Ready for use SIP client Java applet -

Is this a SIP client written as a Ready for use Java applet.

I have found that all Java-Applet-SIP-Clients are unable to work even when they are equipped with examples.

I have an Asterisk PBX, and desktop SIP clients can work with it, but none of these succeeded in connecting and calling Java Applet.

I am looking for SIP client, which does not need any intermediate media server and can connect directly to the Asterik (I like the Flash or Flex app, but they can use Red 5 media proxy But trust.)

Apparently, you already have Did you check your security settings? Starting with Java 1.7.0-21, you must explicitly enable Java applet execution in the Java Config panel. Except if a Java plugin has been signed by the authorization certificate from the certification authority like Thawte, then you will not get any Java Client plugin working out of the box. Coworker's latest version is available on github:. Java Plugin module peer-to-js


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