
Showing posts from September, 2013

javascript - Rotating an image and saving it on client side -

क्या jquery या javascript या किसी अन्य क्लाइंट साइड लाइब्रेरी का उपयोग कर छवि को घुमाए जाने का एक तरीका है और घुमाए गए छवि को सहेज सकता है? मुझे पता है कि उस छवि को कैनवास में ले जाने का एक तरीका है, इसे घुमाने और फिर अंतिम आउटपुट को एक छवि में रूपांतरित कर सकता है, लेकिन क्या कोई अन्य तरीका है? mvc - how to display message like "Record Already Exist" or "Error Happen" in Alertbox -

मैं kendo ui ग्रिड दृश्य का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और NopCommerce । अब मैं मौजूद (केवल एक फ़ील्ड के लिए) की जांच करना चाहता हूं और यदि मौजूद है तो तालिका में रिकॉर्ड सम्मिलित न करें, यह काम ठीक हो। लेकिन कोई भी संदेश प्रदर्शित नहीं किया गया "रिकॉर्ड पहले से मौजूद है" या "त्रुटि हुआ है"। और मुझे भाषा संसाधन स्ट्रिंग का कोड देखें और उसका काम ठीक है, लेकिन मुझे समझ में नहीं आ रहा है कि कैसे चेतावनी को आग लगाना है और प्रदर्शित संदेश भी। कृपया मेरी मदद करें nopCommerce में एक बग था 3.30 जो इस त्रुटि को ठीक से प्रदर्शित नहीं किया (आगामी संस्करण 3.40 में तय)। आप ग्रिड के लिए निम्नलिखित त्रुटि संदेश लौटा सकते हैं: रिटर्न जेसन (नया DataSourceResult () {त्रुटियाँ = "आपकी त्रुटि पाठ यहां है"});

node.js - How do i destroy session of a particular user using Id? -

किसी विशेष उपयोगकर्ता के सत्र को उसका / code user_id का उपयोग कैसे करें? मेरे पास ऐसी घटनाएं हैं, जब व्यवस्थापक सामान्य उपयोगकर्ता को भूमिका निभाने के लिए, यदि सामान्य उपयोगकर्ता लॉग इन होता है, तो मुझे सामान्य उपयोगकर्ता के सत्र को नष्ट करना होगा। किसी भी मदद की सराहना की जाएगी। धन्यवाद लॉग इन उपयोगकर्ता के सत्र में एक आईडी है जिसे आप कर सकते हैं सफल लॉगिन के बाद सहेजें: । फिर आप किसी भी समय मेमोरी स्टोअर से उस उपयोगकर्ता के सत्र को पुनः प्राप्त कर सकते हैं और इसका उपयोग करके इसे नष्ट कर सकते हैं: sessionStore = express.session.MemoryStore (); SessionStore.get (आईडी, फ़ंक्शन (गलती, एसस) {sess.destroy (फ़ंक्शन (गलती) {});});

c# - DLINQ projecting into concrete types with expression trees -

मेरे पास खरीद वर्ग सार्वजनिक के लिए एक अभिव्यक्ति का पेड़ है स्थिर पढ़ने के लिए अभिव्यक्ति & lt; फ़नक & lt; खरीद, डबल? & Gt; & gt; वर्तमान पेडसम्मेलंबडा = पी = & gt; (डबल?) पी। भुगतान। जहां (पीए = & gt; pa.Status == सिस्टमकस्टमेंट। भुगतान स्टेटस। भुगतान) .सम (पीए = & gt; pa.SUM); मैं एक प्रकार में प्रक्षेपण बनाना चाहते PurchaseSummaryInfo इस वर ps = Db.Purchases.Select (पी की तरह = & gt; नई PurchaseSummaryInfo {paidSum = (? डबल) p.Payments .Where (PA = & gt; pa.Status == SystemConstants.PaymentStatus.Paid) .sum (PA = & gt; pa.Sum) ?? 0}); लेकिन मेरे "पूर्व डिब्बाबंद" अभिव्यक्ति के पेड़ का उपयोग करने के लिए। क्या यह किया जा सकता है, और यदि हां - कैसे? हमें एक संयोजन विधि की आवश्यकता होगी। इस विधि एक अभिव्यक्ति है कि एक मूल्य के एक दूसरे अभिव्यक्ति है कि पहले अभिव्यक्ति के रूप में एक ही इनपुट स्वीकार करता है स्वीकार करता है और एक मध्यवर्ती परिणाम की गणना करता है, और फिर, ले जाएगा एक दूसरे पैरामीटर के रूप में म...

php - MySQL Interval Expiry from Creation Timestamp -

I am working on a project where a "one virtual candle light" and I want to create a cron job All the records that are selected are calculated from the "created_date" field from the database ending in the next five days, just as "type: TIMESTAMP> CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" process process: candle duration = 30 days warning Period = 5 $ query_rsQueryA = "day before 30 days In this Not that far (I can rest, this query is that I have problems) SELECT * FROM $ databaseName where made Gya_det + interval 5 days & lt; CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; "; $ RsQueryA = mysql_query ($ query_rsQueryA) or die (mysql_error ()); $ Row_rsQueryA = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ rsQuery a); $ Total Rows_rsQueryA = mysql_num_rows ($ rsQuery a); Thanks advance! It looks like what I wrote really works upwards, try it first Sorry about that!

android - Adding ad to the bottom of linearLayout -

I do not know how to put a view to the bottom of the linear layout. I tried to use layout_gravity = "bottom", but it does not work. This is my code: & lt; LinearLayout xmlns: android = "" xmlns: ads = "http: // schemas" xmlns: tools = "http: / Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" Android: Orientation = "vertical" Android: PaddingBottom = "@ dimen / activity_vertical_margin" Android: paddingLeft = "@ dimen / activity_horizontal_margin" Android: paddingRight = "@ dimen / activity_horizontal_margin" Android: paddingTop = "@ dimen / activity_vertical_margin" Android: background = "@draubable / background_reister_login" tool: reference = " $ placeholder fragment" & gt; Android: layout_height = "wrap_content...

sql server - sql get name of day and count it -

I am from Indonesia, I have a problem creating reports with SQL Server. I have a transaction table, Date | Trx_ID | Member_id | Invt_id | Branch_id 01-01-2013 | Tr001 | 0002 | Invt002 | Br001 01-01-2013 | Tr001 | 0002 | Invt003 | Br001 01-01-2013 | Tr001 | 0002 | Invt004 | Br001 01-03-2013 | Tr002 | 0001 | Invt001 | Br001 01-03-2013 | Tr002 | 0001 | Invt003 | Br001 01-04-2013 | Tr003 | 0003 | Invt002 | Br001 01-04-2013 | Tr003 | 0003 | Invt004 | Br001 01-05-2013 | Tr004 | 0002 | Invt005 | Br001 01-05-2013 | Tr004 | 0002 | Invt006 | Br001 01-05-2013 | Tr005 | 0005 | Invt004 | Br001 01-05-2013 | Tr005 | 0005 | Invt005 | Br001 01-05-2013 | Tr005 | 0005 | Invt006 | Br001 01-06-2013 | Tr006 | 0001 | Invt001 | Br001 01-06-2013 | Tr006 | 0001 | Invt002 | Br001 And I have to make such a report Branch_id | Workdays | Weekend | Weekly day | Weekend | BRICS | 2 | 1 | 2 The member_id has its mean group and if the weekend transaction is counted on weekdays, if the member taking the tran...

android - Are the "GONE" views inflated? -

I have a large XML layout, which has many relative / linear layouts, and what I I do not need all the layouts to be set with Visibility (set gene) and their visibility changes when needed. My question is this: Is this method enough? The layout is flown and sung so that they can change the phone memory and this is the performance time of loading the activity or until I set the visibility to Visible layout It is happening so I should know that I should use the pieces or I should stay with me now. layouts have been thrown Yes. and sang No, they are part of the visual hierarchy but rendering has been ignored nearby.

java - JSpinner returns default value instead of typed one -

मेरे पास JSpinner के साथ SpinnerNumberModel (1, डबल। MIN_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE , 0.01) अगर मैं सीधे JSpinner - 1000 पर टाइप करता हूं, तो कुछ संवाद में ठीक क्लिक करें, और स्पिनर प्राप्त करें यदि मैं 1000 टाइप करता हूं और JDialog पर क्लिक करने के लिए कहीं और फ़ोकस बदलते हैं कोड> एस एमी स्पेस और पढ़ने के बाद मान यह सही होगा = 1000 । अगर मैं स्पिनर के तीर के साथ मूल्य बदलूंगा - वैल्यू भी सही होगी। Jspinner को कैसे तय किया जाए, इसलिए इसे मूल्य प्राप्त करने से पहले कहीं और फ़ोकस को बदलने के बिना टाइपिंग मानों का समर्थन किया जाएगा। जावा जेडीके 1.6.0_23 बताता है कि ऐसा क्यों होता है और कैसे इसे हल करें। एएसपीपीनर के पास एक एकल बच्चा घटक है जो प्रदर्शित करने के लिए ज़िम्मेदार है और मौजूदा तत्व या मॉडल के मूल्य को बदलता है, जिसे संपादक कहा जाता है संपादक जेएसपीनर के निर्माता द्वारा बनाया गया है और संपादक संपत्ति के साथ बदल सकता है। जेसपीनर का संपादक चेंजएवेन्ट्स के लिए सुनकर मॉडल के साथ सिंक में रहता है। यदि उपयोगकर्ता ने एडिटर द्वारा प्रदर्शित मान को बदल...

listbox - Multiple Buttons keypad in -

I have battled with this for three days and asked a lot of people questions, but maybe I ask it wrong I am What I'm doing is to create a digital secure lock, I need to get the following: I have created a keypad with six buttons in a group box. When one click on the button, the number should be clicked on the list that should be displayed in the list. You must press the button on the comfort (up to six digits maximum) all the way a one calculator is sorted in order to display in the listbox next to each other, and then the listbox should display them in the same way. In . Whit here I have traced up to date: public class form1 private sub btn1_Click (as the object, e) Event brox1.Click the handle as btn1.Click then pinlst.Items.Count = 0 Then pinlst .ems.Add (btn1.Text) or else pinlst.Items (0) .SubItems.Add (btn1.Text) Finish End Sub Personal sub btn2_Click (this object, as in EventArgs form) btn2.Click The management does have pinlst.Items. Calculate = 1 Then the pinlet. I...

jquery - Call to JavaScript setTimeout not being called 10 times -

I have a JavaScript / jQuery code function that calls itself ten times if no data is available (fixed By web service call) I have implemented the code but logging inside the web service call indicates that it is only called 1 or 2 times what is the error in this code? function callIsDataReady (input) {var timer; Var calculation = 0; $ .jax ({url: ""), type: "GET", contentType: "app / jason; charset = utf-8", data: Input (successfully): function (data) {ifTimeout (function (inputInner) {CallIsDataReady (inputInner); count ++; if (calculation == 10) {clear interval (timer); count = 0;}}, 1000); } And {console.log ("data returned - true returning"); // continue as data is ready View Var table = $ ("& lt;% = RadGrid1.ClientID%>") Get_masterTableView (); GetDataFromServer 0, TableViewGatePages ());}}, Error: Function (jqXHR, Text Ats, wrong count) {console.log ( "AJ...

java - packaged to jar, running in cmd, but cannot find main class -

I am trying to run my Java class with dependency in the command line and I am using IntelIjie Idea 13 So that the artifacts can be prepared from my project. I have a main square "Main Java" and after creation I have a jar file like mytest.jar. The full name of Maine Java is like "test.main" But when I'm trying to run it using "java mytest.jar", then he complained that the main square mytest.jar can not be found. I checked the files in the jar and it seems that I get all the dependencies, and the main square in the manifest. MF also looks fine And actually if I open the jar in the "Mitest" folder, and I try to run "Java Test Maine" then I do a good job. My Jar file is like this: MATTEST - Exam ---- Main Class - Meta-INF ---- MANIFEST.NF - org ... // Dependency My MANIFEST.MF is like this: MANIFEST - Version: 1.0 Main-Class: test.Main What is the advice? UPDATE: Man-Class MANIFEST.MF test. Main, I...

javascript - Angular UI Router: Different states with same URL? -

मेरे ऐप के लैंडिंग पृष्ठ में दो राज्य हैं: होम-सार्वजनिक , home- लॉग-इन । अब मैं एक ही यूआरएल पर दोनों राज्यों को दिखाना चाहता हूं, लेकिन नियंत्रक और टेम्पलेट उपयोगकर्ता सत्र पर निर्भर करते हैं (उपयोगकर्ता में प्रवेश किया गया है या नहीं?)। क्या इस को प्राप्त करने का कोई तरीका है? आप एक आधार राज्य हो सकते हैं जो कि किस राज्य को लोड करने के लिए नियंत्रित करता है, और आप आसानी से उस बच्चे को बता सकते हैं उस मूल राज्य में यूआरएल नहीं है: .state ('home', {url: "/ home", templateUrl: "....", नियंत्रक: फ़ंक्शन ($ scope, $ state , AuthSvc) {if (authSvc.userIsLoggedIn ()) {$ state.go ('home.loggedin')} और {$ state.go ('home.public')}}}) .state ('home.public' , {Url: "", templateUrl: "....", नियंत्रक: फ़ंक्शन ($ गुंजाइश) {...........}}) .state ('home.loggedin', {url: "", टेम्पलेटउरिल: "....", नियंत्रक: फ़ंक्शन ($ गुंजाइश) {...........}}) अब नियंत्रक में आपकी आधार स्थिति ( घर ) आ...

Meaning of cookie in browser -

I've found that the cookie is a random string in the browser that sends the web server to remember the information purpose of users but I do not understand in the programmer's perspective, how does it use cookies? For example, I have used the EditThis cookie extension in the Chrome browser to read the site's cookies in the following browsers, here also here. The value of this cookie (session id) is useless for the programmer (Edit: I mean that I do not remove any information from this cookie, I know that cookie is very important for developers, so sorry for my poor expression is). If I get this cookie, what kind of information can I understand about users? Looking for some help! Thanks a lot! Example of cookie EDIT: Sorry, I have expressed my problem wrongly. Actually, I'm going to write an extension to collect users' preferences through a user's cookie, but I can not find what information can be removed from the cookie. I've read man...

statistics - Is there a way to "block" a t-test in R? -

I'm exploring a way to "block" a T-test which allows me to use three measurements per topic The problem is : In the manner of measuring me (internally) there are big errors, so I measured the same topic three times for this error (technical thri ) I usually block your ANOVA or take into consideration the nature of my measurements, in a linear I consider the subject and technical recurrence as random effects in the influenced effects model. However, in this case, I only have treatment in my set (5 subjects, 3 per subject measurement 3 = 15) and control (7 * 3 = 21), so the T-test will be more adequate, But I do not find any way to "block" the T-test. A pair of T-test is not applied because the treatment does not apply to the same subjects (will be impossible) and meditation of error within a normal T-test iterations. Does not take in Is there a function in R to do this? A T-test is only a special case for ANOVA. Take the data that you will test T-te...

AJAX Call using Enyo Framework -

I am trying to make an AJAX call using the framework and I am running with a problem. The error message I am getting is 0.. It's just a 0. I'm sure the link to my Jason file was correct and I made this JSField to test it. Any help is greatly appreciated. My host is GoDaddy and I have ensured that I have added the Jason extension right in my web conference, the link to the Json file is correct and it gives a valid json I checked it using jsonlint as it looks like on JSField ({Name: "Ajax sample", component: [{type: "button", content: "get users", ontop: "fetch"}, { Name: "repos", Content: "Not loaded ...", Allow HTML: Ajax.response (this, "gotResponse"); ajax.Terror (this, This tag);}, found response: function (inner, interspace) {var output = ""; (i = 0 for; i ";} Output + = Date. Now (); $. Repos.setContent (Output);}, Found Error: Function (Inner, Inner) {Warning (Inner); $. Repos.setCont...

android - how to upgrade ti.cloudpush in titanium studio -

I am using, 3.1.3 GA, I upgrade ti.cloudpush from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3 Want to do it, how to do it any suggestion? In advance thank you You can install the Cloud Pius module as follows Download the zip file you should go and save it to your machine. Open Titanium Studio Install Help-> Mobile Module Click the Browse ... button on Install from the URL and select the downloaded zip file If you are unsure about installing the module, the output can be set to the default of titanium SDK Click the OK button, module in Stall will be After the module is installed, you will receive a notification at the bottom left of Tiwari Studio. > Now open TiApp XML of your project Double click on the Cloud Pius module in the module box and click on the cloud Pius Choose the version of the module. Hope you find more information from this helps you :)

Push email configuration on git - Windows -

क्यूरेंट स्थिति हाय टीम, मैं Git का उपयोग कर रहा हूं Windows पर संस्करण नियंत्रण के रूप में । मैंने विंडोज पर नंगे रिपॉजिटरी बनाई है और क्लाइंट / डेवलपर्स भी हैं, जो उस रिपॉजिटरी से क्लोन किए गए हैं, वही OS में समस्या तो अब आप कृपया मुझे बता सकते हैं कि मैं ईमेल अधिसूचना को कॉन्फ़िगर कैसे करूं, जब कभी एक धक्का रिपॉजिटरी के लिए होता है इसके लिए आप एक हुक लिख सकते हैं जो आपको ई-मेल भेजता है यह एक अच्छा लेख है कि इसे कैसे लागू किया जाए विंडोज के तहत इसकी एक समस्या है क्योंकि आपको MTA की आवश्यकता है। शायद आप पर नजर डालें और गीइटलाइट का उपयोग करें जैसे आपके gitkeeper वहां आप कुछ हुक लागू कर सकते हैं और आपके पास अपने Git-Repositories के लिए एक केन्द्रित स्थान है।

parsing - Detecting cycles in Syntax Directed Definitions.. Exponential? -

I'm studying syntax guided definition from "Compiler: Principles, Techniques and Tools Aho, Ulman, Sethi and Lam" I had come in the following line in reference to the circular dependence of the characteristics in the parse tree: It is computationally difficult to determine whether any tree in any tree SDD Un in the tree It may also be argued (section: 5.1.2) It also mentions that is the complexity of exponential time in detecting chakras But there are elements of Tarejen's firmly connected algorithms that can get cycles in O (E + V). So are the above sources opposing this? Can anyone tell me what am I missing? To find a circle in some purse tree, call it o (e + v) but this problem is not the problem is determined that it exists in any of the circulars present in any of the parse trees That may have to be translated to the given SDD. (Emphasis has been given). This is a more difficult problem.

c# - ToOADate(); Convert Julian Date Excel -

I am using OpenXMM for reading spreadsheets and reading Excel and dates are stored as numbers. As I think it is a Julian format and everywhere I use Google Tooadet (); To convert these numbers to dates. I have the problem ToOADate (); My compilation does not resolve, I'm using Visual Basic 2013, C # MVC application. It seems that this system is in namespace, but I already have a system statement. I'm clearly missing something very basic - can someone help? var test = 41725; DateTime Test 2 = Examination Tudodet (); I'm getting the compilation error Error 4 'Int' has no definition for 'ToOADate' and no extension method 'ToOADate' does not accept the first argument The type 'int' can be found (do not you remember use reference or assembly reference?) If you are converting numbers into framework datetime examples, then it is possible that you have static on the datetime structure Well after Idi. DateTime = Dat...

c - Program crashes as it executes `free()` -

I am working with BST and I have to remove the node without any children. So the following steps are in my plan: Access the node; Check that he does not have any child; Find out that the node is on the left Delete the node and set the pointer to NULL . My plan fails badly when the intrude free (father-> left) has arrived, I can not understand why the program crashes Even though I'm sure that father- & gt; In the left the memory address of the node is what I am trying to get rid of. What is happening? {If (root! = Null) {if ((root-> gt; value)> value); node * destroyed_a_net (node ​​* root, node * dad, conif int value) {Root-> Left = destroyed_a_net (root-> left, root, value); } And if ((root-> values) & lt; value) {root- & gt; Right = destroyed_a_node (root-> right, root, value); } Other {printf ("I am% d and my dad is% d \ n", root-> gt; value, father-> value); If (has_no_children (root)) {if (father-> gt;...

Matlab dimensions must agree error. What's going on? -

I am getting: Error in using == ... matrix Dimensions must be agreed. Error (line 9) - if move2 == 'south' What's going on? disp ('Welcome Dr. Doffenheimers.'); Move1 = input ('You are in room number 1. Do you want to take the West or the answer?:', 'S'); If move1 == 'reply' disp ('now you are in room 4.'); Move2 = Input ('Would you go south or east?:', 'S'); If move2 == 'south' disp ('you are back in room 1.'); Athif 2 steps == 'East' Disp ('Now you are in room 5'); And disp ('There is no door there. You are still in the room 4.'); Although the two parameters that you are comparing are the string of characters, although the interval But in MATLAB you can not compare the letters of only two letters with different array sizes. Array dimensions should agree to that case. Daniel in your case has suggested that you can use any of the following: strcmp () - compa...

css - Equal padding for different sized icons -

I am using Font Awesome icons, and I want them to have backgrounds. The problem is that the symbols are of different sizes, so the padding will not result in the same size box. Set width and height as a block Problem : > Code : i {margin: 15px; Display: Inline-block; float right; Padding: 15px 15px; Range radius: 10px; Background: #FFFF0000; } For my solution, I set one set and width . I then set the text-align to center . CSS changes i / / rest css * / text-line: center; Width: 17px; } I chose 17px because it is the largest width between the two icons.

javascript - Check if global variable value has changed in last N seconds -

I am trying to write some javascript that the value of a global variable has changed in the last 10 seconds or not. My first idea is to use the setTimeout as follows: var glob = 0; // Global variables that can change the user by clicking a button / / The following code is whether the globe has var tmp_glob = glob in a 10-second period; SetTimeout (function (if (tmp_glob == globe) {console.log ("value is not changed.");}}, 10000); My argument is that, After having 10 seconds, Javascript will check that glob and tmp_gl are still the same and if they are, this means the globe tmp_glob has not been changed since. However, it always gives the truth, even if I change the glob from the customer, I'm 100% sure that the globe Why is my code not working? Alternatively, can I provide a better solution for what I am trying to accomplish? Your code works just fine, but this is a very bad behavior and your problem may be overwritten in your tmp_glob One w...

rectangle function undefined in octave -

For some reason, nor Octave terminal, nor for example my editor recognize rectangular function, when I help command to extend the effort to get documentation through, then I get this: octave-3.2.4: 41> error with the help of the rectangle: Help: `text 'not found I'm sure it There is an incredibly stupid error, but I can not find it. Everything is working fine. I appreciate any help! Hannah

Balanced Payments - How to check if bank account exists using fingerprint -

Balanced documentation () speaks briefly about returning fingerprint value after authenticating action on the user's Balanced bank account ID (Which has been generated using the balanced .js and posted on the server). According to the bank_account.associate_to_customer docs, fingerprint value is used to check whether a card is already token or not. I get fingerprint value after calling. After connecting this bank account to a customer, I need to do another check-up using this fingerprint to ensure that this bank account is not already balanced ? If so, how is it done? With Balanced you can actually identify the same funds several times, though Each token can be connected to only one customer. To examine the specificity of a funding tool will compare only fingerprints on your end (for example, if the same two fingerprints they represent the same funding tool).

HTML5 video in WebView on Samsung S4 (Android 4.4.2) issue -

On my Samsung S4 + Android 4.4.2, my phonegap 3.3 app has a strange eagerness to play embedded video games in video tags. there is a problem. I have the following HTML code: & lt; Video id = 'myvideo' autoplay = 1 preload = 'auto' & gt; & Lt; / Video & gt; Videos begin with Javascript (with jQuery): $ ('# myvideo'). Attr ('src', 'http: // ... jpg'); $ ('#myvideo') Attri ('Poster', 'http: //...mp4'); $ ('# MyVideo') [0] .play (); The video does not start as expected. The problem appears only after upgrading from Android 4.2 to Android 4.4.2. This problem does not exist on other smartphones running Android 4.4.2 (like Nexus 4, 5). Add this setting to your webview settings webSettings.setMediaPlaybackRequiresUserGesture (wrong); Here is my JS code and loop to play video automatically (You can remove this part if you want to play it only once // Here my video tag is my ...

python - I can increment the x position of my sprite by -0.01, but not 0.01? -

Whenever I try to add 0.01 to my x position, nothing happens, but when I add -0.01 It works fine. square ball (phantom): def __init __ (self, color, x, y, radius, thickness): self.speed = 0.01 self.angle = math.pi / 2 self.colour = Color self .x = x self.y = y self.radius = radius self. Dizziness = Thickness self. Just = PuGam.Rate (self.x, self, or, radius * 2, auto radius * 2) DRF draw (self, screen): (screen, self-crow, [Self, pure,], self. RDI, self-destruct) def move (self): self.rect.x + = 0.01 # this self.rect.x - = 0.01 # This does not work Obviously, there will be no two phantom move at the same time, but it still goes to the left. Pygame rectangles use integers for these properties, becaus e they represent pixel value , Which is the smallest unit on the screen. So, first, increasing from 0.01 is unusable. Secondly, you are hunting for falling prey, this is the reason that the deficit is increasing at the present time while the increment i...

android - How to apply Hexadecimal mask to a xml variable in a xml res/drawable file? -

I have this XML file, and give me a mask & amp; # 111111 with a @color / personalized collection & lt; Items & gt; & Lt; Size Android: shape = "rectangle" & gt; & Lt; Corners Android: Radius = "10dip" /> & Lt; Stroke Android: width = "1dip" Android: color = "# 706969" /> & Lt; Shield Android: Angle = "- 90" Android: startColor = "@color / personalized collections & amp; # 111111" Android: EndCloor = "#BB7A7A7A" /> & Lt; / Size & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; this android: startcolor = "@ color / personal_color and # 111111" gives me this error error: error: no resource found Matches How is it resolved?

json - jQuery Combobox causing white space -

I have a conोबobox which is populated by JSA using JSAP. Autocomplete functionality works very well, but when I select an item, a lot of white space is added where the selected item is displayed. If I leave it without the combobox function, the selected item appears normally, without any additional white space, any ideas that are happening here? I want to put it as a blanket box to fit it for the rest of the page. This is only a special person who is behaving like this. & lt; Select id = "box1" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & gt; & Lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Core: forEach var = "msg" item = "$ {message}" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "& lt; core: out value = '$ {msg.messageValue}' / & gt; & Gt; & Lt; Core: Out Value = "$ {msg.messageAlias}" /> & Lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Core: foreach & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $...

php - Displaying form reults on the confirmation page -

मेरे पास एक सरल HTML फ़ॉर्म है & lt; form name = "cmxform" method = "post" action = "projecthandler.php" id = "doxform" & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; td & gt; & lt; इनपुट नाम = "प्रथमनाम" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" आकार = "40" & gt; & lt; / font & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & Lt; td & gt; & lt; इनपुट नाम = "अंतिम नाम" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" आकार = "40" & gt; & lt; / td & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; और projecthandler.php स्क्रिप्ट उपयोगकर्ता को ईमेल भेजता है & lt;? Php if (isset ($ _ POST [' प्रथम नाम '])) {$ email_to = ""; $ Email_subject = "प्रोजेक्ट विषय"; $ Email_subject_user = "पुष्टिकरण"; $ प्रथमनाम = $ _POST ['प... Identity 2.0 How to change connection string / DbContext at runtime? -

I would like to do the following in my MVC5, ASP.NET identity 2.0 app: Change the connection string used by ApplicationDBContext at runtime I have multiple clients, each with its own SQL database. So when the session starts, I need to specify the desired database connection. I agree to the class applicationDebentex that I add surcharges: create public static ApplicationDbContext (string connection string) {new ApplicationDbContext (connectionString Return; } I also think that in Startup.Auth.cs I need to modify this line to pass in the string. If so, then I have problems. Am I going down the right road? Am I missing something else? I'm basically stuck at this point to help you TIA. You can change ApplicationDbContext to create an ApplicationDbContext instance with the appropriate connection string. Basically create an ApplicationDbContext factory method.

html - Show pseudo element between elements -

I am trying to make a :: After pseudo-element between sets each element HTML: & lt; Div class = "outer" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "element" & gt; Hello & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "element" & gt; World & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "element" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS: .ter Element: no (.ter> element: last-child) :: after {content: "";; Display: inline-block; Background: URL (images / test.png); Width: 4px; Height: 5px; } I think it is targeted to all elements with a class of my CSS elements > external in is the set : the final-child is not me that I am if I wrong or do I try to make it not possible? Is it possible, and if so, how? You can use it: External Kelement + .element: {Before content: ""; Display: inline-block; Background: URL (images / test.png); Width: 4px; Height: 5px; Edit: retu...

Google Maps Engine - This resource is too large to be accessed via this API call -

We have Google Maps Engine accounts. I've recently uploaded a size file that contains approximately 179,000 features Find the exact figures for the table Feature number: 178 56 Bad feature number: 0 Vertex Count multi-polygon number: 102 I am trying to execute an intersect query as the following Polygon count : 17 9 58 > "{tableid} / features? error: {Errors: [{domain: "useLimits", where it is thrown to the following error: To ensure that I am using the author correctly, I change the table id. And I can do the same query in another table with 1500 records. I get the appropriate results Question If I use the access token properly using the Google OAuth client Ready, do I still need an API key to access the private keyboard? Does Google Maps Engine support queries for features in the table with more than 100K records? I read Google error for this error and Maps Engine boundaries at the following URL [It is said that the dynamic abi...

ios - Scale an image to a given NSData byte size - PNG compression -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब अगर मेरे पास एक UIImage और मैं एनएसडीएटा में कनवर्ट करता हूं, मैं देख सकता हूं कि यह कितने बाइट्स है। यदि मेरे पास एक वैरिएबल required size है और मैं इसे एक निश्चित लम्बाई और चौड़ाई में सेट करना चाहता हूं ताकि जब इसे एक पीएनजी फाइल एनएसडीटा UIImagePNGRepresentation () के रूप में प्रदान किया जाता है; यह एक निश्चित बाइट-आकार ( आवश्यक साइज़ ) है। मुझे पता है कि वर्तमान बाइट आकार कैसे प्राप्त करें [NSData length मुझे पता है कि एक UIImage को कम करने के लिए कैसे करें (यदि कोई बेहतर तरीका है तो कृपया मुझे बताएं) // UIImage * tempImage = whateverTheImagePointerIs; पूर्णांक tempWidth = tempImage.size.width / 2; // 50% चौड़ाई की मूल पूर्णांक tempHeight = tempImage.size.height / 2; // मूल UIImageView की 50% ऊंचाई * tempImageRender = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0 , 0, tempWidth, tempHeight)]; TempImageRender.image = tempImage; UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions (tempImageRender.bounds.size, tempImageRende...

jquery - How to detect if the element after a link is a span -

& lt; एक वर्ग = "मेनूअवैज्ञानिक" href = "/ news" & gt; समाचार & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; span id = "menu00" शैली = "प्रदर्शन: ब्लॉक;" & gt; मुझे पता लगाना है कि एक लिंक के बाद एक अवधि है। और अगर वहाँ एक के लिए एक वर्ग असाइन करने के लिए है तो उदाहरण: & lt; एक वर्ग = "मेनूअवैज्ञानिक" href = "/ news" & gt; समाचार & lt; / a & gt; & lt; एक वर्ग = "मेनूअवैध हैस्पैन" href = "/ news" & gt; समाचार & lt; / a & gt; var menuItem = $ ('। मेन्यूएपिव'); ()। है ('स्पैन') & amp; amp; menuItem.addClass ( 'hasSpan');

ios - After my app opens a file, keep a reference to the file so that I can open it again later -

I have to keep those files in my app indefinitely, even though the app is closed. Later, I want to play back any and all files that the user has ever opened in the app. How can I allow the program to remember my app that the file which was opened in it, handle them without the permission of the past and other applications? Actually, your app Never did not have the ability to track the sandbox of any other app - which violated the entire status of sandboxing. Until your app is notified for opening the file by hand, the file has already been copied (in your system) into your Docs directory's Inbox folder. And it remains there (if you do not remove it yourself). So there is no problem entering it. This reference was given to you by the system when you continue to work! Of course you are free to copy it somewhere within the sandbox at that point. But the thing is that it is already in your sandbox, and you already have a reference to do one thing before it. (But see th...

ruby - Rails: Render a partial form based on path -

वर्तमान में मेरे पास यह लिंक है: & lt;% = Link_to 'संपादित करें', edit_investment_path (निवेश)% & gt; जो edit.html। एआरबी दृश्य पर जाता है, जिसमें यह html है: & lt; div class = "forms" & gt; & Lt;% = रेंडर 'फॉर्म'% & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; क्या 'फॉर्म' के अंत में एक पैरामीटर जोड़ने का एक तरीका है, इसलिए मैं उस लिंक से स्पष्ट रूप से form_retirement से लिंक कर सकता हूं? उदाहरण के लिए, ऐसा कुछ: & lt;% = link_to 'संपादित करें', edit_investment_path (निवेश, @ प्रारूप प्रकार = & gt; _retirement ")% & gt; रेंडर होगा: & lt; div class = "forms" & gt; & Lt;% = रेंडर 'फ़ॉर्म {{@ formtype}}'% & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; आप link_to ' संपादित करें ', edit_investment_path (निवेश, रूप-प्रकार:' सेवानिवृत्ति ') और फिर उस के साथ अपने दृश्य में प्रवेश करें params [: formtype] आप तब भी अगर / अन्य & lt;% यदि पर...

javascript - Getting Youtube Title given an id -

I got a very good reference to give a YouTube video ID to the YouTube video title but I'm sure how to get back to the title he works. That message is returning to me in the Video Info Callback function, but I'm not sure what a suggestion is going on in the information parameter. Here's the resource I am using: Here's the code that I'm playing like this: function registerScript (url) {var s = document .createElement ('script'); S.type = 'text / javascript'; S.src = url; Document.getElementsByTagName ('head') [0] .appendChild (s); } Function videoInfoCallback (info) {if (info.error) {warning ('error \ n \ n' + info.error.message); } Else {var message =; Return message; } Return "Hello"; } Function getVideoInformation (id) {if (id) {return registerScript ('' + id + 'v = 2 & alt = jsonc & callback = videoInfoCallback '); } And {warnings (...

python - Define Pandas DataFrame as composite boolean condition -

I am trying to do this: data ['thing'] = Data ['a'] & gt; 0.75 and data ['B'] & gt; 0.5 I can do this: dummy_1 = data ['A'] & gt; 0.75 And I can do this: dummy -_2 = data ['b']> 0.5 But I can not do more. Is a great way for people to handle it? (Python 2.7.6, panda 0.13) using a boolean Required Data ['Object'] = (Data ['A']> 0.75) & amp; (Data ['B']> 0.5)

ruby - Selenium can't find fields with type number -

I have a problem finding the field with the Circular HTML5 type = "number" . The way I look in the browser, I'm not a big fan of them, but I have some fields that require a number keyboard on mobile, and this is the easiest way to get it. I am using SimpleForm to create forms and when I : as = & gt; : Text does everything, but if I do : as = & gt; : Number , fields are not filled out. I have not received any error, the field is not just full. To be specific, when I have such a step: and I fill "52" with "Application_form_age" then it will not be across the tag: & lt; Input class = "numeric integer required" id = "application_form_age" min = "0" name = "application_form [age]" size = "50" step = "1" type = "number" & gt; But it does one thing: & lt; Input class = "string required" id = "application_form_age" name = "...

axapta - Sharepoint and Dynamix -

I created a SharePoint timer job to sync the SharePoint list with my database. I updated the database to Microsoft Dynamics I use Business Connector However, when I run a SP timer job I get an error: The requested operation can not be performed because the user logs on Dynamics Is not The code that connects to Dynamics is ASPA S is working fine page. What could be the problem?

how to declare correctly a reference variable in java? -

How can I declare a frequency variable like this: Private array list & Lt; Contact & gt; List = New ArrayList & lt; Contacts & gt; (); Can I only see private AERLIT "post-text" itemprop = "text" > both of you can . The first is called an initial, and the second is only an announcement. Related topic -

php - Multi-dimensional array - uasort has no effect, usort removes keys -

Like a complex sorting requirement, the data looks like this: array (size = 238) ) 527 = & gt; Array (size = 2) 0 = & gt; Array (size = 5) 'person_name' = & gt; String 'Ms. Sandra Stokes I '(Length = 19)' archive_id '= & gt; Int 1 'archive_item_id' = & gt; Int 1 'meta_data_id' = & gt; Int 28151 'person_id' = & gt; Int 527 1 = & gt; Array (size = 5) 'person_name' = & gt; String 'Ms. Sandra Stokes I '(Length = 19)' archive_id '= & gt; Int 1 'archive_item_id' = & gt; Int 22 'Meta_Data_ID' = & gt; Int 28418 'person_id' = & gt; Int 527 766 = & gt; Array (size = 6) 0 = & gt; Array (size = 5) 'person_name' = & gt; String 'Riket Ichmann' (length = 14) 'archive_id' = & gt; Int 1 'archive_item_id' = & gt; Int 1 'meta_data_id' = & gt; Int 28251 'person_id' = & gt; Int 7...

mdx - Transform JasperReport into Mondrian schema -

I have a report created with the IEPport Designer. It uses a basic query, so I asked him to call the Honorary MDX I want to change in I do not have enough information I do not know how to change it mndrian schema so if someone can give me an example to do so that I am full thank you. And my query looks like this: SELECT mstjobs.mantotal, mstjobs.womantotal,, mstjobs.titleid, title.desc1 titlekhas1, title.desc2 2, mstjobs.regionid = region.code1 and mstjobs.titleid = title like area.desc1 region1, field dsc2 region2 mstlov field title = 'titlekhas' and = 'region' $ P {dtst} Join mstjobs on code1 and to_char (mstjobs.approvedt, 'yyyy-mm-dd') and between $ P {qualify} msjobs And use crosstab to make $ P {qualeemend} by title.code1 asc in order. mstjobs main table in which man (L), woman (P), and Total (T) mstlov is a reference table in which the name of the city (Brunei Murra, Kuala Belait, etc.) And the name of the ...

SQL Server : how to combine two select queries from the same table and take the result on Column -

I want to add two questions to the same table. Here's my table: Date ##### | Value1 Value 2 Value 3 type ------------------------------------------------- ----- 23/04/2014 | 1,2 | 12,3 | 10 | Green 23/04/2014 | 11,2 | 3 | 10,3 | Non-green 24/04/2014 | 10 9 3 | 11 | Green 24/04/2014 | 2,3 | 12,3 | 8 | Green 24/04/2014 | 10 | 1 | 11 | Non-green 25/04/2014 | 10 | 2 | 10,8 | Non-green 25/04/2014 | 1,4 | 5 | 12 | The green values ​​are of the decimal type. Value 1, Value 2, Value 3> = 10 Expected Result: Date ##### | Green | Non-Green ------------------------------ 23/04/2014 | 2 | 2 24/04/2014 | 3 | 2 25/04/2014 | 1 | 2 Green and non-green values ​​were counted from> value 1, value 2, value of 3 = 10, this is my first query: String = as the slow string "Selection D, LW, CAT FOR (Selection Top 7 [Date] AS [Type] as LW, SUM (case when value 1> = 10 and 1 ELSE 0 END + case when the value of 2> = 10 then 1 ELSE 0 END + case when the value is 3> =...

Convert SQL Server stored procedure to Access Query -

To display in a gridview in ASP.NET + VB code, I am using the SQL Server stored procedure for one of my calculations + Access database web. Optional process [dbo]. Set to declare [report] (@ year end, @ months ago), declare @d smalldatetime, declare @total int @dedmaltetetime set @d = cst (CAST (@ year year) + '-' + CAST (@ mantrant AS negotiation) + Small-time as '-1' set @total = datediff (day, @d, datead (month, 1, d)) set = x = cst (cst) (@ Year AS Vertical) + '-' + CST (MMS AS WARRAR) + '-' + CST (TTL AS Whoring) Sm @ R-Dedday Decimal (18, 3) @ R_perday case set = when @total = 31 then 2.471612 9 03 when @total = 30 then 2.554 when @total = 29 then 2.642068 9 66 when @total = 28 2.736428571 end; As L0 (Select C as 1 Select All Unions 1), L1 AS (Select 1 AS CFLL A A Cross JO NLB), L2A (L1A) Selection 1 AC to L1A Cross Join L1B), L3A (Select 1CCL2A Cross Join L2B), L4 AS (Select 1 ASCFLL3A Cross Joiner L 3b), Select as kamyno, Rank, Business, N...

regex - Regular expression numbers with dots and commas -

I need a regular expression that behaves numbers with numbers and commas as well. Comma should not be treated as a thousand separator. Example: 9.8 9 8 9.8 Both P> I tried it, but it does not work . ^ (\ d + (?: [\. \,] \ D {2}) | $ Your regex ^ (\ d + (?: [\. \,] \ D {2})? $ $ Milan Number if you want to match any number of decimal (1 or more), use it: ^ (?: \ D + (?: [.,] \ D +)? | $ $

char - Compare Strings in C -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 6 जवाब ओएमजी, मुझे पता है यह चाहिए बेहद सरल हो और मैंने जो कुछ शोध किया है, लेकिन कुछ भी काम करने की कोशिश नहीं की है मुझे कुछ सरल याद आ रही है, कृपया मदद करें। मैं सिर्फ एक स्ट्रिंग घोषित करना चाहता हूं और बाद में इसकी तुलना किसी अन्य स्ट्रिंग से करता हूं। मैं 9 वर्णों की तरह कुछ की एक कुंजी को घोषित करना चाहता हूं। तब मैं इस स्ट्रिंग को एक दूसरे को बाद में सबमिट करना चाहता हूं। नीचे मेरे पास क्या है और जो कुछ भी मैं बदलता हूं मैं असंगत प्रकारों से त्रुटियों को याद करने के लिए त्रुटि प्राप्त करता हूं। char key [] = "kjherres"; चार एफ []; एफ = "kjherres"; अगर (कुंजी == एफ) {// अपना कोड चलाने} मैंने भी (एसआरसीएमपी) कोई लाभ नहीं उठाया है मैं क्या खो रहा हूँ? कृपया मदद करें। जिस तरह से आप स्ट्रिंग्स की तुलना करते हैं वह है strcmp फ़ंक्शन के साथ। यदि (strcmp (key, f) == 0) {/ * स्ट्रिंग्स समान हैं * /} आपको एक अच्छी किताब या सीखने के लिए ऑनलाइन ट्यूटोरियल सी। यदि आप PHP या किसी अन्य उच्च-स्तरीय भाषा स...

git - While merging code I got some conflict error in bitbucket -

जीआईटी (बीटबकेट) में मर्जिंग कोड करते समय, मुझे एक मुद्दा src / main / webapp / css / main मिल गया है सीएसएस (टकराव) कोड ग्रहण में ठीक है लेकिन बिटबकेट में यह दिखाता है कि कुछ पाठ वाले कोड में जोड़े गए दो और पंक्तियां जैसे & lt; & lt; & lt; & lt; & lt; & lt; & lt; गंतव्य: f27cd37fb7008c0d18f63514ca44ceacbaa3c658 और & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; स्रोत: 95de515e0203585db3c4f1084e37ade6dcc08ed2 अपने परिवर्तनों का बैकअप लें अपनी स्थानीय फ़ाइल को नवीनतम पर Git के साथ ओवरराइड करें और अपडेट करें (या फिर से लौटें) प्रतिबद्ध और पुश करने की कोशिश करें

CakePHP override plugin method -

I am using the Kdcc tag plugin in the kppp project. I am using a list of links to output, but I am not formatting this helpful link as I want. Specifically the method is generating links with nominal parameters instead of using the _tagUrl ($ tag, $ option) query string. [code> $ option ['url'] [$ option ['name']] = $ tag [$ option ['tag model']] ['' instead of '']; I get the desired behavior with the following change $ options ['url'] ['?'] [$ Option ['name'] ] = $ Tag [$ option ['tag model']] ['key name']; What is the best practice method to override this method? Do I create another class that extends the tag cloud helper? How do I tell the KPHP to use my class instead of the plugin? I was able to override // app / view / Helper / mytag claude Uses the Hp.php app :: ('tag cloud helper', 'tag .view / helper'); Client MyTagCloudHelper TagclassHelper {secure functi...

c# - breaking infinite loop / proper loop setting -

In my application, I have a mysql db table with many numerical records, I am doing some computation on these records. I want to do this calculation in a loop with the condition of the end. I was thinking about do-while loop, but I have a scenario like this: loop: {LOOP // for the computing of euklidian distance between selected records Like your sidings condition, CHCECK would really like. // If yes, the entire loop will end, and if not, then it will issue a loop to update the table record according to the Euclidean distance. } Can someone help me? while (true) {// break some code (condition); // here // some other code}

excel - How to read a iqy file result table with javascript -

So I have an IQY file (Internet query file), it gets locally on my computer. This file, opened in Excel, will show me the table of a SharePoint list. I want to use Javascript in the IE browser to find the resulting table for the price (I can use ActiveXObject if I need to). I already know how to search in Excel, then this is not a problem. How can I change this IQY file to a temporary Excel sheet with Javascript? If this is not possible, is there a way to read from the table using the IQY file without using Excel? I hope my question is understandable. Thank you. So I have found a way to overcome this problem. File data has an href, when data is opened by a browser, it will appear in Excel format. So I have used this data to get this information.

c# - How to disable "No target found for method X" exception -

I have a style in xaml-resources. I think: So I use this style in different pages and in different visual models, but not all the scenes need to implement a method UserCardTapped . And here's the problem - if there is no UserCardTapped method in my view model, caliber throws an exception with a message "No target found for the method UserCardTapped". Is it possible if it does not exist then to force the law? Why voting down? Is there any more beautiful way? action messages. Throwex exception = false; move

performance - Calculating Algorithm Efficiency and Complexity -

My instructor has taught us how to calculate the computational complexity of an algorithm, but he only did so briefly and Not so good, more specifically, someone can help me calculate the computational complexity of the following: while (PLDATTE> 0) chart = sHex (i) ascvalue = strings. Asc (Chartest) decvalue = Convert ToDecimal shiftedecvalue = decvalue + 1 asc = chrw (shiftdecvalue) emptychararray (i) About the way I thought, this is T (n) = C_1 * n + C_2 * (n - 0) 1) + C_3 * (n-1) + C_4 * (n-1) + C_5 * (N-1) + C_6 * (n-1) + C_7 * (n-1) + C_8 * (n-1) + C_9 * (N-1) + C_10 * (n-1) But I think I can make it bigger than this, how do I get bigger o signage for this? I am looking for resources online for how to read it, so if you have any suggestions, they will be very appreciative. Thank you very much. First note that T (n) is the form of T (n) = C1 * Can be rewritten in N + C2 . Then note that the larger o indicators tend to ignore the constant, so complexity is o (n)...

Is it possible to open popup in popup(parent) in jquery mobile? -

I am using Jquery mobile 1.4.2. Is it possible to open popups (parent popup) in this popup (original popup)? I tried this way, But this does not work .. Is there any way to solve this problem? If you are viewing popup API docs, it states the following: The framework does not currently support the popping of popups, so it is not possible to embed one link from one popup popup. Any link with a data-relay = "popup" within any pop-up Will not If you should have a popup open on top of another, then you have a separate plugin or your own roll, you can see my answer to another question, where I can get it Used the simplified plugin 2 plugin for

Perl: can't get time stamps from files in directory --> Use of uninitialized value in line 18 -

My goal: List the * gz files in a directory with the name and creation date. I wrote the following #! Use / usr / bin / perl strict; Use warnings; File :: Use State; Use time: local time; My $ directory = '/home/hans/.config/cqrlog/database'; Opendir (DIR, $ directory) or $ !! My @ files = (reader (dir)); Closedir (DIR); Use a regular expression to find files ending with Foreach $ _ (@files) {# .gz if ($ _ = ~ m / \ .gz $ /) {my $ file_name = $ _; My $ file_time = (state ($ _)) [9]; Print "$ file_time \ n"; }} But I keep getting the error seen frequently "use uninitialized value $ file_time in concatenation (.) Or // string on line 18. " Which is the print line. I also tried the following: use a regular expression to search for files ending with foreach $ _ (@files) {# .gz} Please ($ _ = ~ M / \ .gz $ /) {my $ file_name = $ _; My @file_time_array = (State ($ _); My $ file_time = $ file_time_array [9]; Print $ file_name,...

javascript - Join two different documents in couchdb using futon map program? -

I like the two documents: { "_ id": "00315fd5428d43a19ce86ae7a273085f "" _rev ":" 3-03le6l3837bf7e9c75f8bc9f5230d92l "," Device_sno ":" WEC343 "," Moving_status ": true," Overall_status ": true," C "," -1 ° C "," Trip_id ": 3 } { "_ id": "1a", "_rev": "4-e876b14dcb4cfd18aba8eb36b2be33bd", "customer_name": "Praneeth", "CUSTOMER_ID": 2, "tripp_id": 3} Now on the basis of the first travel ID in the document, I want to get the customer's name from doc2. Can anyone help me fix this, it will help me a lot .......... You have to throw an object value which is. The main / value added throwing process was processed with {'_ id': XXX} then insert_docs = will replace the document with ID XXX instead of true document. It means that if a document is an id of other documents, it ca...

php - insert into a table, where there already is data -

I have an application where I insert data into a mysql database (and that part works fine). Now I have to put data into a table, where there is already some data. The first part, I row 1 , row2 row4 , row5 and line 6 . But I only give me the database error. Could not add the post! This is my inclusion code: // Need to connect to load and MySQL database stuff (""); If (empty ($ _ POST)) {// initial query $ query = "under_etage (lys_u_s, skilt_u_s, door_u_s) Insert the value (: lys_u_s ,: skilt_u_s ,: door_u_s) where etData = '29 .04.2014 '"; // update query $ query_params = array ( ': lys_u_s' = & gt; $ _POST [ 'lys_u_s'], ': skilt_u_s' = & gt; $ _POST [ 'skilt_u_s'], ': door_u_s' = & gt; $ _POST ['Door_u_s']); // execute query {$ stmt = $ db- & gt; Ready ($ query); $ Result = $ stmt-> Execute ($ query_params); } Hold (PDOException $ ex) {// For testing, you ...

sql - SqlCeReader hangs when query returns 0 rows -

I am developing for Windows Mobile 6.5, SQL compact version 3.5 SP2 (3.5.1, aka 3.5) .8080.0) with When my query is Net> 1 result, reader.Read () returns the required non-zero values ​​( while the loop allows to move forward ). But if there are no match data in the table, and 0 rows back in the query results, then call the call to reader.Read () indefinitely, on the contrary, that I Returned to 0, leaving while loop. SqlCeCommand cmd = mValidationDB.CreateCommand (); Cmd.CommandText = String.Format ("Choose from where validation partCode = '{0}' or CLEI = '{0}'", barcode); SqlCeDataReader Reader = cmd.ExecuteReader (); While (reader.Read ()) {string result = reader.GetString (0); Return result; } Return ""; Any sign that I am doing wrong here?

gruntjs - AngularJS Inject service in .run function -

In my AngularJS app, I have this error while minimizing my app, using Yemen: Unchecked error: [$ Injector: Unprocessed] Unknown Provider: aProvider & lt; - a & lt; - $ http & lt; - Authentication service I'm not clear before minifying. The definition of my service in a separate runner.js file is: Angular Module ('myApp'). (['$ RootScope', 'AuthenticationService', 'FlashService', 'Session Service', Function ($ RouteScope, Authentication Service, Flash Service, Session Service) {// Some Code}]); I was thinking about a normal injection error when it was minifying but I am struggling to see what is wrong with my code ... UPDATE Settings mangle: false In Uglify configuration, Code> grunt.php.js : grunt.initConfig ({// ... useless: {option: {Mars: wrong}}}); I did this when using some packages from Bower. I believe that some of the tool's angular UI suite was not compatible due to some reasons. ...

php - No error message in this code but it doesn't delete the fields -

I do not have any error messages in this code but it does not delete data, however, the database has many records and all fields The names are correct. & lt ;? Php if ($ connect = mysqli_connect ('localhost', 'root', 'adminpass', 'flip')) {$ id = $ _GET ['id']; $ Sql ​​= "SELECT * threads ordered by ID DESC"; $ Query = mysqli_query ($ connect, $ sql); $ Num = mysqli_num_rows ($ query); }? & Gt; & Lt; Form action = "& lt ;? php echo $ _SERVER [" PHP_SELF "] ;? & gt;" Method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Table range = "1" width = "400" cellpadding = "0" cell area = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; # & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Id & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Subject & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt ;? Php while ($ row = mysqli_fetch_array ($ query))? ...