javascript - Setting options to datepicker in angular-ui bootstrap -
I'm attempting to use DatePicker component from date-type compiler as angular-ui bootstrap as datecibed: To join the popup picker and the document, I must pass the option for the JSP by using the datepicker-options attribute for datepicker.
I have in my opinion:
& lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-6" & gt; & Lt; P class = "input-group" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" class = "form-control" datepicker-popup = "{{format}}" ng-model = "dt" - open = "open" min = "minDate" max = "'2015 -06 -22 "datecocker-options = 'date option' 'date-disabled =" disabled (date, mode) "ng-required =" true "off-text =" off "/> < / Code>
and I have it in my controller:
$ scope.dateOptions = {'show-button-bar': 'false', 'close-text': 'someText'}; $ = function () {$ scope.dt = new date () ;}; $ (); $ Scope.showWeeks = false; $ Scope.clear = function () {$ scope.dt = null;}; $ Scope.toggleMin = function () {$ scope.minDate = ( $ Scope.minDate)? Zero: New date ();}; $ Scope.toggleMin (); $ = function ($ event) {$ event.preventDefault (); $ Event.stopPropagation (); $ Scope Open = true; }; $ Scope.dateOptions = {'year-format': "'yy' ',' start day ': 1}; $ scope.format =' dd / MM / yyyy '
That you can see in the beginning I try to set the option:
$ radius dateOptions = {'show-button-bar': 'false', 'close-text': ' However, this does not seem to work, the datepicker does not change, any thoughts that I am doing wrong?
I found a solution, I had the option to specify, example:
& lt; inp Type = "text" class = "form-control" datepicker-popup = "{{format}}" ng-model = "dt" is open = "open" min = "minutedate" max = "'2014-12- 31 '' DateTime Options = "Date Option" ng-required = "True" Show-Button-Bar = "False" />
That's why I used Show-But-Bar And not kept, datepickerOptions passed as part of the audit.
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