performance - Calculating Algorithm Efficiency and Complexity -
My instructor has taught us how to calculate the computational complexity of an algorithm, but he only did so briefly and Not so good, more specifically, someone can help me calculate the computational complexity of the following:
while (PLDATTE> 0) chart = sHex (i) ascvalue = strings. Asc (Chartest) decvalue = Convert ToDecimal shiftedecvalue = decvalue + 1 asc = chrw (shiftdecvalue) emptychararray (i) About the way I thought, this is T (n) = C_1 * n + C_2 * (n - 0) 1) + C_3 * (n-1) + C_4 * (n-1) + C_5 * (N-1) + C_6 * (n-1) + C_7 * (n-1) + C_8 * (n-1) + C_9 * (N-1) + C_10 * (n-1) But I think I can make it bigger than this, how do I get bigger o signage for this? I am looking for resources online for how to read it, so if you have any suggestions, they will be very appreciative. Thank you very much.
First note that T (n) is the form of T (n) = C1 * Can be rewritten in N + C2
. Then note that the larger o indicators tend to ignore the constant, so complexity is o (n)
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