Wordpress Taxonomy Archives -

To learn about Wordpress, I'm making my own topic I have a CODE> golf course [golf course] Has created a Custom Post Type (CPT). .

CPT hierarchical Taksonomijh in which I have called (learning time) and as follows:

  Europe - United Kingdom - England  
< P> I have a custom function that rewrites the URL, so it will look like this:

http://www.site.com/Europe/UK/England/stoke -park /

What I am doing, my custom post will not be in one class without the child being in my parents (classification of URL Will never exist and not in Europe).

Now I am trying to do without much luck, list all the positions u.k. Like URL:


This does not work, but it's such a The simple concept seems to be that I do not know why not.

http://www.site.com/Europe/ or http: // www. Site.com/UK/ however work.

What do I need to do to get this work, or is it possible?

When entering a new classification, add the rewrite parameter to your case:

  function build_taxonomies () {register_taxonomy ( 'Europe', 'Home', array ( 'hierarchical' = & gt; true, 'label' = & gt; 'Europe', 'Query_var' = & Gt; true, 'rewrite' = & gt; array ('hierarchical' = & gt; true)); } Add_action ('init', 'build_taxonomies', 0);  

Then add the Stoke and Nest Stoke to the UK under UK (Parents).

(Try even after adding code)


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