Twig with php __autoload() method? -
I have a problem with PHP (5.3.13) and twig I use twang as a standalone in a project I do not, with Symphony 2. I try to use the PHP __autoload () method to load my own classes, but the class is not loaded due to the triggered: Here is my project:
myproject / | _ Classes / | | _ Myclass1.class.php | | _ Myclass2.class.php | _ Lib / | | _twig / | | _ Lib / | | _chig / | | _ Autoloader.php | _ Index.php | _ Autoload.php
index.php code:
need_once ("lib / twig / lib / twig / autoloader.php"); Twig_Autoloader :: Register (); $ Loader = new \ Twig_Loader_Filesystem ("templates"); $ Tpl = new \ Twig_Environment ($ loader, array ("cache" = & gt; wrong)); {$ OTemplate = $ tpl- & gt; Try the Load Template ($ sId. "Html"); } Hold (Twig_Error_Loader $ E) {$ oTemplate = $ tpl- & gt; LoadTemplate ("404.html"); } Need_once ("autoload.php"); $ Object = new myclass1 ();
autoload.php code:
function __autoload ($ sClass) {include_once "classes /".$ sClass." Class.php "; }
and the error is:
Fatal error: Class 'myclass1' was not found C: \ Program Files \ wamp \ www \ myproject \ index Php '
How to solve it? I have read that I should use the namespace, but I do not know how.
you __autolog ()
and (used by reggae) or Then by using the spl_autoload_register ()
to skip the PHP code to re-enable your functionality in the __autoload ()
implementation, or follow it later.
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