ios - MPMoviePlayerController using up memory -
I have a UIPAge Visual Controller as a veththrough for the app, and I briefly video how to use the app Display me
When the user is done to go to the main app, I have a user pressed a button. However, Xcode in Debug Navigator shows that the app is still using 53 MB of memory.
Is there a way to remove memory from the movie player? Here's the code that runs the movie.
- (IBAction) playMovie {mpc = [[MP3 MPV Player Controller Alok] initWithContentURL: self.imageFiles]; [MPC Setmovie Source Type: MPMSOSTypefile]; [[See itself] Adsview: mpc.view]; [MPC set fullscreen: no]; [Mpc.View setFrame: CGRactack (45, 129, 229, 397)]; [MPC Play]; }
When I press the button to move the user before the intro screen filled to the main app to reach the main app, then let me say this:
- (IBAction) Ready: (ID) sender {UIStoryboard * storyBoard; Storyboard = [UISToriBarboard StoryboardWithname: @ "Main" Bundle: Nile]; PageContentViewController * pageContentViewController = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier: @ "PageContentViewController"]; [PageContentViewController.mpc stop]; PageContentViewController.mpc = Zero; UIViewController * viewController = [storyBoard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier: @ "View Controller"]; [Self-present ViewController: animated viewController: yes complete: zero]; }
So far, the app has still allocated some 50 MB memory
I think you have deleted this view or you should zero in the MPMoviePlayerController
in the Delok function when you end this movie
- (zero) dealloc {Mpc = zero; }
I think this is not a problem. You can run PROFILE to check the memory leak. I
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