import - Error while restoring oracle 10g .dmp file in oracle database 12c -

I have a .dmp file that has been created with Oracle 10G, which contains a database of my clients. I can not install it with my 12c installation for my life. I can see the https: // localhost: 5500 / em

from my DD in my desired PDB The user has created 'Bob' and import, read and write permissions on it. Next I try to import using the following command:

impdp BOB / password @ // localhost: 1521 / pdbname complete = y directory = dpdump_dir dumpfile = BOB.dmp

However, this gives me the following error:

UDI-12541: Operation Generated Oracle Error 12541

ORA-12541: TNS: Listener Currently Requesting The service is not known

listener.ora and tnsnames.ora me in EZCONNECTOR and the port 1521. Does anyone know how to do this work?

Many thanks in advance, Bob

I removed "full = y" because it will If you are not restoring the full database, then it is not necessary That particular use is made with the AP / f utility.

You should remember that pdbname is being specified in your example as dbname / service_name You can verify service_name by the following command: $ lsnrctl services; / * You can get the service name and put it on your impdp command. * /

In addition, you can also try without specifying the IP, Port, and DBN because you are working on the local host: $ impdp bob / password directory = dpdump_dir dumpfile = BOB.dmp


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