mdx - Transform JasperReport into Mondrian schema -
I have a report created with the IEPport Designer. It uses a basic query, so I asked him to call the Honorary MDX I want to change in I do not have enough information I do not know how to change it mndrian schema so if someone can give me an example to do so that I am full thank you.
And my query looks like this: SELECT mstjobs.mantotal, mstjobs.womantotal,, mstjobs.titleid, title.desc1 titlekhas1, title.desc2 2, mstjobs.regionid = region.code1 and mstjobs.titleid = title like area.desc1 region1, field dsc2 region2 mstlov field title = 'titlekhas' and = 'region' $ P {dtst} Join mstjobs on code1 and to_char (mstjobs.approvedt, 'yyyy-mm-dd') and between $ P {qualify} msjobs And use crosstab to make $ P {qualeemend} by title.code1 asc
in order.
mstjobs main table in which man (L), woman (P), and Total (T)
mstlov is a reference table in which the name of the city (Brunei Murra, Kuala Belait, etc.) And the name of the job (Buru Kedai, Jaeer Jual, etc.)
Sorry my poor n ago thank glish.
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