
Showing posts from August, 2010

osx - Unity 3.5.6 compile error on mac mini for iOS -

I have compiled the error and there is no way to fix it: Undefined symbols architectural armv7: "_ mono_aot_module_Assembly_UnityScript_firstpass_info", referenced from: Register in RegisterMonoModules () MonoMold.ODD: Symbol for Armv7 Symbol (s) not found false: error: failed with linker command failure code 1 (Use -V to see orientation) for valid architecture In the build settings, select armv7 only. XML-Unity Script-Firstpass Resolve Dll.s and assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll.sxcode project

c# - Retrieving IDataErrorInfo string result in viewmodel -

How can I get the string from my ViewModel using the IDataErrorInfo.this [string propertyName] method? Basically, I have created a new property inside the model, so I can validate each line in the model collection, and on my vaildation check, I would say whether it is legitimate or not and If not, then it will be disabled in my viewmodel command model string IDataErrorInfo.this [string propertyName] {get {// Vaildation logic if (result! String.Empty) {IsValid = false; } And {IsValid = true; } Return results; } View modell public bool CanSave {get (if m_ProductVersion! = Null & amp; m_ProductVersion.ProductItems! = Null) {foreach (in ProductItem item M_ProductVersion.ProductItems) // // I do not want to use anymore if there is more (! Item.IsValid return false); True} true; }} But I would like to get rid of the isValid property if I could use the result and IDUIRINFOIN inside Viomodalal. Can this be done? Thanks First of all, note that your IsValid is ...

Change default Python interpreter for Kivy from 2.7 to 3.3 -

I've read that since Kiwi 1.8 I can do Python 3.3 instead of 2.7, but even though I have installed Python 3.3 The kivy command still uses 2.7 . Can I manually modify the kivy bash script and the last line exec $ (python - C "import os, sys; ... My Python 3.3 to point to installation? One is but it should not be supported right now. So, what is the recommended method? The kivy packages for OSX use the default system Python: 2.7. System 2.7 of Python 2.7. Other Python, or 3.3 Use will not work, when If you live in a pure python then Python is great, but we are using a lot of underlying libraries for which the compilation is also necessary, will try to release 3.4 version by any means.

Need help on employing Graph Search parameters for hashtag query on facebook -

problem: I have to get public posts that have two hashtags (like #GAME & amp; ; #Movies). The graph search does not work apparently with the hashtag. Do you know a way to use a graph API to set up a query that can help me find those specific postings. Thank you in advance You can see the standard search API for posts as described in the answer You can use: For example, Type = post & access_token = {user_access_token} works for me.

c# - SQL ExecuteNonQuery throws "Incorrect syntax near '0'." -

I have the following code that I am using to insert several rows in the database: _conn.Open (); SqlCommand command = new SQL Commands (_insert [0]. Ostring (), _conn); order. Parameter. Add-Range ((_ [Insert [1] list as & lt; SqlParameter & gt;) ToArray ()); Int 32 Rows Affected = Command.exequnet (); _conn.Close (); The command (_Instant [1] .tostring ()) is: "Include the candidate (id, name) values ​​({0} , {1}), ({2}, {3}), ({4}, {5}), ({6}, {7}), ({8}, {9}), ({10} , {11}), ({12}, {13}), ({14}, {15}), ({16}, {17}), ({18}, {19}), ({20} , {21}), ({22}, {23}), ({24}, {25}), ({26}, {27}), ({28}, {29}), ({30 }, {31}), {{{{}}, {33} > and the command parameters are like this (from VS debug): [0] - parameter name = "0", SqlDbType = BigInt, value = 21400 [1 ] - parameter name = "1", SqlDbType = NvarChar, Value = "Dan Smith" [2] - parameter name = "2", SqlDbType = BigInt, Value = 21401 [3] - parameter name = "3...

jquery - Editing with a Dynamically generated table rows with html input controls -

I am using the code below to generate dynamically control and include their value in the database And it's working perfectly well. The problem is that I want to sue the same view to return and update the records. @for (var i = 0; i x attribute [name] i gt; td class = "true" gt; @ html textbox (x = & gt; x.Attribute_SortOrder [I]) & lt; td class = "left"> Junkies: var attribute_row = 1; function adapter () {html = '& lt; tbody id = "attribute-line' + attribute_ro + '" & gt;'; html = '& Lt; tr & gt;'; HTML + = ' @ html.textboxfor (x => x.AttributeName) & lt; div class = "verification Field "& gt; @ html.ValidationMessageFor (x = & gt; x AttributeName) & lt; / div & gt; & lt; / td & gt; '; Html + =' & lt; td class =" true "> ;; HTML + = '

PHP Upload and process a CSV file -

I have an upload form that takes a CSV file. Then I process it with PHP. & lt; Form action = "" method = "post" enctype = "multipart / form-data" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "file" name = "file" id = "file" /> & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "sweep up!" Class = "upload_sub" /> & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt ;? Php if (isset ($ _ POST ['submit'])} {if ($ _ files ["csv"] ["error"]> gt;} {echo 'echo' verse God forsoc igen. ';} And { $ Import = $ import = $ _FILES ['csv'] ['tmp_name']; $ Import = new importer (); $ import & gt; importTariff ($ tmp);}}? & Gt; lib.php class importer (I only submit related functions) public function importTariff ($ tmp) {if (($$ Handle = fopen ( $ Tmp, 'r'...

c# - IEnumerator yielding to the result of another IEnumerator -

I have two classes in my project In a first-class press, I press a button I'm calling the first IEnumerator at: if (GUI.Button (new review (250, 0, 100, 20), "clear")) {startcourtine (Foo.test ()); } The way to call looks like this (in the second category): public static IEnumerator test (yield returns) StartCoroutine (DownloadAndCache); // do stuff} However, once this gets a return from a second IEnumerator , then I only use this method to complete my tasks I am intending to wait and wait a few seconds to get results. This method looks like this: IEnumerator DownloadAndCache () {// Ready to be prepared for the caching system (! Caching earned) yield returns empty ; Debug. Log ("download asset bundle"); // Load the AssetBundle file from the cache if it exists with the same version or downloading it and downloading it in the cache (WWW www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload (jsonURL, version)) {yield returns www; If (www.error! = Null) {new e...

sql - Python/SQLite3 escaping in WHERE-Clause -

How do I survive in Python for SQLite3? If I have many questions for this (Google search or Stackoverflow) and every time the feedback is something like this: dbcursor.execute ("SELECT * FROM` foo 'Where's the' bar '? ", [" Phobar "]) This helps against SQL-injection, and if I only comperations with" = " So enough, but it certainly does not use wildcards. So if I set cursor.exicute (u) "cookies set" cookies, then `counter` =? WHERE 'Empty Name' iii? ", (Cookies, names)) Some users may supply"% "for a nickname and will replace all cookie entries with one line. I can (ie ... maybe I'll forget at least one of those Wildcards), I can use lowercase on nick and nickname and I can change "IIL" with "=", but I actually What I would like to do with some of the lines: foo = sqlesc Ape (nick) + "%" cursor.extech (u) "set cookies" set `calculation` =? Wh...

Add event to tab selection in Lightswitch HTML client -

Using Lightweight 2013 HTML Clients is trying to add an event that will fire when the tab on screen is selected (Or will be clicked) I do not get any results with the following code: - myapp.ViewThing.HistoryTab_postRender = function (element, contentItem) {$ (element). Click (function () {warnings ("clicked on tab !!!");}); $ (Element). Selection (function () {warning ("select tab !!!");}); }; There is a post render code for a tab on the top screen. This type of code works for other screen objects, such as text fields. Any thoughts that I am doing wrong, or why it should not work for tabs? Thank you! You can use jQuery to hook a related listener on tab container (any One time event per screen in the posterender) and only currently active tab myapp.ViewThing.HistoryTab_postRender = function (element, contentItem) {$ (".mls-tabs-container li") take care. On ("click", function (e) {$ .each (contentItem.screen.details.pages, fu...

java - Override hover method in JUNG -

I am using the framework to simulate a bubble GUI for directory browsing, now I want to override the hover method I'm trying to so that when I hover over a square that pulls anything else "Add other nodes" I'm using in the library. Public Zero Hover Changed (ObjectsNew Event Event, Object Original Hojed Object, Object Newheez Object) {// System. Out.println ("hover" + number); If (new hook object example of number) {hover = (number) newHoveredObject; Widget = search widget (hover); Task.schedule (750); } Else {widget = null; Hover = null; Task.cancel (); GetSceneAnimator () AnimateForegroundColor (label, new color (255, 255, 255, 0)); }} I tried to add the code of the drawing for the first time but it is not working factory string, integer> graph) {//graph.addVertex("A0 "); Graph.addEdge (EdgeFactor.ctre), "Micromax", "B0"); Graph.addEdge (EdgeFactor.Create (), "Micromax", "B1"); Graph.addEdg...

angularjs - how to pass query parameter in resolve method -

यह मेरा जेएस कोड है var MYApp = angular.module ('myApp', ['एनजीआरयूटीए', 'मायपेससर्विसेंस', 'एनजीएसएनाइटाइज़'])। कॉन्फिग (माइराउटर); Angular.module ('myAppServices', ['ngResource'])। फैक्टररी ('ग्रिड एपीआई', फ़ंक्शन ($ संसाधन) {रिटर्न {GetUser: $ संसाधन ('/ MY / system / getUser /: id')}}}) ; फ़ंक्शन व्यूउज़र कंट्रोलर ($ स्कोप, उपयोगकर्ता) {} फ़ंक्शन myRouter ($ मार्ग प्रदाता) {$ routeProvider। जब ('/ उपयोगकर्ता / दृश्य /: आईडी', {templateUrl: '/ MY / system / users / view /: id', नियंत्रक : 'व्यूउज़र कंट्रोलर', हल करें: {उपयोगकर्ता: फ़ंक्शन (ग्रिड एपीआई) {// इस यूआरएल को दिए गए आईडी के आधार पर उपयोगकर्ता कैसे लौटाएगा?}}}); } मैं दृश्य को लोड होने से पहले उपयोगकर्ता को एजेक्स कॉल के जरिए प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं, मैं हल करने में आईडी पैरामीटर कैसे प्राप्त करूं? इंजेक्ट $ route और उसके बाद: संकल्प: {उपयोगकर्ता: ['$ route', 'ग्रिड एपीआई', फ़ंक्शन ($ मार्ग, ग्रिड एपीआई...

excel vba - Return Dictionary from Function or Sub in VBA -

I would like to create a sub object and start a sub object and use it in another. I could do everything in one and everything, but want to make the code modular, it gives "logic not optional" which is the latest error in the latest version of this code which I have tried to do, what am I doing wrong? setDictionary () as the dictionary set aDictionary = new dictionary with aDictionary. Add key: = "key1", item: = "value1". Add the key: = "key2", item: = CreateDictionary = "A2" with a "value2" end, the authonization function sub-useDictionary () myDictionary = CreateDictionary myDictionary.Keys MsgBox myDictionary.k next key for every K sub "Post-text" itemprop = "text"> 1) CreateDictionary = aDictionary should be setDictionary = set aDictionary 2) myDictionary = CreateDictionary should be set myDictionary = CreateDictionary 3) MsgBox myDictionary.k must be MsgBox myDictionary (k) Cor...

recursion - I can't understand the "yield" with recursive function in Python -

मैं "उपज" को समझने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। def permutations (seq): अगर लेन (seq) & lt; = 1: उपज seq अन्य: के लिए permutations में perm (seq [1:]): श्रेणी के लिए मैं (लेन (perm) +1): उपज perm [i:] + seq [0: 1] + perm [: i] प्रिंट सूची (क्रमबद्धता ([ 'पुलिस', 'भैंस', 'मछली'])) इसका परिणाम नीचे दिया गया है: [['मछली', 'भैंस' , 'पुलिस', '' भैंस '', 'पुलिस', 'मछली'], ['पुलिस', 'मछली', 'भैंस'], ['भैंस', 'मछली', 'पुलिस'], [' "उपज" के बारे में मेरे व्यवहार का स्तर सिर्फ इसका इस्तेमाल इसके लिए किया जाता है। generater। और मैं नीचे दिए गए कोड को समझ सकता हूँ। रिवर्स ('गोल्फ') में चारों के लिए उपज डेटा [इंडेक्स]: def रिवर्स (डेटा): इंडेक्स रेंज में (लेन (डेटा) -1, -1, -1): प्रिंट (चार) फ्लॉग मेरा स्तर बस ऊपर समझ है .. लेकिन recursion के साथ, मैं समझ नहीं सकता ... कृपया समझाओ धन्यवाद हाँ, उपज जनरेटर के लिए है इसका अ...

ruby - How to increment the last octet in an IP address -

How to write a Ruby Auxiliary function that will increase from to or the third octet On max hit, increase the 3 octet properly. Required "ipaddr" addr = "" addr.succ # = & gt; # & Lt; IPAddr: IPv4: 9 / & gt; Addr = "" addr.succ # = & gt; # & Lt; IPAddr: IPv4:>

excel - Assigning String a value from another workbook -

I am trying to designate a value from a cell in a string in another code in any other workbook. So currently my code will look at the column P, G, H, I in the workbook, but I have created another workbook which requires all the columns to see me. On the second workbook I used to map it So the site ID value is shipped, but I can exercise how to specify a value in this code below code from this workbook. I want this to change the value in my mapping workbook instead of just having to change it instead of coming back to my coding and changing the column letter. ShipToSiteID = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim (range ("P" Alt); 1) Application. Worksheet Function. RIM (Range ("G" and Counter)) AltShipTo2 = Application. Worksheet Function. RIM (Range ("H" and Counter)) AltShipToCity = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim (Category) ("I" and Counter)) when you use the range" p "and counter) this ActiveWorksheet , So it is...

sql - Dynamically process Cubes in SSIS -

In my control flow I have three "Analysis Services Processing Functions" I each processes a different cube now the problem is That I want them to control execution time. I have to pass in a parameter to control the execution of solid processing. It can be run like Task 1 in any combination, then Task 3 and then Task One I am able to configure it as CMD parameter or DB or XML based config. I am thinking that if I store sequences like 1,2,3,1,3 in the database and take it on runtime and store it in a variable and it is repeated through it To use a foreach and run the functions inside that loop? Can anyone suggest or share his experience Thank you very much To add a connection string, add a database table and repeat it through a connection string using a foreach loop

c# - How to call JS function in -

My problem is that I want to call JS function on the text box attribute "OnTextChanged", the JS function should check that Text is correct in the text box and set the visibility of the button Here is my asp code: ... ... & lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; JS (in other file): function valid () {var textbox = '& lt;% = FirstTextBox.ClientID% & gt; '; Var acceptButton = '& lt;% = AddButton.ClientID% & gt;'; Var text = document.getElementById (textbox) .value; Accept Var = document.getElementById (Accept button); If (data is correct) {works ..} and { = 'none'; }} And in # code I set the attribute for the text box. ClientScriptManager cs = Page.ClientScript; Cs.RegisterClientScriptInclude ("Verify", "Verify.js"); this. First text box. Features. Add ("OnText Change," "Valid ()"); The JS function is not executed, it seems that the program also ...

c# - Navigation Transition blink/overlap with fast user interaction -

I have a xaml page with an next / previous button in the application bar Navigation is a new example of the same page ( To browse forwards and backwards through a checklist of questions, ApplicationBar is available before the navigation slide transition is completed and if the user continually clicks the button in succession, the transition looks overlap and messy. If there is any progress, then there is no way to cancel any infection to avoid flicker? - Draw circle and X spots inside an image by list of x,y coordinates.Asp C# -

मेरे पास एक asp: image & lt; asp: Image ID = "ImageMap1" Runat = "server" imageUrl = "~ / images / court.jpg" & gt; & lt; / asp: छवि & gt; इसके अलावा मेरे पास एक्स एक्स के साथ 4 सूचियां हैं, वाई निर्देशांक int [] GreenCircleX = नया इंट [4] {10, 20, 22, 25 }; Int [] GreenCircleY = नया इंट [4] (10, 20, 22, 25}; Int [] RedxX = नया इंट [4] (15, 6, 50, 32}; Int [] RedxY = नया इंट [4] (15, 8, 50, 23}; मैं GreenCircleX से (यदि संभव हो) आकर्षित करने के लिए हरे रंग की छोटी हलकों चाहते, वाई छवि के अंदर निर्देशांक: RedxX से लाल X स्पॉट इसके अलावा court.jpg, वाई एक ही छवि में समन्वय करता है। कुछ भी क्लिक करने योग्य होने की आवश्यकता नहीं है। छवि court.jpg: और संभव परिणाम कोई सुझाव? कोड। बिटमैप बिटमैमैआई = नया सिस्टम। ड्रॉइंग। बिटमैप (Server.MapPath (@ "images \ court.jpg")); ग्राफिक्स ग्राफिक आईएम = ग्राफिक्स.फ्रेमइमेज (बिटमैमैमै); कलम पेनग्रेन = नया पेन (रंग। ग्रीन, 3); कलम penRed = नया कलम (रंग। रेड, 3); के लिए ...

android - Cannot instantiate the type GalerieAdapter -

I am trying to work with custom grid view, but I found these errors: Multiple markers in this line - type gallery adapter - line breakpoint: gallery [line: 48] - can not instantate the type of bundle - type gallery applet line 48, where it displays errors: customGridAdapter = new gallery adapter (this, R.Let.Gallery_O, Gr Dare); Gallery here. Java is: package com.descoper.rom; Import java.util.ArrayList; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android App Import Bitmap; Import and; Import android.widget.GridView; Import android.widget.ListAdapter; Public Class Gallery & lt; Gallery adapter & gt; Activity {GridView gridView; ArrayList & LT; Item & gt; GridRare = New Arrestist & lt; Items & gt; (); GalerieAdapter Custom Grid Adapter; @ Override Protected Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. NET (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout.galerie); // Set grid view item bitmap homeIcon = BitmapFactory...

java - exception while trying to upgrade oto ojdbc7.jar from ojdb6.jar -

I deleted my ojdb6.jar file with the ojdb7.jar in the Tomcat / ob. Turned on on Tomcat and I get the following error when trying to use it ... Could not find JDBC connection; Nested exception is org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.SQLNestedException: PoolableConnectionFactory (ORA-00604 can not be made: recursive SQL level 1 Error on ORA-01,882: no zone area found Resource certification = "container" driverClassName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" type = "javax.sql.DataSource"; connection pool configuration I am using .... & lt maxActive = "25" maxIdle = "25" maxWait = "2000" name = "JDBC / getcontacts" timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = "1000" minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = "30000" removeAbandoned = "true" removeAbandonedTimeout = "30000" logAbandoned = "true" Username = "xxxx" on pass Distributing selected = "" XXXXX validationQuery = ...

php - How to put a parameter in a Laravel controller method not obligatory? -

I do not know how to make the parameters mandatory in the Laravel controller method, because I found a route (I I am saying that it is not mandatory): Route: Received ('/ account / student / create / {student_id?}', Array ('as' = & Gt; 'Account-Student-Building', 'Usage' = & gt; Student-Controller @ Get Crelet)); I got it in my controller: getCreate ($ student_id) {...} if If no parameter fills in the path then I have received the warning message: Logic 1 for StudentController 1: getCreate () Thanks for helping ! Gene Add a default value to declare your controller method: getCreate {$ student_id = null} {...} Such a method when the method is called without a value, $ student_id will be set to clear.

xcode - xcodebuild of cocoapods project with PRODUCT_NAME fails -

I can construct my cocopode project using this command: base = $ (basename * .xcworkspace .xcworkspace) xcodebuild -sdk "iphonesimulator $ ios_version" \ CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR = "$ build_dir / build" \ -workspace $ base.xcworkspace -scheme $ base-configuration AdHoc \ DSTROOT = $ build_dir \ OBJROOT = $ build_dir \ SYMROOT = $ However, if I use this command it fails: base = $ (basename * .xcworkspace. xcworkspace) xcodebuild -sdk "iphonesimulator $ ios_version" \ CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR = "$ build_dir / build" \ -workspace $ base.xcworkspace -scheme $ base configuration adhoc \ PRODUCT_NAME = App \ & LT; ========== === This extra line ===== DSTROOT = $ build_dir \ OBJROOT = $ build_dir \ SYMROOT = $ build_dir \ ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH = No \ "$ @" The more weird, if I use the first command and the second command will work. (Delete the build directory to reset.) Is the others facing the same problem? And is it possible to m...

tcp - Make HTTP Request in Rust using std -

I'm trying to teach myself Rust I know about it, but I want to make my own http client I am currently building for GNU Linux 64bit. This is my current code: use std :: io :: net :: ip :: SocketAddr; Use std :: io :: net :: tcp :: TcpStream; Use std :: io :: net :: addrinfo :: get_host_addresses; Use std :: io :: net :: ip :: IpAddr; Use std :: io :: stdio :: println; Fn Main () {// http end point hosts = ~ ""; Path = ~ "/ goip"; // Try changing host to IP address ip_lookup = get_host_addresses (host) .unwrap (); // Open socket connection addr = SocketAddr {ip: ip_lookup [0] .clone (), port: port.clone ()}; Repeat socket = TCPstream :: connect_time (ADR, 200U64). Unwop (); // format HTTP request mute header = format! ("GET {} http / 1.0 \ r \ nHost: {} \ r \ n", path.clone (), host.clone ()); Println (header); Socket.write_str (header); // Requesting and returning the response as strings resp = socket.read_to_str (). Unwrap (); Pr...

android - creating a onclick listview with three items KJV, WEB, BBE -

I am having this problem in creating a list view activity in Android If you click on an item, it opens another activity. I have 3 lists that are KJV, BBE, web version. I have already created activities of 3 editions. I tried to do this and did it continue to crash my ADT Can anyone help? I am also using the latest API which is API 1.

javascript - Filereader api image onload event for tiff image format not triggering -

I am using the HTML5 File Reader API to upload an image to the server before uploading the image to the image, But the problem is that when I upload the TIFF format image load image is not triggered, please see the code below $ ('# file'). ('Change', function (e) {if (window.FileReader) {var reader = new fileReader (); reader.readAsDataURL ( [0]); reader.onload = function (e) {var Image = new Image; image.src =; image .onload = function () {alert ();}}};} else {Warning ('Flarerider API is not supported in your browser, please do not forget to install Firefox, Safari , Chrome or IE 10! ')}});

Primary images when Sharing page on Facebook -

We have a PHP based real estate template and when we share the page on Facebook, the resulting photos are not included to choose from IE to choose from the desired photo (s) We have 10-15 images on this page, and Facebook only offers 3-4 offers as an option to share, none of which we want to share. Suggestions? Example: I have seen in some cases that the image size and / or aspect ratio did not meet the requirement of Facebook and did those pictures. The user does not appear on the wall, timeline or Facebook page. The best practice has been shown and I think this is the latest. Since Facebook changes this optimization practice, including design, timeline, news feed and page accordingly. So be careful to catch the latest specifications. So far the document describes: Use images with at least 1200 x 630 pixels for the best display on high resolution devices. At least, you should use images that are 600 x 315 pixels to display the linked page post with large images. There ... - ASP.NET Master Pages in VB>NET -

I have one. website has all the .aspx files that are all close to my custom class. There are common attributes for each .aspx page like menu and things like that, so I have created a master page. I want to keep those common methods that call me in my master page code behind my custom class and I can not do that as I am able to get my master page to get an heir guess not. I want to change the following .. Partial class module_ MyPage Inherits System Web.UI.MasterPage Do something like For ... ... partial class module MyPustomClass Inherits To damage the content pages above, I was thinking that someone could advise me on the right perspective is. There is something like what you want: partial class module_maypase MyCustomClass's archive Where Acquires partial class MyCustomClass systems. Web.UI.MasterPage But this is not possible if your class is already Web. why. Get from the page. Really useful

sql server 2008 - How to extract from multiple tables with different structure to one flat file? -

I have to follow three tables, which can be connected using common columns, keys and they have different There are columns. Table 1 (key, colnA-1, colnA-2, ..., colnA-n) Table 2 (key, colnB-1, colnB-2, ..., colnB- M) Table 3 (key, colnC-1, colnC-2, ..., colnC-i) I have to combine three tables and export a flat file like colnA- 1, colnA-2, a, colnA-3, ..., colnAnn colnA-1, colnA-2, b, colnB-1, colnB-2,. .., colnB-M colnA-1, colnA-2, b, colnB-1, colnB-2, ..., colnB-m colnA-1, colnA-2, b, colnB-1, colnB-2,. .., colnB-m ... colnA-1, colnA-2, c, colnC-1, colnC-2, ..., colnC-i colnA-1, colnA-2, c, colnC-1, colnC- 2, ..., colnC-i colnA-1, colnA-2, c, colnC-1, colnC-2, ..., colnC-i ... A means that data in the remaining line From 1st to B, B means that the data in the remaining row is from table 2, etc. My first question is it possible to write a question to do this? Join the three tables to create a final table with the structure as above, then I can use the SSIS to export the...

node.js - Mongoose distinct query -

Forgive my ignorance, but it is possible to get different tag attributes with all the links in a query? I know that you can use .distinct ('tag') but then I need to send the data twice, for which I have to ask a single link again I have to Schema is Var link = new schema ({title: {type: string, required: true}, url: {type: string, required: true}, tag: [{type: string , Required: true}],}); Link .Fund ({}) .exec (function (mistake, q) {res.json (q);}); If you need all the URLs per tag: ({$ group: {_id: "$ tag", link: {$ addToSet: "$ url"}}})

Multiple AzureAD Admins On Single Azure Tenant -

Is there more than one administrator on an EZR tenant? We have a federation with Microsoft and we have provisioned our on-premit ADM to be a Global Administrator in Azure. What I am seeing is my basic account administrator, when I add a new account and login, I tell that I need a subscription. Am I missing something? Are there any check boxes that we tick somewhere? Or do we just need to call Microsoft and go? Am I trying this same person? Thanks in advance! You must add those "organizational" accounts as co-administrator through the ezoor management portal . Check here:

Cache Queues And Load Balancing in GridGain -

In Docs (), it has been mentioned that the balance of alternative instrument loads by the work worker grid on the cache queue. I examined this concept of this type: A constructor was implemented, which would allow grid-earning jobs on a split cache (distributed block queue) Attaches. I had to use a partitioned queue (because the local queue is not suited for multi-grid access, by definition). A user has been implemented, which at startup, creates nodes threads that always block on, work on the queue, consumer (take operation) to send it from the job to the grid, Take the next () operation before blocking. Question: (2) The right way to implement a listener (one option presented to listener's jobs rather than listener threads within the consumer While this architecture provides dynamic load balancing, T appears that provides several benefits that provide regular gridgen models such as failover, affinity transfer (distributed cash) Goes - so in the calculation of data...

"Speech Balloon"-like arrow for Jquery Dialog -

In my attempt to add arrows to my Jquery dialogue box, I am following the outlined approach. However, this solution uses the ui-resizable - * sections of Jquery, but I do not want my dialog box to be actually resizable Is there another interaction that I can use in place of resizable , or is there a way to handle resizable but disabling resizable functionality? .ui-dialog class, just adjust the arrow position bit view the job

Generate only $ref in JSON.NET JsonSchemaGenerator? -

Some of my classes in Java I have a goal of converting NET model classes. The current method I am trying to use is JSON.NET to generate JSON schema and then to use jsonschema2pojo to create Java classes. I have .NET backend and .NET, Android, and IOS clients. This specific piece is for Android clients. To consume JSON crawling resources from the net server My specific question is: Is's generator of JSON.NET can not be reconfigured in nested classes, but to always specify a $ ref? I'm not seeing any option for JsonSchemaGenerator and nothing in the Jason Property feature does not appear that would help I do not want to duplicate a schema file for each class and a class nested within the other class . Jsonschema2pojo works well with a directory full of schema files, with each file containing the name of the class.

The following query works in mysql but not on my php page -

"itemprop =" text "> I see the following query, which works in MySQL Workbench but fails when I run it on my php page Is it Do not I have permission to use my and I do not like after joining? I'm not sure why this query works in the MySQL workspace, but php is not the page as soon as I remove it and not like the page, the exact cascade as $ query = sprintf (for ... // query runs ", m.display_name, select meter. Updated_at, group_concat as value (meta.value), metadata_custom from = meta.page_id Insert p.metadata_id = group on metadata meter by unian all select m on the meter as p Get metadata meter on the path = cascade_publish.file.metadata_id where the path '% .jpg' and path do not like the path '.id, name, m.updated_at, m.account_id, cascade_publish.file'% .png 'and not path'% .gif 'and not path'% .js' and path '% .dll' and path '% .atn' ") do not like; $ Stid =...

Bootstrap: Centering a set of columns -

मेरे पास यह है: & lt; div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; div class = "col-sm-8" & gt; ... ... & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; मुझे लगता है कि उन 8 छोटे स्तंभों को उपलब्ध पृष्ठ चौड़ाई के बीच में फ्लोट करना है। अगर मैं एक रंग-एस-ओफ़्सेट -2 जोड़ता हूं, लेकिन यह सब कुछ ठीक है, भले ही वहां अंतरिक्ष न हो। यदि आप अपने पंक्ति में एक को घेरते हैं, तो उसे सब कुछ केंद्र में रखना चाहिए? col-sm-offset-2 से आपको क्या चाहिए प्राप्त करना चाहिए, उदा। & lt; div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "पंक्ति" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2" & gt; ... & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt;

java - Stopwatch resistant against system time changes -

I want to make a stopwatch in Java, which is immune to changes in system time. Long start = System.nanoTime (); // System time stops longer = System.nanoTime (); Long time = start - stop; So the problem with this code is that when the system time is changing, the time measurement is wrong. The above code should be resistant to changes in system time according to the API: This method can only be used for time elapsed and is related to any other notion of system or wall clock.

jquery - how to change text color hover -

When I & lt; Li & gt; How do I change the text color? Now I have to do more than the text. Demo HTML & lt; Nav id = "NAV" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Home & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Contact us & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Employment & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Benefits & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Form & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; CSS: Navi #New {width: 192px; Background: #fff; Padding: 0px; } Nav # nav a {color: # 18819c; } Nav # NAv ul li {Height: 30px; Width: 192 px; Margin: 5 px 0 px-5px-10px...

stylesheet - How and when are CSS rules applied to a display hierarchy? -

Is there a simple implementation of open source or CSS that can be applied in arbitrary performance hierarchy? I am trying to create one for the Flash display hierarchy in AS3. I am curious about the process used to apply CSS styles to a display hierarchy. I think that some or all selectors are added, removed, or restored in the entire display list every time a display object, as well as when events occur, such as focus changes, such as the existence of selectors such as "First-hair" and pseudo-selector such as ": Focus". In the initial application of styles, should the entire display list scan an element, apply style, or all items should be sorted together with up-front and specific rule categories at one time? Or something like that I'm really looking for a good general resource on a real implementation. Update: I'm probably looking for some levels, but I do not know that this is the state of the art: "Graded interventions provide a simple...

ios - What's the difference between an Xcode wild card and a App ID? -

Ever since I've signed up for a Developers account, it has amazed me! I should know which one to use when I submit my app in the store? In addition to the goal> Building Settings> Code Signing > Provisioning profiles are the prices shown in the image, which I choose to submit my app? or wild card? And finally what is used in the hectare for and what is its importance? Wild card IDs are for development purposes only Suppose you are working on an app, and It does not know what will be his last name. You use the Wildcard App ID until you designate it. Once you name it, you submit It should be unique in the entire iOS ecosystem, that's why they work in this way. But two companies do not have the same name and product name, no conflicts will happen.

java - Why are cardlayout keys passed as Objects? -

java.awt.CardLayout.addLayoutComponent (घटक कंप, ऑब्जेक्ट बाधाएं) "बाधाओं से निर्दिष्ट ऑब्जेक्ट्स को स्ट्रिंग होना चाहिए" से। तो यह ऑब्जेक्ट एक स्ट्रिंग होना चाहिए, इसलिए ऑब्जेक्ट तर्क के रूप में क्यों लेता है? प्रश्न मुझे परेशान कर रहा है क्योंकि यह मुझे आशा करता है कि कार्डलेआउट के लिए कुंजी के रूप में उपयोग करने के लिए एक आसान तरीका है। सार्वजनिक वर्ग MainWindow JPanel {Private CardLayout cards = new CardLayout () ; सार्वजनिक मैनविंडो () {सेट लेआउट (कार्ड); Cards.addLayoutComponent (नया FirstComp), MyEnum.LONG_ANNOYING_NAME_ONE); Cards.addLayoutComponent (नया सेकंड कॉम्प (), मायएनम। LONG_ANNOYING_NAME_TWO); Cards.addLayoutComponent (नया थर्ड कॉम्प (), मायईनम। LONG_ANNOYING_NAME_THREE); / ** * नोटिस नहीं .toस्ट्रिंग () enums पर कॉल करें क्या मेरे * enum वर्ग को परिभाषित करने का एक तरीका है जिससे कि यह कार्यक्षमता संभव है? ** /} सार्वजनिक शून्य शो विधि (MyEnum शो) { (यह, MyEnum); }} सार्वजनिक enum MyEnum {LONG_ANNOYING_NAME_ONE, LONG_A...

c# - Regexp.Short representation of ip address -

I need less representation of IP address. Instead, should be For example, source file: set address "unstusted GN "" " set out" Asatyst "" " set out" Anstrst GN "" output file: set the "Anstrst GN" "" set address "Antrst GN" "" set out "UntrustGn" "" 217.118.6 9.0 / 24 I have to Have tried but desired Did not receive Nam ... Help! Please! Strymreder reader = new Strymrider (opendialog.FileName); string pattern address Zone = @ "set" ". * "" "". * "" [0-9] +. [0-9] +. [0- 9] + [0-9] + ([0- 9] + [0-9] + [0-9] + [0-9] +) "... var matches zone = Regex.Matches ( reader.ReadToEn...

phpmyadmin run mysql stored procedure but no output -

मैं नीचे एक बहुत ही साधारण संग्रहीत कार्यविधि लिखूंगा: ड्रॉप प्रक्रिया यदि सभी GetAllTours है; DELIMITER // निर्माण प्रक्रिया GetAllTours () शुरू से चुनें; पर्यटन से; END // DELIMITER; जब मैं का उपयोग करता हूं तो GetAllTours (); इस प्रक्रिया को चलाने के लिए SQL क्वेरी से, कोई आउटपुट नहीं है लेकिन अगर मैं & gt; & gt; routines & gt; & gt; निष्पादित करें से चलूं, तो वही प्रक्रिया, वहाँ सफलतापूर्वक आउटपुट होगा। क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है एसक्यूएल क्वेरी से कैसे चलाना है और परिणाम प्राप्त करें? आप इस क्वेरी का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: कॉल GetAllTours

iphone - Duplicate target in Xcode get error: Xcode cannot run using the selected device -

I am making a goal duplicates, to create and link a new information. The plist file, a prefix.pch file, also changes the bundle ID and the name of the bundle is fine, but the message was found: Xcode can not use the selected device. Anytime in a simulator or an iPod, it can not run. What can I do? Is this because because of bundle Build product name In the setting, it can be run.

css - dygraph - how to change the default time period range selector is set too -

The example code for the Dygraph Range selector is the default range selector representing the whole time period. Is there any instance of a mirror in which the selector has been set to spend only 2 days or a week? If not, how can it be accomplished? You can enter dateWindow property, for example: New Digraph (div, data, {dateWindow: [3, 7]});

New Everyplay SDK alert on beta adhoc build in Unity3D for iOS -

I have Unity 3D games with a singleplayplay integration. It does not reside on iOS, the iTunes ID matches the non-live version of the app. When a user tries to share a video through every video (adhoc test user), they receive a warning "New iOS Everyday SDK available for download." What do I expect in this output settings? Our game is using the latest Harpley Unity 3D SDK from the Unity 3D Asset Shop. What is the Integration SDK for an update? Instead of emailing / alerting developers, why does each player show a warning for a test user? I assume that everyplow auto-detects if an app is live or not, right? After my application is live, users will not see this alert. Can anyone confirm?

go - Converting from []T1 to []T2 when T2 has the underlying type of T1 -

Two closely related questions: Why do you allow change to [] T1 Do not give to [] T2 if T2 has the underlying type of T1 negative results Example: Package main import ("fmt" Insecure ") type T1 struct {val int} / T2, the T1 type T2 type T2 type is the main main () {a: = [] T1 {T1 {12}} // one can not change type [] T1 [] T2 / B: = ([] T2) (A) // But some insecure So, we can do it. // So, why is not it allowed to go? And what could be the unexpected result? B: = * (* [] T2) (unsafe indicator (and a)) B [0 ] .Val = 42 fmt.Println (a [0] .Val) // 42} Playground: Example of use: If T1 implements a fixed interface, then json .marshaler , and you have a Want to encode JSON differently, you create a new type T2 T1 with one of your code's json.marshaler . It works fine while mastering single values, but when you get the [] T1 piece, you either have to copy it in [] T2 slice or a new Instead of turning on ST1 [] T1 with its own Marti...

shell - Expansion in Linux -

I was reading the tutorial below This is about double quotes In: / P> double quote We will see double quotes of the kind of quote we have. If you place the text in double quotation marks, then all special characters used by the shell lose their particular meaning and are considered as normal characters. Exceptions are "$", "\" (backslash), and "` "(back-coat). This means that word-split, pathname extension, tilde extension, and brace detail are suppressed, but parameter extension, arithmetic expansion, and command replacement are still done. And about single quotes: Single quotes If you need to suppress all the extensions, You can use quotes. Why this LS why only *. Txt does not work "* .txt" or '*. Txt ' $ ls -l * .txt -rw-r - r-- 1 Noble No 8893 Apr 17 06:25 BigText.txt -rwxr-xr-x 1 Pride None 54376 Apr 18 12:32 File .txt -rw-r - r-- 1 Noble No 371 Apr 23 21:04 Filelists. TT-RWXR-XR-X1 Pride None 543...

php - How to select by time using doctrine 2? -

I have a table in my database that stores my event data, and I have the principle 2 I am using I need to select from the table which is all events between 9:00 am to 13:00, no matter to date How can I accomplish this? Note that I am not trying to compare dates. I did not find the answer to any question for which I am searching. If you are using MySQL, I think that this

html - Selecting every third element except for a few (in unordered list) -

How can I select every other 3 elements in an unordered list like below? I have & lt; Li & gt; There is a random amount of but I need the third, ninth, fifteen, etc. for example every second 3. Is this possible in HTML or CSS or javascript? & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; ... & lt; / Ul & gt; You actually want to select each sixth element Looking for, but starting with the third: ul li: nth-child (6n + 3)

android - Parse different objects with same tag in JSON string using GSON -

मेरे पास REST कॉल है जो सफलता के लिए अलग JSON देता है और विफलता की स्थिति। सफलता - {"server_method_name": "{\" Master_Tag \ ": {\ **" तालिका \ ": [{\" ग्राहक आईडी \ ": 000000}] ** }} "} विफलता - {" server_method_name ":" {\ "Master_Tag \": {\ ** "Table \": [{\ "स्थिति \": \ "False \"}] **}} "} अंतर "तालिका" टैग में है क्योंकि इसमें विभिन्न प्रकार के डेटा होते हैं मैं इसे कैसे पार्स कर सकता हूं और यह निर्धारित कर सकता हूं कि " तालिका " टैग क्या है? मैं GSON लाइब्रेरी का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और यह एक एंड्रॉइड ऐप है। संपादित करें: वर्ग संरचना - सर्वर विधि का नाम पार्स करने के लिए सार्वजनिक वर्ग ParseCustomerLoginResponseMethodName {@ SerializedName ("server_method_name") निजी स्ट्रिंग mMethodName; / ** * * / पब्लिक पार्सकॉल्टर लॉगिनरस्पॉन्पमेस्पेम () {// ऑटो-जेनरेट कन्स्ट्रक्टर स्टब} / ** * @ विधि वापस लौटें * / सार्वजनिक स्ट्र...

wordpress - Invisible/Conditional link to draft pages -

I sometimes hit keywords while writing a new blog post, that I want to write another post about the future . This post was not present, but when writing a post, a link (or whatever would later become a link) would be very easy to refer to the post in the future, when the new post was actually added to the link manually later Exists in I had already thought about using drafts for this scenario and just made an empty post, but finally displayed conditional invisible link for draft and view links for published posts. I did not find any plugins to do Any idea how to solve this issue?

c - warning c4996 See online help for details -

WARNING C4996: 'getch': POSIX name has been disliked for this item. Instead, the ISO C ++ Confirm Name Name: _getch. This compiler's warning indicates that the 'getch ()' function in the code is a reference to it. The compiler is suggesting that the code is updated to use the '_getch ()' function instead. Generally, this error will occur in a Microsoft development environment way back , a long time ago, Microsoft introduced 'getch ()' [And 'getche ()'] Functions These functions will press a key for the user, and then send the key character back to the caller. The 'Getch ()' function key (DOS or Early Windows) will not 'echo' back on the screen, while 'met' () 'the key pressed on the screen will be echoed. The 'getch ()' and 'gach ()' functions were not adopted by other environments, such as * Nick. Eventually, in order to help identify Microsoft's proprietary (Microsoft) nature, t...

sql - PHP: Getting URL Referral Key -

I am working on the email referral link for user registration with PHP. The idea is that when you register, a random string is generated as a url referrals and sent to your inbox. Then when you click on the link provided in the email, you are sent to the page that confirms your account. Although I'm having problems getting the referral key from the URL and matching with DB. / P> So far what I have: // Example URL - http: //example.come? Ref = 5493tgfd83 $ passkey = $ _GET ['ref']; $ Success = true; $ CheckKey = "SELECT * FROM $ tbl_name WHERE confirmCode = '$ passkey'"; $ ConfirmKey = mysql_query ($ checkKey); If ($ confirmKey) {$ countKey = mysql_num_rows ($ confirmKey); } // key does not match the redirect on 404 if ($ countKey! = 1) {header ("location: 404.php"); $ Success = false; } For the time being, the query is not running and the page is not redirecting as expected. That is, if I enter the wrong key, the page does not r...

How to make Eclipse plugin web browser automatically resize web pages to fit the view size? -

I am writing an Eclipse plugin, and it has a web browser view. Since the view is small enough, A web page is displayed to show, it only shows a small part of it What can I do in the size of my browser to resize the web browser? Or are open source web browsers that have already been implemented which I can use?

angularjs - Angular scope undefined inside $watch and scope variables not available inside $animate function -

I have an animation instruction that uses scope. Look for changes to $ $ on its properties, in this case instructions. Problems I need to manipulate parental scope variables from within the $ watch or animation function. I within my instruction, but out of the clock, scope, element, and attrs parameters are defined. Inside view $ only the element is defined and the scope and the ethers are not. Prohibit: 'A', link: function (area, element, etter) {// Scope, elements, and attrs are defined here scope. $ Watch (attrs.animateGif, function (runAnim) {// only the element is defined here if (runanim) {$ animate.addClass (element, AnimLargenerGif ', function () {// a child's scope is defined here console.log ("add class callback in instructions");})} {{animate.removeClass (element,' animLargenerGif ', function) (console. Log ("in the removal instruction" Confidence callback ");})}}});}};}); Alternatively, I want to manipulate the origin...

javascript - AngularJS: input[number] with placeholder & ng-model -

मेरे पास मेरे दृश्य में निम्नलिखित इनपुट फ़ील्ड हैं & lt; input type = "number "न्यूनतम =" 0 "प्लेसहोल्डर =" 7500 "एनजी-मॉडल =" कुल क्लिप "आवश्यक & gt; अब मैं क्या चाहता हूं कि मॉडल वैरिएबल कुल totalClicks को एक प्रारंभिक मान के रूप में सेट करना है जो UI से प्रतिबिंबित नहीं होता है जब तक उपयोगकर्ता इनपुट नहीं करता। अगर मैं $ scope.totalClicks = {} के साथ आरंभ करता हूं; या $ scope.totalClicks = ''; तब प्लेसहोल्डर सही ढंग से दिखाया जाता है जब तक उपयोगकर्ता इनपुट नहीं करता। हालांकि, मॉडल चर totalClicks नवीनीकृत नहीं है और आरंभीकरण के रूप में रहता है। अगर मैं इसे $ scope.totalClicks = 0 पर सेट किया है; फिर 0 इनपुट में दिखाया गया है और प्लेसहोल्डर नहीं है लेकिन मॉडल अपडेट किया गया है। कोई सलाह? अपडेट करें: जोड़ा गया $ scope.funnel = {}; $ Scope.funnel.totalClicks = 9; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "संख्या" मिनट = "0" प्लेसहोल्डर = "7500" एनजी-मॉडल = "

windows - how set domain dns for my local server with public static ip -

I have an applet, for example static ip (, I have port forwarding DSL modem Setting with port 80 is This means that I can access my web host hosted on iOS in the browser now I have a domain like, I want to set the DNS (domain name extension) of the domain which I have to set on DNS? I have Windows Server 12 on my server, on which should I have to handle Windows with my domain name in order to handle my request? Surely start with IIS: right-click and manage this PC (first my computer) Select. Go to Services and Applications => Internet Information Services => sites, right-click on the site and click Add your hostname for binding => port 80. Now the registrar: Go to your register or your DNS management service: Go Daddy, Namchep, Amazon Route 53 etc. and add a new record - Select domain and add Static IP value - It can take around 24 to be implemented worldwide, But usually it is within a few hours depending o...

performance - Mixing html elements with JSF components reduces size JSF component tree -

I would like to know what is JSF component tree inside it, only JSF components or both JSF components and HTML elements. I checked the component tree from the debugging window and saw that all the HTML elements are gray in the component tree, what does this mean? Since I can not see the size of each component / element then it is difficult to come up with any decision, someone can tell me, thank you? If the html element (in depth) is not part of the component tree, then we can replace the JSF components with the html elements to reduce the component tree size, is this true?

windows - wix patch PYRO0103 : The system cannot find the file -

I have tried to create patch for my application. I need to change two files, nothing else. The files were found using Bootstrap, but files were uninstalled while uninstalling bootstrapper (and certainly not changed) by older people. I added the keypath = yes in my application package (both old and new) that hope my problem will be solved, but not I am following this tutorial: This is my problem when I run it from my command line: C: \ program files (x86) \ Waiaks Upakrnset v3.8 \ bin> pyro.exe C: \ Work \ Dev \ App \ patch \ Patch.wixmsp -out Pac.ammspi -t sample C: \\ work \ Dev \ App \ Patch \ FIFF.Vixmist The result is: C: \ Work \ Dev \ App \ Installer_3.6.2 \ AppInstaller \ Manager.wxs (181): Error PYRO0103: System file '... .. can not find the app \ 3.6.2'. C: \ Work \ Dev \ Application \ Installer_3.6.2 \ AppInstaller \ Manager.wxs (182): error PYRO0103: The system can not find the file '\ Manager \ image s \ sort_down_small.png .. \ Application \...

html - Internet explorer 11 or IE 8 showing different webpage layout compared to chrome or mozilla -

I am coding a webpage using cshtml which has a link that points to a doc or a PDF file in a window server location. Does. In Windows Explorer, I'm able to open the file by clicking on the link. But in Chrome or Mozilla, I am not able to open the file. After searching in SO, I was told that for security reasons local files can not be opened in Chrome or Firefox. I was fine with it. But the problem is that the layout of the page is not appearing properly in Internet Explorer 11 or 8 . Here's my code: @ {var dataFile = Server.MapPath ( "~ / App_Data / Issues.txt"); Array userData = File. Readlines (datafile); } & Lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "css \ styles.css" & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Width of table = "1084" range = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; TR ...