
Showing posts from February, 2012

javascript - Stack traces that utilise source mapping -

अवलोकन: ब्राउज़र कंसोल में स्टैक ट्रेस आउटपुट समान ट्रेस नहीं है जब return.stack कहा जाता है तो वापस आ जाता है। कंसोल स्टैक ट्रेस को खाता स्रोत मेपों में ले जाना लगता है, जबकि Error.stack स्टैक ट्रेस नहीं करता। कंसोल आउटपुट यहाँ डिफ़ॉल्ट स्टैक ट्रेस है जो कंसोल के आउटपुट है। अनक्यूट टाइप एरर: गुण सेट नहीं कर सकता 'y 'अपरिभाषित source.js: 4 (अनाम फ़ंक्शन) source.js: 4 (अनाम फ़ंक्शन) source.js: 4 (अनाम फ़ंक्शन) (इंडेक्स): 17 त्रुटि । स्टैक आउटपुट यहां त्रुटि। स्टैक से स्टैक ट्रेस है: TypeError: प्रॉपर्टी 'y' को & lt; अनाम & gt; पर निर्दिष्ट नहीं किया जा सकता है: 1: 37 at & Lt; अनाम & gt; 1: 60 पर http: // स्थानीयहोस्ट: 63342 / स्रोत-मानचित्र-उदाहरण / उदाहरण 2 /: 17: 23 (सूचकांक): 12 सोर्स कोड : यहां इस कोड के लिए मैंने प्रयोग किया है: & lt; script & gt; Window.errorerror = function () {console.log (तर्क [4]। Stack); } Var स्क्रिप्ट = document.createElement ('script'); Script.textContent = '(function () {...

Null Comparison in MySQL -

I was trying to compare prices in some areas using case in mysql I got strange behavior because I tried the following query it is giving me wrong in mysql I can not find the reason behind it. Any help? Select if (tap = null, 'true', 'false'); From MySQL documentation on this page: Unless you use it, the real value can be surprising, conceptually, NULL means "unavailable unknown value" and it is done differently from other values. Since the NULL is "unknown", the comparison NULL = NULL will also become unknown and the return tap, and when the tap is not correct, then your function will return 'false'. You can use the IS Null operator: if selected (tap is tap, 'true', 'false') Or you can still use: Select if (zero NULL, 'true', 'wrong')

c# - Validate a unique input field from a foreign key -

मेरे पास दो फ़ील्ड rubriqueId और rubriqueintermediare है > रूब्रिकइंटरमेडियाआइआईडी जो तालिका से एक विदेशी कुंजी रुब्रीक है मेरी तालिका रूबरूइंटरमेडियर में लिबेल क्षेत्र का rubrique तालिका से एक सूचीबैक है जब मैं एक नया रूब्रिकइंटरमेडियायर जोड़ता हूं, तो मुझे किसी मौजूदा एक को रैब्रिक्वायइनटाइमियायर सूची में नहीं जोड़ना चाहिए। जब मैं बस rubriqueintermediareId और rubriqueId तालिका rubriqueintermediare में है, तो यह वैधीकरण कैसे कर सकता है, जो कि स्वत: में वृद्धि हुई है मेरा एसक्यूएल सर्वर मेरा मेटथोड रूब्रिकइंटरमेडियर के नियंत्रक में जोड़ता है: [एचटीटीपी पोस्ट] सार्वजनिक जेसन रिजल्ट सेव ([डाटासोरसरेक्स्ट] डाटासॉरआरक्वेट डीएसआरएइइएस्ट, रुब्रेकइंटरमेडियाअरेवीएम वीएम) {देखें [डेटाडेटा ["कोडरूब्रिक्के"] = नया चयन सूची ( RefDataManager.GetRefData & lt; RubriqueVM & gt; (), "RubriqueId", "CODELIBELLE"); If (ModelState.IsValid) {RubriqueIntermediareVM rubi = ServiceApplicatif.Save (vm); IEnumerable & LT; RubriqueVM ...

Uncaught TypeError on second onclick event using this.innerHTML -

Everyone, I have a very strange problem. In an HMTL anarded list I have several list elements with the OnClick event, and they all call the same function. & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li onClick = "javascript: show (this.innerHTML); alerts (this.inner html);" & Gt; 1 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li onClick = "javascript: show (this.innerHTML); alerts (this.inner html);" & Gt; 2 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li onClick = "javascript: show (this.innerHTML); warning (this.inner html);" & Gt; 3 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li onClick = "javascript: show (this.inner html); warning (this.inner html);" & Gt; 4 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li onClick = "javascript: show (this.innerHTML); warning (this.inner html);" & Gt; 5 & ​​lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li onClick = "javascript: show (this.inner html); warning (this.inner html);" & Gt; 6 & lt; / Li & gt; & L...

ios - Offline mode using NSURLCache -

I am using AFURLetworking with NSURLCache. The request is made with NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy . Receives response with app headers: etag = "13 9 8684731"; Cache-control = "public"; And everything works perfect. But now I need to add offline mode. How it should work: Everything should work normally if the internet connection is available (application asks back-end for new data and if It is different in etag if etag is similar - if cached response is used then new data is downloaded). If there is no internet connection - the cached response is used. The problem is that offline mode requests fail. I have tried to solve this by using different cache-control options but it seems that it does not work like this. I have found possible solutions here It should work but it is not very elegant and I think there may be some change in the past year. Apart from this, I've found that "NSURLCache was not designed for clear offline...

xslt - Does Phantomjs render XML+XSL? -

मैं एक एक्सएमएल दस्तावेज को फाटकमज में संलग्न एक्सएसएल स्टाइलशीट के साथ प्रस्तुत करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। यह हमेशा एक मूल एक्सएमएल पेज दिखाता है, इसके बिना एक्सएसएल लागू किए। यह इस सुविधा का समर्थन नहीं करता है? PhantomJS वास्तव में XSLTProcessor का समर्थन नहीं करता है । मैंने खुद XSLT की कोशिश की और त्रुटि मिल गई टिप्पणी के साथ GitHub पर आसपास खोज करने के बाद XSLT डिफ़ॉल्ट रूप से क्यूटी वेबकिट में अक्षम है अन्य वेबकिट पोर्ट XSL ट्रांसफॉर्मेशन को संभालने के लिए libxslt लाइब्रेरी का उपयोग कर रहे हैं, लेकिन QtWebKit के लिए ऐसी निर्भरता संभव नहीं होती और WebCore में XSLT प्रोसेसर को बिल्ड सिस्टम में अक्षम कर दिया गया था (यह भी संकलित नहीं हुआ)। लेकिन चूंकि क्यूटी ने अपनी एक्सएसएलटी लाइब्रेरी और एक्सएसएलटी प्रोसेसर को क्यूटीक्सलम पैटरटेन्स मॉड्यूल में विकसित किया है। यह क्रियान्वयन काफी सीमित है, इसलिए चीजें ठीक से काम नहीं करेंगी।

r - Why setdiff() doesn't recognize the elements -

मेरे पास एक बड़ी तालिका (छवि) नीचे है: तब मैंने आयात और नीचे से कुछ निकाला है: mytable & lt; -read.table (फ़ाइल = "annotation.txt", na.strings = c ("", "NA"), हैडर = एफ, सेप = "\ t" ) & Gt; Str (mytable) 'data.frame': 1320 ऑव 933 चर: $ V3: chr "ACSS2" "IDH3B" "RPE" "UGT1A10" ... $ V4: chr "GCK" "DLST" "RPIA" "UGT1A8" ... $ V5: chr "PGK2" " पीसीके 2 "" पीजीएम 2 "" आरपीई "... $ V6: क्रो" पीजीके 1 "" सीएस "" पीजीएलएस "" यूजीटी 1 ए 7 "... $ वी 7: सीआरआर" पीडीएचबी "" पीडीएचबी "" पीआरपीएस 2 "" यूजीटी 1 ए 6 "... $ वी 8: क्रो "पीडीएचए 1" "पीसीके 1" "एफबीपी 2" "यूजीटी 2 बी 28" ... $ वी 9: क्रो "पीडीएचए 2" "पीडीएचए 1" "पीएफकेएम" "यूजीटी 1 ए 5" ... ......

python - How can I customize the minus sign while formatting locale-specific numbers? -

sprintf (उदाहरण में पायथन) का उपयोग करते समय कई स्वरूपण विकल्प हैं: u "\ u00B1" । क्या यह परिभाषित करने का कोई तरीका है, एक स्ट्रिंग प्रतिस्थापन करने की कमी?

entity framework - EF Codefirst and RDLC Reports -

I am working on an MVC 4 web app with EF 6. Database). So I have model squares that I use in EF. Now I need to create some RDLC reports. To do this I need to create a dataset, how can I create a dataset using my model sections? My ultimate goal is to design and generate data in my reports with the help of my F. model. Thanks in Adans Usually EF does not support dataset if If you want to populate datasets with data loaded with EF, then you have to provide your functionality for this. Here I present an example of how the data obtained from query can be used to replicate datatable objects: public static class IEnumerableExtensions { Public static dataTable ToDataTable & lt; TEntity & gt; (This IEnumerable & lt; TEntity & gt; Units) {DataTable table = New DataTable (); IEnumerable & LT; PropertyInfo & gt; Properties = Typef (TNTTI) .GetProperties () Where (P => P.PropertyType.IsClass || p.PropertyType == Typef (string)) foreach (in string prope...

matlab - add a fixed number as a column to a matrix? -

If A = [1 2 3; 2 3 4; 5 6 7; 3 4 5] How can I use Matlab as a column by adding a certain number of 10 to A: A = [1 2 3 10; 2 3 4 10; 5 6 7 10; 3 4 5 10] As already mentioned in the comment, an easy And the best way to do this: A (:, end + 1) = 10

wso2esb - Error in WSO2 ESB when calling service without Header element -

I believe I found a bug in the WSO2 ESB. I have defined the proxy service for our client, I always get expected results after the security has stopped, but when I enable security (Scenario 1 - UserNotoken), I get an error "SOAP envelope can not have children other than SAP head and body." I am able to reproduce this bug with 'echo' service. Here is the request: & lt; Soap: Envelope xmlns: Soap = "http: //www.w3 .org / 2003/05 / soap-envelope" xmlns: echo = ""> & Lt; Soaps: Body & gt; & Lt; Echo: echoString & gt; & Lt; In & gt; ABC & lt; / In & gt; & Lt; / Echo: echoString & gt; & Lt; / Soap: body & gt; & Lt; / Soap: Envelope & gt; Turning to protection or & lt; Soap: Header /> before element & lt; Soap: body> element again provides the expected response. I am using WSO2 ESB version 4.8.1, Softi 5.0.0 as the cli...

jms - IBM WebSphere MQ request/reply scenario -

I am currently working on a project where I need to interface with the IBM system, which is available in WebSphere MQ Communicates with the outside world through medium. . I need to query the system in "request-response" fashion using Qi, and I'm doing this through a queue manager However, how do I practice it practically? I can not see enough about my head Say I have found many examples of the same application that keeps a message on request. On leaving the application, the message gets correlation ID and MessageId , and to ensure that every Qi Manager knows that ReplyToQueue Assets are set on which queue to respond. However, how does the Qi manager handle the response queue? There is no guarantee in relation to the timing of responses, so how does it come back to the application frequency of the correct answer, which issued this request? I'm thinking of messages queue as FIFA queue messages should be chosen one by one, though, it would mean that exa...

Android, code optimization -

Please do not judge fairly to post me, still newbie I'm developing an Android application in programming Pass code is duplicated. Is there a solution to optimize these lines of code? Thanks Button BTN1 = (button) dialog.findViewById (; Button BTN2 = (button) dialog.findViewById (; Button BTN3 = (button) dialog.findViewById (; Button BTN4 = (button) dialog.findViewById (; Button BTN 5 = (button) dialog.findViewById (; Button BTN6 = (Button) dialog.findViewById (; Button BT7 = (Button) dialog.findViewById (; Button BTN8 = (button) dialog.findViewById (; Button BTN 9 = (button) dialog.findViewById (; Btn1.setOnClickListener (listener); Btn2.setOnClickListener (listener); Btn3.setOnClickListener (listener); Btn4.setOnClickListener (listener); Btn5.setOnClickListener (listener); Btn6.setOnClickListener (listener); Btn7.setOnClickListener (listener); Btn8.setOnClickListener (listener); Btn9.s...

jquery - link another html on the same page (javascript) -

I want to link another html (nytimes.html) to the same page at the top of this CSS popup frame. How do I do that? $ ('portfolio-thumbnail'). Click (function (e) {console.log (; // We know what loads in frame $ ('# popup-frame'). Fadein (); switch ( {case "nytimes": // nytimes $ ( '# popup-frame or something'). Css ( 'background', "rgba (0, 255,0, .5)"); break; case "eloquent" : $ ('# Popup-frame'). CSS ('background', 'RGBA (255, 82, 145, .5) "; break; default; break;}}); I personally embed an IFFRE in your CSS-popup with the site I would like to show you that I get something for "nytimes": // nytimes $ ('# popup-frame'). Css ('background', "rgba (0, 255,0, .5)"); $ ('#Popup-frame') Html ( '& lt; iframe src = "nytimes.html" name = "Popapfrem" scrolling = "auto" Fremberd = "no" al...

implement PIVOT in MySQL -

Hi I am a Java programmer and working on a project with MySQL DB. According to the requirement I need to implement SECL in SEL. I have PIVOT functionality in SQL but does not support MySQL axis. Either way can I change my own SQL to get the output in MYSQL? D2_X as D1, [X] as D2_Y, [Y] as D2_Y FROM (SELECT D1, D2, A to F) in PiVOT (SM (A) ) PVT for D2 ([x], [y]) Select D1, SM (IF (D2 = '[x]', A, 0)) as [x], as SM (IF (D2 = '[Y]), A, 0 )) As [Y] F group D1

javascript - How to call JSON methods from C# WebService from external server -

How can I use the HTML5 / JavaScript site in an ASP.NET Web service (C #)? And the Web service is not in the same site as the client, so it will be a cross-domain request. I have a little bit of experience in web programming, and all my ASP.NET pages have a faster interface For taking HTML 5 and JS, I tried to connect to my Web service for JSSR, it was a real struggle, JSON was the answer, and information First / Server Side mywebservice.asmx will be hosted in the next web service site, Then address "" "[WebServices (namespace =" http: // ... ")] [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] Public class MYWS {[WebMethod] [ScriptMethod (UseHttpGet = true, response format = response.jason)] Public string JSONMethod (/ * Paratip Parnanam, Paratip Parnassem 2, .. etc * /) {List & lt; Object & gt; Tempobjects = New list & lt; Object & gt; (); Tempobjects.Add (New {ID = ID, Val = Val / * More ...

delphi - Decimal rounding and printer selection -

I use with Delphi RAD Studio 2010 and DecimalRounding_JH1.pas. This works fine, but I do not know why, in some old machines (Pentium IV with Windows XP SP3), the round fails after the use of the printer. Printersandx I have checked that this problem is not Windows XP because it works with this OS in other machines. I have created a simple project, with an expanded value of DecimalRounding_JH1 (drHalfUp 1.11) with two decimal (1, 105 -> decimals) but if I teach the printer. Printersandx, then 1.105 rounds 1.10). I thought it could be "FDIV bug", but does not resolve the compilation problem with "FDIV Safe". Code: var d1, d2: extended; I: integer; Starting D1: = 1.105; D2: = DecimalRounding_JH1.DecimalRoundExt (d1,2, drHalfUp); Memo1.lines.add (FloatToStr (D2)); // -> Show 1.11 (OK) i: = Printer.printerindex; D2: = DecimalRounding_JH1.DecimalRoundExt (d1,2, drHalfUp); Memo1.lines.add (FloatToStr (D2)); // -> Show 1.10 (error !!!) ... I know ...

javascript - Setting options to datepicker in angular-ui bootstrap -

I'm attempting to use DatePicker component from date-type compiler as angular-ui bootstrap as datecibed: To join the popup picker and the document, I must pass the option for the JSP by using the datepicker-options attribute for datepicker. I have in my opinion: & lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-6" & gt; & Lt; P class = "input-group" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" class = "form-control" datepicker-popup = "{{format}}" ng-model = "dt" - open = "open" min = "minDate" max = "'2015 -06 -22 "datecocker-options = 'date option' 'date-disabled =" disabled (date, mode) "ng-required =" true "off-text =" off "/> and I have it in my controller: $ scope.dateOptions = {'show-button-bar': 'false', 'close-text': 'someText'}; $ = functio...

Ready for use SIP client Java applet -

Is this a SIP client written as a Ready for use Java applet. I have found that all Java-Applet-SIP-Clients are unable to work even when they are equipped with examples. I have an Asterisk PBX, and desktop SIP clients can work with it, but none of these succeeded in connecting and calling Java Applet. I am looking for SIP client, which does not need any intermediate media server and can connect directly to the Asterik (I like the Flash or Flex app, but they can use Red 5 media proxy But trust.) Apparently, you already have Did you check your security settings? Starting with Java 1.7.0-21, you must explicitly enable Java applet execution in the Java Config panel. Except if a Java plugin has been signed by the authorization certificate from the certification authority like Thawte, then you will not get any Java Client plugin working out of the box. Coworker's latest version is available on github:. Java Plugin module peer-to-js

c# - ArgumentException when using TeamFoundation Builds -

I'm using Visual Studio Online to manage your sources say that I am using continuous consolidation This means that my source has been compiled in the cloud on TFS (Visual Studio Online). I have also build your own process templates and code activity I because now everything works fine after I activities and edit template, everytime I start building one, I get the following error: TF215097: while building a building for the definition of starting an error occurred \ BuildTest \ BuildTasks: exception message: MS.TF.Diagnostics: type 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities.AgentReservationSpec' expression or C-type 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Workflow.Activities.AgentReservationSpec' (type ArgumentException) can not be used for exception data dictionary .Logged = true A strange side effect The order of arguments of the construction template in Visual Studio is now mixed and there are also some arguments, which are not defined in the template. ...

git - Create a new high level folder in TFS without downloading all project using Team Explorer Everywhere command line Linux -

I want to add a new folder to TFS which will be a new project, I'm using for Linux. The folder structure is like the following $ main \ HighLevelFolder \ Project1 $ Main \ HighLevelFolder \ Project2 ... $ Main \ HighLevelFolder \ ProjectN $ Main \ HighLevelFolder \ ProjectX I have either the full $ Main \ HighLevelFolder and can create a new project folder in it, and by checking it back. But there are a lot of projects that I want to make a folder on the server, then just check the folder (I'm actually using TFS server for checkout / checkin.) gives me a hint: . Server-side folder for a workspace on your local machine ... Under the command line, how does this clarify any thoughts? GIT-TF does not already need a folder created in TFS. git tf configured http: // tfs: 8080 / tfs / defaultCollection $ / path / to / {folder} git tf checkin - Deep and new project folder has been created

javascript - in Jquery, how can I make the content be hidden by default? -

In this code, which is from (). What should I add to the function, so it is hidden by default? & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Click $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("# hide") (function () {$ ("p"). Hide ();}); $ ("# show"). Function () {$ ("P"). Show ();});}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; P & gt; If you click on the "hide" button, then I will disappear. & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Button ID = "Hide" & gt; Hide & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Button id = "show" & gt; Show & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; You can use pure CSS: p {Display: none} If...

python - Strings Not Converting to Float as Expected -

मुझे str से float को परिवर्तित करने में समस्या का सामना करना पड़ रहा है। मैं ऐसा करता हूं लेकिन इस समय यह काम नहीं कर रहा है क्योंकि मेरे पास इस प्रारूप में संख्या है: 5.50000e + 000 5.50000e + 001 5.50000e + 002 5.50000e + 003 यदि मैं प्रारूप को बदलता हूं (उदाहरण के लिए 5.5 55 550 5500 का उपयोग करके) यह ठीक काम करता है I ट्रेसबैक केवल स्टेटस: ट्रेसबैक (सबसे हाल ही में कॉल अंतिम): फ़ाइल "", पंक्ति 27, & lt; मॉड्यूल & gt; Tra = float (stri) ValueError: स्ट्रिंग को फ्लोट में परिवर्तित नहीं कर सका: मैं क्या कर सकता हूँ? क्या कोई विशिष्ट आदेश है? मेरा कोड है: my_line = f.readline () avg_energySTR = [str (i) मेरे लिए i_line.split ('' )] Avg_energySTR में स्ट्रिप के लिए: tra = float (stri) जब मैं avg_energySTR प्रिंट करता हूं I ['5.50000e + 000', '5.50000e + 001 "पोस्ट-टेक्स्ट" आइटमप्रॉप = "टेक्स्ट"> आपके पास एक सूची कोड में '\ n' है। इसलिए जब चलना परिवर्तित करने का...

TableSorter : Filter digits with comma as decimal sign -

With jQuery's tablesource, I can not properly filter a column containing European formatted digits (every 3 digits Dot and comma as decimal) signals). Anyway, sorting work like a magic. See my problem here: I work with pieces of this code: jQuery.tablesorter.addParser ({Id: "comma" , Is: function (s, table) {var c = table.config; return $ .tablesorter.isDigit (s.replace (/[.$/ g, ""), c);}, format: function (returns ) Returned $ TABLATOR.FormatFlot (s.replace (/[,.$/ जी, ""));}, parsed: falls, type: "numeric"}); Can you help me? Thanks in advance! simply false ()

c++ - Circular Dependency with Inherited Template Class -

I am having a circular dependency problem Basically I have two classes, the first template class is my second class Uses some functionality from The second class comes from my template class. Below is a simplified structure: // Foo.h #pragma once #include "Bar.h" template & lt; Class T & gt; Class Fu {Public: Zero DoSomething (); }; Template & lt; Class T & gt; Zero Foo & lt; T & gt; :: DoSomething () {Bar :: GetInstance () -> LogEvent (); } // Burgus # Pragma Once #include "Foo.h" class bar: public Foo The problem is now that when I configure the code I get the following errors in twelve Bar.h (): Error C2504: 'Foo': Base Class Undefined Bar.h (): Error C2143: Syntax Error: Missing ',' First '& lt;' I can definitely tell it the dependency problem. If I remove the call from 'DoSomething' to 'LogEvent', and removes the reference "Bar.h" from Foo.h, the problem gets reso...

Redis sentinel local cluster setup in windows -

I'm trying to locally install a Redis-Sentinel cluster i Redis-64.2 on windows. 8.4 Running. I would like to set a master with 2 slaves, because he will mirror my living environment. I am running redis-server.exe sentinel.conf - -sentinl With this configuration ---- Adiktmsep 64MB Sekinl monitor mymaster 7000 2 Pretinl under-three-Milisekands mymaster 60000 Pretinl failover - myoutmaster 180000 periodically parallel-sync mymaster 1 ---- but then I just get a time log is wait3 () Pip (-1) we can not get our script execution queue! I have read, but I am not much wiser about what I am doing here to be honest. Do I specify all the servers in the configuration? There is no need to specify all the servers in the configuration file. We only need to specify the master host address and port number. According to the link I have configured Sentinel with version -2.8.12 and it works.

Python: validate and format JSON files -

I have around 2000 JSON files which I am trying to run through a Python program. A problem occurs when a JSON file is not in the correct format (error: ValueError: a JSON object can not be decoded ) In return, I can not read it in my program. I am currently doing something like: For files in the folder: with open (files) f: data = json.load (f) ; # This part can be an error I know that there are offline methods for validating and formatting JSO files but there is no programmatic way to check and format these files? If not, then there is a free / inexpensive option to offline all these files. I just run the program on a folder containing all JSON files and formatting it as needed? invalid_json_files = [] read_json_files = [] def parse (): files in os.listdir (os.getcwd ()) For: as json_file with open (files): Try: Simplejson.load (json_file) read_json_files.append (files) ValueError, e: In addition to print ("JSON object issue:% s")% e invalid_json_files.appe...

.Bat file to Open cmd window -

OK, so I have to write a .bat file to open the DOS window, so that I can run my CS project. Yes, I know that I can just open the CMD window, but the professor wants to write a .bat file to open the CMD window. How to write a .bat file to open any CMD window? The way I am coding in Java, if it is a difference You can do this runtime class .bat file and put it in Project Home directory. In my example, there is START cmd.exe in testbat.bat. This will be a completely "Combination of Java + Bat + CMD" Try it: test and execute. // Import your package here *; Public Category TestExec {Public Static Zero Main (String [] Args) {Try {Process P = Runtime.GetReight (). Exec ("testbat.bat"); BufferedReader = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (p.getInputStream ()); String line = null; While ((line = r. rummy ()) = null) {System.out.println (line); }} Hold (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace (); }}}

sql server - Declaring Temp Table -

I am reviewing and reviewing stored procedures, I see this announcement in one of the processes I think it is trying to make a floating table named @uzovi_nummers, I'm trying to figure out what it is "uzovi_nummer_n_4" is it a custom datatype? DECLARE @uzovi_nummers TABLE (uzovi_nummer uzovi_nummer_n_4, jar INT) This is a table variable with a hash near a floating table which is in front of #temptable . Any one of the variables written in the query with a single @ A Also, there is a reasonable amount of difference between the floating table and a table variable, to understand the difference There will be good reading for

ruby - Ckeditor in Rails, can't set authentication session-driven -

मुझे मणि "ckeditor" का उपयोग करके, रेल 4 में एक सीकेडिटर टेपटेरा है सभी काम ठीक है, और यह एक प्रशासनिक इंटरफ़ेस में रखा गया है। तो, जब मैं संपत्ति अपलोड करने के लिए 'ब्राउज़ सर्वर' पर क्लिक करता हूं, तो यह यूआरएल से लिंक होता है: http: // localhost: 3000 / ckeditor / pictures? सीकेएडिटर = कौशल_विवरण और सीकेएडिटरफंकनम = 1 & amp; लैंगकोड = एस समस्या यह है कि मैं नहीं चाहता कि कोई भी इस पेज तक पहुंच सके, केवल व्यवस्थापक इसलिए मैं यह करने के लिए मणि कैनकन (ckeditor मणि द्वारा समर्थित) का उपयोग करता हूं। वर्ग की योग्यता में शामिल हैं CanCan :: Ability def initialize (user) can: access, ckeditor # को Cededitor फाइलर ब्रॉसर [: एक्सेस,:, पढ़ें], बना सकते हैं], सीकेडीटर :: पिक्चर कर सकते हैं [: एक्सेस, रीड, सृजन], नष्ट कर सकते हैं], सीकेडीटर :: अटैचमेंटफ़ाइल एंड एंड समस्या यह है कि कैनकन का तर्क किसी मॉडल में चला जाता है, इसलिए मैं वहां सत्र नहीं प्राप्त कर सकता। यदि कोई before_filter में ApplicationController बनाते हैं, तो किसी भी तरह से उस एप को उस सम...

postgresql - Slick 2.0 Generic CRUD operations -

I see how to implement a common feature for common CRUDs and other types of operations, I saw and And the specified method is working well. What do I want is a common method for the inclusion, at this time my class looks like this (non-normal implementation): object campaign mode {val campaign = Tables [Campaign] def insert (Campaign: CampaignRow) (built-in: session) = {campaigns.insert (campaign)}} I tried to do this first, after the following link, This (General Implementation) was: Post Graduate Generic [T & lt;: Table [A], A] {Val Tablerefer S = tables [t] DRF darz generic (line: When I inspect the insert method it looks like the correct type should be T # TableElementType But my knowledge is PR ATT origin and I can not wrap my head around, I tried T and A and the compiler says That is not the case with the ClassStep property. Case class campaign (id: long, name: option [ String]) / ** table description of table campaign. The objects of this class ...

jquery - How to unbind mouseenter (or hover) -

I have "Start" - More options are displayed when the button hover over it in a taskbar (login, register, Logout). I have also created a (Simplified) JSFiddle for your convenience: // 1 binary mouse center / mouseleave ". (Hor) ()": $ ('# start'). Bin ({mousecenter: function (E) {// Some other positioning code here shows $ slider. Show ();}, mouseleave: function (e) {$ slider.hide ();}}); The problem is that I can not access these options with the mouse since the time I quit "beginning", the option disappears even after being used. (), But clearly incorrectly: $ ('# logout'). ({Mouseenter: function () {$ ('# start'). Unbind (); // But this is not !!!} // More code goes here (JSFiddle Code line 29). I know that I could only include the forward option (".start_options") as a relatively child element of "taskbar" and to the left of the taskbar Animate to slide, however, it's "overflow-wi: s...

java - JSP How can I get a Hashmap Value from an ArrayList -

I am using JSP on a Tomcat server and have read the contents of an INI file and have an array of Hashmaps Has put in the list. When I see the result of the loop through them; - INI file - [General] item0 = 0 item1 = 1 item2 = 2 item 3 = 3 item 4 = 4 [specific] item0 = 5 item1 = 6 item2 = 7 item3 = 8 item4 = 9 - My results - {General = {item0 = 0, item1 = 1, item 2 = 2, item 3 = 3, item 4 = 4}} & lt; Br> {Specific = {item 0 = 5, item 1 = 6, item 2 = 7, item 3 = 8, item 4 = 9}} & lt; Br> Unfortunately, the server is running a limited version of Tomcat, and there is no access to the Internet on the intranet, so I can not use JSTL, and the company's policy does not allow me. To install JavaBeans. Is there any way to get specific value without JSTL or JavaBeans from these results? i.e. should retrieve item 2 from normal 2 and item 2 should be returned to 2. If possible, can I change the value of an item and cycle, though the list of updates... - How to automatically generate a database in SQL Server from an app? -

I am currently developing an app where users first create an account (ASP.NET) to create an account. For a particular reason I use the app called for me to create a client on the hosted SQL Server, each client will have to automatically create a database. Databases are the same for all customers I was thinking about doing this like this: As I have a script to create a database, I put it in a stored procedure or a trigger that the user Fully designed accounting I do not really see other solutions, maybe someone can give me some guidelines? thank you in advanced. I think that such design is not shown on scale. I advise to redesign the schema to allow multiple clients in a database. Amazon does not like it, you do not want too.

fine uploader - FineUploader - return success: false on DELETE request -

मैं कस्टम Wordpress स्क्रिप्ट के साथ फ़ाइलों को हटा रहा हूं: if (! Wp_verify_nonce $ _POST ['नॉन'], 'हटाए गए _अधिकारी _'। $ _ POST ['attachment_id'])) {$ उत्तर ['सफलता'] = 'गलत'; गूंज json_encode ($ प्रतिक्रिया); बाहर जाएं(); } और {$ attach_id = $ _POST ['attachment_id']; अगर ($ attach_id) {wp_delete_attachment ($ attach_id, true); $ प्रतिक्रिया ['सफलता'] = 'सच'; } Echo json_encode ($ प्रतिक्रिया); } मैंने सफलता उत्तीर्ण करने की कोशिश की: गलत, जब हटाने में विफल रहता है, लेकिन कॉनक्ल लॉग में प्रतिक्रिया हमेशा से प्रतीत होती है: [FineUploader 4.2। 2] 'क्लिपबोर्ड02444.jpg' के लिए अनुरोध हटाएं सफल हुआ है मैं DELETE विधि के लिए सफलता: झूठे कैसे पार करूं?

rpm - named pipe in rpmbuild -

I need to set the permissions of files in the form of designated pipes in RPM. We use the configuration files to separate old config files (% postun,% triggerin and% triggerun) with some fancy RPM magic and if necessary, the meter is restored) . As part of the configuration for an Icinga distributed setup, I want to change the permissions as part of the RPM installation of a file, but I need the value I need to provide the ''% attr '' macro Do not want to find him. This is the flow: ll /var/spool/icing_cmd/icinga.cmd prw-rw-rw- 1 icinga icingacmd 84 April 28 13:40 / var / Spool /icing_/cmd/icinga.cmd Edit: On the real issue I have the Imdinda CMD with permissions Prw-rw ---, but I It is required that the PR-R-R-ROO real file is created by the Iciting Process with above permissions. I tried automating chmod with a loop, which checks the modes and permissions of FIFO good, but there is a series of complications I had not met before and I will leave this id...

google spreadsheet - Formula to find last value in row and label with Column Top -

I am using Google Spreadsheets I will use this image with a very similar question. [One Link] Instead of paying the price, I want to show the column top. So the H column will look something like this: 2 1 3 1 4 (product number from line 1) If it's in the = index (B2: G2; 1; Counta (B2: G2)) Does the answer to the original question answer? Instead of my values, the words will be needed to track the last 'yes' in the row along with the date the column ends. I think it should be easy: = index ($ B $ 1: $ G $ 1; Counta (B2: G2) - If you write it on the H2 cell, then it's the element "N" in the first row ($ B $ 1: $ G $ 1) - Where N represents the value of non-empty cells in that row (B2: G2). Then you can populate this H2 formula downwards. I know if it helps, it helps.

ios - Is this the right way to have multiple levels unlocked? -

Working on the game for iOS with many levels I'm playing around and this is who I came with : To save the level: - Gameigned {_touched = YES; If (_touched == yes) {beatLevel = YES; NSLog (@ "touched"); [Self-Run Action: [SKAction Sequence: @ [[SKAPAD RUNBLOCK: ^ {level2Achieved = [NSUser Defaults Standard User Defaults] IntegerForiki: @ "New Lived Achieved"]; If (beatLevel == Yes) {level2Achieved = 2; } [[NSUserDefaults standard user default] setInteger: received for level2: @ "newLevelAchieved"]; [[NSUserDefaults Standard User Defaults] Synchronize]; }], [SAKAP waits: 0.5], [sketcheon runblock: ^ {MyScen * menmanu = [[MySsen Alok] Init with size: autos]; [Self.view presentScene: Main Menu Infection: [STTransformation Feedback: 0.6]]; }],]]]; }} Then I've imported the header file in my main menu (where 1-40 levels have been selected), and set the following code to see if Next level is selected: // Set up level achieved: level2Achieve...

java - Adding JLabels to a Panel inside a Panel inside another Panel -

I have a "main" panel. I want a "side" panel inside the main one with two other panels Let's make a call to a graphic panel and a support panel. I am trying to add support labels to the main pin, but no changes have been made. Here's my side panel: Public square LateralSupportPane JPanel {private Final Static Ent WIDTH = 240; Personal Final Static Int HEIGHT = 740; Private GraphicPanel GP; Private Support Panel SP; Public Background Support () { = New GraphicPanel (); This.sp = new supportPanel (); This.setPreferredSize (new dimension (WIDTH, HEIGHT)); This.setLayout (new grid layout (2, 1)); //this.setBorder (BorderFactory.createLineBorder(; This.add (gp); This.add (SP); This.setVisible (true); } Public Zero addLabel (string label) {sp.addLabel (label); } Public Zero Paint Component (Graphics G) {Superpact Component (G); Gp.paintComponent (g); } Public Zero addLabel (string label) {sp.addLabel (label); } My support panel here...

javascript - history.replaceState and $_GET -

मेरे पास एक कोड है जो localhost / index.php जावास्क्रिप्ट में मैं उपयोग करता हूं एक इतिहास एपीआई: history.replaceState ({}, null, "? Uid =" + uid); मेरे पृष्ठ का यूआरएल बदलने के लिए ( uid बेतरतीब ढंग से एक चर है उत्पन्न मूल्य) इसके बाद इस जोड़तोप के पते को स्थानीयहोस्ट / इंडेक्स.एफ़पी? यूआईडी = डीक्यू 12312 / एड्स कोड में अपडेट किया गया था। तब मैं सर्वर कोड पर uid वेरिएबल प्राप्त करने का प्रयास करता हूं : console.log ('& lt;? Php गूंज "$ _GET [uid]";? & Gt;'); । लेकिन मुझे एक अप्रत्याशित मूल्य मिलता है। localhost / index.php? Uid = dqw12312av - $ _ GET [uid] के लिए मेरी पहली अनुरोध एक खाली स्ट्रिंग होगी। लेकिन मेरा पहला अनुरोध localhost / index.php? Uid = qwtgas23123 उदाहरण के लिए - $ GET [uid] मेरी पहली अनुरोध का मान होगा और बराबर होगा dqw12312aws और इतने पर। ऐसा क्यों हो रहा है? आप console.log ('& lt;? Php echo $ _GET ["uid"];? & Gt; '); जावास्क्रिप्ट में, सही है ?. जावास्क्रिप्ट सर्वर स...

android - Displaying a result after receiving user input -

I'm developing an app in Android and need to implement a normal app function Is - accepting the numeric value after typing in the input from the user through a EditText , I want the user to be able to select the 'go' button should be there. As a result, should first appear below TextView . What should I do to display the results (TextView etc?) And how can I go about implementing this process? Thank you You are new to this, so check D link first. As you define TextView , 1 EditText and 1 button button _go = (button) findViewById (; to _go.setOnClickListener (New View.OnClickListener () {public void onClick (see v) {TextView _getdata = (TextView) findViewById (R ) .id._tvresult); EditText _result = (EditText) findViewById (; // Get input value and store string result as string = _result.getText (). ToString (); // Display results in textview getdata.setText (result);}}); Hope you get the solution .. :)

Neo4jClient: How to deserialize a collect result to a c# class -

I have a query where I need only the name and the name of the archive back to reduce network traffic. What do I want to get from the database with the following part of the query ShipTocities = Return AS & lt; IEnumerable & lt; String & gt; & Gt; The issue is that I withdraw data like this: [["IN.KA.MANG", "Mangalore"], ["INA K.A.M.G.", "Mangalore"], ["INK Bang", "Bangalore"]] But how can I map it like a C # object public square CityFound {public string CityId {get; Set; } Public String CityName {get; Set; }} Is there any way to use some converter without me to use some ugly string manipulation? UPDATE 1: Actually my query is quite complex and the only way to get data that I can think is to lower To assign a query to: // The selected below is a complex query based on user selection ... Loading Loading ... var query = selectedLoadQuery Match ("(load) - [: SHIPPED_BY] - - (Shipar)...

c++ - When is a variable that is "replaced" no longer addressable -

If I specify a new variable to a variable, then the old variable is no longer addressed, though I'm not sure It goes out of the scope: For example: std :: vector & lt; Int & gt; Foo () {return std :: vector & lt; Int & gt; {3,4,5}; } Int main () {std :: vector & lt; Int & gt; V {1,2,3}; V = foo (); // When is the first Vector District called? // "foo ()" has been said before or after? // Is it called? } And, if it is not called until Fu is called, before I call Fu ()? V = foo (); The above statement is a move assignment (assign a copy to the pre-C +11 compiler). In any case, the result of the call for foo () is required because it has input arguments in the respective assignment operator, so after v to call foo () , and the memory management is done in the copy / move operation operator. Not to mention any call for the destructor of v because at that point the district designer will not be able to call the memory M...

sunstudio - Editing Font Size in Sun Studio 11 -

How do I change the font size for all windows in Sun Studio 11? In all windows the text is very small I can not read help in the program. One way is to start the program with --fontsize - it has been found through Google .. but how can you do it in IDE? The answer is very small, however, try - fontsize & lt; Size & gt; Parameter start script of Sunstudio

java - How to launch aicas license provider ? and call files with jamaicaVM? -

I am creating a real time program with RTSJ and have trouble running my code with Jamaican in the terminal Has been there. I have written my code in eclipse and have installed Jamiwik tools in my eclipse. It is currently in software already installed. Now I want to call the Jamaican file name and when I run my file, I'm having trouble launching the license license provider so that I can run the file. Any ideas? My updates-site- Jamaica 6 folder is in my Java project folder. There is a way to launch your application from the terminal if you make it. To create an application in Eclipse, you must create a build file and run it. Go to File -> New -> Other, Jamaica -> Jamaica BuildFile, enter your main category and open the build file. On the Overview tab, you will find a button that will compile your code into executables and put it in your project's folder. Note that some criteria are set to 0, i.e. memory areas.

javascript - Draggable and clickable at same time -

I need some help. How can I do this on an iPad? I need to allow a group of pictures that are attached to a different file during each click. Dracing is working now but image links are not. Now, if a comment initTouch ();, the image link will work, I want to draw links and draw to work together. Example: & lt; Head & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "Page2.css" /> & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "jquery.ui.all.css" & gt; & Lt; Script src = "jquery-1.10.2.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "jquery.ui.core.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "jquery.ui.widget.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "jquery.ui.mouse.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "jquery.ui.draggable.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & lt; Meta c...

jquery - make input button open fancybox -

HTML: P> & lt; input id = "test" type = "image" src = "image.png" value = "url.php? आईडी = 1" & gt; जेएस: $ ('# परीक्षण')। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन (मेएफएफ) {makeFB.preventDefault () ; Var fbUrl = $ (this) .attr ('value'); var thisClick = $ ('a')। Attr ('href', fbUrl); thisClick.addClass ('fancybox- बटन'); ( );}); RESULT: सक्रिय विंडो में यूआरएल खोलता है। मुझे इनपुट छवि के माध्यम से फैंसीबॉक्स पॉपअप शुरू करने की आवश्यकता है I क्या यह संभव है? & lt; a & gt; आप & lt; a & gt; टैग। यदि आप fancybox v2.x का प्रयोग कर रहे हैं, तो आप विशेष (एचटीएमएल 5) href और प्रकार पास कर सकते हैं > डेटा-फेंसीबॉक्स - * जैसी विशेषताएं: & lt; इनपुट वर्ग = "fancybox" डेटा-fancybox-type = "iframe" डेटा-fancybox-href = "url.php ? Id = 1 "प्रकार =" छवि "src =" image.png "/ & gt; & Lt; input cl...

Crystal 8.5 shared Variable Passing within groups -

New user and I'm expecting that I'll get an error. I need this date to calculate in the footer of the first (or oldest) transaction report for an invoice. I can not seem to get the variable to calculate and then I can pass the exhibition and I'm sure this is something easy. I can not support the report on the basis of dates due to the need of any other report. I'm glad that someone can point me in the right direction. In Group Header # 4 @ set-first-invoice whilePrintingRecords; String on first: = "Y"; In Description B (details A = empty for troubleshooting) whileprintingrecords; Stringwor first; Dated date dtInvoiceDue; IF first = "Y" then dtInvoiceDue = if {@TypeOfAging} = 'I' then date (ToNumber (Left ({ARTOPNIT.sTransDate}, 4)), ToNumber (Middle ({ARTOPNIT.sTransDate}), 5 , 2)), Tooonbar (right ({{ARTOPNIT TransDet}}, 2)) Other Date (2011,0101) ELSE dtInvoiceDate = Date (2011,0101); First: = "N"; in the group...

Formatting types in Java -

सार्वजनिक वर्ग टी {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] args) {int i = 2345; System.out.printf ("% 0-10d", i); System.out.printf ("(% - 010d)", i); }} क्या कोई कृपया समझा सकता है कि ये दो एसओपी रन-टाइम त्रुटि क्यों दिखा रहा है। आपको रनटाइम त्रुटि मिलती है क्योंकि आपने अवैध प्रारूप पैटर्न प्रदान किया है। से कुछ उदाहरण: लंबा n = 461012; System.out.format ("% d% n", n); // - & gt; "461012" सिस्टम। आउट.फोर्मेट ("% 08d% n", n); // - & gt; "00461012" सिस्टम। आउट.फोर्मेट ("% + 8d% n", n); // - & gt; "+461012" सिस्टम। आउट.फोर्मेट ("%, 8d% n", n); // - & gt; "461,012" सिस्टम। आउट.फोर्मेट ("% +, 8d% n% n", n); // - & gt; "+461,012"

arrays - Compare two CSV Files with Perl -

I have two CSV files that I want to compare with Pearl. I have code using files in Perl and it gives me a nice array of hash references for files. using all of my data import shows correctly. Use strict; Use warnings; Use text: CSV :: slurp; Use Data :: Dumper :: Short; My $ file1_src = "ipb-csv.csv"; My $ file2_src = "SRM-CSV.csv"; My $ ipb = text :: csv :: slur-> load (file = & gt; $ file1_src); My $ srm = text :: csv :: slur-> load (file = & gt; $ file2_src); Print dumper ($ ipb); Print dumper ($ SRM); The result of the dump looks like this $ ipb [[drawing => gt; ; "1001"}, {drawing = & gt; "1002"}, {drawing = & gt; "1003"}] $ SRM [[Drawing = & gt; "1001", Figure => "Figure 2-8", index = & gt; 2, naming = & gt; "Some Parts"}, {Drawing = & gt; "1002", Figure => "Figure 2-8", index = & gt; 2, naming = & ...

Cannot execute WMI query from Java in PowerShell -

I use this Java code to execute the PowerShell command: import; Import; Import; Import; / ** * Operation to execute Windows PowerSlow scripts from Java. * * @author Brian Thorne * / Public class sample {public static void throws exceptions} {String S = executePSCommand ("gwmi Win32_PhysicalMemory | Select Speed"); Println (s); } / ** * executes a power-shell command. * * @Valame command command * @ Returns return results as strings. An error occurs if * exceptions @throws * / public static string throws executePSCommand (string command) exception {string cmd = "cmd / c powershell -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -noprofile -noninteractive" order; Return ACC (CMD); } / ** * Executes a power script * * @ Param script file name * @PRAM Any argument to go to the ELGS script * * @throws exception if an error occurs * / public static string Execution PSScript (string scriptfilemenym, st...