statistics - Is there a way to "block" a t-test in R? -

I'm exploring a way to "block" a T-test which allows me to use three measurements per topic

The problem is : In the manner of measuring me (internally) there are big errors, so I measured the same topic three times for this error (technical thri ) I usually block your ANOVA or take into consideration the nature of my measurements, in a linear I consider the subject and technical recurrence as random effects in the influenced effects model.

However, in this case, I only have treatment in my set (5 subjects, 3 per subject measurement 3 = 15) and control (7 * 3 = 21), so the T-test will be more adequate, But I do not find any way to "block" the T-test. A pair of T-test is not applied because the treatment does not apply to the same subjects (will be impossible) and meditation of error within a normal T-test iterations. Does not take in Is there a function in R to do this?

A T-test is only a special case for ANOVA. Take the data that you will test T-test regularly and ANOVA (2 groups, Onway) instead, and you will see that the P-value is exactly the same (if T-test was 2 tail) and F figures ANOVA T data The class T-test (actually equals if the pool is doing T-test, is using approximately estimated T-test).

Therefore "Blocked" is a T-test is actually doing only with blocking ANOVA.

If you do not want to share equal similarities (a T-test containing pool), you can still model a mixed effect instead of ANOVA and only allow the uneven variions in the mixed effects model for.


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