
Showing posts from March, 2015

privacy concerns in using google doc viewer -

I am planning to use to preview documents before printing. In my application the servicelet code is running GAE which sends the file before sending the user / session validationandendend method. But when I point out my YouTube to the Google Dock Viewer, the user's check might fail. I can not delete this check if anyone can open my URL to download the file. How can I worry about this security? Is there a way to give Google Doc viewer user information? If there are no alternatives?

.net - SOLID & EventAggregator -

I'm trying to follow as much concrete as I can and I'm working while working in a prism application I am facing the problem: I have a class that manages all events from the module received from other modules. As there are two responsibilities in the class (for handling the handlers and handling the events) I decided to split the two sections, so that I have to make event handlers public (which seems strange anyway). What do you prefer in this situation, there can be two responsibilities in a class or who have event handlers public (or what I am missing)? Regards. Edit: To better explain my answer, consider the following example: ModuleX and ModuleY EventA and EventB in a prism application is defined where both modules can reach them. ModuleX contains event handlers for both events. ModuleY Solid (from) on single aspects of single responsibility Also consider. : There should be only one responsibility in a class (i.e. only one poten...

sockets - How to Send message From android device to PC USING WIFI -

I have a socket on the PC (using socket) I use data from the android server on the PC (using the wifi ) Want to send me what should I use? Or wipe on the socket direct? (On Android) I was seeing all the answers included in this forum are found associated with local addresses. Please help or useless tips and links from a slightly different topic and I will have to use WiFi. Can anyone give an example? By the way, can I use a special WiFi interface on both devices or by using sockets? (PC and Android) Sorry for my poor english I want to get help from a person who created this way. Thank you for your kind attention. You must use LAN by WiFi Your computer and Android should be in the same WiFi. In the computer, become a server app while listening to a socket. Android put the IP address of the PC and made the socket.

android - Get all the selected radio button and check box value created dyamically? -

I want to save all the selected responses (checkboxes and radiobuttons) and its related question that is set in the dynamic text view of sqlite db , But the problem is that when I'm clicking on "Save Button", only the last selected radio button value is saved on the highlight, not all the selected values ​​and not able to get all the selected check box values is. Please help me. > Save = (Button) findViewById (; Save.setOnClickListener (this); Ll = (LinearLayout) findViewById (; For (int j = 0; j and lt; question length; j ++) {tv = new textview (this); Tv.setId (j); Tv.setText (question [j] .get quiz (not +) + "." + Question [j] .get question ()); Ll.addView (TV); Answer [] Answer = Question [j] GetAnswer (); If (question [j] .getMultipleChoice (.) Ignore equally ("wrong")) {RG = new radio group (this); Rg.setOrientation (RadioGroup.VERTICAL); Radiobutan [] RB = new radio button [answer.lambi]; For (Int i = 0; I ...

amazon web services - Install ffmpeg on elastic beanstalk using ebextensions config -

I am trying to install an updated version of FFPAAG on an elastic Beanstock instance on the AMSense server. I have created my config file and added these container_directory: container_command: 01 -ffpag: command: wget -o / usr / local / bin / ffmpeg http: //ffmpeg.gusari .org /static/64bit/ffmpeg.static.64bit.2014-03-05.tar.gz leader_only: false 02-ffmpeg: command: tar -xzf / usr / local / bin / ffmpeg leader_only: incorrect 03-ffmpeg: command : Ln command 01 and 03 seem to be working perfectly but 02 does not seem to be so that FFPAP does not open any idea what to open I / T? Thanks, Helen A kind person Amazon helped me The config file sent, which works, is expected to be useful to some others: Package: yum: ImageMagick: [] ImageMagick-devel: [] Commands: 01-Wisset: Command: "wget ​​-O /tmp/ffmpeg.tar.xz" 02-mkdir: Command: "If [03- Tar: command: "tar xvf /tmp/ffmpeg.tar....

Microsoft Excel speech using VBA - speak more than one item? -

I am using the following code to read the contents of a cell in Microsoft Excel with sub-warning () range ("A1"). Ending end with sub I would now like to read the contents of many cells as part of the sentence For example If A1 has a name and B1 has the value of 'morning', then 'afternoon' or 'evening' as text, then To say I pc The following warning is called "Good morning John Doe, how are I have .value (" Good morning ") Has tried to add John D Anyone can help? Thanks Call the object directly through the range : speech Code> Application.Sp Eech.Speak "Good" & Range ("B1"). Price & amp; "" & Amp; Range ("A1"). Price & amp; ", How are you today? "

pycharm - How to install libsvm for python on mac? -

UPDATE : उचित लगता है: libsvm (जो svmtrainer को आयात करने की आवश्यकता है) अब cross_validation का समर्थन नहीं करता। यद्यपि अभी भी मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि मैं गैर-होमब्रेडेड अजगर में लिब्स को स्थापित क्यों नहीं कर सकता। मेरी अजगर स्थापना (जो कि / लाइब्रेरी / फ्रेमवर्क्स में है ..) libsvm को पहचानने में असमर्थ हैं, मैं जो भी कोशिश करता हूं। लेकिन मेरा शोर USR / local / bin / brew पर स्थापित किया है यह ठीक स्थापित किया है। मैं पूर्ववर्ती संस्करण को कैसे देखूं? मैं इसे स्थापित करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं इसलिए मैं इसे PyCharm में PyBrain में उपयोग कर सकते हैं। वर्तमान में परीक्षण करने की कोशिश कर रहा है ताकि मैं एक बहु-वर्ग एसएमएम वर्गीकरण चला सकूं। लेकिन मेरा पायथन इसे खोज नहीं कर सकता: आयात ईआरआर उठाना ("LIBSVM स्थापना नहीं मिल सकती है। सुनिश्चित करें कि और svmc। * PYTHONPATH में हैं!") ImportError: LIBSVM स्थापना नहीं पा सकते हैं। सुनिश्चित करें कि और svmc। * PYTHONPATH में हैं! तो मैंने कोशिश की लेकिन यह काम नहीं किया .. अगर मैं सिर्फ स्र...

ios - Deleting the text in UITextFiled when long press on a button -

While calling me for a long time, the iPhone phone app should do the same as dialpad delete or clean button functionality. I have tried to add the button a long press alert and wrote this code, but this text is completely deleting. How can I get rid of the text with clearing or animation effect removed? If (longPressGesture.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan) {// delete button, then you can delete the number, then ([self.phoneNumberString length]> gt; {self.phoneNumberString = [self .phoneNumberString substringToIndex: [self.phoneNumberString Length] -1]; Self.phoneNumberField.text = self.phoneNumberString; Technically, it is animated, it just happens so fast that you can not see it more realistic To get the animated effect, you need to wrap your delete in a timer. The press is still active, only by removing every 1/2 second (or whatever intervals works for you).

Scala future recursion returning early -

I'm trying to use a recursive future call to get a tree with a certain depth Futures. Flatap quickly Beginning Returning We have a graph database (the nodes in the tree) with the edges (parent's relationship) and institutions to regain the tree. For, we have two separate calls: getEdges and getEntitiesFromChildEdges. Return futures both. Initial call, getEquipment, is needed to return a future. Since I eventually need to return the future, so I do not want to wait artificial. Here is the code getEquipment is called the first time. GetTree (Root Entity: Seek [Unit], Parents: Seek [Unit], Depth: Int.): Future [SEQ [unit]] {GetEdges (Parents) .flatMap { Edges = & gt; GetEntitiesFromChildEdges (edges) .map {children = & gt; Children Fresh (child => ("lower", root entities) root entity} and {Log TheTree ("Dear", root entities) root entities (deep;); (depth; gt; 0) GetStream {Junk] {getRootEntities.flatMap {rootEntities = & gt; GetTree...

Update custom product attribute values - Magento -

I have problems with updating table catalog / product in Magento I want to update price in '' custom_product_option '' Which I have added as an EAV attribute: for ($ i = 0; $ i & lt; = sizeof ($ my_data); $ i ++) {$ id = $ My_data [$ i]; $ Db_data = array ('custom_product_option' => 3); $ Model = Dana :: MillModel ('catalog / product') - & gt; Load ($ ID) - & gt; Adadata ($ db_data); {$ Model-> tryId ($ id) - & gt; Save (); The echo "The data was updated successfully."; } Hold (exception $ e) {echo $ e-> GetMessage (); }} When I try to update my new custom value in the list / product table, I get this error: Integrity barrier violation 1062 Duplicate entry '44 -1-0-2.0000-0 'for key' ... ' I am confused, because I am updating the table, and this behavior As I am putting a new value with the same ID. I appreciate it that someone can help. I think the $ my_data is an array of produc...

css - Bootstrap 3 - Add an asterisk to the input on the same row -

मैंने कोशिश की है: & lt; form name = "form" class = "फार्म-क्षैतिज फॉर्म-आलेख" भूमिका = "फॉर्म" डेटा-एनजी-जमा करें = "सहेजें ()" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "col-md-12" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "फॉर्म-समूह" & gt; & Lt; div & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" वर्ग = "फॉर्म-कंट्रोल" प्लेसहोल्डर = "शीर्षक" आवश्यक = "आवश्यक" डेटा-एनजी-मॉडल = "आलेख .इटैट" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & LT; अवधि & gt; * & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; और .form-article .form-group div: after {color: red; सामग्री: '*'; } लेकिन परिणाम हमेशा होता है जैसे: & lt; form name =" form "class =" form-horizontal form-article "role =" form "data-ng -submit = "बचाने के ()" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "col-md-12" & gt; & Lt; ...

excel vba - Delete sheet if cell content doesn't match a list value -

I am hiding for months learning VBA to help automate some reports for my job and I Finally one thing is that we are completely trapped and I do not get an answer online. I have an automatically generated report that has a separate sheet for each person in the company. I will not have a fixed file name to some extent, so I think I want something: to this extent, the string will be slowed as thiswb = what I would like to do, for each sheet in this sheet, In 4 the name of a cell does not match any name that I have any other Saved in the address book (it has been left with a workbook with is a constant name "jobs report does not change"), deleted sheet so finally I separate sheet for each name on your list. Any help would be appreciated. Let me know if you need any more info. Before using this code, copy the list of your list from "Job Report" in your To-do list. Please. This macro is cycled through each sheet in the workbook, and u...

c# - Routing of test.html file -MVC return 404 -

मेरा लक्ष्य उपयोगकर्ता एजेंट द्वारा test.html को test2.html की आवश्यकता का अनुरोध पुनर्निर्देशित करता है, एमवीसी का उपयोग कर रहा है इसलिए मैं लेख निम्नलिखित था तो मेरी / App_Start/RouteConfig.cs में है: मार्ग। रूटएक्सिंगफाइलें = सत्य; Routes.MapRoute (नाम: "टेस्ट", url: "test.html", डिफ़ॉल्ट: नया {नियंत्रक = "होम", एक्शन = "एचटीएमएल", पेज = urlParameter.Optional}); और webconfig में मैंने निम्नलिखित नोड को रखा है: & lt; नाम जोड़ें = "HtmlFileHandler" पथ = "test.html" क्रिया = "प्राप्त" प्रकार = "System.Web.Handlers.TransferRequestHandler" preCondition = "एकीकृत मोड, रनटाइम Versionv4.0" / & gt; हालांकि जब मैं आईआईएस में डिबगिंग के लिए सेटिंग बदलता हूं और स्थानीय होस्ट का अनुरोध किया है: 96 / test.html कार्रवाई में ब्रेकपॉइंट हिट नहीं है और 404 नहीं मिला है लेख से जो मैंने ऊपर लिंक किया है, मुझे लगता है कि मैंने सब कुछ बनाया है, मैं भी बहुत कुछ कर रहा हूं और यह होना चाहिए,...

ios - Window coordinates changing when alertview is visible while switching rootviewcontroller -

I am facing window coordinates as a new UINavigationController as windows Is rootViewController . That's why I have created a simple sample project that presents it again. I launch the app with the initial action ViewController with the following action button - (IBAction) buttonTap: (ID) sender {[[[UILartview Alok] initWithTitle: @ "" Message: @ "New VC in 3 Seconds" Representative: Cancel CancelTintital: @ "OK" Other Button Titles: Zero] Show]; [Selector to self: @sillector (delay call) with object: after zero: 3]; } - (zero) delay call {newview controller * NVC = [[newview controller alloc] initWithNibName: @ "newview controller" bundle: zero]; UINavigationController * nav = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: nvc]; [[UIApplication ShareApp] .keyWindow setRootViewController: nav]; } The new viewer is in landscape mode. But comes down as a screen shot if any UIAlertView is shown before the c...

Vector of Maps in C++ -

I am interested in creating map vectors. For example: type Maps & lt; Int, map & lt; String, string & gt; & Gt; sent ; Vector & lt; Send & gt; Variable1; But, how am I unsure about how to insert a map map as a vector of elements? I was hoping that I could make dictionaries of dictionaries in Python? Will the above examples be alright to do so? Can anyone help me? If you take a look at the vector manual page, then note that the push_back function is there. From there, you'll need to push_back with one type of variable. So here's some sample code: variable a; Map & lt; String, string & gt; B; B ["afu"] = "bar"; A [0] = b; Variable1.push_back (a); Now, I do not understand why you need it, but here's my reference: Hope this helps you

php - Android: Web Hosting Companies Recommendations for an App like WhatsApp -

I do not know if this question is true / no, and if not, then I apologize and please tell me That's where it is. I have already programmed my app which is similar to whatsapp and works fine with local host, PHP, MySQL, Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) and XMPP. Now I need web space to make this app available in the whole world. So my question is: Can you recommend me to web hosting companies, which are not expensive and many users (like 2 billion) Can handle traffic in a steady way? Any experience?

mysql - How do I know which is a function and which is an operator? -

MySQL has both jobs and operators however, it is a voluntary It is unclear for the keyword that it is a function or operator. For example, I believe that ASCII () is a function manual of the section) However, as as is also visible there, and it is not a function; For example, because the syntax does not force (...) after the preferred keyword, and it mentions that By default, there should be no white space between the function name and parenthesis. In some cases it is clear, for example, the keyword IN appears in the manual (a non-disclosed section name), and in this IN () by name (like it was a function), but example SELECT 2 IN (0,3,5,7); , which indicates that it is an operator (see the post after the keyword). In the same section, is INTERVAL () . Careful reading shows the following line in this keyword description: It is necessary that N1 & lt; N2 and lieutenant; N3 & Lt; ... & lt; Nn for this function to work properly. which indic...

php - session_start returns error 503 -

मेरे वेबसर्वर में निम्न php स्क्रिप्ट चलते समय 503 त्रुटि लौटाता है: & lt; php $ N = 50; ($ I = 0; $ i & lt; $ n; $ i ++) के लिए {session_start (); usleep (100); session_write_close (); }? & Gt; हालांकि, अगर $ n = 40 तो यह ठीक काम करता है यह स्थानीयहोस्ट पर दोनों मामलों में काम करता है कोई विचार?

load testing - Working with Siege over a proxy -

I have configured a HTTPS proxy server now I want to load it test. I am trying to use the siege tool for this, but now how can I redirect my traffic to my proxy server, some number? When I have my own users (200) and with about 30 different URLs for each user If I test the servers / websites, then I just: Siege-200D-1515 This will start the siege: 200 concurrent users Internet user simulation Random delays between 1 and 15 seconds before each request > Let me tell you about your proxy The test load problem is not showing up. Maybe I missed something?

php - Laravel 4, how to prevent Eloquent model from handling certain properties? -

क्लास उपयोगकर्ता सुवक्ता प्रदान करता है {सुरक्षित $ table = 'my_users'; // 'my_users' तालिका इस स्तंभ को * * प्रदान नहीं करता है संरक्षित $ computedValue; सार्वजनिक समारोह doSomething () {// वैसे भी, किसी कारण के लिए, मुझे मॉडल में मौजूद संपत्ति की आवश्यकता है I $ इस- & gt; कम्प्यूट किए गए वैल्यू = 'फू'; }} जब मैं उपयोगकर्ता :: save () करता हूं, तो एक त्रुटि शुरू हो गई है क्योंकि सुवक्ता my_users (computedValue) मानों में डालने की कोशिश कर रहा है ( 'Foo') असल में, मैं सहेजने से पहले गुणों को अस्थिर कर रहा हूँ। क्या कोई वैकल्पिक तरीका है (चीजों को अनसेट करने के लिए बचत ईवेंट को सुनने के अलावा), जैसे सुरक्षित $ discard = array ('computedValue', 'anyOtherFieldNotToMap'); ? आप उस सदस्य को एक डिफ़ॉल्ट दे सकते हैं मान। संरक्षित $ computedValue = false;

angularjs - Angular JS Filtering in javascript controllers -

अगर मेरे पास कुछ ऐसा है: {{(myList | फिल्टर: {state: "INFO"})। लंबाई}} मैं मूल रूप से मेरी सूची में किसी विशेष ऑब्जेक्ट संपत्ति पर फ़िल्टरिंग कर रहा हूँ $ filter ("filter") (myList, "INFO" ) यह काम करता है लेकिन सही नहीं है क्योंकि यह एक रिकॉर्ड के लिए सभी ऑब्जेक्ट गुणों में जानकारी के लिए दिखता है। $ filter ("filter") ( मेरी यह सूची, "INFO") यह वही है जो मुझे चाहिए, लेकिन काम नहीं करता क्योंकि पूरे स्ट्रिंग का इस्तेमाल वस्तु संपत्ति के रूप में इलाज नहीं करने के लिए किया जा रहा है: Value pair इस बारे में कोई भी विचार? आप कर सकते हैं: $ फिल्टर ('फिल्टर') (myList, फ़ंक्शन (आइटम) {रिटर्न (item.state == 'INFO')});

tfs - Error TF400018 recurring issue -

TF400018: स्थानीय वर्कस्पेस (पीसी) के लिए स्थानीय संस्करण तालिका {USER} खोला नहीं जा सका। वर्कस्पेस संस्करण तालिका में एक अज्ञात स्कीमा संस्करण है। पिछले हफ्ते, मैंने इस मुद्दे पर भाग लिया और कार्यस्थान को हटाने / पुनः बनाने / रीमाइंक करने की साइट पर कुछ सुझावों का पालन किया। यह काम करने लगता है, लेकिन केवल अस्थायी रूप से आखिरकार, कार्यक्षेत्र में त्रुटि होगी और मुझे एक ही संदेश देना होगा (यह आज सुबह दो बार हुआ है) किसी के पास कोई सुझाव है? हमारे पास कई परियोजनाएं हैं और मैं इस त्रुटि के कारण प्रतिदिन दोबारा नहीं रख सकता।

java - How to redirect automatically to https with Spring Boot started on command line -

I have the same question but not in the context of EC2, just starting the bus boot application from the command line the following code while running with HTTPS managed to get your application: @Profile ( "Security") @Configuration public square SecurityConfiguration {@Bean public EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer containerCustomizer (@value ( "$ {. keystore.file}") resource keystoreFile, @value ( "$ {keystore.pass}") final string keystorePass) IOException {final string absoluteKeystoreFile = keystoreF Ile.getFile () throws getAbsolutePath (); New EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer () {@Override public void optimized (ConfigurableEmbeddedServletContainer container) {TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory badge = (TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory) container return; TomcatkaddConnectorCustomizers (New TomcatConnectorCustomizer () {@Override public void optimized (connector, connector) {connector.setPort (8443); connector.setSecure (right); connec...

security - PHP - Final input-validate -

I validate three types of input (string, email, url): string -Valid: if ($ _POST ['string']! = "") {$ String = filter_var ($ _ POST ['string'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); If ($ string! = "") {// valid} other {// not valid}} other {// blank} Email validation: if ($ _POST ['email']! = "") {$ Email = filter_var ($ _ POST ['email'], FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); If (filter_var ($ email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {// valid} other {// valid not} other {// blank} URL-validation: if ($ _POST ['url']! = "") {$ Url = filter_var ($ _ POST ['url'], FILTER_SANITIZE_URL); If (filter_var ($ url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {// valid} else {// not valid}} else {// blank} after checking this I use the PDO Am I ready to make a statement Do you think it is quite safe or have I missed some points? Hope for your reply, thanks and greetings!

python - How to add a number to a certain index in a list? -

list = [4, 7, 5, 3] This list, I think, is the index of 0 in number 4, 1 in 5, 2 has 2 and 3 of 3, but how do I add a value to a personal index? (list [1] + 1) I thought that the above will have to do this when I print the list: print (list) [4, 8, 5, 3] You are required to actually provide a value with = , so once you have removed the result with this addition): list [ 1] + = 1 # Short list [1] = List [1] + 1 Integers are unchanging , so that you can place them in place Can not be modified. You have to allocate the name again to change its value - so here we allocate a new number which is greater than the last of 1. Now it works with the demo: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; List 1 = [4, 7, 5, 3]> gt; & Gt; & Gt; List 1 [1] + = 1> & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Print (List 1) [4, 8, 5, 3] do not name only a variable list , this is the underlying mask

html - <li> Steps with arrows -

I'm trying to create an HTML list with an arrow between them (something like: Step 1-2- 3). One of the results I'm trying to accomplish is: I think the icon and content will be on the UL like this: & lt; Ul class = "stepsCont" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Img src = "icon" /> & Lt; P & gt; Content & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; .stepsCont li {display: inline; Padding: 0 30px;} How to add arrows? Before you : before enter an arrow as a content image of a pseudonym , Second to , such as Li + Lee: first {content: url (arrow.png); Display: Inline-block; Vertical-row: middle; Margin: 0 30px; } Or you can also add an arrow as a background li + li {background: url (arrow.png) center has no duplication Left; Padding-left: 50px; } Coding examples : (Both of the solutions work on IE8 .)

.net - How better do a text clipboard on winform? -

I am creating Notepad (MDI application) on Windows Form Application (C #), and I want to create a normal text clipboard I need to use a variable buffer text of the type string, mainly on all copies of the document. public string BufferText = ""; The main form (name form 1) as the form (name blank) for the purpose of public form 1a = new form 1 () ; and work with it. public zero cut () {a.BufferText = richTextBox1. Selected text; RichTextBox1.SelectedText = ""; } Public Zero Copy () {a.BufferText = richTextBox1.SelectedText; } Public Zero Paste () {richTextBox1.SelectedText = a.BufferText; } But this allows me to work with the clipboard only How is an object of empty form empty of the possibility of exchange between multiple objects? Instead of using built-in clipboard support: richTextBox1 .Copy (); RichTextBox1.Cut (); RichTextBox1.Paste ();

Unable to use scala's repl :javap to look at trait companion object -

I am using: scal repl in javap was trying to see commands and properties, but i Do not know how to find out what I do with the command line here. $ cat> Foo.scala & lt; & Lt; EOF attribute Foo {def foo: string def echo = println (foo)} EOF $ scalac Foo.scala $ javap Foo.class "Foo.scala" Public intangible class Foo $ class {Zero Echo (Foo) compiled from public static; Public fixed zero $ init $ (Foo); } $ Javap Foo \ $ class.class "Foo.scala" public intangible class Foo $ class {compiled from public static zero echo (Foo); Public fixed zero $ init $ (Foo); } I try the same in copy and get the following (since foo will be compiled using bar, hence repl raises on it) Scala> Feature bar {| Def Bar: string | Def echo = println (bar) | } Defined attribute bar Scale & gt; : Javap Bar "& lt; Console"; Compiled public interface bar {public essence java.lang.String bar (); Public essence zero zero (); } Scala & gt; : Javap Bar...

python - Creating and naming files with a while function -

I am trying to create a file, for each day of a year, and I was thinking that I For this or for but since I am mixing numbers and letters, this does not work since then. def Create File (): date = 101 # This is considered 0101 (first of Januar, but since I can not start with 0, this should be the other option) Date and date = 131: name = (date) + '. Txt 'date + = 1 CreateFile () You can not add strings and integers : name = date + '.txt' # typeError but you can use to create a filename: name = "{0} .txt" .format (date) str.format gives you four digits Permission to apply: gt; & Gt; "{0: 04d} .txt". Format (101) '0101.txt' (See more on formatting options). In the end, seeing how often you will loop, I will recommend the loop loop to start, start and To avoid having a date manually: category (101, 132): name = "{0: 04d} .txt". Format (date) ...

sublimetext2 - Sublime Text 2 - Auto complete issues -

I recently switched the espresso with Sublime Text 2 due to a lot of available packages. Mainly use this software to develop and install some packages. SublimeCodeIntel for all autocomplete, Andy PHP, PHP finishing kit and finishing. There is a reason to install them all, and not just the Sublime CodeIntel because SublimeCodeIntel did not work as I expected None of these (together or not) project The classes, functions, or variable names mentioned in the files will just an example to describe the problem. If I define a simple task in one of my files, function sayOutLoud ($ x) {Echo $ x; } And when I start typing OU ... I would like to say the name of the function, and if I choose sayOutLoud, I have to know what the function takes arguments (Of course I know, but you understand). Should not any of these packages do the same? UPDATE: After a reboot, start something awkward enough to start work but it is not giving me the logic list If I have a SublimeCodeIntel pac...

How can I go about using both transactions and prepared statements with PHP and MySQLi? -

I started working on seeing my current project from the perspective of data integrity, so I included the transaction in the project. Now that I am getting ready to live, I see it in terms of security and want to add a prepared statement. Although I'm not sure how to use both transactions and prepared statements. In the phonetic code, I now have it: > $ mysqli = new mysqli (hostname, usernames, passwords, databases); $ Query = "..."; $ Result = $ mysqli- & gt; Query ($ query); If ($ result) {$ mysqli-> Committed (); } And {$ mysqli- & gt; Rollback (); By looking at information about PHP prepared statements, I get it as a normal format: $ mysqli = new mysqli (hostname, usernames, passwords, databases); If echo ($ mysqli- & gt; connect_errno) ("unsuccessful"); Enter $ Query = "X (var01, var02, var03) values ​​(?,?,?)"; If ($ ($ $ STmt = $ mysqli- & gt; Ready ($ query)) echo ("Fail"); if (! $ Stmt-> Bind_param ...

lua - Do something while waiting for a blocking action -

I'm trying to write a curse program in Lea (mostly for ease of development before porting it for C for). The user needs to constantly prepare it to send the command, but I also want it to work on other signals, such as the end of the timer. For example, it can be used for blinking indication, if users take too much time, and are receiving messages on the network, then disassemble them. When I call curses.getch () , the program is waiting to return the data before running the next instructions. If any other event occurs before a key is pressed, the script will not be able to react to it unless nothing is done to change it. I create curses.halfdelay () to get rid of curses.getch () after a short time so that by calling it again and again It could be done earlier, but it caused the odd errors. I also considered learning to use pthreads, but I do not know where to start, I'm running Linux, and I do not have any problems if the solution does not work on Windows (because...

java - Eclipse can't delete lib.jar -

When I try to clean my projects, I get two errors that stop the building process. .. Could Not Remove: D: \ myworkspace \ library \ bin \ library.jar. D: \ myworkspace \ google-play-services_lib \ bin \ google-play-services_lib.jar ' I am assuming an administrator on my Windows 7 computer. I am recently updating all my libraries so that Google Cloud Messaging can be used but I do not know what to do with it. If I manually delete jar files, then start eclipse and it will run properly. I have made this error a goal, but I can not find anything. Thank you, Gary When you receive an error in eclipse, the process Try using the Explorer or similar tools to determine which file the process is going on.

c++ - Is there a way to name a type for a function template specialization? -

For example, when we have a normal function template, we can use the template type in the function: Templates & lt; Typename T & gt; Zero foo () {tt; ...} Now, imagine the attributes of the template in this function: template & lt; & Gt; Void foo & lt; MySpecialType & gt; () {Tt; // Not compiled, no knowledge of formal template logic T MySpecialType T2; // It's okay, but I have to mention the type of mespecific type} template & lt; & Gt; Void foo & lt; MySpecialType2 & gt; () {Tt; // does not compile, no knowledge of formal template logic T MySpecialType2 t2; // It's ok, but I have to mention the type of type 2 again) Note that in both of the above mentioned features, I have to specify the type of template logic that The name is special, the functions of functions I prefer to use the more general location holder (i.e., t) rather than being repetitive (typically, at times) within the bodies of template specialties. If a m...

visual studio - VS 2010 Professional Only Works From Remote Desktop -

I installed Visual Studio 2010 on my laptop (Vij 7). Whenever I start it, it crashes instantly without giving any error. There is no error in devenv / log devenv / safemode crashes Reverted the deleted% appdata% / microsoft / visualstudios / 10.0 / folder and the Visual Studio but still have no use Two-time re-installed Visual Studio Re-install the .NET Framework 4, 4.5 and 4 Multi-Targeting Pack. Reboot the machine step after each :) The old Visual Studio 2005 which works just fine. (Yes, 2005!) Remote Desktop and on Screensaver When I connect to my laptop from another machine using Remote Desktop, it starts working and it Disconnects and crashes instantly When I start it in the screenshare (some Windows clients, not sure which client is starting) Ranshehar crashes instantly when it is closed How does this work correct? It sounds terrible as if starting with an Arrow, maybe a video driver As a result of the problem, George suggested. If enabled, s...

vba - Hide pivot items efficiently -

I have presented a report based on a data table that the extension is too long (there are thousands of rows) Wants to summarize the data so that it can drill down only on the total of which he is interested in. I am currently successful, for a specified area by looping through all the axis items of all axis tables and hiding them. However, it is taking a significant amount (> 15 minutes) to run. Is there any way to adapt it using a different process or is there any option to do these tasks in bulk (through a setting or option) that can be fast? To perform this task: Sub groupGeneral_ID () as PivotTable Excel in the form of Pivot ITM DIM PI as Worksheet DIM PI. Application ScreenApplication = Wrong Axel Application Compression = xlCalculationManual if left (ws.Name, 3) = "wrap" in each worksheet then Excel.Application.StatusBar = "Groupement des jrnl_id" & amp; For every PT, ws.Name for each PIT with PT.pavotfield ("jrnl_id"). PivotItems w...

uml - Use fields specified in a CU into another CU -

I have a cu that extends another cu, say: add list enhances the product, so In a product interface I need to use the field from the inventory cu, how can I tell it in cu? "Expansion" means that the expansion of extended UC's "execution", the expansion of extended UC is an actor Has been applied voluntarily. Each UC is described by many scenarios. Scenario is described in the order of sequence of "steps" In case of extended use, you must specify the so-called extension points in the scenario (s), in which the actor extended the UC Can execute execution. This can be a single phase or range ... You can think of the extension point as a method with parameters, apply in extended UC and can be extended by expanded UC. . These parameters can be in this field, you have to "pass" to another interface. In my projects, I always "back up" my case model with a domain model and its elements use the UC (precondition, postcondition, lan...

c# - SimpleInjector - Register Object that depends on values from another registered object -

Using SimpleInjector, I am trying to register an institution that relies on values ​​obtained from any other registered entity. For example: Settings - Settings settings that read that the some other service type app is required. SomeOtherService - To allow objects to be registered after resolving any object, set a value from Settings to allow some di containers Depends (and so registered). Then you can do something like pseudo code below: Container. Registrar & lt; ISettings, Settings & gt; (); Var settings = container.resolive & lt; ISettings & gt; (); System.TypeTypeWeWantToRegister = Type.GetType (settings.GetTheYouomeOtherServiceType ()); Container. Registration (ISomeOtherService, TheTypeWeWantToRegister); Simple inspector does not allow registration after the resolution. Is there a mechanism in the simple insulator that allows the same architecture? An easy way to get this requirement is to register all the available types that may be req...

c - using values generated in main1() and using them in main2() -

If I have a program like c: void main1 () {} / * Note that these are not main * / zero main 2 () {} ... int main () {main1 (); Main2 (); Return 0; } I have some values ​​or matrix which is made in main 1 (), and I want to use this matrix in main2 (). How can we move these values: Because I have main subfunction and I have to generate a large matrix of unknown length in main 1 () and I have to use these matrix values ​​in main2 (). But I have no idea how can I do this? How can I store the matrix and use it in main2 ()? Thankyou: There are several options: using a global variable To capture the matrix and define the size, the more you can expect. If you do not like the global variable, then just wrap the matrix inside a structure and use it as the parameter and return type. This also indicates better and can be used dynamically allotted / free memory.

javascript - Object literals behaves weird in the console -

In the JavaScript console (I'm using Chrome), the expression {} is passed to Undefined . If I execute var a = {} , expression evaluates a to object {} . Why does {} not evaluate expression in the object {} in ? Even further, evaluating {a: 4} to 4 , and expression {a: 4, b: 5} } is apparently the wrong syntax. {} is not an object A block statement is used to group zero or more statements. The block has been delimited with a pair of curly bracket.

Breakpoint Sass: Or Queries for Multiple Breakpoints -

मेरे पास कुछ ब्रेकपॉइंट सेट हैं: $ breakpoint-small: 0 767px; $ ब्रेकपॉइंट-छोटा: 768px 991px; $ ब्रेकपॉइंट-मध्यम: 992 पीएक्स 1229 पीएक्स; $ ब्रेकपॉइंट-बड़ा: 1230 पीएक्स; मैंने ब्रेकपॉप डॉक्स में देखा आप लिख सकते हैं या मीडिया क्यूरीज, जिससे आप एक से अधिक विभिन्न बुनियादी या मिश्रित मीडिया क्वेरी लिख सकते हैं और उन्हें लागू कर सकते हैं यदि क्वेरी के किसी भी सेट से मिलान होता है। मैं क्या करना चाहता हूं इन कोडों का उपयोग या मेरे कोड में आवश्यक होने पर कई ब्रेकपॉइंट को लक्षित करने के लिए उदाहरण के लिए: @ ब्रेकपॉइंट ($ ब्रेकपॉईंट-मध्यम, $ ब्रेकपॉइंट-बड़ा) {। मोबाइल-नेविगेशन {डिस्प्ले: कोई नहीं;}} शामिल करें क्या यह संभव है? आपको एक पैरामीटर (एक सूची) दो के बजाय, पास करना चाहिए। इसे आज़माएं। @ ब्रेकपॉइंट को शामिल करें (($ ब्रेकपॉईंट-मध्यम, $ ब्रेकपॉईंट-बड़ा))। {मोबाइल: नेविगेशन {डिस्प्ले: कोई नहीं;}} मैंने आपके कॉमा से अलग किए गए चर को कोष्ठकों के साथ लपेट कर दिया है I अब सास उन्हें दो मापदंडों के बजाय एक सूची के रूप में देखेंगे।

python - Error installing pyv8 on virtualenv on Windows -

I'm trying to install the pyv8 package on virtualenv on Windows. Here's what I did: virtualenv venv venv \ scripts \ activate pip install pyv8 and last error the following error Failed with: file "& lt; string & gt;", line 17, & lt; Module & gt; The file "& lt; proj_path & gt; \ venv \ build \ pyv8 \", line 17, & lt; Module & gt; Include_dirs + = os.environ ["Include"]. Partition (';') file "& lt; proj_path & gt; \ venv \ lib \", line 423, __getitem__ return swadata [key.upper ()] what is the error? key error: 'include' is actually one Which installs it on Windows for you When you install it, make sure to point to the installation directory in your VirtualNew directory. You may also want to check out

jquery - How do i set the left position of an element that contains a before attribute? -

How can I set the left position of an element in which the attribute is first? I tried the following methods without success: $ ("tooltip: first"). CSS ({left: 80}); $ (". Tooltip :: first"). CSS ({left: 80}); This is CSS if it helps .tooltip {background-color: # 333; Display area; Status: Completed; Z-index: 99 99 99; Padding: 5px 10px; Color: #fff; } // Create a tooltip tip. Tolip: first {limit: solid; Border color: # 333 transparent; Threshold Width: 6px 6px 0 6px; Status: Completed; Bottom: -6px; Z-index: 99 99 99; material: ""; Left: 0; / * Use jQuery to centipulate the tip based on tooltip size * /}

ios - Request failed: unacceptable content-type: text/plain using AFNetworking 2.0 -

I have a trouble with the request using AFNetworiking 2. I share my AFHTTPSessionManager customInstance in my shared inter class method shared instances Reactions Surgery = [AFJSNranspenceSyriaLizer SerializerWeaverWide Readings: 3]; SharedInstance.responseSerializer.acceptableContentTypes = [sharedInstance.responseSerializer.acceptableContentTypes setByAddingObject: @ "text / plain"]; SharedInstance.responseSerializer.acceptableContentTypes = [sharedInstance.responseSerializer.acceptableContentTypes setByAddingObject: @ "text / html"]; That's because my server responds with text / plain (only on errors - responses with Jason on success) But even so That whenever I send a post method, I get this error: Failure: error: error domain = NSCocoaErrorDomain code = 3840 ". The operation can not be completed (cocoa error 3840 .) "(Did not start with the JSON text array or the item and option pieces Not allowed to allow) UserInfo = 0x175e6970 {...

c++ - Declaring a range for data members of a class -

मुझे यह कोर्स क्लास लिखना है, जिसमें कक्ष , day_of_week और इतने पर। पाठ्यक्रम के वैध होने के लिए उनमें से प्रत्येक को विशिष्ट श्रेणी में घोषित किया जाना चाहिए। उदाहरण के लिए, day_of_week चाहिए 1 और 6 के बीच एक पूर्णांक हो, और कमरे 1 और 59 9 के बीच एक पूर्णांक होना चाहिए। मेरा प्रश्न यह है कि मेरे कन्स्ट्रक्टर को लिखने का एक तरीका है ताकि जब मैं आरंभ करे अमान्य डेटा वाला कोई ऑब्जेक्ट यह संकलित नहीं करेगा। इसे एक और परिप्रेक्ष्य में डाल देना, मेरे डेटा सदस्यों की श्रेणी को कंस्ट्रक्टर या क्लास घोषणापत्र में घोषित करने का एक तरीका है। > लंबे समय तक किसी भी मदद के स्वागत के लिए क्षमा स्वागत है। नहीं, सी ++ एक तरह से नहीं आती रेंज की जांच कर रहे हैं, फिर भी आप अपने खुद के नंबर क्लास को लागू कर सकते हैं जो असाइनमेंट और अंकगणित ऑपरेटरों को ओवरलोड करता है: #include & lt; cassert & gt ; टेम्पलेट & lt; int कम, पूर्णांक ऊपरी & gt; कक्षा श्रेणीबद्ध संख्या {सार्वजनिक: रंगीन संख्या (पूर्णांक मान): मूल्य (मान) {परीक्षण (); } RangedNumber (const rangedNumber...

ruby on rails - How do I make a form_for select helper display dates in descending order? -

I am new to both Ruby and Rail and I have trouble getting a select drop down for the current year and then to show I am using form_ to create form / field I can work in ascending order with the following: & lt;% = builder.label: modelyear, "Model Year"%> & Lt;% = Builder Selection: modelyear, ( 30) .. ( + 0)% & gt; This does not work: & Lt;% = Builder Selection: modelyear, ( .. (time.Jon.N. 30 - 30)% & gt; & Lt;% = builder.label: modelyear, "Model Year"% & gt; & Lt;% = Builder Selection: modelyear, ( + 0) .. (time.Jon.N. 30 - 30)% & gt; Edit: Complete code as the request (with the original attempt on the selector) user.rb class user & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has has_many: products, dependent: deleted accepts_nested_attributes_for: products ,: allow_destroy = & gt; True before_save {email.downcase! } Validates: firs...

How to prevent Spring Boot from parsing YAML keys with dots -

I have a YAML configuration file with a map of properties: Properties: ABC: 1 The boot will parse it as: {A: {B: {c: 1}}} However, what do I need: {'ABC': 1} Is it anyway to pass key mode? It does not help to quote the key. Update Below the actual example. Java import static; Import java.util.Map; Import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; Import lombok.Data; Import lombok.val; Import; Import org.springframework.context.annotation.configuration; @ Data @ configuration @ configuration properties ("hop") public category HadoopProperties {Private map & lt; Object, object & gt; Properties = NewLinkHashmap (); } YAML application.yml : Hadoop: Properties: fs.defaultFS: HDFS: // Local Host: 8020 mapred.job.tracker: Local Host: 8021 Result Calling ToString () as a result on the object: HadoopProperties (prop...

VB.NET - App only works with message box in the middle...? -

First of all I have to say that this platform is great and there are many experts here .... > When I try to run my app, I have to face a problem. I have a code to click on the website and remove the information, and on the basis of that information, let me do some calculation and on the site It needs to be re-sent, this code is working well, but something To work Ndesh box started to debug will take between (i code). So we say that I have 3 main functions (calculation, right and wrong) ... when it calculates that the app sees whether I am right or wrong and on that basis I call right / wrong function. .. then I will be back on the calculation .... This is the calculation function: 1 and the third row of its message box which I had placed to debug ...... Anyone have a clue ???

Javascript or CSS to prevent scrolling inside element with overflown content -

I have this website which is under development. Inside the body tag, I have two full position divisions, one side. One window has 100% width, the other is 80%. They are wrapped by body tags, which is 100% width of the window. In the body I added "Overflow-X: Hidden" to hide 80% width and to prevent horizontal scrolling. So far, it is so good that except on mobile devices, you can touch the scroll otherwise without scrolling material (second div). This is what happens if you mouse wheel scroll right and left (press the middle mouse button and drag the mouse left and right). Without the second element (80% width one) 0% width, how can I prevent it from being scrolling? This is a problem with webkit browser (I have the courage to say bug) and the way they Handle overflow on one axis ... you think Firefox is not affected. After being a little bit of experimenting, it seems that it can start with a combination of percentage based heights based on the overflow-x: hidd...

c# - Making a void dynamic -

I make some image boxes dynamic, but I do not know how to take personal action on clicks. PictureBox [] app = new picturebox [file. Length]; Int i = 0, prev = 20; Foreign currency (string element in file) {app [i] = new image box (); App [ii] Background Image = Image. RemoveFile (Element. Remove (Element. Long-3) + "PNG"); App [ii] Place = new point (previous, 85); App [ii] Size = new size (100, 100); App [ii] .name = "test" + i; App [i] Click + = New EventHandler (Play (element, DIR)); This.Controls.Add (application [i]); I ++; Prev = 20; } Private Zero Run (String Element, String DIR) {MessageBox.Show (element); } Please help me how I can do this! Thanks! Try to avoid using the delegates / tasks within a foreach loop, and if you do If there is a copy of the object, no variable in the loop statement. var elementCopy = element; ... app [i] Click + = (Sender, EVT) => Run (elementCopy, dir); If you use the element directly, then it is a chance ...

Grey lines between tiles on Google Maps -

I have a problem where a thin gray line is showing between tiles on Google Maps. As far as I can tell that only one pixel tile is high, it is on some computers and not others. But it can usually trigger using the browser's zoom. Any thoughts? My code is very standard I think: var new_map function init_new () {var new_latlng = new google.maps.LatLng (-33.874798,151.20698); Var new_options = {center: new_latlng, zoom: 16, maptype id: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP, style: noki} new_map = new google.maps.Map (document.getElementById ("new_map"), new_options); Var new_marker = new google.maps.marker ({status: new_latlng, map: new_map, title: "my marker"}); Var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow ({content: ' It looks like this (in both Chrome and Firefox): This is a recent issue in which some Google Maps APIs In my case on version 3 of Chrome running, I had the same problem with the "3.exp" version Try it ... & lt ; Script ...

c++ - Visual Studio 2013 Syntax Highlighting Stops Working -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 9 जवाब मैं Visual C ++ का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ एक गेम प्रोजेक्ट जिसे मैं बना रहा हूं। मैंने देखा कि जब भी मैं नीचे स्क्रॉल करता हूं, जब हमेशा हेडर फाइल का संपादन करते हुए, विजुअल स्टूडियो 2013 में रंग कोडिंग, काम बंद हो जाता है, और केवल CTRL + S । मैंने एसयूओ फाइल को हटाने की कोशिश की है, सभी वीसी सेटिंग्स बहाल करने, इसे पुनरारंभ करना, पीसी को पुनरारंभ करना, और फिर से समाधान लोड करना ... क्या आप मेरी मदद कर सकते हैं समस्या? धन्यवाद मैंने वीएस अपडेट करने की कोशिश की, कुछ भी नहीं हुआ। हालांकि, मैं अपने सभी हेडर में रक्षक (#ifndef x #define x #endif) को परिभाषित कर रहा हूं, और अंत में यह पता चला है कि समस्या क्या है ... हालांकि, मुझे नहीं पता कि क्यों ... क्या इसको रोकने के लिए कोई तरीका है? संपादित करें #pragma एक बार काम करता है। आप सभी को धन्यवाद / div>

Django admin inline UserProfile field -

Each user (user should have) is a UserProfile object, and may have location (foreign key in place) in place of every UserProfile. I want to show these places (and allow them to be edited / added / removed) in the user view in the admin location . Nested inline is not feasible, so I want to add a location inline on the user page, which is uncertain how to do it. Import models from django.db to users module UserProfile (models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField (user) to import module from registration # ... class space (models.Model): owner = models.ForeignKey (UserProfile) # address and django.contrib.auth.models from django.contrib Import admin content admin Import the user.php import the user from main.models UserProfile, import Django.contrib.auth.admin from the UserAdmin AuthUserAdmin class as UserProfileInline (admin.StackedInline): model = UserProfile max_num = 1 can_delete = Invalid class placement Xine (admin.TabularInline): Modal = Location Extra = 1 ...

javascript - Rails - Saving a model with has_many :through association from AngularJS layer -

I am making an angular JS app with the rail at the back end I tags Strong> note , but I can not understand it. I am quite convinced that the way my data is presented in POST request, there is something to do with it, Looks like: Post for "" / "Initial Note / Note" 2014-04-29 09:53:04 +1000 Notes by NotesNotes :: NotesController # Create as HTML Parameter: "Body" = & gt; "Hello", "note_type_id" => 2, "tag_id" = & gt; [1, 3], "note" => {"Body" = & gt; "Hello", "note_type_id" => 2}} Here is the note model in racing : square notes Here my Notes in Rails : Class Notes Controller & lt; ApplicationController def can be made @ Note = Note. New Note_Permiss if @Note SAVAS present json: @Note, Status: 201 Other render JS: {Errors: @note. Errors}, Position: 422 End and Private DIP Note Parameters. Note: .Permit (: body,: note_type_id,: ta...

how to use the Addition function in xpath -

मेरे पास एक XML फ़ाइल है & lt; productID & gt; 2893 & lt; / productID & gt; & LT; मात्रा & gt; 13 & lt; / मात्रा & gt; & LT; कीमत & gt; 10 & lt; / कीमत & gt; php स्क्रिप्ट के माध्यम से $ one = array (array_shift ($ prod-> xpath ('productID')), array_shift ($ prod-> gt ; Xpath ('quantity')), array_shift ($ prod-> xpath ('price')) मुझे नोड मूल्य के मूल्य से 3 गुणा करना है, इसे लिखना सीएसवी में productID | मात्रा | मूल्य 2893 | 13 | 30 मैंने पहले ही स्क्रिप्ट बना दिया है, लेकिन मैं इससे पहले गुणा नहीं कर सकता सीएसवी फ़ाइल में मान लिखना फ़ाइल एक्सएमएल gt; & lt; परिणाम & gt; & gt; उत्पाद & gt; & lt; productID & gt; 2893 & lt; / productID & gt; & lt; PHP स्क्रिप्ट / P> $ xml = simplexml_load_file ('file.xml'); $ csv = fopen ('file.csv', 'w'); foreach ($ xml- & gt; xpath ('/ डेटा / $ Prod के रूप में परिणा...

R, Caret: how do I specify train and holdout (validation) sets? -

I have a data set and need to be cared for only to train and valid on a particular part of my data set. I have two lists: train.ids & lt; - List (T1 = C (1,2,3), T2 = C (4,5,6), T3 = C (7, 89)) and test.ids & lt; - List (T1 = C (10,11,12), T2 = C (13,14,15), T3 = (16,17,18)) Which The row index matches my data set. train.ids $ T1 should be used for training, while test.ids $ T1 should be used for testing. This also goes for T2 and T3. trainControl (method = "cv", index = train.ids, indexOut = test.ids) but it's the train's control Not the right way to use. Any help is highly appreciated Has any errors occurred? I'm not sure why this will not work here. Here's an example: Library (Charit) ## Set up a small data set example.seed (2) dat & lt; - twoClassSim (9) [, 13: 16] fit_on & lt; - List (rs1 = 1: 3, rs2 = 4: 6, rs3 = 7: 9) pred_on & lt; - List (rs1 = 4: 9, rs2 = c (1: 3, 7: 9), rs3 = 1: 6) Ctrl & l...

Using html in php -

I have a problem with this statement: after this I will get an empty page. So the whole code looks like this: im tyrying to use html in php and to reuse php from HTML: the whole rest works and if i replace 'with' add2.php '' But it writes anything before I pick anything Login. '' Selected & gt; '$ Language-> Login. ' & Lt; / Option & gt; '; } Echo '& lt; / Form & gt; '; ? & Gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "login" name = "submit" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; HTML form element does not render anything on screen ... add some content and You will see that it is working. & lt ;? Php function login () {echo "?"; }? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php echo '& lt; Form action = "& lt ;? php login () ;? & gt;" Method = "post" & gt; '; Echo 'Hello World!'; ...

Eclipse content assist not working for Java objects within Groovy files -

I have received this question and I am facing the same problem, though, it is almost three years and I The current version is using Groovy Eclipse plugin, and no syntax errors are visible which are ANTLR confusing. I also got the Groove / Grails tool suit , and got the same result. I have filed a simple test case under which the contents of Groovy objects, and not the static member for Java objects , But there are no Java objects' methods. Groove class: package test_groovy import test_groovy.FooJava class FooGroovy {def fooJava = [2, "baz"] as FooJava Def x = 4 def FooGroovy () {// Empty Constructor} def useFooJava () {// displays only Groovy methods, not Java containing strf = fooJava.getStr () println "Str: $ {str}" // stat stable member can be found through the content def str2 = FooJava.FOO_STR println "str2: $ {str2}" // It is also not found through content def str3 = fooJava .dumpToStr () println "Str3: $ {str3}...