android - How to apply Hexadecimal mask to a xml variable in a xml res/drawable file? -

I have this XML file, and give me a mask & amp; # 111111 with a @color / personalized collection

  & lt; Items & gt; & Lt; Size Android: shape = "rectangle" & gt; & Lt; Corners Android: Radius = "10dip" /> & Lt; Stroke Android: width = "1dip" Android: color = "# 706969" /> & Lt; Shield Android: Angle = "- 90" Android: startColor = "@color / personalized collections & amp; # 111111" Android: EndCloor = "#BB7A7A7A" /> & Lt; / Size & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt;  

this android: startcolor = "@ color / personal_color and # 111111" gives me this error error: error: no resource found Matches

How is it resolved?


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