excel - Exporting all windchill usernames -
I'm exploring a way to export all the usernames in the windchill system, ultimately the goal might be to name those names in an Excel spreadsheet Have to import. any suggestion?
As a side note, (and if I abuse the conditions here, please forgive me), what are the possibilities for reaching the Windchil using VBA. My impression is that Because there is no VBA API, my options are limited to access data stored in the windchill from Excel.
Thank you, Dan
And use the user name by using the
.Site-> Utilities and Report Management. If you can add your query there, prepare a report And you can get the option to export that report in Axle format or you can get it through the Windchill API You can do this by querying all the users using
. QueryUserNet = PersistenceHelper.Manager.Find (New Query Speech (WTUSAR Class)) ;
From this, you can get a username and write to Excel Excel using plain Java code.
You install your windchill windchill desktop integration with all Microsoft Office applications.
Quick Link ▶ Software Downloads . After accepting the license agreement, the Software Downloads page appears. Depending on the operating system of your computer, under Setup and Installation , click Windchild Desktop Integration or Windlevel Desktop Integration (64-bit) < / P> Note
For information about the versions of Microsoft applications supported by Windchill Desktop integration, see the software metrics using the following URLs: . If you can not reach the software matrix, see your administrator for this information.
For more information about how to configure the Windchil menu in MS Office applications, see the Help Center. Any idea about the API for the
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