainlm', 'trainbr', 'trainscg' hiddenSizes = 5; % Default10 net = feedfarnet (hidden size, learner); % Inps = net.inputs {1} .processFcns; % Default for hidden layers is 'tansig' net.layers {1} .transferFcn = 'tansig'; % Default for hidden layers is preferred in a linear function for purein '% tansig classification net.layers {2}. Transfer FCN = 'tansig'; Net.divideParam.trainRatio = 0.7; Net.divideParam.valRatio = 1 - net.divideParam.trainRatio; Net.di...

JavaScript / How create a new object in node.js? -

मेरे पास node.js में निम्नलिखित कोड है, express : एप पोस्ट ('/ प्रिंटअप', फ़ंक्शन (रिक, रिज)) {var multipl = new की आवश्यकता है ('./ multUploud') printNum (req, res);}) और मेरे पास मेरे multUploud.js में निम्नलिखित हैं: var partNum = 0; Module.exports = {printNum: फ़ंक्शन (रिक, रेस) {partNum ++; console.log (partNum); }} अगर मैंने पोस्ट के दो कमांड भेजे हैं, तो मुझे लगता है कि partNum पहले चलना में 1 है, और दूसरे में 2। क्या हर एप पोस्ट अनुरोध के लिए एक नया इंस्टेंस बनाने का कोई विकल्प है, इसलिए यह 1 और 1 प्रिंट करता है? अपने ऑब्जेक्ट की एक संपत्ति बनाओ partNum आपका multUploud.js कुछ इस तरह दिखना चाहिए: मॉड्यूल। एक्सपोर्ट्स = मल्टीयूप्लोड; फ़ंक्शन मल्टीयूप्लोड () {this.partNum = 0; } MultiUpload.prototype.printNum = function (req, res) {this.partNum ++; console.log (this.partNum); } फिर, आपके एक्सप्रेस पोस्ट में: एप पोस्ट ('/ printUp', फ़ंक्शन (अनुरोध, रिज़) {var MultiUpload = की आवश्यकता होती है ( './multUploud'...

c# - Can I declare a task without a Task block in Xamarin? -

So I found that annoyingly, with custom working methods, I always need to return a new task, such as below Foo0 (). But the interesting thing about zaminin is that if you enter an async keyword you can leave the new work block. Foo0 and Foo1 are equivalent? Is this a mess of implementation of Jämern, or does it work in VS 2012? But Foo1 returns a compiler warning, and I just can not remove the async keyword, or it will stop compiling, even if the code body remains the same. (I've got an additional new work block in Foo0 redundant, this method should be clear from the announcement that I want to run a new job.) // is clear with a new return Working & lt; Int & gt; Foo0 () {Return Job.Run (() => {5 returns 5;}); } // gives the following warning: "There is a lack of waiting 'operator in the asynchronous block and in the synchronous manner" async task and lieutenant; Int & gt; Foo1 () {Return 5; } / * The following tasks & lt; Int & gt;...

c# - Linq-to-Entities SqlFunctions: How to Convert from int to double? or decimal? -

I am trying to sort some articles using Linq to Entities. I'm using System.Data.Objects.SqlClient.SqlFunctions. This is what I would like to do: this.Queryable = this.Queryable. Orderbidescoding (v = & gt; v.UpVote + SqlFunctions.Log10 (SqlFunctions.DateDiff ("d", DateTime Today, v. Ready))); However, this does not work, since Detoph is a int? returns and log 10 or so takes a double? or Decimal? . I could not find the convert function which it does in SqlFunctions. I tried to multiply it by multiplying 1.0 or casting it, but I get the following error: System.Data.Entity.Core.EntityCommandExecutionException: When reading from the store reader's data reader Error occurred. See internal exceptions for details ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: An invalid floating point operation occurred. How do I change from int? Double to ? or Decimal? Using SqlFunctions? Based on the reaction of Ocelot20, I switched around the arguments and add...

Which email template is used in workflow in crm 2011 -

There is a workflow running on the case resolution in my organization that sends the email. This subject and email shows the body in the email but only the subject is written in the workflow. This means that a template is used in the body of the email. How can I see which template is used in the workflow? If anyone has any ideas please share with me Thank you in advance. Based on your explanation, I think the answer to your question is low. Open the workflow and is receiving the email that sends the steps. In the active workflow, it should look like the following: In the passive workflow, the steps should be as follows. If it says that "Create a New Message" , this means the email body and the subject line are configured inside the workflow. Otherwise you will see the name of the email template. For email explanation, click on "View Properties"

XmlUnit empty Elements -

I try to compare two XML with xmlUnit I have the following problem. When I have two empty elements such as xmlUnit the examples given below identify the elements as a difference. and and & lt; Name & gt; & Lt; / Name & gt; > I am only interesting in the difference, like the next two examples. & lt; Name & gt; Test1 & lt; / Name & gt; and & lt; Name & gt; Test2 & lt; / Name & gt; difference: test1 and test2 or & lt; Name & gt; Test 1 & lt; / Name & gt; and & lt; Name & gt; & Lt; / Name & gt; difference test1 and ... My code: `diff diff = new def (fr1, fr2); Detailed deaf detailed def = new wide df (difference); List gap list = detailed def.get all datafins (); The differences in the list = detailed def.get all dataference (); For (commodity object: difference) {difference difference = (difference) object; String node 1; String node 2; Node1 = difference.getControlNodeDeta...

c# - P/Invoke Marshaling float*& -

I am trying to use some C + + dll function by using P / Invoke from c # application. Their headers are: zero F1 (float * a, float * b, long n, float * r); Zero F2 (Float * A, Float * B, Long N, Float & amp; R); The difference in use is that F1 is obtained as the fourth parameter, which is an array created outside the function while F2 preserves memory and fills the array in it. I can declare F1. [DllImport ("myLib.dll", Calling Convention = Calling Convention. CDEcl)] Private Static Exxon Zero F1 (Float [] A, Float [] B, UIT N, Float [] R); and calling it with the program: float [] A = new float [] {1,2,3}; Float [] b = new float [] (4,5,6}; UIT n = 3; float [] r = new float [n]; f1 ​​(a, b, n, r); This works well. But I do not know how to use F2 I declare it: [DllImport ( "MyLib.dll", Calling Convention = Calling Convention. CDEcl) Personal Static Extern Zero F2 (Float [] A, Float [] B, UIT N, Float [] R); When I call f2 with an unused a...

How to keep private data separate in an open source ASP.NET MVC application -

I am working in an open source ASP.NET application, I need to keep certain data in the configuration file, While still people make it easy to create and debug it on their machine. It has data like API keys, mail settings, etc. How do I keep this data different and out of the GIT repository, while still allowing people to just drag and install without bunch You can define configSource in your config file: & lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; AppSettings configSource = "filepath1.config" /> & Lt; ConnectionStrings configSource = "filepath2.config" /> & Lt; -! Etc. - & gt; & Lt; / Configuration & gt; Keep the configurations that you need to keep private in the private config file, then exclude them in your .gitignore. Keep in mind that it will completely ignore the section and overwrite it with your reference in the referenced file. You can also do that, which allows you to overwrite only the squares in the variable...

javascript - Is there a Text Element that doesn't have input/border/non-white cell color by default? -

So I want any kind of element which is not considered as input, but I can convert javascript (like $ ("Some element"). Value = "updated text" ) However, when you type readonly or disabled for stuff like text input I still use a non-white cell color and a border by default, I would like to search for "text element with no input" Shaw, but there was nothing useful about any kind of text element which I was seeing. Is there such a text element present?

java - p:ajax using an global HTML id to reference to an <h:messages> attribute -

I am currently working on a project for which some "reconstruction" is needed, but still it There is no money - so I have to deal with him who is in front of me. I need to display a message on each change of the radio button as you can see in this code example: Lt; H: form & gt; & Lt; H: Message id = "msg" / & gt; & Lt; P: accordionPanel value = "# {exerciseBean.getCategoriesInGrade (5)}" var = "category" & gt; & Lt; P: tab title = "# {category.categoryName}" & gt; & Lt; H: Panel grid column = "1" cellpadding = "5" & gt; & Lt; Ui: Recurrence value = "# {exerciseBean.getSingleChoiceInGrade (5, category.CategoryName)}" var = "exercise" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; # {Exercise.getText ()} & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; P: selectOneRadio value = "# {}" & gt; & Lt; F: selectItems value = "# {exercise.getCho...

javascript - AngularJS child div not being animated when ng-class is on parent div -

मेरे पास उन तत्वों का समूह है जो इस तरह दिखते हैं: & lt; div class = "Col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" & gt; & Lt; div क्लास = "शोकेसपेन" एनजी-क्लास = "स्टेटकार्ट.नाव" & gt; & Lt; div class = "contentpan" यूआई-व्यू & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; जब एनजी-क्लास showcasePane पर मौजूद नहीं है, तो contentPane एपलेट के रूप में अपेक्षित है / एनीमेशन छोड़ें), हालांकि जब एनजी-क्लास मौजूद है, तो contentPane अब एनिमेटेड नहीं है और इसके बजाय केवल showcasePane करता है (जैसा कि, यह सक्रिय> प्रत्यय जोड़ना / हटाने वाले वर्गों में जोड़ा गया है) - भले ही मैं यह नहीं चाहता। मैं कैसे contentPane प्राप्त कर सकते हैं जब मुझे चेतन करने के लिए एनजी-क्लास मूल पैर पर मौजूद है? उत्तर से संबंधित था मुझे यह संदेह है कि वे इन से संबंधित थे, स्थिर इंद्रिय संस्करण (1.2) के कई मुद्दों ने नवीनतम (बीटा -7) पर जाकर मेरी समस्या तय की है, हालांकि मुझे पूरी तरह से यकीन नह...

lisp - Programmatically defun a function with a given name -

I need to program a macro which is similar to defun , so that any function My attempts to name a given (auto-generated) name are: (defun, (intern "autogen-command-33") () (echo "autogen- Command-33! ")) However, for some reason, (intern ...) stopped working as expected (now it's like this Complaints): Invalid number of arguments: 1 [Type of condition SB-IA T: simple programming error] restarts: 0: [Retry] retry SLIME REPL evaluate the request. 1: [* ABORT] Return to the top level of SLIME 2: [Timeliness] End this thread (# & lt; THREAD "worker" running {10078C8DE3}>) Backtraces: 0: [Error printing Frame] 1: (SB-INT: Simple-Eva-in-Lexenw (International) "Autogen-Command-34") # (NULL-LEXENV> 2) (EVAL ("autogen-command-34") ) So I intern with created-icon , which does not return any errors. Then, I try the (autogen-command-35) , hopefully it has been defined, but it is not: STUMPWM> (Eval `(defun,...

spring - Camel Route sending files from file endpoint to FTP server -

Being new to Apache camels, I'm following all the examples on the internet. Every book / forum / blog post has an example in which a simple route has been created that will consume files / files from an FTP server. My problem is that the host I am trying to ("ftp: // Password = secret & localWorkDirectory = / Tmp ") to connect to or & lt; From Eury = "ftp: // Any @ someserver / public / reports? Password = password" /> When I supply my host, then does not work for me: For this example, call FTP details: FTP username: Password: password So when I change the url I advised with my server credentials, then it fails to connect. I am assuming this because it is two @ symbols and this path is causing some confusion. ("ftp: // Password = secret & local works directory = / tmp") OR & lt; From Yuri = "ftp: //user...

Odd return from WlanEnumInterfaces (Windows Native WiFi) in Java -

I'm trying to map Windows Native WiFi APIs in Java, but I'm having problems with the WlanEnumInterfaces function is. In fact, this function contains the WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO_LIST structure with an array of WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO structures. When I say WlanEnumInterfaces in my Java program, the display indicates its return value that succeeds, but when I check the number of items in the WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO array, I think this value should be 1 i just as zodiac as 1,367,280 or 4000000. Incompatible Receive the values ​​on my machine a wireless interface Here it is the mapping of the WlanEnumInterfaces function: Public Ink WlanEnum Interface (Handle H Client Handle, PointerBerrancePRSServed, WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO_LIST.ByReference ppInterfaceList); Implementation of WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO_LIST: Expands public static class WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO_LIST structure {Public static class biorerance WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO_LIST is applicable. Beerfront {} Public Int dwNumberOfItems; Public full d...

python - Date Index Formatter for Candlesticks -

I wanted to remove "interval" between weekends when I was able to do stock data graphing using matplotlib And the result is the following graph: Now, when I try to run index format on X-axis, I get only blank canvas. Can anyone figure out what I am doing wrong here? If I do everything again on the FuncFormatter line, I comment. Adjust # builder parameter dates for the candlestick graph so that charts x = 0 y = len (date) Ind = NP Ranges (y) candleAre = [] on X-lt While X & lt; Y: Appendable = x [x], OpenP [x], Clap [x], Hype [x], Low [x], Volume [x] CandleAr.Append (Expalline) x + = 1 DF Format_date (X, Pause = None): Thisind = np.clip (int (x + 0.5), 0, y-1) Backend CandleArrayad [Wond] .strftime ('% Y-% m-% d') #Defin Conspiracy Area and Candest Chart Fig = Plt.figure (facecolor = 'w') ax1 = plt.subplot2grid ((1,1), (0,0), axisbg = 'w') Candle (axis 1, candle ar, width = 0.8, color = ' # 9f15 ', Colordown =' # ff1717 ...

php - Wordpress Custom Plugin Upload Image -

I am writing a custom wordpress plugin which lets the user upload images in a folder. And I'm having trouble saving the original image to the folder This is my myplugin.php add_action ('admin_menu', 'register_my_custom_menu_page'); Function register_my_custom_menu_page () {add_menu_page ('home page', 'home page', 'management_option', 'homepage', 'my_custom_menu_page', plugins_url ('myplugin / images / icon.png'), 6); } Function my_custom_menu_page () {echo '& lt; H1 & gt; Settings & lt; / H1> '; Echo '& lt; Form method = "post" action = "process.php" enctype = "multipart / form-data" & gt; '; Echo & lt; Table & gt; '; Echo '& lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Td> Image 1 & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> & Lt; Input type = "file" name = "file1" size = "40" & gt; & Lt; / Td> & ...

java - Checking if characters in a string are digits, but with exceptions -

OK so I have this string SSN, and it is considered to be a social security number with the proper format. I have to check to ensure that there is no non-digit in the SSN except Dash. I have already made a loop that ensures that the dash is in the right place, but I'm not sure how can I check that there are non-digit characters without the unchecked dash. Is this a method that I can dash out this check? This is my current code, I just do not know how- '(sorry, completely forgotten) SSN is a string object that was entered by the user is. for (int i = 0; i & lt; snn.length (); i ++) {If (Character.isDigit (ssn.charAt (i))} Consider using regular expressions. For example:

android - How to draw continuous enemies in java 2D -

I am making a warship game with the ship at the bottom of the screen moving left and right. The ship shoots projectiles directly on the bombs falling from the sky. The objective is to avoid falling on the player to shoot the continuous flow of the bomb. So far, I have delt in drawing like this: Public stable bomb B1, B2; Private image image, warship, background, bomb; @ Override public zero start () {bg = 1 new background (0, 0); Ship = new ship (); B1 = new bomb (340, -100); B2 = new bomb (700, -100); Thread thread = new thread (this); Thread.start (); } @ Override Public Wide Run (While {true} {ship.update (); Array list projectile = ShipGetProjects (); For (Int i = 0; I & lt; Projects size (); i ++) {Projectile P = (projectile) projectiles.jet (i); If (p.isVisible () == true) {p.update (); } Other {Projects. Extract (i); }} B1.update (); B2.update (); Bg1.update (); Bg2.update (); Repaint (); Try {Thread.sleep (17); } Grip (Interrupted e) e.printStackTrace (); }}} @ O...

c# - Gridview PageIndex randomly stops working along with other postback controls Asp.Net -

टाइप करें: एस्पनेट 4.0 - मास्टर पेज एप्लिकेशन। ग्रिडव्यू पेज इंडेक्सिंग बेतरतीब ढंग से कार्य करना रोकता है और इसलिए सामग्री पृष्ठ पर "कुछ" अन्य बटन करें हालांकि मुझे एक पैटर्न नहीं मिल सकता है और यह केवल होस्ट सर्वर पर होता है अगर मैं इसे स्थानीयहोस्ट (डीबगिंग) पर चलाता हूं तो मेरे पास समस्या नहीं है इसलिए अर्थात् मैं पृष्ठ की सुविधाओं का उपयोग कर सकता हूं, जैसे पेज इंडेक्स के माध्यम से खोज, छंटनी, फ्लिपिंग और फिर अचानक पृष्ठ अनुक्रमण काम करना बंद कर देता है। क्या किसी और के पास यह समस्या है मैं इस एक के साथ stumped हूँ मैं खोज कर रहा हूं और केवल मृत अंत की सुराग मिल गया है। नोट: यह केवल IE11 ब्राउज़र में हो रहा है फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स और क्रोम सिर्फ ठीक काम करता है। यह पता चला है कि आवेदन के साथ कुछ भी गलत नहीं था बल्कि इसके बजाय रूपरेखा संस्करण बनाम IE संस्करण। फ्रेमवर्क 4.0 IE11 के साथ संगत नहीं है मैंने यह पता लगाने के लिए आईई 11 डीबगर का इस्तेमाल किया था कि यह __doPostBacks पर गलती कर रहा था। जब मैंने आईई 11 में एम्यूलेशन को आईई 9 में बदल दिया तो आईई 9 के लिए आवे...

c# - Creating X amount of threads that execute a task at the same time -

I'm trying to dynamically create the amount of Threads of X (specified by the user), then basically those Everyone has to execute some code at the same time within a 1 second interval. The issue I am arriving is that the work I am trying to fulfill depends on the loop, to determine whether the current IP is equal to the last or not. (This scans the host) So as long as I loop inside it, it is shutting down and not making other threads, and not executing the code. I want to go all those at the same time, Waiting for one second (a timer or something that does not lock the thread since the code it was executed). Can somebody help me out? Here is my current code: int thread = convert. ToInt32 (txtThreads.Text); & Lt; Thread & gt; WorkerThreads = New list & lt; Thread & gt; (); String = from txtStart.Text, for = txtEnd.Text; UIT current = from.ToUInt (), final = to.ToUInt (); Inverted total = final - present; {Thread thread = new thread ((=); (for (int i = 0; i ...

jquery - Display upload percent through javascript just like bottom-left of chrome -

Whenever you upload a file / file via chrome, before hitting it in the lower left corner of the page Upload percentages will display 100% and redirection. Where does Chrome get this number and how can I view the value on the page via javascript / jQuery (on all browsers) before the redirect on the page? I do not want to upload a file via AJX, just use a regular form such as ... & Lt; Input type = "submit" / & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; In my test, if posted, using a conventional request is. The .POST method shows the progress bar.

Laravel 4 carbon date format change only once -

Hello I'm using laravel 4 for an app page, I like the carbon date function, but I like the date format Problems with I have a date format like this: dd / mm / yyyy and I use it: \ Carbon \ Carbon :: createFromTimeStamp (strtotime (Eth :: user () -> created_at) -> diffForHumans () to show how old it is But it works fine in date format yyy-mm-dd I can change the date format only once and every time No. You can try this: $ date = Auth :: user ); & Gt; Created on; \ Carbon \ Carbon :: createFromFormat ('d / m / y', $ date) -> diffForHumans (); In addition to this You can try it (if you want to use the createFromTimeStamp method): $ date = str_replace ('/', '-', Ath :: User () - & gt; created_at); \ carbon \ carbon :: createFromTimeStamp (strtotime ($ date)) - & gt; DiffForHumans ();

c# - OneDrive api get all photos -

PLS can help me with a live API I need to get all the photos from OneDrive "I / Album "and then call the album in other ways. Is there some method for this? I'm missing something? I try Google but the links are dead. Thanks This could be the value from which all the user's photos are found For example, take a look at the code as it contains functions to load data from an album: public async zero load data () {LiveConnectClient Client = New LiveConnectClient (App.Session) ; LiveOperationResult albumOperationResult = Wait for the client. GetAsync ("me / albums"); Dynamic Album Result = albumOperationResult.Result; Forash (Dynamic album in the album, RES.Data) {var group = new skydive album (album. Id,,, @ "MS-APX: /// Assets / DARGRAP"), album Diskasan); LiveOperationResult pictureOperationResult = Wait for the client. GetAsync ( + "/ files"); Dynamic picture result = Photo operation result result...

sql - MySQL query to find partial duplicates -

I have a table in which I want to find competitors who wrote more than one competition. There are more columns but only looking at those people about whom I am in number first, first_name, last_name, school and competition. I want to find people in my table who have written more than one competition, so basically first first_name, same last_name, same school, but different competition make me clear It was supposed that the competition should be equal to 1, I can see competitors from other competitions on the table in the specified 3 competitions, which I have not seen and even duplicates Also to be listed will be beneficial. So if it finds two people who match the criteria, then it shows both. Edit 2 Some example data ... | ID | First_name | Last_name School | Competition | | 01 | Jane | Do | | 2568 | 1001 | | 02 | Mike | Do | | 2568 | 1003 | | 03 | Jane | Do | | 2568 | 1003 | | 04 | Jane | Do | | 2523 | 1001 | This example will match the ID 01 and 03, but the other w...

Having problems with collection.remove on Meteor -

I'm new to web development and meteorite. I came from a problem. I have put some documents into a collection and now I am trying to remove them, but I can not be successful. I used to search / insert these lines in the collection, they worked: Cases.find (); Case. Inert ({Case_Id: cassid, product_type: product, machine_number: text}); Now, Im trying to remove a document (we say that Case_Id = 12 is): ({'Click .rem_Case_But': function () {remove cases ({Case_Id: 12});}}); This will not make any changes. I have also logged in Minimongo and have tried to remove them manually. being successful. Do you have any ideas? P.S. I did not use any permission / rejection option at all. From meteor docs: Untrusted code can only be assigned to a single document Can be removed at one time, it has been specified by _id. "Untrusted code" means the code is executed on the client - this is your case you must: Var c = cases....

sql - Oracle viewing highest record -

I have a module and a student's host, trying to display only one record of the student with the highest result for specific modules But I can not get it to work. Here is my SQL syntax: SELECT S.ST_FNAME, S.ST_LNAME, M.MOD_NAME, R.RES_GRADE to Student S, Module M, Result RWERE S.ST_ID = R ST_ID and M .MOD_ID = R.MOD_ID and M.MOD_ID = 503; To get a single value for a group of rows, use GROUP BY (in your case, max to get the maximum): I have also made changes in your old style of joining ANSI-style - using the ANSI style, today it is preferred by most people.

excel - Combining Match and Offset -

I want to use a match function to find a value from a named range (say, value in A3) And then want to use offset, from the nominated range, the named category is called "category" to give the value of the value of the search value I wrote something about it: = OFFSET ( MATCH (category, A3, 0)), 1, 1, 1, 1) This is not working, how do I work it out? match returns a number; OFFSET requires a category as a reference In addition, MATCH requires a value as the first argument and the second As there is a limit. The following tasks = OFFSET (category, MATCH (A3, range, 0) -1, 1) Assuming that you are looking for value in the column A3 CATEGORY Note that for the first cell MATCH Return 1 - So you have to deduct one line to stay on it; Similarly, you need an offset column of +1 to get the "cell to the right". The third argument for 0 MATCH means "exact match." Examples of this formula at work:

php - Money Regex, Optional dollar sign -

I am trying to explain how the dollar sign is optional to validate the dollar amount. Current expression: Public stable work is ValidDollars ($ amount) {if (preg_match ("/ ^ [0-9] * (\ [0-9] [0-9]] $ / ", $ amount} {return true;} and {return false;}} If I do not work in the beginning" \ $ \? " I know that to save the dollar sign, I'm not sure what I'm missing because it's very easy.

Rails: Devise custom create registration -

There is a custom registration in my plan, but it is not doing what I should do. I am trying to create new data: def create_resource (sign_up_params) if yield resource if block_given? What is resource.active_for_authentication? Set_flash_message: Notice ,: if_flashing_format is signed? Sign_up (resource_name, processing) response_with resource ,: location = & gt; Parameter [: User] [: Role] == "Proof" proof .create (: user_id = & gt;, first_name = & gt; Parameters [: user] [: first_name],: last_name = & gt; Parameter [: User] [: Last_Name]) End and Set_flight_mail: Android, Notice, "signed_up_butt_ #info_flashing_format" # expired_data_after_sign_in! Reply with Resource: Location = & gt; What is the custom of this part: if parameter [: user] [: role] =) = "proof" proof.cent (: User_ id = & gt;,: first_name = & gt; parameters [: user] [: first_name],: last_name = & ...

Issue with iOS Localization - NSLocalizedString -

I have an issue with NSLocalizedString, I try to translate the text given below in the tab bar icon Is located in one, but info.plist.Strings (file) even after making the same in another code, only Text_to appears. Code: [[self.tabBarController.tabBar.items ObjectAntIndex: 0] Settlement: NSLLocledString (@ "text_to", blue)]; infoPlist.Strings (file): "text_to" = "translated text is here"; For just information, I am working under xcode 5.0.2 and iOS7 Instead of Localizable.strings informationPlist.Strings by putting it in the file.

How to reset a php session to starting value at certain point? -

& lt;? Php session_start (); यदि (isset ($ _ सत्र ['प्रविष्ट'])) $ _SESSION ['प्रविष्ट करें'] = $ _ सत्र ['प्रविष्ट करें'] + 1; अन्य $ _SESSION ['प्रविष्ट करें'] = 1; अगर ($ _SESSION ['प्रविष्ट करें'] = 7) {बिना सेट ($ _ सत्र ['प्रविष्ट करें']); $ _SESSION [ 'दर्ज'] = 1; // यहां मैं शुरुआत से गिनती करना चाहता हूं अगर सात प्रवेश होते हैं} $ enter = $ _SESSION ['प्रविष्ट करें']; $ Enter = sprintf ("% 03d", $ प्रविष्ट करें); प्रतिध्वनि $ दर्ज करें; // हमेशा 001 रखें? & Gt; तो, मैं पृष्ठ को 1 से 7 में प्रवेश करना चाहता हूं और फिर 1 पर वापस जाना चाहता हूं। .. और इतने पर, लेकिन उपरोक्त मामले में यह हमेशा 1 पर रहता है। कोई भी मदद। यह आपकी समस्या है: यदि ($ _SESSION ['प्रविष्ट करें'] = 7) { आप मूल्यों की तुलना नहीं कर रहे हैं, लेकिन इसे निर्दिष्ट करते हैं और वह हमेशा एक true मान देता है, जिसके बाद कोड चलाने के बाद। बस उसे इसे बदलें: यदि ($ _SESSION ['प्रविष्ट करें...

java - Nested Servlet exception while accessing Relational Data using JDBC with Spring -

I am following this document - After setting up, and creating a jdbc template - SimpleDriverDataSource dataSource = New SimpleDriverDataSource (); DataSource.setDriverClass (com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.class); DataSource.setUsername ("user name"); DataSource.setUrl ("JDBC: mysql: /"); DataSource.setPassword ("password"); JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = new JdbcTemplate (dataSource); When I'm trying to create a specific query - list & gt; GameBean & gt; Result = jdbcTemplate.query ( "Select" * Games, New RowMapper & LT; GameBean & gt; () {@Override public GameBean mapRow (ResultSet rs, int ROWNUM) SQLException {GameBean GB = throws new GameBean () ; Gb.setGameId (GetInt ("GameId"); gb.setGameName (rsgetstring ("GameName"); Return GB;}}); I have noted an error "JDBC connection could not get," org.springframework.jdbc. CannotGetJdbcConnectionException: Could not fi...

excel - Exporting all windchill usernames -

I'm exploring a way to export all the usernames in the windchill system, ultimately the goal might be to name those names in an Excel spreadsheet Have to import. any suggestion? As a side note, (and if I abuse the conditions here, please forgive me), what are the possibilities for reaching the Windchil using VBA. My impression is that Because there is no VBA API, my options are limited to access data stored in the windchill from Excel. Thank you, Dan itemprop =" text "> And use the user name by using the QueryBuilder . Site-> Utilities and Report Management. If you can add your query there, prepare a report And you can get the option to export that report in Axle format or you can get it through the Windchill API You can do this by querying all the users using . QueryUserNet = PersistenceHelper.Manager.Find (New Query Speech (WTUSAR Class)) ; From this, you can get a username and write to Excel Excel using plain Java code. You install yo...

java PaaS performance -

I need a lot of CPU resources in my Java A7 app. I test it on 64 gelsticks with clouds test During the app, the app consumed up to 60 clouds. But at the end of the trial, I was surprised to see that the app is making 60 Gelesttis Cloudettes faster than at least 2-3 times on my MacBook Pro (i7, dual core). Is it normal that 60 jellastic clustettes are performing less than laptops? The app does not call any external resources. Would you please recommend a very executable and user friendly money? Thanks Khalil Try Amazon AWS, the display is according to the hardware you rent. And if you can afford it, then do not use your own hardware.

What is the name of the Android icon? -

Is this a standard mark? What does it say? (Android .Radrouble. ???) I'm referring to an update or refresh icon. (on the left) You can get this icon, like That Pageini said, in the page. There are two versions, Holo Lite and Holo Dark, and this is Holo Dark one which is shown in your link. An example of the image is shown in the same page under "Action Bar icon pack".

javascript - Sticky Menu in JS -

Everyone, I have implemented a script that makes sticky while scrolling my menu . The function works, though it starts behaving strangely suddenly when scrolling back - instead of returning to its original location, it stays very high. This is the reason I have to change something, but I can not understand it. Menu / script is on. I really appreciate any help. Thanks! Script: & lt; Script type = 'text / javascript' & gt; JQuery (document) .scroll (function () {if (jQuery (this) .scrollTop ()> 175) {jQuery (Menu-Secondary-rap & amp; # 39;) CSS (& Amp;; & # 39; Status & amp; # 39;, & amp; # 39; Fixed & amp; # 39;); jQuery (& amp; # 39; Menu-Secondary-Wrap & amp; # 39; CSS (& amp; # 39; Top & amp; # 39; & amp; # 39; & amp; # 39;); jQuery (& amp; # 39; Menu-Secondary-Rap & amp; # 39; ) CSS (& amp; # 39; Width & amp; # 39 ;, & # 39; 950px & amp; # 39;); jQuery (& amp; # 39; Menu...

sql - Marking duplicate values in new column -

Therefore there is some help on a query which will mark the duplicate in a specific column. Essentially I have 2 columns: cust_id Order_id 001 001 001 002 001 003 002 001 003 001 003 002 I have a new column in my queue which is unique for '1' and '0' for duplicates of only 'cust_id' columns. My thoughts are minutes or & lt; So far it is with whom I have come, which is clearly not correct: SELECT A.cust_id, B.order_id, when COUNT (A. Cust_id) & gt; 1 THEN 0 WHEN COUNT (A.cust_id) = '1 THEN 1 END as' Inquiry' with a check in the chest B.cust_id = A.cust_id GROUP BY B.order_id, A.cust_id It runs but everything marks only with '1' I know that this is fine because I have asked to do this, and it is actually looking at the value of cust_id and why all > 1 and all returning '1'. How do I type it to mark the first instance of cust_id with '1' and the rest (or duplicate as cust_id's '0') T...

python - How to reference dynamic file within {% static %} call? -

Here the newgen newzer is starting with my first app ... I need to reference within my static property folder ([project] / static / picture / ____ .jpg) and I'm using the {% static%} template tag similar to the example in the initial tutorial: {% load staticfiles%} & lt; Img src = "{% static" my_app / image.jpg "%}" & gt; However, I need to reference the image file that uses a variable which is passed from the file. Of course, this syntax does not work, but I should make it clear what I am trying to do. & lt; Img src = "{% static" my_app / {{imagevariable}} "%}" & gt; What is the correct syntax for referencing this variable within a constant template tag? Try with one {% "myapp /" | With: add: imagevariable as file name%} & lt; Img src = "{% static file name%}" & gt; {% Endwith%} You can also use get_static_prefix: & lt; Img src = "{% get_static_pre...

Java Array deleting confusion? -

I am trying to create a program that wants the user to remove an element from the array, and a loop Removing in I have a problem that is removing the extra array elements after removing an element. I was going to this for about 3 hours and no one found Kripa Meri to help. Thank you. What do I mean here: array list: 10 20 30 40 50 Which number should be removed for the list? Number to delete: 20 10 30 40 50 Try again? Which number should be removed for the Y / N list? Number to delete: 30 10 40 ** 50 50 ** Try again? Y / n What do I have here: import java.util.Scanner; Public category DeleteElements {public static zero main (string [] args) {scanner input = new scanner (; Int del = 0; Int intArray [] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}; System.out.println ("\ n ---- Part 3 ----" of homework); Four yen; Boolean Yes = True; For (int i = 0; i & lt; intArray.length; i ++) {System.out.print (intArray [i] + ""); } {System.out.print ("\ n Which number s...

iis - Node.js https Cert Expiration -

I'm looking to install nodes on https, which refers to the pfx certificate file, the certificate's deadline What happens when you finish? I believe for the IIS, a new SSL certificate has been generated and installed. Does this mean that the node will need a copy / reference of a new certificate? If so, what is the real way to set up SDL with the node and who will continue to work even after the expiration of the certification to terminate it? In terms of IIS, hardly some types? Our Sisadmins are familiar with updating IIS, but I think all my node codes will start in 2016 (after two years) when the certificates will expire, and I can not be around to help. I have no experience with the IIS or node, but a certificate will not automatically renew automatically . Renewal means that a new certificate request should be generated with the new lifetime and the issuer must sign this certificate request. And finally a newly created certificate has been put on the server to rep...

tcsh - Force cp to overwrite when -i option used by defaul -

After I use c shell (especially tcsh). I have a .custom file in my , so that by default cp is always defined for the -i flag Goes: alias cp cp i I am trying to do a specific shell script it is desirable for cp Write to write above and I need to be forced to overwrite if I want to overwrite the destination file in my shell script in my cp --remove-destination I tried to use , but I was still being prompted whether or not to overwrite the destination file. -i is already the default behavior, when what would be the correct flag to use to apply an overwrite? You have two possibilities: Instead of applying your nicknames first Use system cp: / bin / cp ..... second overrides -i option (hence it's CP-I-N The second one is very less readable, so I suggest using the first one.

python - How to stop turtles at certain coordinates? -

I am very new to programming (using Python 3) I want to know that the turtle should reach a specific point How to prevent the cuttle during, when I have been able to do it while using the keypresses, but it works only once or twice because turtle X coordination happens when I run it for a while Let me go, for example 40.00 Instead of turtle-40.0001 or -39.9996 the land will be land. import turtle wn = turtle Screen () a = Turtle. Turtle () def: (): a.setheading (90) if a.pos ()! = (40.00, 80.00): A.forward (20) Other: wrong def (): a.setheading (180) a.forward (20) def correct (): a.setheading (0) a.forward (20) def Down (): a (right, "right") wn.keykey (bottom, "bottom"), Wn.listen () wn.mainloop () Right now I'm turtle (- 40.00, 80.00) to stop. Thanks status directly, instead check that a.distance (40.0, 80.0) & lt; 1.0 or some small thresholds Optional: Before transferring the turtle or checking its position, you can do the return cod...

mysql - Symfony2 DQL Select Sum of Grouped By on ManyToMany -

मेरे पास निम्न प्रश्न हैं: चुनें DISTINCT,, महीने के रूप में महीना, महीना (एलएडेट) के रूप में एमएएनएसटी (एलएडेट), एसओएम (एलएचओआरएलपीआरआईसीई * (TIME_TO_SEC (TIMEDIFF (एलएंड, एल। स्टार्ट)) / 3600) .समाचारकर्ता एस जॉइन एस.एल.एन. सीएल ग्रुप द्वारा सीएलआईडी, महीना, वर्ष समस्या यह है कि प्रत्येक सबक में कई छात्र हो सकते हैं, प्रत्येक एक के लिए यह सबक प्राइस जोड़ता है ( अर्थात् सबक वैल्यू 100 है, 1 विद्यार्थी के साथ यह 100 जोड़ता है, लेकिन 3 छात्रों के साथ यह 100 के बजाय 300 जोड़ता है), इसलिए मुझे लगता है कि मैं गलत स्थान पर DISTINCT डाल रहा हूं। कोई विचार? संपादित करें: यह मिला:। बहुत ही एसक्यूएल उदाहरण है, लेकिन इसे लागू करने के लिए कोई भाग्य नहीं था।

javascript - Error: listen EADDRINUSE when running a Node.js script -

I get this error: listen to EADDRINUSE when I run the following code> simpleJSON. Js script: var http = need ('http'), fs = need ('fs'); Function handle_inings_request (rick, rask) {console.log ("incoming request: (" + req.method + ")" + req.url); Load_album_list (function (err, album) {if (err! = Null) {res.writeHead (503, {"content-type": "application / json"}) res.end (JSON.stringify ({error: ( "Content-type": "app / json"}; res.end (JSON.stringify ({@} error: empty, data: {album: album}}) + "\ n");});} function Load_album_list {call_back} {fs.readdir ('album /', function (error, file_list) {callback (err, file_list);})} var s = http.createServer (handle_incoming_request); s.listen (8080); I see the full error in my terminal: $ node ordinary json.js events.js: 72for er; // unchecked 'error' Event ^ error: errnoExcepti on server._listen2 (net.js: 1042: 14) Listen (...