c# - IEnumerator yielding to the result of another IEnumerator -

I have two classes in my project

In a first-class press, I press a button I'm calling the first IEnumerator at:

  if (GUI.Button (new review (250, 0, 100, 20), "clear")) {startcourtine (Foo.test ()); }  

The way to call looks like this (in the second category):

  public static IEnumerator test (yield returns) StartCoroutine (DownloadAndCache); // do stuff}  

However, once this gets a return from a second IEnumerator , then I only use this method to complete my tasks I am intending to wait and wait a few seconds to get results.

This method looks like this:

  IEnumerator DownloadAndCache () {// Ready to be prepared for the caching system (! Caching earned) yield returns empty ; Debug. Log ("download asset bundle"); // Load the AssetBundle file from the cache if it exists with the same version or downloading it and downloading it in the cache (WWW www = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload (jsonURL, version)) {yield returns www; If (www.error! = Null) {new exception was put ("There was an error in the WWW download:" + www.error); } Assetbundle bundle = www.assetbundle; If (AssetName == "") {Instantiate (bundle.mainAsset); } And {instant (bundle load (estnet)); } Bundle. Descend (wrong); }}  

However, when I apply it, my test method claims to not be set for an example, I do not want to make a new copy of these scripts because every time I Will there be a need to reset the link? Is there any way I can get this to work?

The error I get is as follows:

Unstable member 'UnityEngine' MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine (System.Collections.IEnumerator) '

< / Blockquote>

The problem is not really anything to do with Coroutines.

This is because you are trying to call two example methods with a static method, DownloadAndCache and StartCoroutine are examples of methods, they are not static, so they need the frequency of executing its class Foo .

<<> download and cache can be frozen, so you will not need an example, but you can call StartCoroutine without a monobahavier example will not work.


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