
Showing posts from September, 2012

java - How is concurrency in Spring AMQP Listener Container implemented? -

मेरा कंटेनर XML कॉन्फ़िग: & lt; खरगोश: श्रोता-कंटेनर कनेक्शन-कारखाना = "MyConnectionFactory" स्वीकार करें = "कोई नहीं" concurrency = "10" requeue-reject = "false" & gt; & Lt; खरगोश: श्रोता रिफ = "मेरी लिस्टनर" क्यूज = "मायकुइउ" / & gt; & Lt; / खरगोश: श्रोता-कंटेनर & gt; और myListener सिर्फ एक वर्ग है @Component ("myListener") सार्वजनिक वर्ग MyListener लागू MessageListener {@Autowired SomeDependency निर्भरता; ....} मैंने अपने कोड में concurrency = "10" निर्दिष्ट किया है इसका अर्थ बिल्कुल क्या है? मैंने पाया है। वे यह बताते हुए उपयोगी नहीं हैं कि: बनाने के लिए समवर्ती उपभोक्ताओं की संख्या निर्दिष्ट करें। कई थ्रेडों द्वारा उपयोग किए गए कई उदाहरण या सिंगल इंस्टेंस हैं? क्या मैं इंस्टेंस फ़ील्ड w / o सिंक्रनाइज़ेशन का उपयोग कर सकता हूँ? है कुछ निर्भरता निर्भरता एक बार या के लिए instantiated प्रत्येक धागा / उदाहरण? क्या निर्भरता को थ्रेड स...

javascript - ToBe or not toBe -

How can I express the or condition with Jasmine, something like this: Hope (element.css ("display")) Tobey ("") or.toBe. ("Block"); ^^ Is this possible? I know about not but what about or Jamine.admasters tried to go, but made, but it gives me an error: Type error: 'undefined' one There is no function (evaluation 'jasmine .addmatchers') And if I understand it correctly, then it is a bug related to roles and Jasmine versions. therefore I am using this solution for now: var display = element.css ("display"); Var flag = (display == "block" || display == ""); Hope (flag) .toBeTruthy ();

android - getAPKExpansionZipFile() returns null -

Since my game has 100MB, I need to use the extension file. I will create the code in the main activity Create in the create () zip rorsufffile extension file = null; Try {expansionFile = APKExpansionSupport.getAPKExpansionZipFile (getApplicationContext (), 2.0); } Hold (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace (); } I do not use the patch extension file, only main, so I think 0 is correct as the version. When I log in to check that detail file Successfully loaded, I get zero value. if (expansionFile == null) ("EXPANSION_FILE", "NULL"); And ("EXPANSION_FILE", "NOT NULL"); I followed the instructions and I manually placed the file in the folder on my Nexus device: internal storage \ Android \ obb \ \ Android \ obb folder are other obb files, so it should be in the right place. Any clues to not mount the OBB extension file? UPDATE I have implemented DownloaderAct...

Custom concatenation of inner list Erlang -

I have a large list of some forms with data, which are included in the other names with the same data with other forms The list format is quite complex and looks like this: [[EVAL_SEQ_1, {walk, ListDataToConcat1}}], [{EVAL_SEQ_2, { This is the output that I want to: }]}}] ...] Where: EVAL_SEQ_1 = form sequence number, form = for The name ListDataToConcat = Index eg.Here my sample data: [[{ "eval_data_12", {& lt; & Lt; "Prvl_mobable_asset_0000_h200401" & gt; & Gt;, ['F_01_0100', [1]}, {'F_01_0090', ["3"], {'F_01_0080', []}, {'F_01_0070', [99 99}}, {'F_01_0060 ', [[Era, 0}, {year, []}, {month, []}]}, {' F_01_0050 ', []}, {' F_01_0040 ', []}, {' F_01_0030 ', [] }, {'F_01_00 20', & lt; & Lt; & Gt; & Gt;}, {'F_01_0010', & lt; "4 - 8" & gt; & Gt;}]}}], [{"eval_data_11", {& lt; & Lt; "Pr...

unix - Grep and delete lines based on a pattern -

मेरे पास एक ऐसी फाइल है जिसमें कुछ ऐसा है, np: sd / is / Bt / km / lk na: delete इन दो पंक्तियों को फ़ाइल भर में दो बार दोहराता है, मैं / bt / को रोकने के लिए पहली पंक्ति से मिलान करना चाहता हूं अगर दूसरी पंक्ति हटा दी जाती है तो मैं दो पंक्तियाँ हटाना चाहूंगा और आउटपुट को दूसरी फाइल में बदलना चाहूंगा। तो कम में (पहले पंक्ति में / बीटी / और दूसरी पंक्ति है हटाना है) तो दोनों लाइनें हटाएं । क्या आप ऐसा करने का एक तरीका सुझा सकते हैं जैसे मैं यूनिक्स के लिए नया हूँ? धन्यवाद, सुनील। आप इस sed का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, Sed ': पाश; एन; /.*b-t.*\n.*delete/{d; टी लूप;}; पी; D; ' Yourfile & gt; Lk na: delete .. some ... text np: sd / is / bt / km / lk मैच नहीं है .. कुछ लाइनें .. कुछ पाठ np: sd / is / bt / km / lk na: delete .. कुछ । चलाएं: शनि: ~ # sed ': लूप; एन; /b-t.*\n.*delete/{d;t लूप;}; पी; D; ' आपकी फ़ाइल .. कुछ ... पाठ np: sd / is / bt / km / lk मैच नहीं है .. कुछ पंक्तियाँ .. कुछ पाठ .. कुछ .. शनि: ~ #

angularjs - How to pass down ng* attributes in a custom directive? -

I have created a custom "BS-Input" instruction that wraps the input field in the bootstrap template. If I fill all the attributes (type, max-length, expected, pattern, etc.) then it works fine. However, The field does not work due to the maximum length recognition and ng-pattern recognition (eg a regexp), the field is considered invalid. How can I pass an undefined variables on input tags, or if they do not have any value, then conditionally exclude them? Here's my instruction: mod.directive ('BS Input', function () {return: {AC :, requirement: '^ form', template: ' & Lt; div ng-form = "innerform" class = "form-group" ng-class = "getFieldClass ()" & gt; {{eLabel | tt}} & lt; / label & gt; for & gt; ; Label class = "control-label" ng-square = "{\ 'col-sm-5 \': eVertical}";> You should define your instructions that your properties are optional eg. scop...

Is there any way to handle multiple input xmls in xslt? -

Is it possible to downgrade work done with XSLT? This means that I will have both the source XML and MAP XML loaded in XSLT. And in XSLT, without any rigid hard values, I should be able to read the map xml and apply the same on the source XML. Source XML to be changed Map XML & lt; Root element orginalname = "book" ToTransform = "C_BOOKS" & gt; & Lt; ChildElement OrginalName = "Title" ToTransform = "C_TITLES" /> & Lt; ChildElement OrginalName = "Aurthor" ToTransform = "C_AURTHOR" /> & Lt; ChildElement OrginalName = "Publisher" ToTransform = "C_PUBLISHER" /> & Lt; / RootElement & gt; The output should be XML: [after the transform] & lt; C_BOOKS & gt; & Lt; C_TITLES & gt; C & lt; / C_TITLES & gt; & Lt; C_AURTHOR & gt; Balaguru Sami & lt; / C_AURTHOR & gt; & Lt; C_PUBLISHER & gt; Publisher's na...

objective c - Is there a source to find complete iOS apps source code for learning? -

I am learning to allocate from the Apple sample code and I am wondering if there are some other sources where I can find the full application The app that can be on the appstore (obviously, to learn, it is not that it is going to do this!) Where can I peek at their source code? Instead of searching for full app code, see Paul Hegarty's lesson from Stanford University. They are avaialble for free on iTunes U. Here is a link

java - Below JSTL code is not working properly .Not giving the result.It is only printing this (--select--) option value -

& lt; चयन करें नाम = "packageType" id = "PACKAGE_TYPE" एकाधिक & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "" & gt; - चुनें - & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; c: forEach आइटम = "$ {partFinderPopulateBean.filterValues ​​['PACKAGE_TYPE']}" var = "पाश" & gt; & LT; c: चुनें & gt; & Lt; c: जब परीक्षण = "$ {रिक्त भाग फिक्शनर SearchBean.packageTypeList}" & gt; & Lt; c: के लिए लगभग हर आइटम = "$ {partFinder खोज खोज पोस्ट प्रकार टाइप करें}" var = "selected_flash" & gt; & Lt; c: यदि test = "$ {selected_flash eq लूप}" & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "$ {लूप}" चयनित = "चयनित" & gt; $ {loop} & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; / c: यदि & gt; & Lt; / c: foreach & gt; & Lt; / c: जब & gt; & LT; c: अन्यथा & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "$ {लूप}" & gt; $ {लूप} & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; / c:...

python - How to convert utf8 to cp1251 to write ID3_V1 tag of mp3 file? -

ID 3_V1 only supports latin1 encoding. To write a V1 tag with Russian characters, cp1251 encoding is used. I want to copy data from V2 tag (Unicode) to V1 tag. I get V2 tag with the following code with the use eyeD3: (mp3path, V = eyeD3.ID3_V2) mp3album_v2 = tag.getAlbum () ... ( mp3path, V = eyeD3.ID3_V1) Tagksettekst encoding (Id 3. Latin L_ancoding) Tagksetalbm (MP3 Gnti_viksn.aksod ( "CP1251")) # tag. update () The following is returned: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Print mp3album_v2 Жить в твоей голове & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Print Type (MP3 LBM_V2) & lt; Type 'Unicode' & gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; Print wrapper (mp3album_v2) u '\ u0416 \ u0438 \ u0442 \ u044c \ u0432 \ u0442 \ u0432 \ u043e \ u0435 \ u0439 \ u0433 \ u043e \ u043b \ u043e \ u0432 \ u0435' Looks like set albums utf-8 string (?): def set albums (self, a): self. SetTextFrame (ALBUM_FID), auto TrustUnodod (A)); Def strToUnicod...

javascript - toMatch Not Working -

Does anyone know why this is not passing? function correctly caller display (Messages, player_ turn, selector) {if ((Message & gt; 0) & amp; amp; amp; (player_turn! = 0)) {return $ ( selector) .append ( "& lt; li & gt;" + message + "" + "color present but not in the correct position in the round" + player_turn + ". & Lt; / li & gt;"); Jasin: description ( '# do not expect the caller display', function () ((If a user message to be displayed in the correct color (selector) (not working) , Liability of the work () {var message = 2 var playerTurn = 2 var selector = $ (' The "+ Message +" "+" color is present, but the goal is not in the correct position in "+ + On + Play +". ")});}); The error that I get is This is a huge message: expected {0: HTMLNode, length: 1, jquery: '1.11.0', constructor: function, selector: '', tore: function, pushstock: functi...

What does the following QtSPIM/MIPS code do -

What the following QtSPIM / MIPS code does, the functions of different blocks of code (block1, block2, ...) Describe while referring. Answer some questions in front of some instructions. Block 1: .text Main: li $ s4, 0 la $ a0, input li $ v0, 4 syscall li $ v0, 5 syscall move $ t0, $ v0 # Why we need it is? Block 2: La $ a0, output li $ v0, 4 syscall move $ a0, $ t0 li $ v0, 1 syscall la $ a0, newline # If Newline is replaced by news space defined as "" then output How will change? Li $ v0, 4 syscall Block 3: What to do: $ a0, $ s4 li $ v0, 1 syscall to $ a0, newline li $ v0, 4 syscall slt $ s1, $ s4, $ t0 addi $ s4, $ s4, Transfer 1 to Bgt $ s1, $ zero, no #Why can not we use "beq $ s1, 1, do"? Block 4: Exit: li $ v0, 10 syscall Data input: .asciiz "Input one number:" Output: .asciiz "until I count" Newline: .asciiz "\ n" So I identify the code I need help in ... I have the concept that I want to make sure I am finding it p...

html - How to stretch an image to fit screen and maintain aspect ratio using CSS? -

See my example here - Image resizes properly when you shrink the browser window And maintains it's aspect ratio. Although I always want to stretch the image to fill the screen, but in this case it never spreads beyond the original resolution. If I set the width: 100% rather than the maximum width, it will stretch the image to fit in width, but if you set the window, then the image will start to distort. . If I set the height: instead of the maximum height, instead of over 100% I overflow / scrollbar. So I'm a little bit stuck! Please note that the images will be of different aspect ratios and resolutions. I think it may not be a good idea in the long run, because the 1024x768 blown image on a 4k screen can look a bit dirty. Still still want a solution though still want a solution. Set the image as the background of a div & amp; Background-Size: Cover; Use . This aspect will increase it to fill the screen without losing the ratio, regardless of any image ...

Wordpress Taxonomy Archives -

To learn about Wordpress, I'm making my own topic I have a CODE> golf course [golf course] Has created a Custom Post Type (CPT). . CPT hierarchical Taksonomijh in which I have called (learning time) and as follows: Europe - United Kingdom - England I have a custom function that rewrites the URL, so it will look like this: -park / What I am doing, my custom post will not be in one class without the child being in my parents (classification of URL Will never exist and not in Europe). Now I am trying to do without much luck, list all the positions u.k. Like URL: This does not work, but it's such a The simple concept seems to be that I do not know why not. or http: // www. however work. What do I need to do to get this work, or is it possible? When entering a new classification, add the rewrite parameter to your case: fun...

java - Zero MQ and Websockets -

I currently have an architecture, which is as follows: Use of Web 5 To connect web web site to UIL web server sheds (Wildfi) I am both a customer and a publisher on two different ZMQ sockets on the web server. For every new user who joins my web server, I create a thread that runs continuously and listens for messages from upstream. / Li> When I get a new message, I broadcast the update to all the users who are listening. This update is sent back to your web page using traditional web sockets. This architecture seems quite simple, but my web server sometimes appears stuck without error or my upstream server sometimes the message I publish on ZMQ is only Looks like when I try to publish the request back to my upstream server on ZMQ. With the above thought, I would be very interested to know if anyone has created a system with such techniques? If so, can you explain your architecture?

angularjs - ng-animate animation direction -

I am trying to work on some simple ng behavior, but a wall is dead and what can not work I am doing wrong. My code contains an angular ui-view with a square that determines direction from the UI view - either to the left hand side or to the right hand side of the screen You can see what I am doing here - pay attention to the direction of link arrows; P> UI is visual code; & lt; Div ui-view class = "{{thatWayToMove}}" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Replace with some routes When the event listeners should know that the appropriate CSS should change the direction of where UI ideas come from. I think the problem is a scoping, but some external help would be appreciated. See me sometimes ui- slide incorrectly My problem It was that the class was part of UI-Viz, but the U-view is duplicated to be able to slide one view into one view. During this duplication, a scene was found in the old class and the second view got new, updated class like t...

Twig with php __autoload() method? -

I have a problem with PHP (5.3.13) and twig I use twang as a standalone in a project I do not, with Symphony 2. I try to use the PHP __autoload () method to load my own classes, but the class is not loaded due to the triggered: Here is my project: myproject / | _ Classes / | | _ Myclass1.class.php | | _ Myclass2.class.php | _ Lib / | | _twig / | | _ Lib / | | _chig / | | _ Autoloader.php | _ Index.php | _ Autoload.php index.php code: need_once ("lib / twig / lib / twig / autoloader.php"); Twig_Autoloader :: Register (); $ Loader = new \ Twig_Loader_Filesystem ("templates"); $ Tpl = new \ Twig_Environment ($ loader, array ("cache" = & gt; wrong)); {$ OTemplate = $ tpl- & gt; Try the Load Template ($ sId. "Html"); } Hold (Twig_Error_Loader $ E) {$ oTemplate = $ tpl- & gt; LoadTemplate ("404.html"); } Need_once ("autoload.php"); $ Object = new myclass1 (); autoload.php code: function __autoload ($ s...

DFS-R RemoveDeletedFiles property cannot be set from Powershell -

It is possible to use PowerShell v4.0 as included in Windows Server 2012 R2 It is possible to setup DFS-R in addition to an extension. I can not get the RemoveDeletedFiles property to be true, CMDlet does not have any errors or warnings, but there is no effect in it. At the moment I have left the false setting, but seeing that files are produced by making, we will never restore them. It seems that these files are being moved to ConflictAndDeleted directory by DFS-R. Set-DfsrMembership - Group Name $ GroupName - Removed files $ true -FolderName $ folderName -ComputName $ computerName GroupName: XXX Computer Name: XXXYYY folder name: folder group domain name: name.tlc computer name: name.tlc identifier: zzz specific name: CN = Zzz, CN = yyy, CN = DFSR - Local Settings, CN = XXXYYY, O = Our, DC = Name, DC = TLC Content Path: C: \ Folder PrimaryMember: True StagePound: C: \ Folder \ DfsrPrivate \ Staging StagingPathQuotaInMB: 409 6 Minimum File Staging Size: Size 256KB Disp...

c# - IIS and ASP.NET: Virtual directory / application -

I am installing an mvc application to run on IIS. When I type localhost / mywebsite in a browser on the local machine, I want to apply it to run. If I just add a new web site to physical location in IIS, set it to the directory of my published AST.NET application, the default is that localhost Shows the homepage of In IIS, if I click on the application , then it allows me to specify a nickname and a physical location for this nickname. If I set this alias to mywebsite , and the physical location in the same directory as before, then it should work in principle, okay? The issue I want to do now is that I have some problems with duplication now, because I have both application on localhost and localhost / mywebsite I'm going Create an empty folder and in this IIS, a default website with this code will be Set up for localhost url. This can be an empty website, inside this folder, create another folder "MyWebSite" for your website and copy you...

jquery - Javascript variables for current scroll position and previous scroll postion -

I'm trying to determine whether the user has scrolled up or down and I've got some code that is helpful I think I'm out My problem with this code is that I can not wrap my head to capture last_scroll_position . I have a function for return scrollTop so that variable current_position is not a problem, but obtaining values ​​for last_scroll_position seems a bit daunting. Here I think the answer is ... Keep a variable, say last_scroll_position, and when you have a scroll, if last_scroll_position - current_position> 0, user scrolls , And if below 0 is less than then I recommend that you check this example: behaves strangely in Faxx, it is removed several times due to smoothness scrolling, but it works, here are an example: // scroll The status creates an element to print $ ("& lt; p id = 'test' & gt;"). Adendo ("body"). CSS ({Padding: "5px 7px", background: "# e9e9e9", status: "fixed...

javascript - jQuery UI Autocomplete blur IE Issues -

I can not find any answer for this problem between Google and SO, and hopefully anyone "duh , Do it ". I'm using Blur with UI Auto Integer to auto-select the first element in the list. I work flawlessly in Chrome, FF, and Safari. But when I use any type of IE, it crashes and crashes the browser. The problem is in the following: $ ('# element'). Data ('selected items'); I am using this to compare the actual values ​​in the area to ensure that there was a change. Data ('selected-item') is undefined in IE. I was thinking that someone has a problem in this past, or possibly know what is involved directly with this error. This is the full code: $ ("# element"). Autocomplete ({source: "search.php", minlength: 2, select: function (event, UI) {$ ('entity') .val (ui.item.value); getOptions ();}, autofocus: true, Matches: True, HTML: Fottal, Open: Function (Event, UI) {$ (".ui-autocomplete"). CSS (...

c# - How can I access the current request from my own authorization class? -

I need to access the request object from my own authorization class. There is no alternative and why is it here. Users are Users can have specific permissions for the object Objects Can be made public (read / write too) Due to this system I have to write my authorization argument and this is not a problem, I was thinking something like this: pseudo code public class object controller: API controller {private readonly authorization service _auth = new The Authority Services (); [Root] Public Eschnic Tasks & lt; IHttpActionResult & gt; Get () {var obj = new object (); // This is the object that we are working with // Note: This is just for the demo, the real object will be like `item` if (obj.IsPublic || _auth.CurrentUser.CanRead (obj)) OK Obj); } Return unauthorized (); }} How do I test the current user Check whether the header token check URL is the ultimate ? Token = Get user from token user or return zero problem now because I need to ...

Recursion - Java -

I am working on a program where I get recursion to calculate the amount of 1/3 + 2/5 + 3 Use / 7 + 4/9 + ... + i / (2i + 1). However, I'm not sure that to show the word to my program, the user must be added to reach the number recorded. for example. If I enter 12, then I want to know how many posts of the series [1/3 + 2/5 + 3/7 + 4/9 + ... + i / (2i + 1)] are approximated Number 12 What I do not want to achieve, is the amount of input 12 which is 5.034490247342584 in this case, but I have to get the word that if I add all the numbers till that period, I will get some about 12. Any help would be greatly appreciated! This is my code import java.util.Scanner; Public class recurring {public static zero main (string [] args) {double number; Scanner input = new scanner (; System.out.println ("Enter value" =); Number = input.nextInt (); System.out.println (amount (+ number) + "which should be added to reach the" + number "); } Public stable d...

cakephp - MySQL query - 2 sets of conditions -

OK, I was thinking about it for a long time, and confused myself! I am trying to come up with a MySQL query in CakePHP for this scenario: Each record has 2 dates; For simplicity I have to give them F & amp; I. These determine the quality of the data, as follows: Bad data - F & amp; I have good data for both useless - F & amp; The first two are very easy: Red: P> $ terms ['and'] = array ('f' = & gt; tap, 'i' = & gt; null); green: $ terms ['and'] = array ('f '=' = & gt; three months ago, 'I > But I have trouble with the third option. I have tried some things, and I know that there is something like this. : $ terms ['no'] = array ('and' = & gt; array ('f '=' = & gt; three months ago, 'I & gt; = '= & Gt; three months ago),' AND '= & gt; array (' F '= & gt; null,' I '= & gt; null)) But obviously th...

Using multiple Goroutines on Go Tour Equivalent Binary Trees -

The problem in the go tour is to use a clear solution when trying to solve the pedestrian part. Other solutions, such as a closing, are given in response to the way to solve the problem. My original idea was to use a gorotin for each stage of walking. Is not it better, and more gonci (what is equal to the feet of Pyongi?) What is the solution? The problem is that I could not understand how a) shutting down the channel after closing the channel, or b) indicate in some other way that the tree was completed by walking. Already 2 channels are used, one for the data and one for leaving the signal. Passing the second channel is not fit with the definition of the problem, and the basic issue of running finish is still present. Is there a fantastic solution for every step to move with a gorotine, or is the best solution recursive? func walk (t * tree.Tree, ch chan int) {if t! = Nil {Go Walk (T. Left, CA) CA LT; T. Value go talk (T. Wright, CH)} // This is done with the node, how do I ...

ruby - How to get Rails views to return its associated action names? -

I have a very easy controller to manage fixed pages within my Rail application: Class Page Controller & lt; How can I get a visual template to return my name, so I can do something like this: # pricing.html .erb & lt; H1 & gt; & Lt;% = my_own_name.capitalize% & gt; & Lt; / H1> # - & gt; "Pricing" Thanks for any help. The parameter hashes will always include: Controller and: Action Keys, but instead of using these values ​​you should use controller_name and action_name . & lt; H1 & gt; & Lt;% = action_name.capitalize% & gt; & Lt; / H1>

java - Android Custom Array Adapter to read CSV files -

I am a newbie for Android application development. I am currently working on a project that relates to the import of CSV files, which includes only one column and several lines, on my Android project. I served all CSV data where I can read on your project and I did not use any string Arejh only used csvadapter array adapters now list view using the CSV adapter and array adapter to CSV files, I have a concern where an item was clicked in the list, I wanted to toast the item. I tried to exclude all possible combinations but it shows me only a toast string @ somerandomvalue, request someone to help me on this Thanks in advance. The following is my csvadapter class. The .csv files remain in the property. Public class CSVAdapter extends ArrayAdapter & LT; Clock & gt; {Reference ctx; Public CSVAdapter (Reference Reference, Int TextVRSOSIDID) {Super (Reference, Text Visualization IDID); This.ctx = reference; LoadArrayFromFile (); } @ Override public view getView (last integer...

c - How to initialize, create matrix and then print with using structure -

I want to create a 2D head using the structure and read it from the user, then display it. But I do not know what is wrong with it. / People Sorry. First of all, I want to read a matrix element from the user, then I want to display the entire matrix. But it does not print properly, it prints the address of the elements, why it is not printing, the value? / Here is my code: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Structure matrix {int n, m; Int a [100] [100]; } Array; Int main () {struct matrix * p; Int i, j; P = Mallok (size) (array); Scanf ("% d% d", & amp; p->, n; & amp; p- & gt; m); For (i = 0; i & lt; p- & gt; n; i ++) for (j = 0; j & lt; p-> gt; m + j ++) scanf ("% d" , P-> A [i] [j]); (I = 0; i & lt; p- & gt; n; i ++) {for (j = 0; j & lt; p-> gt; m + j ++) printf ("% d" , (P-> a [i] [ja])); Printf ("\ n"); }} change scanf ("% d ", P-> a [i] [j]); to scanf ("...

php - Best way to create a pdf with silverstripe 3.1? -

I want to create a PDF file on the server side. What is the best way to do this? Does anyone know a good solution? Thanks in advance The cover for a SilverStripe DOMPDF, which What should be after:

scheme unbound identifier error in module in: symbol <? -

The following line in my code is giving me an unbound identifier error. ((Anybody please explain to me why I got this error and how can I fix this?) Here the whole code: ; defined in the sorted list of symbols (define (member? Xl) (code (empty? L) #f) ((symbol =? X (car l)) # t () (symbol And lt; x (car l)) #f (other (member? X (cdr l))) is not a symbol , but there is a string De> - So if we change the symbol in a string (symbol-> S1S2) (string & lt;? (Symbol-> string s1) (symbol-> string s2) ) will be able to define

c# - Command line program invoked as a "slave" considered dynamically linked? -

I am trying to get an explanation on dynamically linked resources. I understand that if my program links to separate .DL and makes the function call while running, then it has a dynamic link but say that my program invites a separate .exe through the command line . This .exe can act as a slave by passing "-Slave" in the command line and in my app a handle for a window that communicates it, my program then sends this command, for example: -Dothis Or -othath and output are sent in my program window. Is it dynamically linked? I ask because .exe is an open source GPL program using the command line and my program is not. My understanding is that if I do not really link to any GPL libraries, then I am not violating the license. Thanks Is it dynamically linked? No, you are dynamically adding to another program only if you load your code in place of your process's address. You have been suggested to run the GPLed program as a separate process, and then it is ok...

python 2.7 - Google Apps Admin Settings API Reseller Service Account Example -

I am working on the creation of a reseller platform where customers can buy Google app for business and the benefits of Gmail services I can verify, I have to verify that the user has set up MX records so that I can be sure to automatically verify the Max record verification. So my question is: I believe that I can use the API settings as an Admin Re-Customer Service Account for this purpose, is that correct? What is the right scope for calling this API, is it? Can I work an example to accomplish this, for example, I use Python syntax for domain verification. service = build ("site verification", 'v1', http = http) then response = service.webResource (). Insert (body = request_verify_domain, verification method = "DNS_TXT"). Execute () I am looking for a similar example to verify the MX record as a reseller service account holder. Thanks in advance! See end-end-and-code codeb from Google in many different languages: To answer...

ruby on rails - RVM troubleshooting -

I am trying to fix my RVM. Last week, everything was working fine but for some reasons my rail command is not working. For example, if I try: Rail blog new I get this error: .rvm / rubies /ruby-2.0.0-p247/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:110:IN 'Required': Can not Load This File - Rail / Version (Load error) Is this my Ruby version old? Does anyone know how I can fix this? I was seeing everything and only got the RVM stable command, though my problem was not fixed. Ruby is here: v: ` Ruby 2.0 .0p247 (2013-06-27 Amendment 41674) [x86_64-linux] Here's the error I get with the rail- v: / Home / tyrel / .rvm / rubies / ruby-2.0.0-p247 / lib / ruby ​​/ site_ruby / 2.0.0 / rubygems / core_e xt /kernel_require.rb:110: `required ': can not load such a file - Rail / Edition (Load Irrar) Here is the RVM list: rvm rubies ruby ​​-1.9.3-P448 [x86_64] Ruby-1.9.3- P484 [x86_64] = * Ruby-2.0.0-P424 [x86_64] Ruby-2.0.0-P353...

c# - Process.Start never returns when UAC denied -

I have an updater exe whose primary axis is to be closed, replace it with an updated exe, and then update The program file was done. When the updater has tried to start an updated exe, if the UAC permissions have been rejected by the user, the updater will hang. This is because process. The start () function never returns. My CPU cycle meter indicates practically any use of BTID. I hope all my users are called "yes" to UAC, but since I am here, I would like to handle this matter in some way, at least in the error message, assume that my users There will be at least 7 windows. XS itself has 32 bit Winform applications. Targeted Net Framework 4.0 is Using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate. How has my user detected the UAC dialog to reject? I think that what I can do is process the . Start () running on a separate thread which will be timeout after a while. For more code: Private Zero RestartProcess () {ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo (); StartInfo.Fi...

ember.js - Ember view's attribute shared between view's instances? -

मेरे पास एक दृश्य है: App.PhotoUploadView = Ember.View.extend ({ चित्र: [], didInsertElement: function () {var कि = यह; var उत्पाद = this.get ('नियंत्रक')। Get ('model'); var upimages = product.get ('upimages'); // यह .set ('images', []); upimages.then (फ़ंक्शन (छवियाँ) {images.forEach (कार्य (छवि, सूचकांक) {var imageObject = new object (); = App.appConf.apiPaths.images (Image.get) ('लिंक' तो मैं यहाँ क्या कर रहा हूँ एक चित्र सरणी को शुरू में खाली परिभाषित करता है, और इसे मॉडल के बच्चों के छोटे से जोड़कर प्राप्त वस्तुओं के साथ भरें ... {{मॉडल में प्रत्येक उत्पाद}} {{App.PhotoUploadView देखें}} {{/ each}} ऐप में मेरे पास बहुत से फोटो यूपॉडलोड दृश्य हैं; बात यह है कि PhotoUploadView के हर उदाहरण के लिए एक अलग छवियाँ बनाने के बजाय, मुझे लगता है कि प्रत्येक इमेज में एक इमेज सरणी होती है जिसमें सभी छवियां होती हैं, जैसे कि सरणी को उदाहरणों के बीच साझा किया जाता है; यदि मैं इस पर टिप्पणी निकाल देता हूं .सेट ('चित्...

html - Setting the Width for my Photo Gallery -

I have tried the divisions and tables, but some are not working to set the width for the photo gallery. I want to narrow the navigation links more so that it does not scroll more into the browser. Source code Actually not sure what you ask, at the high level view, your slider Setting to 700px. What are you trying to achieve?

firebase - Data added through REST API not visible in Forge -

Can I receive data using other commands and I, but when I look at his forge, So that information is not there, similarly, I can not get data in Forge through the rest of my orders. I can go to this site to see the data, and I can remove .json But when I log in and look at it in FOZ then shows a different set of data from Forge. This is the location shown in both forge, but showing different content. Now I see I was using ... ... Just instead of my remaining calls ... firebaseio ... Attaches - At the end of your own URL, just create some kind of demo of test database of my database? Is this something deliberate?

android - "the type new View.OnClickListener(){} must implement the inherited abstract method View.OnClickListener.OnClick(View) -

I am going through an introductory tutorial for Android Dev and I do not understand this error. The error is on the line "callButton.setOnClickListener" (New OnClickListener () {" Yes I know that the code has been written badly and is a bit confusing, I am trying to add a button that opens the contact list and allows you to call .com.example.contactpicker; import android.os.bundle; import android .app.activity; import android.view.Menu; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; Import; In android.os.Bundle; Import android provider. Contact, Import android.provider.ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds; import android.provider.ContactsContract; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.View; Import Android.view.View.OnClickListener; Import android.widget.button; Import. Lecture View; Public Category Expansion of ContactPickerTester Activity {Public Stable FINAL End PICK_CONTACT = ...

Why does Rust have mutexes and other sychronization primitives, if sharing of mutable state between tasks is not allowed? -

My understanding is that it is not possible to share an unstable state among the tasks in the war, Things are What is their purpose? "Data is not allowed to share inappropriate data between tasks" was an overdrawing, there was no crime , It is also used in very introductory material on Ruta, and for good reasons. But the truth is that, Jung can only get rid of data races; Not like sharing anything, but only one way Jung wants to become a system programming language in the same sense as C and C ++, so it will not remove some capabilities or performance optimization completely However, it is not normally safe to share temporary memory (data race etc.) so if you want it, you can wrap it in the unsafe Doors must. Fortunately, some patterns of using shared temporary memory are safe (for example using proper locking discipline) when these patterns are identified and sufficiently It is considered important, so someone writes unsafe code that they consider themselv...

php - SQL duplicate row -

I have a big filter with many options and want to generate SQL for automaticle and without any code without query. Obtain: SearchView = ABC and Title = ABC and Description = ABC and Category = 1 and Subcategory = 2 & amp; Zip = 7 & amp; City = K & amp; Country = DE SQL: select activity * Activity, subcategory, city, country, like WHERE activity.title '% abc%' or activity. Details like '% ABC%' and subcategory. SBID = 2 and the city. Zip '% 7%' and like the city. '% For%' and country. C. Shortcode = 'D' With this option, I have 1 row in my database, the answer is many times many times. I know that SQL duplicates a line when a table is not used in WHERE clausel - but why do they do this now and how can I solve that? EDIT: I have an ER, but the database is in German (school project), maybe it helps you understand: Thanks! You are doing a cross product by selecting multiple tables. SQL will combine each row f...

Parsing numeric data from text file using Python -

I am trying to create a database from a numerical model output text file. There are four (4) rows of title block data in the text file, which are in accordance with the blocks of data in several rows (41,149), which are different from each 'internal' word and below it are some numerical data forms Line 1: Title Block Line 2: Title Block Line 3: Title Block Line 4: Title Block Line 5: Internal 1.0 (10 e 16.9) -1 Line 6: Data Data Data Data Line7: Data Data Data Data Line8 to Line8: Data Data Data Data Line26: Data Data Data Data Line27: Internal 1.0 (10 e 16.9) -1 Line 28: Data Data Data Data .. By all means 41,149 lines up to Data blocks are not consistent size (i.e., there are more rows of data than some others). Thanks to a lot of help from this site, I am able to take 41,149 rows of data and organize each data block in different lists, from which I can parse and build a database. My problem is that this operation seems to last a long time. I was hoping someone could s...

How to access nested Lua tables from C -

Assume that I want to set a value (such as function) inside the nested table with lava-c API. - lua.lua glob = {nest = {- set value here}} How do I set up a heap to reach the inner table? Is it just calling gettable many times and then a settop , like in the following code? Lua_pushstring (state, "globe"); Lua_gettable (state, -1); Lua_pushstring (state, "nest"); Lua_gettable (state, -1); Lua_pushcclosure (state, and func, 0); Lua_settop (state, "fun"); Lu_pop (state, 2); This code sets C function: lua_glockGlobal (state, "globe"); Lua_getfield (state, -1, "nest"); Lua_pushcclosure (state, and func, 0); Lua_setfield (state, -1, "name"); To add other fields to glob.nest , just keep going: ... lua_pushcclosure (state, &) ; Second, 0); Lua_setfield (state, -1, "second name");

list - Data structure in Python -

names = ['पीटर', 'जॉन'] आकार = ['एक्स', 'एम', ' 4 = 5, 6] # 2 लोग शर्ट के 3 आकार की खरीद लेंगे मैं अपना डेटा संरचना इन में बनाना चाहता हूं: [['' नाम ': यू'पीटर', 'आकार_प्रिस्': डिफॉल्ट डिक्ट (& lt; टाइप 'इंट' & gt ;, {'एक्स': 1, 'एम': 2, 'एल '' 3 ')}, {' नाम ':' जॉन ',' आकार_प्रिस् ': डिफ़ॉल्ट दिखे (& lt; टाइप करें' इंट '& gt ;,' 'एक्स': 4, 'एम': 5, 'एल': 6} )}] मैं defaultdict करना पसंद करता हूं () आप list_price को एक iterator में बदल सकते हैं और फिर दूसरे के बाद एक मान प्राप्त करने के लिए अगला का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: & gt; & gt; & gt; इटरेटर = इटर (list_price) & gt; & gt; & gt; [{'Size_price': {'X': 1, 'M': 2, '[' 'नाम': n, 'size_price': {s: आकार में s के लिए अगला} एल ': 3},' नाम ':' पीटर '},...

windows - How to remotely query status of schedule task -

I was trying to get the schedule job status from the remote server using the following: Schtasks / query / S \ servername And I got something back like this: Error: A device connected to the system is not working. I thought I could find something like this: You are not allowed This should work for you: schtasks / query / s YourRemoteServer / fo list / tn "YourTaskName" more Schtasks / options for choice? In CMD.

Drop Down Menu Javascript -

मेरे पास दो ड्रॉप डाउन मेनू के लिए html है & lt; div id = "selects" & gt; & Lt; div id = "select1 डिव" शैली = "फ्लोट: बाएं; मार्जिन-दाएं: 15px;" & gt; अपनी & amp; lt; इच्छित पालतू & amp; gt; चुनें & Lt; br & gt; & Lt; चयन करें नाम = "प्रथम चयन करें" id = "पहले चुनें" & gt; & LT; विकल्प & gt; ---- & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; / चयन & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "select2Div" & gt; अपनी & amp; lt; लिंग & amp; gt; चुनें & Lt; br & gt; & Lt; चयन करें नाम = "दूसरा चयन करें" id = "दूसरा चयन करें" & gt; & LT; विकल्प & gt; ---- & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Amp; nbsp; & Lt; / चयन & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; br & gt; मैं जावास्क्रिप्ट के लिए नया हूँ, तो क्या कोई कृपया सही दिशा में मुझसे बात कर सकता है जैसे कि इस के कोडींग भाग से कैसे ...

php - Session Upload Progress with JQuery -

I'm trying to convert which uses pure Javascript to a JQuery counterpart. The problem is that whenever I press the upload button, it toggles the progress bar for the duration of the setTimeout function (1 second), then it disappears And "real" has never shown any real progress due to me being displayed. I am using PHP> 5.4 I have session.upload_progress.enabled = ON I am uploading a large file I know that even if it is done locally Should take several seconds in. HTML: & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html lang = "en" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta charset = "UTF-8" /> & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "//"></script> & Lt; Style & gt; #progress_bar {border: solid 1px # 000; Height: 20px; Width: 300px; display none; } #bar_color {background-color: # 006666; Height: 20px; Width: 0 pixels; } & Lt; / Style & g...

authentication - Error 401 in JavaScript Dropbox SDK -

I'm trying to use Dropbox SDK for JavaScript, so I tried a Hello World! To get to know myself, but I'm getting a 401 error for failed authentication. When I turn off the pop-up, I click the button and redirect it to the authorization page, but click on "Allow" After this, it will show a "contaminated content error" page. Here is my code, which I actually have a The Torial is found to be obtained from the page: & lt ;; doctype html> gt; & gt; & lt; html & gt; & lt; top & gt; & gt; script src = " Https:// "> gt; & lt; / script & gt; link rel =" stylesheet "href =" style.css Click & lt; code & gt; to create & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & gt; & lt; body & gt; & lt; center & gt; & gt; button id = "writeButton" & gt; Hello.txt & lt; / code & gt; Dropbox. & Lt...

html - Using more than 1 css style in wordpress -

So, before I run away completely from the hair, I think I can reach the group for some help I am I currently have a site in WordPress that every page requires its CSS style because no page is the same style. How can I load the style from a specific CSS file designed just for that page to call for a particular page in the world? I think I should add that all 10 page header files are used only with get_header, everything else is styled in different ways that want to work with style CSS or override it some other way Do not think for Thank you to all of you for helping out in the form of IT, I have been stopped on this issue for stupidity. I do not sleep, but work on websites for a few hours at night There is a bad time to do I have finally understood things because of all your help. Thank you again for sharing your knowledge ... ...)

python - Saving and restoring pandas display options -

says that I want to save the position of display options for pandals, change them and want to restore them later I am Is there any way to do each one of the alternatives without recording (and later reinstatement)? Docs, see below that section, this feature is new to 0.13.1 You can pass 1 or more options here pd.option_context ('display .max_columns', 1): #some good

html - List group not working inside panel (Bootstrap) -

As the title, I was trying to create a project where the user can choose an item from the side and with information It shows . Although it seems really simple, I tried to do this inside a panel, as if the JSFDLL was linked below but due to some unknown reason it breaks. You are no longer hover and its dark background, I thought I made a simple mistake, so I have created a mock up site which is to test with very nude information, so you can get hundreds of codes Do not go. Here's the way, as you can see that there is no mistake, even then it does not work ... I was thinking that this is just a bug and if such a fix is ​​specified Can do? & lt; Div class = "row" & gt; I am using deep theme bootswitch for my CSS (Ignore the code from this jsfiddle only) & Lt; Div class = "col-md-6" & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; this does not work! & Lt; / H1> & Lt; Div class = "panel panel-priority" & gt; & Lt; Div class = ...

tinymce - How to pass parameters to window in TinyMCE4? -

TinyMCE4 is out of beta and "documentation" is here for this special requirement: This is very far from the assistant. How do I use the editor.windowManager.setParams () method to populate the values ​​in a single form in a plugin window? There is a note in the code that confirms after the will of the method, but none of the plugins provided use this method. Posting the answer that works for me: I used jj in the plugin In the form of the dialogue ended the grabbing values. Not very happy with that, but it works, no one is willing to tell me a cleaner solution!

excel - Progress bar for consolidation loop in VBA -

I have this consolidation macro which opens a sheet, copies and pastes from a sheet of several workbooks on a master sheet, where Data may well be in the thousands of workbooks, in total, this process will take anywhere from 30 meters to one hour and I thought that a progress bar would help. I got the code I used for the consolidation portion at StackHowfortflow. It was a similar problem, however, the progress bar code I found elsewhere. To fit this for my needs, I had to use a jury-rig code. In the examples, I use the next loop code for the progress bar, which is not mine. I tried to run my code, but the progress bar does not update. T_T Can anyone help me with what is wrong in my code? Any help on this is greatly appreciated .. Thanks .. Sub OpeningFiles () Dim SelectedFiles FileDialog Dim NumFiles As Long, Long-Term TargetBook Workbook Dim SNAME, sName2, As in the form of the FileIndex Range as a PctCompl single set sName = ThisWorkbook.Sheets ("Sheet1") as sN...

vbscript - VB Using "Runas" -

I'm getting a cat of a time some syntax right here. I have a small VB script that prompts for credentials and then uses authentication to run another VB script: set objShell = WScript.CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") strAdminName = InputBox ("What is your username (domain \ username)" objShell.Run "runas / user:" & amp; StrAdminName & amp; "" "Wscript.exe \\ \ DFS \ Tumw-IS \ Juniper Tools and Utilities \ Juniper Removal Tool \ delete_folders.vbs" " When I run the script Everything works, except that the script that I am calling can not be found. I find an error saying "There is no file extension in" \ \ DFS \ tumw-is \ Juniper. Obviously the problem lies in the fact that the location is in the location of the file And also that I am using the DFS link. When I run it and target the VBS file then there is no free space in the location, so it works fine. I Can not get syntax for...

Is it possible to create a nested array from a known node path? (PHP + SQL Server) -

Probably this question is stupid, but after a few hours of unsuccessful research (maybe my head is melting at the moment and I am doing this. Unable to understand a $ a = 1 assignment), I feel compelled to seek help ... I try to explain How to make a navigable tree to be made nested arrays, this result is given from a stored procedure: ---------------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------- | Regional | CountryID | Citi | Store ID | Area Name Country Name | | ------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------- | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Europe Albania | | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | Europe Albania | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 | Europe Andorra | | 2 | 3 | 4 | 4 | North America Canada | ... | ... | ... | ... | | -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- Such arrays will follow this observation: area > Country> City> Store My first approach was to create this framework by creating recursive queries on differen...