
Showing posts from September, 2011

grails - Using xmlProperty task with GANT -

I am writing an assignment with gant and I have to fight with the job XML property. I have this example XML file: & lt; Root & gt; & Lt; Properties & gt; & Lt; Foo & gt; Bar & lt; / Foo & gt; & Lt; / Properties & gt; & Lt; / Root & gt; And when I do: ant.xmlproperty (file: "myFile.xml") println "$ {}" Nothing has been printed Any thoughts that I am doing wrong? xmlproperty file does not have ant properties, groove variables , So you need to use them on the via the AntBuilder example: println' '

validation - Using clj-schema to validate that a sequence of maps has unique values for a given key -

I have a request object that has a sequence of maps. I'd like to validate that there are no duplicate values ​​for the key given in those maps. For example, it is valid: [{id: 1,: data "foo"} {: id 2,: data "bar"}] This is invalid because it has a duplicate of : id 1 : [{id: 1,: data "foo"} {: id2, : Data "bar"} {: id 1,: data "baz"}] I currently have something similar: (def- Map-schema item-schema [[: id] integer? [: Data] string?]) How to express the expression of this specificity using Def-map-schema clj-schema P> The CLJ-schema provides a function, clj-schema.schema / simple-schema , which can be used to predict arbitrarily in schemas with-unique-key-map- schema: How to use it to implement defn maps-with-unique-key? [K] (s) Do / simple-schema [(S / map sequence?) (FN [xs] (= (xs count) (count (different (map # (get% k) xs))))))))) In REPL: (v / valid? (With-unique map with map: ID) []...

Python: ValueError: 2 is not in list -

I am starting a dragon and I stuck with this error. It would be of great help if you can tell me where I went wrong. This is my code: import math import nltk import json import pymongo #import sys import nlcs from dpcps imports from import_game import import_image import from importcs_nalysis Import from funcs import get_wordlist import get_pos_tag def Get_post (count): data = () Client = pimongo.mangoclonant ("localhost", 27017) # database Mongo DB = Enter data from customer. News_dataDataDataBase has been updatedNews_Updated db.News_Updated.find () temp = [] #print count if count == 0: data = db.ndtv elif count == 1: data = db.timesofindia elif count == 2: data = Db.hindustantimes elif count == 3: data = db.asianetnews elif count == 4: data = db.khabarndtv #print data.find () data. For posts in the fund): temp.append (post) return temporary If __name__ == '__main__': count = 0 limit = -1 while count & lt; 5: Data = gate_post (count) data = count for text ...

c# - Multiple actions were found that match the request http post method -

I have a problem with the web API. I have written these 3 works in the Controller Web API of my contact groups. // Post API / Contact Group [System. Web. Hppost] public ineinmable & lt; Contact group & gt; All () {return _biz.GetAllContactsGroup (); } // post api / contact group / 5 [system. Web. Hpp Post] Public Contact Group FindById (Int ID) {return _biz.GetContactGroup (ID); } // Post API / Contact Group Public HTTPRPS Create Pensions Communications Group (Contact Group Item) {item.UserId = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId (); Item.DateAdded = DateTime.Now; If (ModelState.IsValid) return request. CreteSpons (HTTP.tat.code not acceptable, items); If (_biz.CreateContactGroup (item)) return request. Create Response (HTTPTat Code.NotFound, Item); HttpResponseMessage Response = Request CreateResponse (HTTP.tat.Code, Ready, Item); reaction. Header. Location = new uri (request. Request + item id. Toastring ()); Return feedback; } When I want to send a http pos...

playframework - Play 2.2.1 using LESS (bootstrap.less and bootswatch.less). Theme wont load correctly -

I did not understand how to work within at least 2.2.1 framework. For example, I have to load some topics, for example basically I reduce the bootstrap and put it in "property / stylesheet / bootstrap" and also variables.css And bootswatch.css "amelia" theme Official play 2.2.1 from mine documentation. SBT looks like this: name: = "bla bla" version: = "1.0-SNAPSHOT" library definitions ++ = Sik (jdbc, cache) play. Prix Playskool settings play.Keylesslessentary points & lt; & Lt; = Base directory {base = & gt; (Base / "app" / "property" / "stylesheets" ** "main.")} main. Alas @import "variables.less"; @ Import "bootstrap / bootstrap.less"; @import "bootswatch.less"; Folder structure: & lt; Button type = "button" class = "btn btn-default" & gt; Default & lt; / = button & gt; & Lt; Button type = ...

xml - sequence in transformation using xslt -

I am working with XML from XML XML conversion. I have XSD defined for the new converted XML. There is some predefined sequence / order for each element in XSD. How can I do the same sequence from XSD, while the XML conversion will appear? I tried to organize the conversion sequence in the form of my XSD, but it turns out that the change sequence is not the same as the xslt execution sequence. Appreciate your response & lt; Root & gt; & Lt; A1 & gt; & Lt; / A1> & Lt; B1 & gt; B & lt; / B1> & Lt; C1 & gt; C & lt; / C1> & Lt; D1 & gt; D & lt; / D1> & Lt; / Root & gt; & Lt; Root & gt; & Lt; A1 & gt; & Lt; / A1> & Lt; D1 & gt; D & lt; / D1> & Lt; B1 & gt; B & lt; / B1> & Lt; C1 & gt; C & lt; / C1> & Lt; / Root & gt; I tried the following based on your suggestion & Lt; / XSL: Copy & gt; & Lt; / XSL: Templates ...

android - Clear backstack and replace current fragment with a top-level fragment -

I have an activity in my Android app that controls the replacement of multiple views / pieces, top-level in this activity There is also a navigation drawer to navigate the pieces. You can navigate to the detail-level pieces with the top-level pieces. Navigation drawer can always be accessed by sliding it from the left if the current piece is a top-level piece, navigation-drawer can also be accessed by the action-bar. If the current piece is an extension-level piece, you can navigate back through action-times (or by pressing the back button). Let's say that I have three top-level pieces that can be accessed through the navigation drawer. From , piece [2] section [1] , you can navigate to the extension-level section [1.1] . The user now wants to navigate directly from the top level section [3] to the current section [1.1] . The user simply needs to slide in the navigation drawer and click on the item for piece [3] . Now, if the user hits the back button, then the app...

linux - R: I can't install package "drc" in R 3.0.1 -

I used R (2.15.3) with the DOSR-RRSpace-CRV package (DRC). Now I have installed Linux Mint 16 and R in version 3.0.1. But try to install package DRC. I get an error Do anyone know what I can do? I have already reinstalled R Is this a new version? Or is there any other reason? I use Linux Mint 16. Thank you very much for your help Error: & gt; Install.packages ("drc") package is being installed in '/home/thomas/r/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.0' (as 'Lib' is not specified) also dependent 'gtools' Versuche URL is establishing 'http: //' content type 'application / x-gzip' length 56,047 bytes (54 Kb) URL geöffnet == ================================================== ============================ Download URL 'http: // / src / contribution / drc_2.3- 96.tar.gz 'Content Type' Application / x-gzip 'Length 233,535 bytes (228 KB) URL geoffnet ========...

How to change Label Value using javascript -

I want to change the label label from '0' to the label below 'Thank you', at the checkbox click event. & lt; Input type = "hidden" name = "label 206451" value = "0" /> & Lt; == "txt206451" class = "swatch_text" for label & gt; Chestnut leather & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "field 206451" class = "swatch_check" id = "txt206451" value = "selected" /> Javascript is as follows. var cb = document.getElementById ('field206451'); Var label = document.getElementById ('label206451'); Cb.addEventListener ('click', function (evt) {if (cb.checked) {label.value = 'thanks';} and {label.value = '0';}}, wrong); But is this not working any thoughts? You are taking the name in document. GetElementById () should be your cb txt206451 ( id attribute ) is not a name ...

distutils - Python generate sdist and upload it in a separate step -

I am creating several Python packages and would like to upload all packages successfully created. I have a different step for each Python package, which is done for the last step of sdist where all the collected code should be uploaded to the sdist (if the build is final Step, then all the packages were created successfully). Now, there is a way to execute Python sdist , then dragon upload [path] What do I need? Or, what's the better way to do it? PS: I am using bamboo, if it helps. Currently, uploads only push files that run from the same command line in comparison to uploads. Having disks are created by the sdist / bdist command, e.g. Python sdist upload . If you run sdist , then check the result, and then upload sdist , the second sdist should be exactly as long as your There is no buggy, you have made changes to your files or you have a computer problem (I think until so many agree). A move can be used to redo its oth...

log4j - Sonar rule to be validate logging framework -

I have to use the only slf4j framework in my project instead of log4j what custom sonar rule to set the validity logging framework There is no way and if we use log4j then it is to show a violation. Of course, we can use logj-over-slf4j to avoid compilation errors. But I need to use slf4j strictly. Yes, this can be done (I'm assuming that you are using Java, Right?) You can activate the check from the checklist repository in your Java quality profile. Be sure to add org.apache.log4j to illegalPkgs list. Such as illegalPkgs to sun, com.sun, org.apache.log4j . In addition, in Sonrakub, you can activate the rule here, give you the toClasses property as wildcard expression such as org.apache.log4j. ** . .

sql - Convert date period to display a date format -

मेरे पास एक एसक्यूएल क्वेरी है जो निम्न में yyyymm प्रदर्शित करता है: [DB] [dbo]। [तालिका] प्रदर्शित करता है: का चयन करें ([dimdate_fact_transac_TrnServiceDtId] [date_period] [date_period] के रूप में [ कोड> दिनांक_परिषद 201304 201305 201306 मैं इसे कैसे संशोधित कर सकता हूं ताकि date_period के रूप में एमएमएम- YY जैसा आ जाता है: > date_period APR-13 मई -13 जून -13 मैं यह मेरे एसएसआरएस रिपोर्ट के लिए करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, लेकिन जब मैं नंबर स्वरूप बदलता हूँ तो यह दिनांक को दिखाओ, जो मुझे विश्वास करता है कि वह इसे दिनांक स्वरूप के बजाय स्ट्रिंग के रूप में भेज रहा है। कृपया मदद ... निम्न करना चाहिए: FORMAT (फ़ील्ड! दिनांक। वैल्यू," एमएमएम- yy ") स्रोत:।

javascript - Jquery Mobile center and use full width of screen with 3 buttons -

I'm trying to use 3 buttons to full width of the screen and resize if necessary though when i Trying to use the code, it will not be centrally tried to use the margin-left margin-right auto on the button but I think it can not be found to work. The HTML looks like this: & lt; Div id = "overview -content" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "navgroup" data-role = "control group" data-type = "horizontal" & gt; & Lt; Button class = "ui-btn ui-shadow ui-btn-icon-left ui-btn-a ui-icon-star" & gt; Acceptive & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Button class = "ui-btn ui-shadow ui-btn-icon-left ui-btn-a ui-icon-home" & gt; Group & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Button class = "ui-btn ui-shadow ui-btn-icon-left ui-btn-a ui-icon-mail" & gt; Meddelande & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; and CSS: #navgroup {text-align: center; Margin-top: 0 pixels; Padding-top: 0 ...

c# - Format currency using a ISO 4217 code -

भाषा / देश कोड के अनुसार मुद्रा को प्रारूपित करना काफी आसान है: डबल पैसा = 9.99; Var स्वरूपित = धन। टॉस्ट्रिंग ("सी", नई संस्कृति इन्फो ("एसवी-एसई")); इससे वांछित परिणाम प्राप्त होगा (9, 99 केआर)। हालांकि, मुझे क्या चाहिए एक कोड का उपयोग करके प्रारूप करना है। एक संपत्ति है लेकिन मुझे विंडोज फोन पर उपलब्ध सभी क्षेत्रों / संस्कृतियों को सूचीबद्ध करने का कोई तरीका नहीं है। तो, वहाँ एक रास्ता है विंडोज फोन 8 पर आईएसओ 4217 कोड का उपयोग कर मुद्रा को प्रारूपित करने के लिए?

Android gridView problems -

सबसे पहले: CustomGridViewAdapter ArrayAdapter और एलटी; आइटम & gt; कोड: अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; आइटम & gt; ग्रिडअरे = नया अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; आइटम & gt; (); GridArray.add (नया आइटम (बटन, मान [i])); ... ग्रिडव्यू = (ग्रिडव्यू) ढूंढें वीवीबीआईआईडी (आर.आईड.ग्रीड दृश्य); कस्टम ग्रिड एडैप्टर = नया कस्टम ग्रिड वीवएडैप्टर (यह, आर। लेट। ग्रिडव्यू_आईटेम, ग्रिडअरे); gridView.setAdapter (customGridAdapter); GridView.setOnClickListener (नया View.OnClickListener () {@Override सार्वजनिक शून्य पर क्लिक करें (देखें वी) {// क्यों यह हिस्सा काम नहीं करता है?}}); मेरे पास बटनों का एक ग्रिड दृश्य है, इसलिए यदि मैं उन तक पहुंचने की कोशिश करता हूं तो यह काम नहीं करता है? आप एक GridView पर एक View.onClickListener सेट नहीं कर सकते। इसके बजाय एक OnItemClickListener gridView.setOnItemClickListener (नई OnItemClickListener) सेट करें {@Override सार्वजनिक शून्य पर IteemClick (एडाप्टर दृश्य & lt;? & Gt; माता पिता, दृश्य देखें, पूर्णांक स्थिति, लंबे आईडी) {// आपका कोड यहाँ...

regex - php preg_match return position of last match -

के साथ preg_match ($ पैटर्न, $ subject, $ matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); क्या रिवर्स में स्ट्रिंग खोजना संभव है? अर्थात। strripos के समान विषय में पैटर्न की आखिरी घटना की स्थिति वापस लौटाओ या क्या मुझे preg_match_all के साथ सभी मैचों की स्थिति वापस करनी है? और $ matches PHP के अंतिम तत्व का उपयोग नहीं है एक रैगेक्स विधि जो स्ट्रिंग को दाएं से बायीं ओर खोजती है (जैसे नेट में)। इसका समाधान करने के कई संभावित तरीके हैं: PREG_SET_ORDER फ्लैग के साथ प्रयोग करके आपको अंतिम मैच सेट दिलाता है साथ स्ट्रिंग पीछे और स्ट्रिंग के अंत में लंगर डाले जाने वाले पैटर्न का उपयोग और निर्माण करने के लिए "रिवर्सेड" पैटर्न का निर्माण करना जो सुनिश्चित करता है कि स्ट्रिंग के अंत तक खोजा मुखौटा की कोई और घटनाएं नहीं हैं इससे पहले एक लालची क्वालिफ़ायर का उपयोग करें और अपने इच्छित स्थिति में मैच परिणाम शुरू करने के लिए \ K का उपयोग करें। एक बार स्ट्रिंग के अंत तक पहुंचने के बाद, regex इंजन तब तक बैकग्राउंड होगा जब तक कि यह मिलान नहीं पाता। उदाहरण के साथ स्ट्रिंग $ ...

How to create a Sonar rule to parse a custom XML file in Java? -

We have a custom XML file generated from a device, however, we need to create some rules such as an XML element referenced Whether or not in other XML files We could not find any information on SonCakube or elsewhere. After Text "itemprop =" text "> You can extend the coding rules. You should follow the instructions of the SonarCube online documentation: For example, you should check the repository of.

Basic Javascript, evaluating a simple variable assignment/logic statement -

I'm reading through it, and I'm looking into confused with one line. The description and line in question are given: & amp; Amp; And || Operators use short circuit logic, which means that they will execute their second operator that depends on the first. This is useful for checking the empty objects before accessing their properties: var name = o & amp; Amp; O.getName (); My confusion is here, probably the purpose of the snippet is: var name; If (o) {name = o.getname (); } However, what happens here is that the name is being assigned a boolean, and that boolean "o is present and its name is not empty". In other words, I think: var name = false; If (O & amp; ovatea ()) {name = true; } Thanks! this is the answer at the very top: "Logical operators are usually used with boolean (logical) values, when they are, they return a boolean value However, Android and operators actually return the value of one of the specifi...

c# - How to loop through a DataGrid and get the column values with column header? -

Here is an example of how to obtain column based row values ​​in an Observe Collection "Order Collection": double order SUBTotal = (double) 0; Foreign Currency (Various Data in Order Order Collection) {Order Order Data = (Order) Data; //MessageBox.Show (orderData.Product.SalesPrice.ToString ()); OrderSwashot = OrderData Products. SellPrices; } This.OrderSum + = OrderSubTotal; for (int i = 0; i & lt; datagrid Items calculation; i ++) {DataGridRow line = (DataGridRow) dataGrid.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex (i); (If the grid column. Header == "some") {// something}}

How can I debug an angular.dart template? -

I have some angular components that sometimes do not start correctly, I will see curly brackets in the output and Event handlers are not working. This is not the entire app, just its pieces I do not get any exception. Is there a way to turn on a debug mode to know what happened? I think you are searching for something like batter but it is not yet available for dart. is. What I usually do is, putting print / log statement in the constructor Most of the time selector is not a type registered in a typo or module. When a type of constructor is not printed, I know that something is wrong.

ruby - What's happening with array.last[x]? -

मैं इस पर आया: a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] a.last # = & gt; 7 a.last [-1] # = & gt; 0 a.last [0] # = & gt; 1 a.last [1] # = & gt; 1 a.last [100] # = & gt; 0 क्या कोई ये बता सकता है कि क्या हो रहा है और क्यों? सर # अंतिम अंतिम तत्व देता है, अर्थात 7 । [] जोड़ना, बस नंबर की एनटी बिट लौटकर कॉल करता है: 7 [0] # = & gt; 1 7 [1] # = & gt; 1 7 [2] # = & gt; 1 7 [3] # = & gt; 0 # ... 7 [100] # = & gt; 0 7.to_s (2) # = & gt; "111"

c# - How does on marshal class parameters to COM methods? -

मेरे पास VBSrpt में एक क्लास परिभाषित है: क्लास फू पब्लिक आई एंड क्लास जिनमें से मैं COM ऑब्जेक्ट को सी # में लिखी गई एक उदाहरण देना चाहता हूं: मंद oCOMTEST: सेट oCOMTEST = CreateObject ("COMTests.Class1") मंद OFoo: सेट ओफू = नया फ़ू ओफ़ू.आई = 42 कॉल oCOMTEST.M (ओफू) विधि एम इस प्रकार परिभाषित की गई है: सार्वजनिक शून्य एम (रेफ ऑब्जेक्ट foo) वर्तमान में विधि को एक वस्तु की अपेक्षा है लेकिन मुझे विधि का सी # फू । दूसरों के बीच में मैंने वस्तु से फ़ू , [StructLayout (LayoutKind.Sequential)] सार्वजनिक वर्ग फू [[मार्शलएएस UnmanagedType.U4)] सार्वजनिक int i; } लेकिन सफलता के बिना। इसलिए मेरा सवाल है: VBScript प्रकार Foo की तरह marshaled सी # संस्करण कैसे दिखता है? - यह मेरा न्यूनतम परीक्षण का मामला है। सिस्टम का उपयोग करें। Runtime.InteropServices; नाम स्थान COMTests {[ComVisible (सही)] [Guid ( "4624071F-2D98-4ECC-8898-558F4D24EEC9")] [InterfaceType (ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)] सार्वजनिक इंटरफ़ेस IClass1 {शून्य एम (रे...

python - Matplotlib - set pad between arrow and text in annotate function -

How do I set the padding between arrows and text in matlotlib's annotated function? Occasionally the text ends up being very close to the arrow and I want to move them a bit more differently. Basic example: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.annotate ('here it is!', Xy = (- 1, -1), Xytext = (0,0), arrowprops = dict (arrowstyle = '- & gt;', lw = 1.5)) plt.xlim (-10,10) plt.ylim (-10,10) () For fancy arrows you can play with the bbox properties: Fig , Ax = plt.subplots (1, 3, figs = (7, 3)) for pad_val = [-5, 0, 5] a, z in z (ax, pad_val): a.annotate ('here it is ! \ Npad = {} '.format (p), xy = (- 1, -1), xytext = (1,1), arrowprops = Dict (arrowstyle = '-> & gt;', fc = "k", ec = "k", lw = 1.5), bbox = dict (pad = p, facecolor = "none", edgecolor = "none") Here's the flaw that you do not add a color behind the annotation; a.set_xlim (-10,10) a.set_ylim (-10,10) ...

c# - gridview cell text is blank after postback -

I'm inspect cell text'm using Bauld field and Raudabaund event. When a postback is nothing in the cell text but when I causes a postback cell text is clear, but it does not clear the display (e. RO. Seals [2]. Text is what I see down am) void GridView1_RowDataBound (object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) {if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) {if (e.Row.Cells [2] .text! = TbUserName.Text) {LinkButton B = e.Row.Cells [1]. [0] control as linkbutton; B.Visible = false; }}} Protected Zero Page_load (Object Sender, EventEurge E) {INMerelabel & lt; Tasks & gt; Work = _dbc.Tasks.ToList (); GridView1.DataSource = Tasks; GridView1.DataBind (); } You are being offered what page the first time that track or a Loading in response to postback Gridview is currently tied to each postback. protected void Prisht_lod (object sender, Iventaarjis e) {if (! IsPostBack) {IEnumerable & lt; Work & gt; Work = _dbc.Tasks.ToList (); GridView1.DataSource = Tasks;...

jquery - Dom element not the same after javascript render in IE 9 -

The domain object is not the same for the ID after calling the render event in Javascript within I 9. This is what I am doing var SomeView = Module.SomeView = Backbone Templated view. Extension ({rendere: function () {// True $ ("select # select something"). (0) Get .form === $ ('# formContainingSelectors'). (0) // Now Then it is not true when IE 9 render someView .__ Super (this); / It works in Chrome and Firefox and IE10 +, but for some reason Can anyone explain why this is happening?

tsql - Setting specific dates for a variable in SQL -

I will use the lake to specify a specific datetime variable to use. The code will look something like this: declared @year = declared an integer @JanDate = Datetime set @JanDate = ??? I would like to set month = 1, day = 25, year = = year, @jennet. Not sure that for inserting it for declared @year integer; SET @ wear = 2013; Announce @JanadetDateTime; Set @JanDate = Cast (NVARCHAR (4) as Cast (+4) + Cast (NVARCHAR (2)) as Cast ('01 ') (NVARCHAR (2) as' 25') DATETIME Please select the result @JanDate: 2013- 01-25 00: 00: 00.000 or just Declared @year integer; SET @ wear = 2013; Announce @JanadetDateTime; Set @JanDate = Cast (cast (@year as NVARCHAR (4)) + '01' + '25 as DATETIME) Select @JanDate Results: 2013-01-25 00: 00: 00.000

algorithm - When building a hash table using linear probing for collision resolution, is the extra term always added to the hash or only when a collision occurs? -

I am creating a table, where a collision occurs when attempting to insert a new key in the table, follow the sequence Does {hash (x) + i, where i = 1,2,3, ...}. If I am creating a hash table using linear probes then my inclusion () algorithm would be something like this: hashvalue = hash (x) while hash value in the hash value table = 1 Where I add only the increment value when the collision, or when I = 1, then something like this will start when the scale of the pay scale has to be added: hash value = hash (x) + 1 hash value in hash value table U + = 1 Unless you do it continuously, it does not matter . The effect of adding a (or any other constant, for that matter) to hash has no effect on the structure of the table, except that the bucket numbering will be "transferred" by a constant "offset". Since bucket numbering is a personal thing of your table, nobody should pay attention. In short, a linear probing hash function is h (x, i) = (h (x)...

Manipute image with php -

I am trying to create a picture and fill my pixel randomly but I have the following problems: 1) I did not get any more information about using the GD library 2) I do not know how many bytes of the image that I created using 'imagecreatetruecolor ()' How do I Leave a picture of the program works; Looking for to do with the map (photo) ... Image here: & lt ;? Php function num_random () {$ Desde = 0; $ Haste = 255; $ Num = Rand ($ desde, $ hasta); Return $ Num; } Header ("Content-Type: Image / PNG"); $ Width = 250; // ANO $ height = 250; // Alto $ im = @imagecreate ($ width, height $) or die ("Can not start new GD image stream"); $ Background_color = imagecolorallocate ($ im, 0, 0, 0); For ($ i = 0; $ i & lt; $ height; $ i ++) {// Rico Vertical For ($ j = 0; $ j & lt; $ width; $ j ++) {// Rico Lineal $ color = imagecolorallocate ($ im, num_random (), num_random (), num_random ()); Imagesetpixel ($ im, $ i, $ j, $ color); }} Imagepng ($ i...

javascript - AngularJS testing directives with templateUrl -

I'm trying to use the AngularJS instructions to test. But I'm running into problems with templateUrls. Using the described technique, it also turns stranger, it works as an ad and loads my template in the $ template cache, but that cache is not being used by directing here. : This will work just fine . Replace: correct, link: function () {console}, replace ('message composer', function ($ template cache), {replace {restricted: 'e', ​​template: $ TemplateCache.get ('partials / message_composer.html') .log ('hello world');}};}); But as soon as I use a templateUrl, it fails to be bound to test: .directive ('messageComposer', function () {Return {restricted: 'e', ​​template url: 'partial / message_composer html', replace: correct, link: function () {console.log ('hello world');}};}); Does anybody know what's going on here? Here is my unit test setup: var $ scope; Var $ Collection; First (each ...

Dynamic Marketing List in MS Dynamics -

I have a dynamic marketing list in Microsoft Dynamics which I am trying to ask through a web service. Although dynamic listings always get 0 results through the web service, Static Lists work fine through the web service. Why does the web service not return results for the dynamic marketing list? Because dynamic lists include query based on query whose members are retrieved Used to be. If you want to retrieve the members of the dynamic list then you will have to retrieve the query and the members of the list - Members of the list.

c# - Bind two or more withespaces gridview -

I am trying to bind two or more white space Gridwu, but it is only one show. example bind: "| ----- ----- |" Result: "| ----- ----- |" Does anyone know how to show value in reality? Thank you is after all the first place ignored HTML page. Give them the & amp; Nbsp; Trying to change with So if you have something like: & lt;% # Eval ( "Column1")% & gt; Where Column 1 in | ----- ----- | is a string, you may need it: & lt;% # ((string) Eval ("Column1")). Change ("", "& amp; nbsp;")%>

java - Methods of getting a user's current client side date and time in different areas -

We have applications that use servers in central location, who have server time on their own, we have the whole world Covering users are every time we need to handle the prints of a page, or if we need to calculate that age (day) or something else that requires the customer's time, then we can send the customer to the wire Sending time from browser and In a date object in java and stored there with it there Sometimes we do in JavaScript in favor of Javascript, if this is a unique case that does not need to be repeated, the wire only once It would be good to send and standardize one way of using it on the server. I was just thinking about using time since a variable was kept in session and the session was created. I'm curious if someone else has acted on it and has to come through a clever way of dealing with it, I am sure that we are not the first people to deal with this small annoyance. It is also possible that sending the client's date when necessary is really ...

sql - Cannot delete tables with primary/foreign key relationships -

There are 30 tables in my database and all primary and foreign key relationships are related to each other. The problem is that when I try to delete any record through any stored procedure, so it does not remove the primary / foreign key due to relationship. What should I do to delete tables? Too many tables are connected. ALTER process [dbo]. [DeleteRegions_SP] @RegionID SMALLINT Beginning in the field regionId = @RegionID where the end start catching ERROR_MESSAGE (try to delete error) Try the try and delete from the start end capture and SQL has three ways of assessing this general condition: at DELETE CASCADE which will remove the records that you want to remove depending on the removal. DELETE SET NULL on the which taps the FK field and at DELETE The restriction will be set on > The one who got hit against you is the default. TSQL can also at DELETE SET DEFAULT which can be useful. There is no solution for you (especially not a casement)...

c# - Is it possible to have one parameter of type object in a controller's action accepting int, date, float or string from json -

I have a collection of key-value pairs, where part of the value can be any type of string (C #) There is an optional key for a class called that-time offset, long, float, boolean key-value pair component: components of public class {public long id {get; Set;} public string key {get; Set; } // Here other properties ... public object values ​​{get; Set;}} The user enters the value part in an input bound with knockoutjs with an input, and I use the key with this controller action and the corresponding component example with that value Expected method to find (MVC4): Public JsonResult GetComponent (string compkey, object compValue) {var comp = Database.FindComponentValue (compKey, compValue); Return it back. Jason (Comp, Jason Aref Behavior, Elove Gate); } which I present in the function of the knockout view model in this way: self.findComponent = function (component) {// component is Ko .observable () generated on atom with ko.mapping.fromJS () / var compdata = ko.mappi...

java - Should GET requests be allowed to trigger exceptions? -

I am developing a comfortable server I am trying to add HTML injection check (cleanliness) for all 4 tasks . At the error, I am planning to throw exceptions. I think post, throw operation can throw exceptions, but there is no doubt that GET and DELETE can do the action exception (from design perspective). An empty one is required for the design docs, if there is a SQL / html injection in the input, it seems wired to throw an exception from the GET operation. Thank you. With REST you should return the correct HTML status code, do not throw exceptions.

blackberry - GET request from Millennial Media Ad server -

Hello I'm trying to request GET from Millennial Media to show ads in my Blackberry Java app but I do not It seems to work for it, this is what I have. http connection Conn = null; InputStream Inn = Null; Stringbuff buff = new stringbuffer (); String result = ""; String url = ""; Try {conn = (HttpConnection) new connectionFeature (). GetConnection (url) .getConnection (); Conn.setRequestMethod (HttpConnection.GET); Conn.setRequestProperty ("User-agent", "Profile / MIDP-1.0 Confirguration / CLDC-1.0"); If (conn.getResponseCode () == HttpConnection.HTTP_OK) {in = conn.openInputStream (); // (in, handler); Buff.append (IOUtilities.streamToBytes (in)); Results = Buff Tosting (); } Else {Results = "Error in Connection" + conn.getResponseCode (); (SettingWaitScreen) screen) .update (results); } Hold (Exception pre) {ex.printSta...

python - Getting data of a box plot - Matplotlib -

I want to filter a box plot of some data, which I can easily do with Matplotlib Can i However, I was requested to provide a table with the data presented in it, such as musk, middle, standard deviation, and so on. I know that I can calculate these by "hand", but I also know from context that boxplot method: Each component of the boxplot gives a mapping in the list of maplotib.lines. Lin-2D example. The lower key in that dictionary (assuming vertical boxplaces): Box: If enabled, the main part of the boxplot showing the interval of the square shape and the mean. Middle: Horizon lines in the center of each box. Mustache: The vertical lines that extends to the most extreme, N-outry data points. Caps: Whispered horizontal lines at the end of the armor: points representing the points that extend Kiny's armor (outliner). So I'm thinking how to get these values, because they are matplotlib.lines.Line2D . Thank you. As you have thought, you need access to th...

php mysql compare values -

I have a mysql database called gpsstracking. There are some tables in this database: position and device. What is the problem In the table condition, we have a line named device_id. On the table device we have a line named ID. On the table device we have a line named Device_ID and ID rows are identical IDs, they are indicated to get names. My problem is that, when comparing 2 IP rows, something to get a loop or name in PHP. Example: device_id line: 1 2 3 4 5 ID line: 1 January 2 Class 3 pt So if I When the device receives information from the device, I want the script to get the name from device_id, from the Device_ID line. Can anyone help me? You mean: select from posts * Include equipment on position. Device_id =

Show default windows mouse cursor on top of other full screen applications with Autohotkey -

Is there a way to show the cursor on top of other full-screen applications with auto-hotkeys? I mean, to make some raster image programs in full screen to hide the default window cursor automatically, I would like to display the default window cursor all the time inside those applications. Thanks advanced.

ruby on rails - I have a following mistake: PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column students.year_course_id does not exist LINE 1 -

Change your code! I have a mistake: PG :: unchanged columns: error: students in the column. Ureusures_id is not present 1 line: SELECT COUNT ( ) "students" from "students" where "Year_cour ... ^: SELECT COUNT ( )" students "from WHERE" students "." Year_course_id "$ 1 The error clearly states that the year_course_id column students does not exist in the table. To solve this problem, create it. When you specify class student & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is_to: year_course end You must refer to students in the year_course_id field year_courses Table. UPDATE You can add students to the year_course_id column table migrate P>

java - Getting "specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application" running Tomcat via Sysdeo under eclipse -

Windows 7, eclipse kepler; I have an existing application that I believe is compiled with 32-bit Java. In any event, it will not work with 64-bit, which failed first. So I downloaded and installed 32-bit eclipse and 32-bit Java, set the path version to choose the Java version directory first (64-bit Java \ Windows \ System32 was installed in , And I did not want to try to uninstall it from there). Reboot many times; Eventually it was established that, on the command line, the Java-version 64-bit 32-bit version ins returns. So I can run Eclipse and I can run tomacat, no error. I have double-checked tomatoes settings under Sideshow so that they can point to the newly-installed 32-bit version of Java. However, when I run a web application, by goingogling that message, "I mismatch between an architectural driver and application in specified DSN", I assemble it to mean that I have a 64-bit driver and 32 -Bit application is So how do I reset to use a 32-bit driver? I sa...

javascript - How to detect jQuery UI autocompleted field has changed not from list? -

I have a simple input text, which is filed with the jquier autocomplete function. I have some selectable items and when I have set myself a field called "field", then I have chosen it, after which I manually rename the item. This will be a new one, why do I need to save to the database? Can I somehow change the input text field? I want to set the designated "pid" to empty. Here is my HTML code: & lt; Input type = "text" name = "pid" id = "pid" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "name" id = "name" & gt; Here is a Java code: $ ('# name')). Autocomplete ({source: function (request, response) {$ .exe (error: function (e, f, g) {}})}, ajax ({url: myurl, data: mydata, type: 'get', success : Function (data) {response (data.mydat);}, MinNamban: 1, Select: Function (Event, UI) {$ ('# PID') Val (; $ (' # Name '). Val (;}}); ...

android - Gradle cannot compile .aar file -

I am trying to add an external library I created in the project folder in the / libs folder and my file I have the following code in it but it does not sync at all // top-level build file where you can add general configuration options for all sub-projects / modules. Buildscript {repositories {mavenCentral ()} dependency {classpath ''}} All Project {repositories {mavenCentral () flatDir {dirs' libs'}}} dependency {compile 'com radius network: Android Aibii Library: 0.7.1 @ AR '} I'm a get error is: Gredl' Blikliant project failed to refresh: scripts error, Unsupported Gradle DSL method found: 'compile ()'! Possible reasons are: - The method where you are using the Gradele version is absent - you have not applied the Gradle plugin that provides the method - or there is a mistake in the build script You should not add this dependency to the root-level build.gradle file. Instead, add...

pdf - PHP FPDF Document to PNG/JPEG -

I am using FPDI to create a PDF document, add text and browser with it Download code in: $ pdf = new FPDI (); $ Pdf- & gt; AddPage (); $ Pagecount = $ pdf- & gt; Setsource file ($ filePath); $ Tppl = $ pdf- & gt; Import page (1); $ Pdf- & gt; UseTemplate ($ tppl, 0, 0, 222.25, 297.18); $ Pdf- & gt; SetFont ('DejaVu', '', 10); $ Pdf- & gt; SetXY (106, 42); $ Pdf- & gt; Write (0, Date ('D')); $ Pdf- & gt; SetXY (136, 42); $ Pdf- & gt; Type (0, Date ('m')); $ Pdf- & gt; Output (); And I want to know, is there any way to change PDF that I create in PNG / JPEG file and then send it to user?

xpages - How do I partial refresh elements which were rendered before my result was calculated? -

I need the value (list of entries) from a repeat control in the combo box above that control. Dynamically filtered by, the combo box (of course) always shows the results of the last filtering. After repeating, how can I force the combo box to refresh? Should be simple - but I do not get the solution thx beforehand, enter You can find examples of partial refresh on the example (and a little more) for example these articles: and In this way you can give a suggestion how to implement.

java - WD-Mobile barcode scanner via serial port -

Recently we've got an Android tablet with an in-built barcode scanner, when we asked for SDK, The provider has just sent us the Android Serialport API. Has anyone applied the Android Serialport API to Pawanvi Mobile with an in-built barcode scanner? I honestly do not know where to start it ... Thank you in advance for your help. Depending on what you want, if you have an Android Windows Mobile device that includes a Bultin Scanner So, you should communicate to use the compact. If you want to use the camera, then I suggest that you can use the current app for scanning barcode. (U can launch them using an intention) Downside is required to install another application. WD

how do I select a single tag in the middle of many of the same in CSS? -

I have a single "P" tag with many other "P" tags inside the "div" tag. I select only one single tag among those other people so that I can change my style to CSS? I am very new to HTML and CSS, so sorry, this is a stupid question. Thanks! You can use : nth-child . Therefore the second & lt; P & gt; and inside div p: nth-child (2) . Or like Mark B commented, add a class for it. gt; & Lt; P & gt; Hi, & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P class = 'lionel' & gt; This is me & lt; and div p.lionel {font-weight: bold;} or same & lt; P & gt; By using : nth-child () di V p: nth-child (2) {font-weight: bold; }

Janrain Google+ sign-in invalid client -

I'm trying to sign in using genetic google + provider, but I'm getting the error: The OAuth client was deleted. To manage providers in Pages, the page sends me to an empty page in the Developer Dashboard. Did the Janine make some changes in its policy or maintenance? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Stagleटन, have you changed Google as a provider? ? I know that Google has downgraded Google, and users want to switch to Google+ What is the name of your Janine app, so can I see it once?

javascript - Cause of performance difference in various iterators -

Javascript while playing with the new array functions, I saw some major differences in the display : jsfiddle: Sir I (67.2ms) for slowest For (var a = 0; a & lt; zodiac; a ++) {for (arr in var b) {arr [b] ++; }} JS 5.1 array.forEach (2.1ms): for ( Var C = 0; c & lt; zodiac; c ++) {arr.forEach (function (e, i, a) {arr [i] ++;}); } i = 0 for the fastest (default) I & lt; Array.lambi; I ++ (1.1ms): for (var d = 0; d & lt; zodiac; d ++) {for (var e = 0; e & lt; arr.length; e ++) {arr [E] ++; }} I thought it was a good practice to use sir i instead of default , but it seems that the default Fastest! My main question is: What is the reason behind poor performance of in the array What is the difference between the default Iterator and the new (what is the requirement of other Iterator method)? all properties on a in-in loop object Repeats, not just array values. In this way, Orem has to retrieve those property v...

regex - Regular expression to match again plain text -

I would like to remove the text from this string Name: Franco Doneese Phone: 01234567890 Email: Date of arrival: 16/12/2014 Departure date: 28/12/2014 Guests: 2 adults, 0 children Further information: This is the text that I want to match. There may be any part of plain text spread over many years, I would like to remove 'Franco Donji', '0123457890', 'Franco @, etc., etc. I am always able to extract Reg-ex against HTML or using simple-html-dom to match up to the next colon and then the words related to the matching string (such as the phone) There is a hacking method to remove it, but Ace What is the better way? Thanks View this: Name: \ s * (. *?) We match first name: literally, 0 + white space character ( \ s * ). Then we have 0+ characters ( (. *?) ). mvc - MongoDB: Connecting to database -

I have set up MongodiBee and I have successfully run it as a Windows service, which I call MongoDB . I am able to add data to the database through my ASP.NET MVC application, as expected in the MongoDB configuration file, the path of my data is set to the default C: \ data \ db . My question is how can I now connect to this database command line? I want to be able to do things like delete a database or query, and I want to do it from the Windows Command prompt. I know that running mongo.exe allows this kind of functionality , But when I run it, what logic do I give? thanks :) Making databases on demand when putting data on mangodibi Is designed for. Local is not a default; It keeps the status of the internal state such as replication status. You do not enter your data there, and you can definitely rename or delete it When you talk to the database using Mongo Shell , You typically specify DB with used dbname ; When using a C driver, you usually specify dbname in the ca...

In Ruby on Rails rake task is calling a function from another rake file -

As you can see, I have defined a pane within a rake file, no problem, that works fine The problem is, when I declare another file in the other rake file , define the function is called from another file. Can you give some suggestions? Thank you. Name Location: Backtest def get_user_input if ENV ['date_from']. is present? & Amp; & Amp; ENV ['date_until']. Present? # Get input ... and 'sample usage:' blah blah ... 'end end "start backtest" function: start = & gt; : Environment # get_user_input # left of code ... end end you can It: requires a 'rake' load 'your_rake_file_name_here.rake' get_user_input

html - Wordpress Navigation - Active Styling (CSS) -

on the website I'm working on I have your theme in a WordPress theme Has changed, and I'm not completely sure how my navigation works in the same way. On the previous version, located at, different pages have called for various CSS documents, are fading in navigation. ** Keep in mind that there are navigation images, as you get top after hovering Now when CSS and header documents are standard for the whole site, I do not know Know about how to style it. This depends on how you are working, but this is a common solution : Check the current URL. If that link is for that URL, then apply the class from which it is faded. It looks like this menu WordPress menu is cooked in your headers instead of using any of the functions, so if your code looks something like this: & lt; A href = "/" & gt; Home & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = "about /" & gt; About & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A href = ...

c# - Asp layouts management -

Before I ask your questions, let me briefly describe your problem. I maintain a site (e-commerce) which was originally implemented as a website in ASP 2.0. It has very different features (one mainly unnecessary) with different components and similar accessories; It has been maintained and developed for a group of different people for many years. Recently our client asked about the new layout on the site, each layout changes a lot to the site and this means that I have a different position of control based on different controls, layouts, etc. And now my question is: What is the best way to manage different layouts in this way? I have seen many solutions and each has these drawbacks: OSC we can add many statements, but the code can not be unreadable. Cuz It is not a new layout, but one of them coupe The master page we used but they are at the generic level. I like main menu / side menu / content, so I can not use them in a control state Separate aspic Trying to create a page th...

how to have Go accept web requests -

I do not have the exact terminology, so stay with me. When a request came in, ask for , Apache redirects the request to the appropriate directory. Go in, how do I and then serve the output, like JSON? Will I use the net package and talk about port 80? I'm sure this is very early, but I do not think I have the correct terminology, so why is it a bit difficult to see. / P> I highly recommend teaching Wiki, especially articles, check this excellent book too. : The basic idea is: package main function main () {http.HandleFunc ("/ users /", function http (. Http: //ResponseWriter, R * http. Request: {w.Write ([] byte ("hello")}) http.ListenAndServe (": 80", zero)} Note that the port 80 to be root to listen.

php - Regex match the double quote in BBCode attribute -

I have some text in my forum database stored in the following: what I want to do with code [[COLOR =" red "] color text [/ COLOR] and [SIZE =" 7 "] big fonts [/ SIZE] A regex that matches any double quotes with any string "" , while those double quote marks are within square brackets [] BB code of the square . I need it Repex implementation is going to use PHP. You can find something like this: $ code = '[COLOR = "red"] color text [/ COLOR] and [SIZE = "7"] large font [/ SIZE] is not matched while "This double quote" is not matched; Preg_match_all ('/'[.*?= "(\ w +)" \] /', $ code, $ match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); For ($ i = 0; $ i & lt; count ($ matches [1]); $ I ++) {echo $ match [1] [$ i]. "\ N"; } Demo:

c++ - Reading from file using as parameter char* -

I am using a function that uses the char * parameter; I'm reading from a file for input here. My code is: std :: ifstream infile ("file.txt"); Std :: string line; While (std :: getline (infile, line)) {if (pass (line.c_str ()) == 0) cout & lt; & Lt; "That's right" & lt; & Lt; Line & lt; & Lt; Endl; } is the pass function int pass (four * a); // compare c_string with hidden c_string // if return after 0, and 1 to I'm compiling using G ++ -C 6.cpp And error is: Post text "itemprop =" text "> Change to: Intimate pass (Const char * a);

java - Why do my lighting calculations cause colors to jump to black? -

I have a view in which the map originated from the altitude map. I can take this map to the X and Y axis. , Where the map moves up or down, as if the map geometry pierces the original. There is a light above the map, which is always 5 units above the height of geometry on the coordination of its X and Y. When the camera is located close to the origin of the scene, then all the light behaves okay, the more I walk away from it, though, the more triangle is to bright white before jumping first, after which they are black Be almost instantaneously. I am not able to understand what is the reason for it. Here is an overview of the structure of the visual graph: In the examples of the container, the Open Glow state does not change Shader Node Shader activates the pair is shown below. The problem also exists when using a fixed function pipeline. The scene has been rotated before rendering the view and the view graph I am certainly sure that there is a problem with the cre...

osx - Cannot connect to apache server locally -

I am trying to access the Apache server on my local machine, but it can not be found to work. I was working on it last week, but then it stopped working randomly I edited httpd.conf file to update the port to 9876. I also added ExecCGI instructions htdocs directory I usually see the index.html page created by going to the local host. 9876, but now I am seeing a wrong page when I just run localhost: 80, I see this page works! When I changed something clearly on port 80, how else is it visible? I read more about this and found out that it has to do with sharing settings on OSX. These settings were never started at all. Why do I see a page on port 80, and why is the specified port which I am not showing any content? Whatever I have done: I have tried to stop. And (with sudo) server restart several times I use web browser or netcat to connect to Apache, but I do not get any answer I lsof ran - i4TCP: 9876 and receive the following output: Aipivi 6 0xee69429dde6f1b6f 0t0 ...

java - Is it possible to throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException? -

सार्वजनिक शून्य पर onClick (int पंक्ति) {if (mItems.size () & lt; = row) {return; } कार्रवाई कार्रवाई = एमआईटीम्स.टेट (पंक्ति); } क्या mItems.get () को कॉल करना सुरक्षित है? संपादित करें: क्रैश लॉग से, पंक्ति -1 है, और फिर अपवाद फेंक दें। संपादित करें: सुरक्षित लेखन है: यदि (पंक्ति & lt; 0 || पंक्ति & gt; = mItems.size ()) {.. ।} अगर सवाल है, क्या यह कोड एक ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException फेंकता है यदि कोई नकारात्मक मान पंक्ति में पारित हो जाता है, तो यह कोड java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

jQuery ajax problems DOM manipulation -

I am currently using the jquery load () function which is to load text files, The html code to put on the page is fly. The problem I have is within this new HTML code, I have more buttons, which I want to assign to the click event to load further text files on the dock, but it seems that the document has been loaded. In my jQuery, event handlers are not receiving new HTML elements. $ (".a"). Click (function () {$ (".tamscontain"). Load ("views / groups / groupA.txt");}); This code loads a view that shows a list of teams within the group, when it loads, I get a separate team to get information about the game bar Click the DOM $ ("Brazil") with the second load () given below (function () {$ (". Matches "). Load (" Ideas / Upcoming Games / Brazil Text ");}); But at this level it does not work. Will someone tell me in the right direction, any help would be appreciated? Thanks Try doing something like $ (...

php - Replacing values in array from another array -

मेरे पास यह सरणी संरचना है: stdClass ऑब्जेक्ट ([carrierFsCode] = & gt; VX [उड़ान नंबर] = & gt; 925 [प्रस्थान हवाई अड्डे एफएससीड] = & gt; एलएएक्स [आगमन एयरपोर्टफ़्सोड] = & gt; एसएफओ [स्टॉप] = & gt; 0 [प्रस्थान टर्मिनल] = & gt; 3 [आगमन-टर्मिनल] = & gt; 2 [प्रस्थानटाइम] = & gt; 2014- 04-28T07: 00: 00.000 [आगमनटाइम] = & gt; 2014-04-28 टीटी 8: 20: 00,000 [उड़ान एवलवेशन आईटाकोड] = & gt; 32 एस [हैकोडशेयर] = & gt; [हैवेट्लेज] = & gt; [सेवा टाइप] = & gt; जे [सर्विसक्लेस ] = & Gt; ऐरे ([0] = & gt; एफ [1] = & gt; जे [2] = & gt; वाई) [ट्रैफ़िक क्रेडिट] = & gt; अरे () [कोडशेयर] = & gt; अरे ([0] = & gt ; StdClass ऑब्जेक्ट ([carrierFsCode] = & gt; Sq [flightNumber] = & gt; 1407 [सेवा टाइप] = & gt; जे [सर्विसक्लासेस] = & जी टी; ऐरे ([0] = & gt; आर [1] = & gt; एफ [2] = & gt; जे [3] = & gt; वाई) [ट्रैफ़िक क्रेडिट] = & gt; ऐरे ([0] = & gt; क्यू) [संदर्भकोड] = & gt; 10594616))...