jQuery ajax problems DOM manipulation -
I am currently using the jquery load () function which is to load text files, The html code to put on the page is fly. The problem I have is within this new HTML code, I have more buttons, which I want to assign to the click event to load further text files on the dock, but it seems that the document has been loaded. In my jQuery, event handlers are not receiving new HTML elements.
$ (".a"). Click (function () {$ (".tamscontain"). Load ("views / groups / groupA.txt");}); This code loads a view that shows a list of teams within the group, when it loads, I get a separate team to get information about the game bar Click the DOM
$ ("Brazil") with the second load () given below (function () {$ (". Matches "). Load (" Ideas / Upcoming Games / Brazil Text ");});
But at this level it does not work.
Will someone tell me in the right direction, any help would be appreciated? Thanks
Try doing something like
$ (". ("Ideas / Upcoming Games / Brazil. Txt");})
Attach a handler to one or more events for all elements that match the selector, now or in the future, depending on the specific set of element elements.
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