
Showing posts from January, 2014

javascript - How to put an "All" item into select menu of search toolbar? -

मैंने एक JQGrid मेरे asp.NET MVC परियोजना में सेट किया है । मेरी डेटास्त्रो ऑब्जेक्ट्स में एक bool संपत्ति होती है, जिसे मैं JQGrid से खोजना चाहता हूं। मैंने फिल्टर टूलबार में एक चयन मेनू सेट अप किया है, लेकिन मैं पहली जगह में एक "all" वस्तु नहीं डाल सकता, जो उस विशिष्ट कॉलम पर फ़िल्टर को साफ़ कर देगा। मुद्दा यह है कि जब भी मैं "हाँ" का चयन करता हूं, उदाहरण के लिए एक कॉलम में, पोस्ट मापदंडों में मैं हमेशा "-1" या के साथ एक फिल्टर को देखता हूं, या जो भी मैं अन्य सभी बूलीयन कॉलम के लिए "all" विकल्प का मान सेट करें, जो कि सर्वर-साइड खोज को तोड़ते हैं। {"stype": "select", "सूचकांक": "मान्य", "खोज विकल्प": {"sopt": ["eq", "ne"], "मूल्य": "-1: सभी; सत्य: हाँ; गलत: नहीं"}, "नाम" : "मान्य"} और मेरी पोस्ट डेटा: फ़िल्टर: {"groupOp": "और", "नियम": [{"फ़ील्ड ":" सक्र...

perl - How to remove the carriage return and replace it with a space in a text file? -

I'm reading from a text file so that's what I want to: To get that car back, Add location. I tried to do this but I am getting an error $ text = ~ s / \ n + / \ s / g; The correct side of the replacement is a string, not a regex, then you have to put it. A lexical place instead of \ s : $ text = ~ s / \ n + / / g;

node.js - Jenkins off-line node CLI troubles -

I want to briden a node offline, I made a job on the master and tried to send the offline signal Specific node but I have problems with authentication, what can it be !! My Jenkins job configuration in execution shell: wget http: // local: 8080 / jnlpjars / jenkins -cliger java-jenkins-clear.jar -s http: // local: 8080 / jo-am-ii java-jenkins-clozer-s http: // local: 8080 / offline-node "NSD 38" - name manager - password manager Mark all the points to give anonymous protection to all security access in the matrix-based security. Output: + java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http: // localhost: 8080 / which-I-I [warning] your SSH key Failed to authenticate with the proceeding as an unknown Unnamed: Authorization: anonymous + java-jarkins-cli.jar -s http: // localhost: 8080 / offline-node NSD38 - Username Administrator - Password Manager [Warning] Cables failing to authenticate with SSH . Hudson.slaves.OfflineCause Go to JavaConnectException anonymous as the anonymous...

java - Embeded Tomcat with webapp directory within the classpath/jar -

Then I have a Java application that is being packaged as a war and then posted on Tomcat, but Now I have this setup, then it runs directly from a jar file using embedded jt: class JettyServer ServerTrait {val server = new server () val connector = new ServerConnector (server) Connector.setPort (BigSenseServer .config.options ("httpPort") toInt) server.setConnectors (Array (connector)) Val Reference = New ServletContextHandler () context.setContextPath (BigSenseServer.webRoot) context.addServlet (New MasterServlet (). EtClass, "/ *") Context.addEventListener (New InitLoggingListener ()) context.addEventListener (new DBUpdateListener ()) val fileContents = New WebAppContext () fileContext.setContextPath (BigSenseServer.contentRoot) fileContext.setResourceBase (BigSenseServer.getClass.getResource ( "/ Io / bigsense /web").ExternalForm) Val Handlers = New Handlerclip () Handlers.SetHandal (Server.start server.join} Override def stopServer () {server.sto...

Javascript : How to calculate the difference between two dates? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 8 जवाब कैसे के बीच अंतर की गणना करने के लिए दो तिथियां बताती हैं तारीख 1 है 28-04-2014 और 2 तारीख 30-04-2014 है जावास्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग करके अंतर कैसे पाता है। यदि आप (या संभवत: किसी भी अन्य datepicker टूल का उपयोग कर रहे हैं), तो आप उस तारीख प्रारूप को चुन सकते हैं जिसे आप प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं। JQuery UI में, $ ("#datepicker") का उपयोग करें। Datepicker ("option", "dateFormat", "yy-mm-dd"); आईएसओ 8601 तारीख पाने के लिए, और उसके बाद बस उनकी तुलना करें इस तरह से: यदि (dateOne & lt; dateTwo) ... मानकीकृत दिनांक स्वरूप का उपयोग करके, आप यह भी सुनिश्चित करने के लिए जानते हैं कि आप हमेशा दर्द रहित ढंग से इसे किसी भी प्रारूप में बदल सकते हैं जिसे आप इसे बाद में प्रदर्शित करना चाहते हैं।

excel - vba code for placing multiple worksheets after a named worksheet -

I have a vba code that copies a template worksheet many times depending on the dynmanic list of expected tab names Create worksheets. Tabs have been created at the end of the last tab in the workbook, but I want to join them after the template worksheet. Is there a simple VBA code to do this? thanks Anna

javascript - Cordova delete page from navigation history -

I'm just a little bit of a problem here. I am making a Cordoba app, which has a navigation menu. If the user navigates in this way: -> Page One -> Page Two -> Page One History will contain 2 pages, which will include an example of the page (which Is the user who is watching now). If the user goes back, it will happen | Page One | -> Page Two -> Page One Therefore, if the user has pressed back on the page, he definitely does not want to see it again when he exited the app, so I want to remove it From the stack Note that I am not trying to remove the previous page from history, what should I do, remove all instances of the page that I see from the navigation stack. I hope I explained quite well how can this be achieved?

parsing - Open more links and then parse some elements in php -

I have a simple problem For example, I have to open this page in PHP. Then I need to open every state and state page (for example: Alabama), I have to parse state, capital, place name. I want to do this with the simple html dom library and I want to do it on every state. How is this possible ??? // parser.php contains simple_html_dom.php; $ Document = file_get_html ($ site); Foreign Currency ($ document-> Search ('A') as $ E) {echo $ e-> Href '& lt; Br> & # 39; & # 39; } So what now? Please help. I think now that I want only chairs with states and then I have to open it ... then? Why not feed it with the state name on the URL? View this as an example: & lt; Php included 'simple_html_dom.php'; $ State = 'Alabama'; $ Main_url = '' $ state '.htm'; $ Html = file_get_html ($ main_url); $ State_info = Null; $ Capital_city = ''; Find Foreign Currency ($ HTML-> ('...

node.js - Q_oper8 with call back function in child to return data to mail process -

I am using q_oper8 in node.js to run jobs in line using a pool of process. It works fine if I return data from the action. But when I use any call back function to return data in action method it does not work. Can anyone help me? Thank you. After looking into the library, I got the solution and you will come back anytime If needed, you can return to your callback function by calling fnReturnResponse (returnValue); childprocess.handler (verb method, true); You may also be the second argument of child processing handler (for asyynync)

import - Error while restoring oracle 10g .dmp file in oracle database 12c -

I have a .dmp file that has been created with Oracle 10G, which contains a database of my clients. I can not install it with my 12c installation for my life. I can see the https: // localhost: 5500 / em from my DD in my desired PDB The user has created 'Bob' and import, read and write permissions on it. Next I try to import using the following command: impdp BOB / password @ // localhost: 1521 / pdbname complete = y directory = dpdump_dir dumpfile = BOB.dmp However, this gives me the following error: UDI-12541: Operation Generated Oracle Error 12541 ORA-12541: TNS: Listener Currently Requesting The service is not known listener.ora and tnsnames.ora me in EZCONNECTOR and the port 1521. Does anyone know how to do this work? Many thanks in advance, Bob I removed "full = y" because it will If you are not restoring the full database, then it is not necessary That particular use is made with the AP / f utility. You should remember that pdbname is b...

java - Remove NonStrictExpectation which was defined previously -

This is a non-static estimate in my Genius Test case: New Non-Street Expectations (mCurrencyDao) {html> {Invitation (mCurrencyDao, "Read SQLquire", withAny (String.class)); Result = ReadyTest SQL (PelkinsFortest); Time = 1; }}; MCurrencyDao.loadAll (lToday); That works very well and leads to expected results. Now I changed my code to: New Non-Strike Expectations ( MCurrencyDao) {{invoke (mCurrencyDao, "readSqlQuery", withAny (String.class)); Result = ReadyTest SQL (PelkinsFortest); Time = 1; }}; MCurrencyDao.loadAll (lToday); MCurrencyDao.loadAll (lTomorrow); The second call mCurrencyDao.loadAll (lTomorrow); is to be executed without my NonStrictExpectations . is an easy way to remove my previously defined NonStrictExpectations after calling mCurrencyDao.loadAll (lToday); ? You use the minkit.Invocation class to apply the basic method Can Deencapsulation.invoke () . The second method is to assign the following code snippets to the o...

python - Creating An Archive List For A Blog -

I am trying to create a collection list with the count using SQLAlchemy, Flask and Zilla which looks like this . I do not want to show those months who do not have the post. I do not understand how to calculate the unique year, months and calculations for each dictionary. (2) - December (2) - December 2014 (13) - January (3) - February (8) - March (2) Model Class Post (DB Modell): '' 'Returns the return table' '' Id = db.Column (db.Integer, primary_key = true) title = db.Column (db.String (80)) url = db.Column (db.String ( 120), Unique = True) body = db. Column (db. Text) create_date = db.Column (pdf), pub_date = db.Column (db.DateTime) pub_status = db.Column (db.Text (80)) author_id = db.Column (db.Integer, Db .forwardkeyey ('') = Db.backref ('post', lazy = 'dynamic')) topic = db.relationship ('subject', backref = db.backref ('post', lazy = 'dynamic')) # Many-to-many tags = Db.relationship ('t...

Kibana cannot draw the Histogram of the float values -

itemprop = "text"> Kibana can not accurately drag the histogram of values ​​to the elastic search results of the query field "value" and value " 88.236 9 2 ". I select "Mean" in the "Chart Value" and put it on the histogram's panel settings in the "Value field". Although it seems that the histogram can not display values ​​correctly, there is a large number in the Y-axis: SixTilion. Can anyone tell me that Kibana can deal with float number and if so, then what is the correct number format? Kibana 4 (currently in beta) supports this, aggregation APIs rather than incomplete aspect API on the basis of.

How do I customise table names in grails nimble? -

I have just installed the Agile 0.7 plugin for Grails, and there is a running example, but now I customize the table names Want to I followed the instructions and restarted my app, but nothing happened. I also tried to manually delete the tables and restart the app, and it generates tables with their original names. NimbleConfig.groovy nimble {.... tablenames {user = "auth_user" role = "auth_role" group = "auth_group" profilebase = "auth_profile_base" loginrecord = "Auth_login_record" permission = "auth_permission" levelpermission = "auth_level_permission" url = "auth_url"} ....}

Time aggregating functions on Redis -

I want to do a composite work on time / timestamp-based rades. Right now I am calculating the events of a key and a timestamp. I want to make a consolidation that how much counts matter in specific time intervals (such as in June and July kites). Something like this will happen with SQL: Select Guin (*) from events where events_timestamp between '2013-06-01 23:55:00' :: Timestamp And '2013-07-31 23:55:00' :: Timestamp; ZADD events event_1 "timestamp 1" / Blockquote> query them as: Xeraz Events "Timestamp 1" "Timestamp 2"

ios - What is the difference between sending selector to id with and without protocol? -

यह कैसे हो सकता है? संकलन त्रुटि: आईडी के & lt; NSCoding & gt; प्रतिक्रिया = [[NSObject alloc] init]; आईडी कॉपी = [प्रतिक्रिया प्रतिलिपि]; संकलन सफलता: आईडी प्रतिक्रिया = [[एनएसओबीजेस आलोक] init]; आईडी कॉपी = [प्रतिक्रिया प्रतिलिपि]; संकलन सफलता: आईडी & lt; एनएससीडींग & gt; प्रतिक्रिया = [[NSObject alloc] init]; आईडी कॉपी = [(आईडी) प्रतिक्रिया) कॉपी]; $ clang --version ऐप्पल एलएलवीएम संस्करण 5.1 (क्लैंग -503.0.38) (एलएलबीएस 3.4 एसएसएन पर आधारित) लक्ष्य: x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0 थ्रेड मॉडल: पॉज़िक्स पी एस कोड में केवल प्रस्तुतीकरण उद्देश्य है और NSInvalidArgumentException । जब आप id & lt; SomeProtcol & gt; प्रकार के एक चर घोषित करते हैं, तो संकलक मानता है कि आप केवल प्रोटोकॉल के तरीकों को कॉल करेंगे कॉपी करें यह NSCoding प्रोटोकॉल का कोई तरीका नहीं है। बेशक, यदि चर बस id है, तो आप कॉल कर सकते हैं समय पर किसी भी ज्ञात वर्ग / प्रोटोकॉल से उपलब्ध कोई भी तरीका।

html - Big Cartel - Product Page Font Type -

Here is a link to the site ... trying to change the font type / face / style for product pages . So I tried what seems like everything in the CSS area of ​​my big cartel, I mentioned every font for "product", "product", "product page" etc. and all those Changed the font size on To quickly change the shape to see what they were actually affecting. Only product titles and prices I can point to the code for this. Many of them did not seem to change, whenever I easily put fonts up to 50 every time to notice change. That's why I'm trying to bring the font type of my product pages to calibrium (which I spent time at the end of the week) to match my FAQ page ... with the result For a very happy FAQ, I started using Calibri and then a backup (I think) where I add "serif" in the font style. Nevertheless, any help or assistance is appreciated. Thanks a lot. You can change the font on each element of your page by adding a lot of your ...

c++ - Creating ZIP archive compression level (libzip) -

I am trying to compress files using libzip and I feel successful but I have no way to change the compression Do not know the values ​​of 9 (the smallest collection) from the address level (zip tool 1 (fastest compression speed), which I should replenish. Is there a way to do this? ZIP_CM _ * defines zip.h , and Struct z Ip_stat and its comp_method field.

utf-8 string from python to java android in AWS -

I have the following problem: I sent this string to the AWS SQS service (without any Excerpt: Use of Python: "Taillows" " When I saw the SQS web interface, I found the following string (without any quotes): "VGFsaMOjbw ==" Whatever is the same string returning to the Android Java API of SQLs. How can I change "VGFsaMOjbw ==" in "Taalhao"? A Shish, but did not work: string debug = new string (MAA.BODI). GetBytes (), "UTF-8"); Update: Find out how to use Java. Base should be converted to 64. string debug = M.T.T.BODI (); log D. ("AWSQS", debug), byte [] tmp2 = Base64.decode (debug, base64.default); string val 2 = new string (tmp2, "utf-8"); log.d ("awsqs", val 2); In Than, you will do this: Binascii.a2b_base64 .decode ('utf-8') If you are looking for Java equal to that , You have to put the "Java" tag instead of a "Python" tag in your questio...

javascript - Using CRL parameter in DocuSign Button -

I have a custom button that I am creating, except for recipient mapping, everything is fully functioning in the button. Whenever I try to make an envelope, it only pulls a carbon copy into the primary contact, but it does not pull into the signer. Is there anything I'm missing? // CRL = 'email ~ {Opportunity.AP_Contact_Email__c!} On the custom recipient list; FirstName ~ {Opportunity.AP_Contact_First_Name__c!}; Last name ~ {Opportunity.AP_Contact_Last_Name__c!}; Role ~ A; RoutingOrder ~ 1; Email ~ '+ primaryContact.Email +'; FirstName ~ 'Primary contact. First name + '; Last name ~ 'primary contact. Unknown + '; Role ~ b, routing order ~ 2 '; // Custom contact roll map bar CCRM = 'A' signer 1; B ~ carbon copy '; // Custom contact type map var CCTM = 'A ~ signer; B ~ carbon copy '; To separate two recipients, you need to move to a coma. The recipient has only a routing order (the recipients separated by commas while th...

fiware - Accesing to a VM on Fi-lab -

I train to become familiar with FireWire cloud service. I can create blueprint templates and instances but I can not enter SSH or connect to VM display. I have a server and it's going on, I can see Apache's page "This works" I have a problem with: I do not know what credentials I want to use with SSH, I try with my Wi-Fi credentials, but the server will always give me "access" Deprived "shows Connect to VM display It never appears in the login interface. It has some tutorials where I can do this or how to see a detailed document how a blue Configure Rint instance and can be accessed? Usually, when you make VM of Blurpit, you should assign a keypair , Which should be made in advance I think that you have done this if I am wrong then suggest my mistake. During the construction of Keypair, you can download the .pem file which will be sent to VS.S. (SSH -i xxx.pem ...) is used to use.

python - Is there a way to include the useragent in the error log? -

I have a flaszk setup when I get an email, but I want to add UserAgent to that email. Is this possible? I did not see it in. Edit: Link says that more documents can be found in official documents but there are no official documents? (I say the same thing) I came to know how to do this intensive. To add a user-agent to record, you have to set up a new filter. It appears that in the filter phase, you can use the request object to obtain the object that you are using. So you are not actually filtering anything, but adding more to the log record functional example: importing logging.handlers import from SMTPHandler class ContextualFilter (logging.Filter) Import: Def filter it ( Import bottle, request application = bottle (__ name__) if not from app.debug self, log_record): log_record.user_agent = request.user_agent true context_provider return = ContextualFilter () app.logger.addFilter (context_provider) mail_handler = SMTPHandler ('', 'apperror@example.c...

python - save workbook with openpyxl in ironpython -

In a problem I used to save the Axl file using OpenPixel using the embedded IronPathon runtime engine in a NAT 4.0 application I am running, however, when the same code is running inside the IronPython interpreter, I have not found any errors and the save is successful. In reality, the code is as simple as this: import sys.path .append (r'c: \ python27 \ lib \ site-packages ') Import openpyxl wb = openpyxl.Workbook () (r'c: \ save \ to \ somewhere.xlsx') to this code. While walking inside the NET app, I get the following stack trace: An error occurred in I am starting with Python engine with the following code: _pythonEngine = Python.CreateEngine (engineDict) ; _memStream = New system. IO.MemoryStream (); _streamWriter = new util.EventRaisingStreamWriter (_memStream); _pythonEngine.Runtime.IO.SetErrorOutput (_memStream, _streamWriter); _pythonEngine.Runtime.IO.SetOutput (_memStream, _streamWriter); _streamwriter is a wrapper to send output to e...

javascript - Mirth connect fails on evaluating transformers -

The I stop I am working with v3.0.1 Connect Mirth and one, HL XML 7 v2 Conversion I'm using an XML template, pulling the value to the hl7 template and leaving it. Destination 1 Method: File directory: C: \ dump \ AXSFLW file name: $ {message.encodedData} Transformers: Messages section: Tmp ['PID'] ['PID.5'] ['PID.5.1'] Mapping: msg ['day'] ['patient'] ['last name']. ToString () Message segment: tmp ['PID'] ['PID.5'] ['PID.5.2'] Mapping:. Msg ['day'] ['patient'] ['first'] toString () Source An xml file connects with Pramod when it fails with this error Transformer Error Error Message: Error in evaluating transformer java.lang.NullPointerException on org.mozilla.javascript.xmlimpl.XmlNode $ InternalList. Add org.mozilla.javascript.xmlimpl.XMLList.putXMLProperty ( on org.mozilla on org.mozilla.javascript.xmlimpl.XMLList.replace ( (XmlNode.ja...

javascript - Using qTip in Chrome Extension to show annotation -

I am creating a Chrome extension to explain text on any website. So far it takes input into an original Javascript prompt window and displays it in a warning box on .onmouseover . However, I want to employ the use of the qTip2 jQuery plugin instead of using the alert box. "content_scripts": [{"matches": ["http: // * / *", "https: // * / *"], "js": ["Content.js", "jquery-1.3.2.min.js", "jquery.qtip.min.js"], "run_at": "document_start", "all_frames": true}], Here is the snippet that takes annotation and displays it: function forward () {var span = document createElement ("time"); = "yellow"; // Enter the annotation in the prompt box var text = prompt (Enter the annotation below: "); // Mouseover shows annotated text on the span. Onmausover = function () {warning (text);} if (document. GetSelection ()) {var sel = d...

ios7 - iOS 7 - UIPickerView curved components -

I just want to know how you can disable this "curved effect" of components of UIPKier V in iOS 7 ? With this 3 component I get a UIPickerView with: And this is what I have to do: In this screen I used 3 UIPRViews to use only 1 component Which has TL; DR: I want to focus non-selected rows and not curved as you can see in screen # 2, but still using a UIPC view. Is this possible? If so, please tell me how, thanks! I think you have to create your own custom control: ( According to the UIKit UI Catalog of the Apple: Appearance of Picker View (Programmatic) As far as I know you can not even change the background color of a UIPickerView under iOS 7!

php - Enabling laravel 4 route to read slug instead of id -

मेरे पास लारवेल में निम्नलिखित मार्ग हैं। रूट :: मिल ('/ {id}', 'होमकंट्रोलर @ प्रोफाइल') - & gt; जहां ('आईडी', '[0- 9 ए-ज़ा-जेड \]] + '); अगर आईडी एक डेटाबेस में आईडी से मेल खाती है, उदाहरण: तब मैं डेटाबेस से परिणाम प्राप्त कर सकता हूं उस विशिष्ट आईडी के साथ हालांकि, अगर मैं एक शीर्षक स्लग पूर्व: की तरह कुछ लाने के लिए चाहते हैं तो यह बिल्कुल भी काम नहीं करेगा। मुझे पता नहीं है कि लार्वेल को एक डेटाबेस id के अलावा अन्य किसी चीज़ के आधार पर क्वेरी कैसे करें। मेरा नियंत्रक है: वर्ग HomeController BaseController का विस्तार करता है {सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन प्रोफ़ाइल ($ company_slug) {$ result = ग्राहक :: सभी ($ company_slug); वापसी देखें :: बनाने ("home.profiles", कॉम्पैक्ट ("परिणाम")); }} यह मेरा टेम्प्लेट है। @extends ("layout.master") @section ("main-content") & lt; php {{$ Result-> company_slug}}? & Gt; @stop कोई आउटपुट नहीं है अगर मैं ...

xpages - How can I add a default value to an editable date field bound to a datasource? -

I created an expense as a data source with a form. It has 8 fields in one field, I want to be able to set a default value (like today's date), but allow the user to change it. I have a format that is bound to a date field on my form. If I put a default value in the editing box control, it does not seem as long as I do not just read the field. I have tried to add value to earlier and later events. Nothing works It should be easy and I'm looking a little easier Please help. var today = new date (); Var dd = today.getDate (); Var mm = today.getMonth () + 1; // is January! Var yyyy = today.getFullYear (); If (dd & lt; 10) {dd = '0' + dd} if (mm> 10) {mm = '0' +}} today = mm + '/' + dd + '/' + Yyyy; Var Doctor: Notes document = TimeInterior.jet document (); // var thisDB: notes document = session.getCurrentDatabase () // var document: notes document = thisD if (doc.isNewNote ()) {//doc.getComponent("date1").setValue(tod...

unity container - What is equivalent of RegisterInstance<Interface>(new Class()) design time? -

I'm trying to apply (e.g., using app.config) how do I use the section I am struggling with the example of His sample of run-time configuration is: EmailService myEmailService = new EmailService (); MyContainer.RegisterInstance & LT; IMyService & gt; (MyEmailService); But no equivalent design-time configuration has been given. If I do: & lt; Container & gt; & Lt; Example type = "IMIS service" value = "email service" /> & Lt; / Container & gt; Can not naturally get me from the "TypeConverter" system String Exception Do I just make some kind of converter so that I can tell an example? Is there an easier way?

sql - Perform a Union as well as a NOT IN/NOT EXISTS -

I am trying to return all the products to the products that the current user has purchased until they review the product Are not in the table. Now, there is an order table, which contains all orders and contains UserID. There is an order item table in which all the orders ordered for each order (based on order ID), as well as ProductId for each item are also included. However, there is another table to check orders made out of the store website (this table is called approved Representative and has a User ID field and a Product ID field). Finally, there is a review table of products that contains all submitted reviews for all products (and include reviewer profile ID (which is similar to user ID) and product ID So far, I have been to see if the current user has purchased a particular product with success: SELECT [ProductId] , [UserId] FROM [ORDERS] UserId = at [OrderItems] [current user ID [WHERE [Product ID] = [existing product ID] or [producer] IN (SELECT [uidProduct]...

java - Thread not releasing memory -

I am trying to run sound effects in my program using thread, I searched the web and As I have understood when a thread reaches the end of the run function, it will be free to collect GC. However, when I call the function multiple times, the task manager was a high rise in memory usage and it never went back, I was waiting for GC for 2 minutes but no one There was no impact. Here is the sound that I use to run sound effects: public static zero play sfx (last string path) {new thread (new Runnabal) (Public Zero Run) {tryin audio stream}}; SourceLine = null; AudioFormat AudioFormat = AudioInputStream.formform (); Dataline E.Info info = New DataLine.Info (SourceDataLine.class, audioFormat); SourceLine = (SourceDataLine) audio system. Gateline (notification); (audioFormat); If return (sourceLine == blank); SourceLine.start (); Int nBytesRead = 0; Byte [] abData = new byte [BUFFER_SIZE]; While (nBytesRead! = -1) {try {nBytesRead = (abData, 0...

f# - How to return a query from an anonymous function and pass it to a forward pipe -

I have a query that is then forwarded to an anonymous function. I would like to use this function to query and then pipe it to the next function. It is certain that if it is possible, then I am having trouble completing this. So far I have this: // find fileFileToDelete id = // query query {for line in db. Upload, where ( = id) select the row properly on the orphault} | & Gt; (Fun q -> delete file (q.FilePath)) But I would like to continue with something like this: / / Find the file to delete FindFileToDelete for id = // query query {db in line. Upload, where ( = id) select the row properly on the orphault} | & Gt; (Function q - & gt; Delete File (q.FilePath)) q // Forward pipe query | & Gt; DeleteRowFrom db.Uploads q // Save the database TOODb () As Mark Generally, pipelining is used for a series of changes , your code does a series of tasks , I recommend writing it like this: // Find the file to remove FindFileToDelete id = A...

Find number of consecutive elements before value changes (MATLAB) -

I have one (line) vector of some size, which has values ​​of 1,2 and 3. They are not there 'specific' order, then there will be a specimen of the array [1,1,1,1,2,2,2,1,1,2,2,3,3] What do I want to do, similar elements Continuous number of matches, but with some restrictions. What I need is to create new arrays, in which elements are represented: Before it changes to 1, the number of consecutive 2 The number of consecutive 2 changes to 3 before 3 consecutive numbers before it turns into 2 Example I have given, arrays [4], 2] [3] [2] [] I'm not sure how to deal with this . I can use the difference, where this signal changes, but then it will know what has really changed, okay? The method is not super fast, because I only have to do some time for 10 ^ 5 datapoint. This approach will be the way you specify in the question: a = [1,1,1,1,2,2,2,1,1,2,2,3,3] b = Diff (a) c = find (b) d = diff ([0 , C]); Type 1 = D (B (C) == 1 & amp; A (C) == 1);...

d3.js - D3 mousedown triggers on load -

The mousetube and mouse load are being triggered and then not again. Any suggestion I am doing something wrong here is appreciated. -------- mousecrazy.js ---------- yesClick = function () {warning ("always") ; } Var svgbox = ('body') .append ('svg') .attr ('width', 500) .attr ('height', 250) .on ("mousedown", yesClick ()) .on ("Mouseover", yesclic ()); -------- MousecrazyOm ---------- & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script src = 'http: //'> & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / mousecrazy.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Mousecrazy & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt;

svn - HowTo Start a Jenkins build by Subversion post-commit hook? (localhost, in Windows) -

My Jenkins and Subversions are installed on my Windows 7 localhost. I work independently. I have installed the Subversion plugin for Jenkins since this page I have described the commit.bat and VBS scripts This view fails in basic code:. url = Jenkins + "crumbIssuer / api / xml? Xpath = concat (// crumbRequestField," ":" ", // piece)" set http = CreateObject ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP" ) "GET", url, false with this error: javax.servlet.ServletException: must be posted, hudson.model.AbstractModelObject. NeedPOST ( I think this code is slamming for a CSRF security token but fails :. Jenkins uses the "Stop cross site request forgeries exploit" security option (that is what it should), when you request a post, you will get CSRF protection as an HTTP request header Token will be sent. I did not turn on CSRF protection, although I know that I want because of simplicity. * I...

c# - Stop Html Agility Pack from changing source code -

I do not want to change specific text in a group of HTML files and the rest of my code can not be left unchanged I thought I I will use the HTML agility pack. So I wrote the code like this: string url = @ ""; Html web web = new html web (); Web.UserAgent = @ "Mozilla 5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WA64) Apple WebKat / 537.36 (KHTHML, like GECO) Chrome / 34.0.1847.131 Safari / 537.36"; HtmlDocument Doc = Web. Load (URL); Doc.Save ("a.html"); But the problem is that the source of the saved website is different from the source, what is the way to stop it from changing the source? Or maybe there is another way to go through DOM and just change specific things (like in Chrome Developer Tools where you can save HTML, Boo automatically later). ------- ---- Edit -------- For example, it appears on eBay. I can not post a link because this ad would be, but if you try this code on any item offer, you will see what is happening. ---------- ...

javascript - change PHP variable with onclick and echo the variable -

I would like to change the value of a PHP variable when clicked on a specific device. The only way I can see that it is possible to refresh the webpage, so it can again read the variable, but I do not have to refresh the whole page, I just need to refresh it only. I & lt ;? Php $ path = $ _SERVER ['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $ Path = "/include/functions.php"; ($ Path) included; Randomopponent (); $ Selectopponent = "Choose an opponent"; ? & Gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "include / css / logged_in.css" /> & Lt; Title & gt; Testite & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; This is a protected page! & Lt; Br> & Lt; A href = "# selectopponent" & gt; Choosing Options & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Div id = "selectopponent" class = "option to choose" & gt; & Lt ;! - This i...

How can I prevent a select field from reverting to default on form errors in Rails? -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: & lt;% = foo, Options_for_select ([['फू', सच], ['बार', झूठी]],: वर्ग = & gt; 'बीटीएन बीटीएन-डीफॉल्ट')% & gt; यह काम करता है, लेकिन मुझे जो समस्या आ रही है वह है अगर उपयोगकर्ता बार का चयन करता है और फ़ॉर्म को सबमिट करता है, और ऐसी त्रुटियां हैं जो पृष्ठ को फिर से रेंडर करने का कारण होता है , चयन Foo पर वापस जाता है, जो उपयोगकर्ता आसानी से याद कर सकते हैं और उन्हें गलत डेटा के साथ फ़ॉर्म सबमिट करने का कारण बना सकते हैं। मैं इसे कैसे ठीक कर सकता हूं? चूंकि आप form_for का उपयोग कर रहे हैं प्रपत्र आपके ऑब्जेक्ट उदाहरण आवृत कर रहा है इसका मतलब है, कि यदि आपका प्रपत्र फिर से गाया जाता है तो चयन को उसी चीज़ पर सेट किया जाना चाहिए जैसा ऑब्जेक्ट इंस्टेंस में है। तो मेरा संदेह यह है कि आपकी वस्तु वास्तव में ठीक से सेट नहीं है आप जांच कर सकते हैं, लेकिन चयन के ठीक पहले अपने दृश्य कोड में ब्रेकपॉइंट डाल सकते हैं। फिर, डीबगर में, देखने के लिए का प्रयास करें।

java - Hibernate group by criteria adds unwanted items to select list -

Is there any way to write hibernate criteria, so that in the selection list did not include properties using projection. GroupProperty Can go? I prepare my projection list like this: launch list launch list = projection Projection list (); // I want these values ​​included in the selected list launch list .add (projection link ("campaign")) .add (projections.rowCount ()); // I do not want to select these values. I need only "group" of Projection List.ed ("Projection GroupProperty (" CAMPAIGN ")) Add (Projections.groupProperty (" ad.ID ")) .add (Projections.groupProperty (" " );; Right now, the following query has been generated: select DISTINCT this_.CAMPAIGN AS y0_ , Y1_ as count (*), this_.CAMPAIGN AS y2_, ad2_.ID AS y3_, y4_ account as area 3_.ID y4_ In_Inner Join Campaign Campaign 1_ in this account_CAMPAIGN = Campaign 1_.ID INNER Campaign Join ad2_ = ad2_.CAMPAIGN INNER covered area This is AD2...

java - Change all non-alphanumerics to a + -

I am currently in a pickle. I have a text box that the user enters is an address, which is then sent as part of a URL. Currently, I have solved a word well - say "Brighton". But, if the user wants to add more details in the query - say, a street address, I go into problems. 32 Sydney Street, Brighton, The City of Brighton and Hove BN1 NEP, UK What would be the best way to change it - I suppose That's a Reazx can do this, but I have always fought with them. 32 + Sydney + Street + Brighton + + + + Brighton + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4EP + City + UK + I'm currently doing this - which I think is messy, and okay, not just good programming if I add conditional to '++' string [] strArray = str.split ("") , Then gross would be more gross; Int strSize = strArray.length; // puts the split array back together, and adds a plus between str = ""; For (int i = 0; i By all means, I am thinking of running two ++ (wh...

verify which github account my terminal is using -

How do I confirm that my terminal is being used for pushing credentials for pushing, etc? I have many githab accounts and many computers are present for the Mac OSX Mavericks. In my special case, my accounts are affiliates on each other's projects. To keep things simple, imagine I have only two accounts and two computers. I want to know that Gethub Credentials Computer Using Z. Another, perhaps cheaper, is the way to see: If I make a CD in a special repo, how can I tell if the current account is the owner of a partner or repo? From the directory created to keep data from GITUB type: Git remote -v This will extend the repo and url

javascript - AndroidScript - DrawArc equivalent? -

I'm trying to drag the Android script to the canvas. Donation [They're adding more questions to me, so here are you going] There is a good answer posted by Saturn Vitton on another forum: - You can use it DrawArc method of the image object I find it a little difficult Because it behaves differently from general explanations, but anyway it is useful. Syntax: IMG DRAAC (x1, y1, x2, y2, rectangle, spaghella); You define a rectangle with x1, y1, x2, y2. The arc is drawn within this rectangle, it starts from the beginning and rotates clockwise by rotation.

firefox - Is it possible to get the value from "inner" scopes in JavaScript? -

उदाहरण के लिए मेरे पास ऐसा कोड है: $ (फ़ंक्शन () {var a = {Init: function () {... क्या फ़ायरबग में a हुक करना संभव है और कमांड लाइन में इसके तरीके कॉल कर सकता है? मुझे कुछ समय पहले एक परियोजना पर कुछ समान करने की जरूरत थी - मेरे पास कुछ निजी मूल्य थे जो अब भी मेरे पास पहुंचने के लिए आवश्यक हैं परीक्षण से क्वालिट मेरा समाधान इन पंक्तियों के साथ था: (function () {var innerVars = {myvar1: 1, myvar2} :}; Function myMethod () {console.log (innerVars.myVar1);} // मेरी वापसी मान बनाएं। Var r = {myMethod: myMethod}; अगर (window.QUNIT_TEST_IN_PROGRESS) {r.inner = innerVars;} वापसी r ;} ();

linux - Can't Change A C++ Variable After Initializing -

I am very new to C ++ and stuck with some very handy goods. I am working on Ubuntu 14.04. I have seen many examples of code like following But I only get errors. int x; X = 12; // output error: 'x' is not a type of name I want to code simple and useful but it is stuck to me. Why can not I int z = 12; Z = 4; // Output Error: 'z' is not a type of name I have followed a reasonable number of C ++ tutorials and have been successful in running the code. But now I think I can not change only one variable It makes writing code very difficult! Of course I tried the "type" variable for lines as a result of this error. int z = 12; Int z = 4; // Output Error: Redefine 'int jade' If I do and if I do not have any help with any ?? EDIT: Okay people, you are killing me with the votes I am new to the brand + C + and doing so many homework, I did not get any relief before this post. A grip is 22: can descend for ignorance and defeat ignorance wit...

c# - Use NVelocity with Sitecore FieldRenderer -

I have a field control over my web page which is bound to a sitcom item. Field Renderer ITEM = some citric waste; FieldRenderer.FieldName = "SomeField"; Now some fields within a few SomeSitecoreItem token NVelocity content for example SomeField may contain the following markup: & lt; H1 & gt; $! Some tokens & lt; / H1> ; Is there a way to render! Can some tokens be replaced by the value associated with the code behind it? You can add a step in the renderField pipeline: & Lt; Renderefield & gt; & Lt; Processor Type = "Sitecore.Pipelines.RenderField.SetParameters, Sitecore.Kernel" /> & Lt; Processor Type = "Sitecore.Pipelines.RenderField.GetFieldValue, Sitecore.Kernel" /> & Lt; Processor Type = "Sitecore.Pipelines.RenderField.GetTextFieldValue, Sitecore.Kernel" /> & Lt; Processor Type = "Sitecore.Pipelines.RenderField.ExpandLinks, Sitecore.Kernel" /> & Lt; Proc...

java - Anyway to break this double-ended queue? -

I have a line of double ending which is implemented with a circular array, such as the front point in front After the element and the previous element, the 'back' indicator indicates an element before they both are set to index 0. general: [x] [x] [] [] [] FR example: 1. [] [] [] [] [] FR 2. AddFirst 1 time [] [] [ ] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] FR 4. Remove the first [] [X] [X] [X] [X] RF As you can see everything works well, but I am thinking that there is a way to break it. I am saying this because if I apply F and R to point to the first and the last elements, then whatever I did I have to break it. R Blank numbers which are not true. So I am thinking that whether this will ever happen in this implementation. Context: I have cleared the checks to stop linking before or have emptied empty, the ability to add and delete is zero, and zero elements which are rejected in my implementation.

windows runtime - How to remove/add and entry in zip file using SharpCompress in WinRT 8.1 -

According to my headline, as simple as I have not found any code example and I guess in Unable to add or remove an entry in the zip file. Actually I'm getting an error in "zip.SaveTo (...") because I do not have to write this instruction. Any code example for deleting / adding entry Exit SharpCompress Can not create new ZIP file with password in WINRT: (This password is password protected, but not to process secure password.

meteor - Am I approaching making a "friend" collection the correct way? -

I want to be able to become a friend with my friend in my application to become a friend. A friend request is sent, and then there is an option to accept or not to the other person. I want to have two separate lists, the first list is the friend of the user, and the other people who send him or her to the requests are currently I have a friend collection: Friend = New Meteor. Collection ("friends"); The way I am making friends: ({'click #addFriend': function (e, t) { Var email = $ ("#friendmail") Val (); var friend = metier.user.find ({"email.address": email}); if (friend) {return friend.Incent ({friend 1: meteor . (), Friend 2: friend._ id, name: email, state: 'pending'});}}}); Now I have a problem, I have a template at this time to retrieve friends: Template.friend.friends = Function () {return friends Find ({Friends1: Meteorite ()}); } And then I have my html in: {{# every friend}} Presen...

osx - How to delete .svn folder from a SVN repository -

issueprop = "text"> Issue: When loading a dump in a repository, the exception mentioned below is obtained. & lt; & Lt; & Lt; Basic Revision 1 SVN Admin: E160020: File already exists: Filesystem / NGS / App / ITSNVP / SVNROT / AC Enterprises / DB, Transaction '805-MV', Path 'branches' started new transaction based on Use the following command to load in the repository svnadmin load - bypass-prop-validation ~ / SVNROOT / ACENTERPRISE & lt ; $ NGS1 / acenterprise.dump But when I load dump ( acenterprise.dump ) in another test repository, I can load properly I am The issue looks like, when I checked the repository accessor in my desktop, it could see that a .svn folder exists. What is the .svn folder causing the problem (the dump is not being loaded) How do I update the .svn folder to the repository I can remove copy and make changes to server. Please help. This .svn directory is completely a client-side bui...

ios - MPMoviePlayerController using up memory -

I have a UIPAge Visual Controller as a veththrough for the app, and I briefly video how to use the app Display me When the user is done to go to the main app, I have a user pressed a button. However, Xcode in Debug Navigator shows that the app is still using 53 MB of memory. Is there a way to remove memory from the movie player? Here's the code that runs the movie. - (IBAction) playMovie {mpc = [[MP3 MPV Player Controller Alok] initWithContentURL: self.imageFiles]; [MPC Setmovie Source Type: MPMSOSTypefile]; [[See itself] Adsview: mpc.view]; [MPC set fullscreen: no]; [Mpc.View setFrame: CGRactack (45, 129, 229, 397)]; [MPC Play]; } When I press the button to move the user before the intro screen filled to the main app to reach the main app, then let me say this: - (IBAction) Ready: (ID) sender {UIStoryboard * storyBoard; Storyboard = [UISToriBarboard StoryboardWithname: @ "Main" Bundle: Nile]; PageContentViewController * pageContentViewController = [self....

javascript - Google Maps API - scope issue -

I am trying to add a geo-layer layer in Google Maps (v3) by doing the following: imageActive = {url: "images / target_red.png", original: new google.maps.Point (0,0), anchor: new google.maps.Point (11, 11), // // active Marker image JQuery.getJSON ('home / gcpts / geojson.php', function (data) {points = (data); console.log (digits); // this works}}; ({clickable: true, dragable: incorrect,}); ('click', function) {setActiveImage (event);}) Function setActive image (event) {for (var i = 0; i & lt; points.length; i ++) {/ Can not read / "length" of the undefined points [i] .revertStyles (); } (event.feature, {icon: imageActive,}); } However, when I try to repeat through the "numeral" variable, I do not see "see". I get mainly undefined, or if I try to call the number of points (points.length), then it does not exist. If I do console.log i...

javascript - Fixed Position AWeber Form in iOS7 Safari - Quirks Mode? -

Hi: I am working on a landing page with the AWeber Lightbox form intended to optimize for smartphones, especially iPhones. Here it is: If I come to this page on iPhone 5, and click on the "Download Music" button, then everything looks fine though, Or click on the email area and try to enter my information, then the phone keyboard appears, the AW form has returned to the center of the screen and I can not see the name or address that I am inputting . I'm a very experienced programmer (not at all), and around some Googleing, I'm guessing that this queck mode is related to CSS? Is that right? In any case, if someone can tell me what is happening, and I can try to fix this problem, I appreciate it.

arrays - Basic JavaScript Sort Above Mean and Below -

I am trying to write a JavaScript code that will take input from users and find meaning. Then it should be placed in a list above the numbers and numbers below the mean. Everything is working down except that sorting the numbers below and above the average. To help you, function getNums () {var nums = new Array (); Var numAmt = prompt ("How many data values ​​do you have?"); NumAmt = parseInt (numAmt); Var i = 0; For (i = 0; i & lt; = numAmt - 1; i ++) {nums [i] = Prompt ("Enter data value number" + (i + 1)); } Var sum = 0; (I = 0; i average) big = = parseInt (number [i]); And small + = parseint (number [i]); Document.getElementById ('number'). InnerHTML = "Your data:" + nums; Document.getElementById ('Avg.'). InnerHTML = "The average (average) of these numbers is:" + avg.toFixed (2) + ".. & Lt; br & gt;"); Document.getElementById ('Big'). InnerHTML = "Your data:" + Big; Document.get...

perl - Creating log files with a version history -

I have a Perl script which works with ten text files and after each successful operation, for each of them Creates a log file. / P> But if I run the script again, it will override any existing log files. How can I apply some version controls for backup purposes, so that new log files can be created if the script is run again, without overwriting the previous one? I run scripts every time, but not every time to ensure that it is efficient or not. or can be used to access such features. Specifically you can use the log :: dispatch :: file :: rolling or log :: dispatch :: file :: stamped

c++ - Clean code for transforming a Array of Structures(AoS) to Structure of Arrays (SoA)? -

I am trying to change my data structures from the array of structures to the structure of arrays and it seems that I I am writing all the unnecessary code for this. (I want to put both codes, as one is going to run GPU-Cuda on CPU and on second) For example, I have struct constant_node_AoS {int Id; Double Zembed; Double height; Int bestsats; Double gamma; Double e Double cc; Double cs; Double spv 0; Double spvp; } Nodes_constprop; // in fact it's more like nodes_constprop [nNodes]; So what have I done: I struct constant_node_struct_SoA {int * id; As a new structure is created; Double * Zembed; Double * height; Int * Bstatus; Double * Gamma; Double * E; Double * cc; Double * CS; Double * spv0; Double * SPVP; } Nodes_constprop_; Then I have allocated memory = new int [nNodes] nodes_constprop_.zmiddle = new double [nnodes to be such a code Should] nodes_constprop_.height = new double [nNodes] . and to move a loop data (int i = 0; i & ...

iphone - IOS UIImageView displays with black background -

So I've got this function is that measures UIImages , and I am using it I have to start to be a .png with a UIImageView full transparency My problem is that when the image is displayed, a black rectangular image background the always around with an image Regardless, it is. It is as well as the scaling method the initialisation UIImageView : - (UIImage *) imageWithImage: (UIImage *) image scaledToSize: (CGSize) newSize {if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector: @selector (scale)]) {if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] scale] == 2.0) {UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions (newSize, yes, 2.0); } And {UIGraphicsBeginImageContext (newSize); }} And {UIGraphicsBeginImageContext (newSize); } [Image drawInRect: CGRectMake (0, 0, newSize.width, newSize.height)]; UIImage * newImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext (); UIGraphicsEndImageContext (); New image refund; } - (void) addMass: (M *) mass {UIImageView * image = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage: [self imageWithImag...

Easy way to compare values of 4 parametres c#? -

हाय मेरे पास 4 स्ट्रिंग हैं I स्ट्रिंग ए, बी, सी, डी; मैं उन सभी की तुलना करना चाहता हूं। मैं इसे आसानी से कैसे कर सकता हूं। bool ret = true; यदि (a == b) {ret = false;} यदि (a == c) {ret = false;} अगर (a == d) {ret = false;} अगर (b == c) {ret = false ;} If (b == d) {ret = false;} अगर (c == d) {ret = false;} .... ... ... धन्यवाद यदि आप कुछ की तलाश कर रहे हैं जो जांचता है कि कोई भी दो तत्व समान हैं, तो आप एक सेट बना सकते हैं और जांचें कि सेट में तत्वों की संख्या इनपुट के तत्वों के बराबर है या नहीं। स्ट्रिंग [string string = new string] {a, b, c, d}; HashSet & LT; स्ट्रिंग & gt; सेट = नया हैशसेट & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; (स्ट्रिंग एरे); Ret = set.Count == स्ट्रिंगअरे। लांघ;

C++ Array Input from File -

The code below has two input two separate .txt files designed. Each file contains a different integer on each line, reads the code file below, and stores each value in an array's index. The input works great, and while the cout command in the loop prints the appropriate value for the line. This issue comes with COAT & lt; & Lt; Settobo [0] & lt; & Lt; Endl; It prints random values ​​out of the loop as if the array's indicator is not set. Im Completely confused set2.txt 1 3 9 2 code Int maxSize = 100; Int'l set on [Max's]; Int Setovo [MaxSee]; Int setOneSize = 0; Int setTwoSize = 0; // open files ifstream file one ("set1.txt"); Ifstream file two ("set2.txt"); Int number; Int number 2; Fileon & gt; & Gt; Number; FileTwo & gt; & Gt; number 2; Announce the array for // (Ent I = 0; I & lt; MAXSize; i ++) {while (fileOne.good ()) {setOne [i] = Number; Cout & lt; & Lt; "Set 1" & lt; ...

c++ - How to find matching values in several arrays -

I have an array of integers, each of them is with unknown length, I get matching pairing in all the arrays. What is the best way to do this? For example, these arrays were given - const int array_01 [8] = {1, 8, 6, 7, 9, 1, 3, 7}; Const int array_02 [11] = {3, 2, 1, 8, 2, 8, 4, 5, 9, 7, 10}; Const int array_03 [10] = {4, 0, 6, 7, 7, 2, 1, 2, 2, 9}; will be matched - array_01, array_02 - 1, 3, 7, 8. array_01, array_13 - 1, 6, 7. array_02, Array_03 - 1, 3. Try it You can add matches for 2 arrays . function match_array (array1, array2) {var match = array (); For (int i = 0; i & lt; array1.length; i ++) for (int j = 0; j & lt; array2.length; j ++) {if (array1 [i] == array2 [J]) {match.push (array1 [i]); }} Return Match; }

ios7 - Sprite Kit Availability Pre iOS 7 -

As far as I know, the Sprite Kit with iOS 7 was introduced and is currently targeted for running devices > = IOS 7. If so, what will happen to any game made with the Sprite Kit, which is & lt; IOS 7? If you do not properly call the Spritekit code or specify the minimum required iOS 7.0 Version of, your app will crash. Download the iOS 6 Simulator files (in Exod priority) to test.

CMake or gyp for node.js addon development -

In most of the tutorials, they use gyp as a building system for C ++ node.js add-on development Are there. However, compared to Jeep, Seema has a long history and has a lot of documents in it. So, my question is: Is there a node. Is Better for JS C ++ Aon Development? Thank you. I have made my new module available today: CMK based node. JS and io.js to support native Aadan development. It works exactly like a node-jeep, please take a look at the readme and tutorial, then decide what's better for you.

javascript - Array.push return pushed value? -

Is there any reason enough that Array.push () the length of the new array is a bad idea Might be possible? I do not know whether it is already proposed or asked before; There are only innumerable questions related to the current functionality of Array.push () in Google searches An example implementation of this functionality is, feel free to fix it: ; (Function () {var _push = Array.prototype.push; Array.prototype push = function} {return it [_push.apply (this, argument) - 1];}} ()); Then you will be able to do something like this: var someArray = [], value = "Hello world"; Function Some functions (value, obez) {obj ["someKey"] = value; } Some functions (value, someArray.push ({}); Where some functions modify the object passed as the second parameter, for example. Now the content of someArray [["Somki": "Hello World"}] . Are there any drawbacks to this approach? There are no solid reasons to modify Array.push () : p...