
Showing posts from April, 2010

python - How to change font for entire wxPython application -

I have a wxPython application (using 2.8), created with Python 2.7. Is there any way to change the font for the whole application? I mean, I would like to change the font for any wx.StaticText, wx.Button, wx.Combo for each widget that shows "text", I need to use the C ++ wrapper (wxWidgets), if Yes, then how? You should be able to set the legacy according to this thread to set all the widgets in the same font. To do this: This idea is to set the font at the top level parents, such as wx.Panel then all Children will inherit that font. This indicates that you have to set the font before creating widgets. If you need to change the font later, you have to be repeated on the hair widgets, you have to set your font individually. I use parent. Get Child () to get all or most of these.

machine learning - What is the meaning of this NLP notation? -

I am trying to find relation extraction and learn NLP on a corpus. I found the slide and trying to parse the marking for a high dimensional feature vector (shown below). Where How do I get the most equation in an English language? Change sentence? For each input text unit, x; For every possible convenience, y - convenience x is - can one be presented by a feature vector? I am used to seeing cartesian product notation and I am used to see the function notation and I used to see set builder notation. But there are very unfamiliar things in the line that I understand what it says. What is the meaning of colon? This means that F is a function that takes input and output and takes one output. In this context, the input is usually a word sequence, and that word sequence's candidate labeling output - eg. Part-of-speech tags or sequences of a parse tree are some examples on slide 8 of Ryan McDonald's slide deck. Macdonald also makes this point, but I repeat it here: In ...

git - how to easily select a single commit when a range must be specified? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 8 जवाब इस तरह एक रिपोजिटरी को देखते हुए: ए - बी - सी - डी - ई - प्रधान मैं git format - patch केवल सी को निर्यात करने के लिए निर्यात करें। इस प्रतिबद्ध को निर्दिष्ट करने का एक आसान तरीका क्या होगा? मैं जो बता सकता हूं, से git format-patch & lt; sha1 का B & gt; & Lt; sha1 का C & gt; काम करेगा, लेकिन यह बहुत ही बोझिल है (दो हंस के साथ कूड़ा) यह निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए कोई आसान तरीका नहीं है, जैसे "मुझे तुरंत बी के बाद सभी कमिट दें"? मैं गीट 1.7.1 का उपयोग करता हूं और इस संस्करण के लिए समाधान पसंद करेगा; लेकिन अगर नए संस्करणों में इस क्षेत्र में पर्याप्त सुधार हो, तो यह दिलचस्प भी हो सकता है। आपको होना चाहिए सी और " सी के अभिभावक " के साथ काम करने में सक्षम: git format-patch c ~ c

html - css div liquidlike/autoadjust size -

If content is overflowed, then I just want to adjust the height of the container automatically, it will only flow over. This is the code I have on the site: Just forget about HTML and Focus on CSS, CSS I get an error. .game_wrapper {width: 210px; Height: auto; Status: Relative; Background: #fafafa; Background: url (bg1.png); Limit: 1px dashed # 7f7f7f; Padding: 3px; } .game_container {width: 90px; Height: 85px; Limit: 1 px solid #fff; Swim left; Margin: 3px; Text-align: center; -MOZ-BOX-SHADOW: 0 px 0 px 1 pixels # 000000; -WebKit-Box-Shadow: 0 px 0 px 1 pixels # 000000; Box-Shadow: 0 px 0 px 1 pixel # 000000; Border-radius: 1px; Padding: 3px; Transition: All .2s; -WebKit-Infection: All .2s; -MOZ-Infection: All .2s; -O-Infection: All .2s; Status: Relative; Background: url (background.jpg); Background size: 100%; } .game_container: Hover {boundary: 1px solid # c0c0c0; } .game_container img {width: 100%; Height: 70px; -Winkit-Filter: Brightness (110%); Padding-bottom: 3px; Bor...

tcl - Condition based on environment variable existance -

Is it the right to use the following condition based on environment variables? Or better way? Example: # Both environment variables must exist if {expr [eval {info exists env (VARIABLE_1)}] & amp; [Eval {info exists env (VARIABLE_2)}]} {# true: do something} second {# false: separate something}

php - Foreach loop + recursion -

I'm trying to install this code more flexible so that whatever the size of this $ set array is , I think it can be done with recursive, but the correct php syntax can not be found. $ sets = array (array (0, 1, 2, 3), array (0, 1, 2, 3), array (0, 1, 2, 3), array 0, 1, 2, 3)); $ Combination = array (); Forex Currency foreach ($ set [0] as $ s1) ($ set [1] $ s2) foreach ($ set [2] as $ s3) foreach ($ set [3] $ s4 Form) $ combination [] = array ($ S1, $ s2, $ s3, $ s4); Print_r ($ combinations); You can do this in a recursive manner like this. Output is similar to your loops

google app engine - Gae webapp2 routing problems. match the uris wrong -

I am facing difficulties with the gae webapp2 routing system. On my way / I have the following: _route = [RedirectRoute ('/', 'home.HomeHandler', name = 'home', strict_slash = true) , RedirectRoute ('/ users / comments / new /', 'users',' redirects' ('/ users /'; usercoded & gt; ',' Users.UserSingleHandler ', name =' user-page ', strict_slash = True) .UserNewCommentHandler ', name =' new-comment ', strict_slash = true]] I have the problem that when' to call AGX '/ users / tips / new' ' If the handler gets a call then there is UserSingleHandler and I do not need it (UserNet Comm Nthendlr). Upon inspection of the code, I have found that the user code in UserSingleHandler is the ultimate '/ comments / new /' ... odd! ¿Am I doing wrong? will collect all requests on '/ users /' such as 'root / users / *' You can fix your problem by changing t...

abstract syntax tree - ANTLR - Linking nodes of an AST -

I want to know how I can define in grammar file, that the "two mothers of the AST node" -father ". For example, if the tree of the first tree is also a child of 'n' node 'A', then what syntax should I use so that the node 'D' does not appear repeatedly (I want something like a second tree). A | | | ------- | B.C. DA / \ / | | ---- | | B.C. \ | D If I do something like this: ABCD -> ^ (AB ^ (cd) d) The node 'D' will appear repeatedly. AFAIK, there is no convenient API for this, you must manually copy AST, and then Put this in your rewrite rule: @parser :: members {GeneralTree Copy (CommonType Origin) {// -a-tree return copy effectual; }} Rules: A BCD - & gt; ^ (A b ^ (cd) {copy ($ d.tree)});

web worker - XMLHttpRequest.send crashes browser -

Crash this code () - only when the caller is called in the web worker. Runs fine in the main thread. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest (); ('GET', "http: // localhost: 62178 / document?" + Msg.url, incorrect); Xhr.setRequestHeader ('content-type', 'app / jason'); Var worker = this; Xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {// ...}; Xhr.send (); Any console output, only one browser crash open Required: ('GET', "http: // localhost: 62178 / document?" + Msg.url, true); Async should be set to true in a web worker.

jdbc - Defining scope based user defined variables under different thread group -

I have multiple thread groups in jmeter for a test plan. I want to define a user-defined value for a specific thread group, variable name can be repeated in another thread group for its user defined values. When I tried to try the above, it was raising the last value of the same variable name in thread groups and it was not used according to scope. jmatter variable is limited to current thread only group all To see JMator variables for thread groups, you need to convert them to Jmeter Properties. See the guide for details on how to do this

cassandra - datastax python driver connection time-out with multiprocessing -

निम्न उदाहरण: से cassandra.ecoder आयात क्लस्टर से cassandra.decoder आयात * आयात बहु प्रसंस्करण def async_query_process (लॉक, i, process_num): अगर i & lt; Process_num: lock.acquire () क्लस्टर = क्लस्टर (['नेप्च्यून']) सत्र = क्लस्टर.कनेक्ट ('मर्क्यूअर') session.row_factory = tuple_factory lock.release () प्रक्रिया = बहुप्रोसेसिंग.प्रक्रिया (नाम = 'प्रक्रिया' + str (I + 1), लक्ष्य = async_query_process, args = (लॉक, i + 1, 2)) process.start () lock = multiprocessing.Lock () प्रक्रिया = multiprocessing.Process (नाम = 'प्रक्रिया' + str (0) , लक्ष्य = async_query_process, # cluster_ip_list = self.cluster_ip_list, keyspace = self.keyspace, args = (लॉक, 0, 2)) process.start () निम्न त्रुटि देता है: ट्रेसबैक (सबसे हाल का कॉल अंतिम): फ़ाइल "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/", पंक्ति 258, _bootstrap () फ़ाइल में "/ usr / Lib / python2.7 / multiprocessing / ", पंक्ति 114, चलाने के लिए self._target...

c# - COMException when getting the Class member of an Exchange folder -

I have an Outlook Interp program that lists folders in Outlook. This works perfectly for local PST files. Outlook throws commexation errors for some Exchange server folders when I try to access Class members of the Folder Interface. Up to now, I received these error codes: 0xE304011D and 0x8834011D Message The Microsoft Exchange is unavailable. There are network problems or have been discontinued for repair of Exchange Server. Public Zero Listfolders (UltraTree Control, Outlook Folders, UltraTrint, ParentNode) {Ultratry Node; Outlook.OlObjectClass class ID; Outlook.OlItemType type; String name; Foreach (Folder in parent.folders.folderf) {try {name = f.Name; ClassID = f.Class; Type = f.DefaultItemType; If (classID == Outlook.OlObjectClass.olFolder & amp; type == Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem) {node = ParentNode.Nodes.Add ("", f.Name); Node Override. NodeAppearance.Image = 0; If (f.Folders.Count> 0) ListFolders (Ctrl, f, node); }} Hold (COMException E) {switch ...

sql - Conditional INSERT or SELECT like in a CASE statement -

मैं PostgreSQL में एक CASE कथन का उपयोग करके एक सम्मिलित करना चाहता हूं। यदि मेरे परिणाम सेट की संख्या शून्य के बराबर है, तो मैं एक सम्मिलित करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं I यदि यह शून्य के बराबर नहीं है, तो मैं उस तालिका पर अधिकतम समय का चयन करना चाहता हूं। केस का चयन करें जब (x से गिनती (*) का चयन करें जहां तालिकानाम = ' पी ') & gt; 0 तब (जब से तालिकानाम = 'पी') = 0 तब (एक्स मानों ('पी', '1 9 00-01-01' में सम्मिलित करें (जहां से गणना संख्या (*) से x से MaxDataDate चुनें) ) शुद्ध एसक्यूएल में इस तरह से अनुवाद किया जा सकता है: साथ एसईएल एएस (SELECT maxdatadate FROM x जहां tablename = 'p'), INS (INSERT x (? Column_name1 ?, column_name2?) SELECT 'p' ::? Type1 ?, '1900 -01-01 '::: टाइप 2? कहां मौजूद नहीं है (चयन 1 से पहले इन) और मौजूदा (से चुनें 1 से, जहां से tablename =' p ')) चयन करें; लापता जानकारी भरें ? स्पॉट के निशान। मान लें x.tablename अद्वितीय है। अन्यथा, आपका दूसरा SELECT कथन बकवास होगा।...

django - ImportError at /admin/ No module named polls_ChoiceField.urls -

Django 1.6.2 MacOSX 10.9.2 पायथन 2.7 मैंने हाल ही में एक Django ऐप "Polls_ChoiceField" को हटा दिया है जो एक और ऐप "चुनाव" के अंदर बैठे थे क्योंकि मैं केवल कुछ चीजों का परीक्षण करने के लिए इसका प्रयोग कर रहा था। हालांकि, जब से मैंने इसे हटा दिया था, तब ऐप यह अब काम नहीं करता था। मैंने फाइल को pyDev पैकेज एक्सप्लोरर के माध्यम से हटा दिया। जब मैंने डाटाबेस को सिंक करता था, तो मुझे बासी सामग्री को हटाने का विकल्प दिया, मैंने हाँ चुना क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि मूल "चुनाव" सभी को फिर से चलने के लिए मुझे क्या करना है? प्रासंगिक टर्मिनल आउटपुट localhost: src brendan $ python syncdb तालिकाओं का निर्माण ... निम्नलिखित सामग्री प्रकार बाड़ी और आवश्यकताएं हैं हटाए जाने के लिए: चुनाव | चुनाव_चौशलिया चुनाव | Poll_choicefield किसी भी विदेशी कुंजी द्वारा इन प्रकारों से संबंधित वस्तुओं को हटा दिया जाएगा। क्या आप वाकई इन सामग्री प्रकारों को हटाना चाहते हैं? यदि आप अनिश्चित हैं, तो उत्तर दें 'नहीं' जारी रखने के लिए 'हां' टाइप करें...

JSF richfaces: update (rerender) element + close popup on click a4j:commandButton -

I want to hide my popup and reproduce some components when I click the a4j: commandButton in the popup . & lt; A4j: type of command button = "button" styleClass = "left" value = "# {bean.value}" action listener = "# {bean action}" render = "updated blanket" oncomplete = "# {rich: components ( 'Popup'}} to hide (). " /> The component has been duplicated in this case, but the popup is not hidden. If I see rerender = "updComponent" instead of render = "updatecontent" , hiding the popup, but the element does not reappear has been done. If I overcomplete = "# {rich: component ('popup')} wrap ()" this: The popup is not hidden, the component is not re-presenting. What am I doing wrong and what do I have to achieve? I have used obzin instead of incomplete and it works for me. If I do not make a mistake, then it is a JSF bug: render is not firing after...

Quickbooks SDK 13.0 ToDoAddRq C# -

Hey guys, I'm new to this SDK, I'm trying to add everyone until I'm trying Specify time or priority or give me this error "QuickBooks gets an error when parsing the XML text stream provided" I am using SDK 13, please any my Please help using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; Using System.Text; Using System.Windows; Using QBFC13Lib; Using System.Globalization; Using System.Windows.Forms; Namespace Test {Public Partial Category Form 2: Form {Public Form 2} (Private Timeliness)} Private Zero Form 2_load (Object Sender, EventA RGS E) {Bull Sessions Begun = False; Bull connections open = false; QBSessionManager sessionManager = null; {SessionManager = Try New QBSessionManager (); // To set our request, set the message set object IMsgSetRequest requestMsgSet = sessionManager.CreateMsgSetRequest ("US", 8, 0); RequestMsgSet.Attributes.OnError = ENRqOnError.roeContinue; // Connect to QuickBooks and start a session session. ...

c# - Controller function not called when user isn't an administrator -

I have the following code but my controller function is not being called for users who have the role of "admin" is not . Can anyone explain why I am going wrong? To clarify, for users where they are in the "Admin" role, it works fine, not everyone is called the controller's job. VIEW: Function acceptedTerm () {Var Username = '@HTML.ValueFor (m = & gt; m.UserName)'; $ .zax ({type: "post", url: '@ Url.Action ("UpdateUserConnects", "user"), data: JSON.stringify ({userName: userName}), content type: "app / jason; charset Data ("failed") {alert ("unsuccessful");} and {var wnd = $ ("# wndTerms"). Data ("cando wando" ); Wnd.close (); $ .ajax ({type: "post", url: '@ Url.Action ("AcceptTerms", "Account"), Content Type: "Application / Jason; Charset = UTF-8 ", Success: work (data) {window.location.href = data}})}}}}); } Control...

datetime - Manipulating dataframe with date time variable in R -

मेरे पास डेटा फ्रेम है ID DATE TS_EVENT XYZ ID0026A 2013-01-03 2013-01-03 8:31:09 अपराह्न 25 0 0 ID0026A 2013-01-03 2013-01-03 8:31:09 अपराह्न 0 0 0 ID0026A 2013-01-03 2013-01-03 11:22:55 PM 0 0 0 ID0026A 2013-01-03 2013-01-03 11:36:05 अपराह्न 0 0 0 ID0026A 2013-01-03 2013-01-03 11:36:05 अपराह्न 0 0 0 ID0026A 2013-03-27 2013-01-03 11:36:05 PM 100 354 25 अब मैं एक डेटाफ्रेम वापस करना चाहता हूं जिसमें चार कॉलम आईडी, DATE, X, Y और Z होगा। लेकिन कोला "आईडी" में अनन्य आईडी होगा, उस आईडी के लिए तारीख में नवीनतम तारीख होगी और शेष कॉलों में उस विशिष्ट आईडी के लिए नवीनतम समय स्टैम्प (टीएस_एइएनव्हीईएनटी) से संबंधित मूल्य होंगे। उदाहरण के लिए, ID0026A के लिए इस मामले में डेटाफ्रेम दिखना चाहिए ID DATE XYZ ID0026A 2013-01-03 0 0 0 ID0026A 2013-03-27 100 354 25 मेरे डेटाफ्रेम में 1.2 मिलीग्राम के रिकॉर्ड और 6000 अद्वितीय ID शामिल हैं नोट: आईडी के str चरित्र है, DATE की संख्या, टीएस_ईईईएनटी का अक्षर चरित्र और बाकी संख्यात्मक है इसलिए, पहले मैं TS_EVENT को एक तारीख समय ...

wso2 - How to gernerate Stubs for PolicyEntitlementAdminService in WSO2IS -

प्रश्न: WSO2IS में PolicyEntitlementAdminService के लिए Stubs कैसे सम्मिलित करें? मैंने वेब सेवा एपी और अब मैं एक स्टब क्लास का इस्तेमाल करना चाहता हूं। क्या wso2 के बारे में कोई ट्यूटोरियल है? धन्यवाद आप स्टेब प्राप्त कर सकते हैं उपयोग करने के लिए एक सामान्य विधि में उत्पन्न आप इस उद्देश्य के लिए [1] का उल्लेख कर सकते हैं अन्यथा निर्दिष्ट घटक के लिए संबंधित डब्लूएसओ 2 सर्विस स्टब [2] पर रहता है, जहां आप संबंधित wsdl को बदल सकते हैं और स्टब्स उत्पन्न कर सकते हैं। [1] - [2] -

how to migrate multiple branches of a subfolder to another repo with git subtree -

I want to migrate to a subfolder with the entire history of the repository 1: a ->; B - & gt; C (branch 1) \ - & gt; D (branch 2) repository in the same target folder 2: old - & gt; Merged _sub folder (master) / a * - & gt; B * - & gt; C * (branch 1) \ - & gt; D * (branch 2) with * subfolders denote the boundary. So far I git subtree Split -P subfolder B Shakhaan- git subtree Split -P subfolder B Shakhaoteepitititiaiteepitimapi -P Lcshy_folder Ripoiiai Shakhai then I made in branch b 2 * 2, but Jiaiti add subtitles drink ./ repo_1 branch_2 does not work Is because prefix './' already exists any suggestions for resolving the problem? And later, how to merge into the repository with 2 in Master 2? -b option to git subtitle split Specify a new branch to be created in which you have created two new branches, branch_1 and branch_2 , to create history from the new history, not the branch, in which both of y...

gradle - Grails Inline Plugin causes packaging error in grails 2.3.8 -

I have a Grails project that includes a sub-module such as inline plugin. I have my BuildConfig.groovy the following line to include this module: grails.plugin.location.'my-submodule '= "../my-submodule" which indicates the correct directory and is handled properly using Grails 2.3.7. After upgrading Grails 2.3.8, Gradebuilder fails with an error message that says submodule: C: \ my \ source in directory \ dir \ i-model \ C: \ Users \ Musserkgrils \ 2.3.8 \ projects \ i-model \ platform \ web-Inf \ Plugins \ sub-model-0.1 \ Plginkkml How can I set the path, as if the correct path is used here? The behavior is caused by a bug in grails 2.3.8 () BuildConfig.groovy includes the following line of config = "target / work" To set up

android - actionbar up button, extend click area when no title or icon -

My workbook does not use the icon or title, it makes the click area of ​​the "up" button too small And how can a big click area be without an icon? Just create a transparent image at the width and height for each transparent shape where you will have the image icon and Drop in the Dodgers folder, click the image logo (@ Drawable / Logo). Then you need to tell the activity to use the logo, it is not difficult and these links can help.

javascript - How to split the function to two differnt file nodejs -

Hello I'm new in node js so please do not mind when it's incorrect. I have a file like exports.Client = function () {this.example = function (name, callback) {console.log (name); }; This.example1 = function (name1, callback) {console.log (name1); }; }; I need to use var client = ('./ client.js') in this way. Customer; Var client = new client (); Client.example1 = ..... How can I split the example1 function into another JS file and still use the client object to access it. I recommend reading this page: Your Javascript module function Should be exported to module.exports . The contents of the example 1.js file: module. Exports.Emploom1 = Function (name1, callback) {console.log (name1); }; You can access the function to require a function in your client.js file: var example1 = Required ('./example1.js').example1; Module.exports.Client = function () {this.example = function (name, callback) {console.log (name); }; This.example...

Crystal Reports Dynamically Grouping by Date -

I'm relatively new to crystal reports and it seems that it should be easy, but I did not understand it Outside all googling, I am working on a report in Crystal Reports XI, which will show total hours by auxiliary staff for a date range based on the input of the user and will show between sub-yoga, week, month or both. My report is currently arranged as follows: Group 1 Header - Support Staff Members Group 2 Header - Printed Monthly Group Tickets with Header 3 Date Off - Section Printed Weekly Group 4 Header Ticket Closed Date - Ticket Category Group 4 Footer - Time Group entered each category for the week 3 Footer - The logging session for all categories for the week Group 2 Footer - Please log in to all categories for the same group 1 footer - Yoga for always logged My original idea was to suppress headers and footers for only 2 and 3 groups , When they were not necessary, but if I myself do this manually, that it still prints records, weeks and months until the paramet...

mvcroutehandler - MVC project routing is not routing .html to custom routes -

I added a path to "privacy.html" in the way of Home / Privacy in my ASP.NET MVC project. I have used it successfully in other projects, but it will not work on it. routes.MapRoute (name: "privacy.html", url: "privacy.html", default: new {controller = "home", action = "privacy"}); I've added the root debugger, and it shows me the routing table at the end of the page on all the pages of the site, but it has not been shown on privacy.html. It shows a 404 error "The resource you are looking for has been removed, its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable." I'm totally in disadvantaged it is like my local IIS (and server IIS 7.5). * Not using routing tables for HTML requests. you can try & Lt; / Operators & gt; & Lt; /system.webServer> web.config

jquery - Bootstrap after closing the modal set the focus to invoked element? -

I am using bootstrap 3.0.0. I'm facing a small problem in bootstrap , I have to apply the modal window after the current modal window I want to set focus. Post-text "itemprop =" text "> Use bootstrap's custom events: $ ('# myModal'). (' .modal ', function (e) {// something ...}); (last subsection)

Android ListView OnItemClick Animation -

I have this list view that receives my friend from Facebook: @ Public Zero (complete) listing on Override & lt; Profile & gt; Friend) {runOnUiThread {@Override Public run zero () {mSpinner.setVisibility (see GONE); MSpinner.clearAnimation ();}}); // Populate list list & lt; String & gt; Value = new arreelist & lt; String & gt; (); For (profile profile: friend) {values.add (profile.getName ()); } Arrayadapter & lt; String & gt; FriendsListAdapter = New Array Adapter & lt; String & gt; (GetApplicationContext (), R. Lit.list_item2, value); FriendsListAdapter.sort (New Comparative & lt; String & gt; () {@ Comparison of Override Public Int (String LHS, String RA) {Return lhs.compareTo (rhs);}}); MFriendsList.setAdapter (friendsListAdapter); }}; And I have this animation XML: & lt; Set xmlns: android = " Android" & gt; & Lt; Android translate: fromXDelta = "100% p" ...

php - Calculating a Running Total Efficiently -

I have to find out how to store, retrieve, and calculate the balance running in PHP. It's not related to PHP - it's more programming theory, but anyway: Imagine the following table: id | User_id | Date | Start_time | And_time | Total. Balance | Notes 19 17 | 2014-04-01 | 09:00:00 | 17:30:00 pm 7.50 | 0 | 20 | 18 | 2014-04-02 | 09:00:00 | 18:30:00. 8 | 0.5 | 20 | 18 | 2014-04-01 | 09:00:00 | 17:00:00 | 7 | -0.5 | It is relatively easy to display the balance for the month: How many hours are available in the month (April 2014). (We work 7.5 hours a day, and we do not work on weekends): 22 days * 7.5 = 165 hours Total time booked Calculate the use of SQL for one month, for example, the following: Select SUM (total) from the date of booking> Where date> = '2014-04-01' and date & Lt; = '2014-04-01'; The remaining amount is available for total hours available in total hours: 30 - 165 = -135 I need to display a total walk of th...

android - Admob doesn't show ad until second request -

There are questions about this and some different answers - none of which seems to work for me. I have a libdgx app, which makes me guess a little bit, but I do not think this is causing the problem. The code below for my on creates is below. I have been assigned an Adlivener which is said to be when the load is loaded. This code is being hit but nothing is being shown. If I set the ad to refresh, then it will be shown after the first refresh. If I call loaded second for a second time after a short wait, then the banner will show. If I send load ed on two consecutive lines then the ad will not show. Edit: I have also noticed that I can click the ad, even though I do not see the ad. I play back when the ad clicks on showing the ad correctly. edit2: I changed the ad in a SMART_BANNER instead of the banner and it seems that I still do not know what the banner is working because I expected to do the job. Crate on public void (bundled savedinstenstate) {super.onCreate (savedI...

c# - Updating object Linq'd from collection doesn't update the object in collection -

I have two simple classes with a UseCounter & lt; T & gt; and a simple container for other items (how many times it has been used and if it can be used once again) keeping some information about its use. then dispenser & lt; T & gt; , where UseConter & lt; T & gt; Is a collection of and it is used to get the right elements from the collection and then update it. I have a problem that the dispatcher's go () is in the law. This should return the object with the lowest combination of calculation and TotalCount , and then call the increase () method to increase the countdown needed. However, when I run this code, dispenser & lt; T & gt; always gives the same element, it was not a reference to the object like Linq'd element, but its copy, hence increasing () method only increases the properties of the local object, But not one in the archives. UseCounter: P> Public square UseCounter & lt; T & gt; {Receive ...

c - Printing contents of matrix by using pointer -

यहाँ मेरा काम है: arrPrintMatrix (int * matrix, int m, int n): सामग्री की छापें मैट्रिक्स [मी] [एन] तालिका प्रारूप में। और यहां मेरा कोड है: #include & lt; stdio.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; malloc.h & gt; Int main () {शून्य arrPrintMatrix (int * मैट्रिक्स, int m, int n); इंट मैट्रिक्स [2] [3] = {{5, 10, 15}, {0, 2, 4}}; Int * ptr; Ptr = & amp; मैट्रिक्स [0] [0]; अर्रप्रिंटमैट्रिक्स (पीटीआर, 2, 3); वापसी 0; } शून्य arrPrintMatrix (int * matrix, int m, int n) {int i, j; के लिए (i = 0; i & lt; m; i ++) {printf ("\ n"); के लिए (जे = 0; जम्मू & lt; n; j ++) {printf ("% d \ t", मैट्रिक्स [i] + j); }}} लेकिन जब मैं यह कोड चलाता हूं, मुझे पहली पंक्ति के रूप में 5 6 और 7 मिलता है, 10 11 और 12 दूसरी पंक्ति के रूप में। तो मैट्रिक्स [i] + j के साथ कुछ गलत है मुझे यह कैसे ठीक करना चाहिए? वैसे भी, मैं संकेतकों, मॉलोक, फ़ंक्शन के संकेत के सरणियों के बारे में इतनी उलझन में हूँ, आम तौर पर मैं संकेतकों के बारे में उलझन में हूं मुझे खुशी हो...

Replay Mode for Google Map -

Is there a "replay mode" for Google Maps? That is, I want to see: 1) Marker, 2) If there are multiple markers, then show them in the order of time, based on some criteria, 3) If possible control play back speed Thanks I have never heard about it. It will not be difficult to roll in javascript. You can set a timer (setTimeout ) And repeat through the marker in a loop while controlling the speed Add markers as you (or show only).

c++11 - C++(11) path to URI in Linux -

URL is the permit () on Windows, how do I convert the path to a URI in Linux under C ++ / C ++ 11 ? Of course, this is not the only case to prepaid file: /// , because different characters should be%-encoded. I do not want to use an external library for this; I am seeing some part of the C / C + Library, maybe STL & lt; Regex & gt; .

Parsing XML data using Javascript -

I have moved the basic information to XML and now I am trying to parse XML data using Javascript. I have taken help from w3schools & amp; The following code is written but not parsing and an empty page is displayed. Please help ... The XML file being used is books.xml : & lt; Bookstore & gt; & Lt; Book class = "cooking" & gt; & Lt; Title lang = "en" & gt; Daily Italian & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Author & gt; Giada de Laurentiis & lt; / Author & gt; & Lt; Years & gt; 2005 & lt; / Year & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; 30.00 & lt; / Pricing & gt; & Lt; / Book & gt; & Lt; Book category = "kids" & gt; & Lt; Title lang = "en" & gt; Harry Potter & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Author & gt; JK's rolling & lt; / Author & gt; & Lt; Years & gt; 2005 & lt; / Year & gt; & Lt; Price & gt; 29.99 & lt; / Pr...

how to upgrade phpmyadmin to latest verison 4.1.14? using yum repo? -

No one knows I can do to upgrade phpmyadmin in the latest 4.1.14 version. I want to use Yum. I tried to upgrade yum. Maybe, I need to create a repo file Any help is greatly appreciated. I am using FC20 apache, php, mysql, phpmyadmin As long as you stick with the yum version, you are dependent on the package managers. You'll find whatever versions they are in. The third party can be the repository, which can now provide more updated phpMyAdmin than that you're using, but you are still depending on the package manager to update. This if that is precisely what you want, but usually the official release is behind schedule options for your web root and update it yourself, but it does not use yum as referred to in your question. It seems, which is far behind the official source. / P>

.htaccess - Simple htaccess does not work correctly on subdomain -

तो मेरे पास निम्न htaccess है विकल्प + अनुवर्ती लिपिकों को पुनर्लेखन पर पुन: लिखने के लिए ^ पोस्ट / ( [0- 9] +) /? $ Posts.php? Id = $ 1 लेकिन जब मैं इसे उपडोमेन पर उपयोग करता हूँ। वेबसाइट्स com यह काम नहीं करता कोई भी संभव कारण?

Not able to install postgresql-plperl-8.4 on Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 -

मेरे पास हाल ही में नया उबुंटू 14.04 वितरण पर पोस्टग्रेस्क्ल-प्लेर्ल-8.4 स्थापित करने में समस्या है। जब मैंने इसे स्थापित करने की कोशिश की तो उसने मुझे यह त्रुटि दी: postgresql-plperl-8.4 libperl5.10 (& gt; = 5.10.1) पर निर्भर करता है; हालांकि: पैकेज libperl5.10 इंस्टॉल नहीं है। > = 5.10.1), पोस्टग्रेस्क्ल-8.4 (= 8.4.21-1.pgdg10.4 + 1), पर्ल ठीक है, फिर मैंने जाँच किया कि क्या liberl का संस्करण 14.04 पर स्थापित है dpkg का उपयोग करके चल रहा है: dpkg --search libperl फिर मुझे नीचे दिए गए परिणाम दिखाई दिए: libperl5.18: /usr/share/doc/libperl5.18 libperl5.18: /usr/share/lintian/overrides/libperl5.18 जो स्पष्ट रूप से सुझाव देता है कि मेरे पास एक संस्करण है जो postgresql-plperl-8.4 की आवश्यकता को संतुष्ट करता है और फिर भी यह मुझे त्रुटियां दे रहा है। क्या कोई मदद कर सकता है?

Excel-VBA gradient colorstops -

What is the best way to apply a horizontal gradient fill effect through a macro code from a cell? I wanted to set up in Excel shield (right-click on cell B1, format cell ..., fill, fill effects, two-color, horizontal, "right" at all). Then I have the following to figure out how the code is represented by the code. When I step through the code, I shield and myrange object of colorstops can use the Locals window to observe: as determined dim myrange limit myrange = ActiveSheet.range ("B1") Using this information, I can now work hard in a macro, in order to duplicate the gradient in the code: 'First, delete myrange.Interior.Gradient.ColorStops cs.Delete next in each CS' then for anyone Minister's shield colorstops, Kadd allocated colorstops desired slope with myrange.Interior.Gradient.ColorStops color = 16777215 Status = 0 ThemeColor = 1 TintAndShade = 0 .add color = 7,961,087 position = 0.5 ThemeColor = 0 TintAndShade = 0 .add color = 16,7...

backbone.js - marionette example not working -

I have HTML, JS code on codepay: I have started learning Marianette JS. Either way this simple example is not working throws this error: Unkit type error: there is no undefined function How to solve it? Your problem is in these lines: ContactManager.reqres setholder ("Contact: Institutions", function () {return API.getContactEntities;}); You must type API.getContactEntities () otherwise you are returning the function reference instead of the collection of your contacts. This causes undefined error. See:

python - Django: store calculations results on database readings -

I am writing an app to control water consumption in various water meters. To simplify it, I can get a list of consumption readings in every meter every 15 minutes. I have a query that gives something like this: Date | Reading Point | Consumption ----------------- + -------------- + ------------ 03/05 / 2014 02:00 | 1 | 12/03/2014 02:00 | 2 | 12/03/2014 02:15 | 1 | 7/03/05 02:15 | 2 | 07/03/2014 02:30 | 1 | 11 03/05/2014 02:30 | 2 | 11 03/05/2014 02:45 | 1 | 23/03/2014 02:45 | 2 | 23 .... From time to time, I need some pre-calculations on these readings. Some examples: Store the total consumption of each day Store the maximum reading of each day Store the monthly average consumption This calculation is defined by the user, so I'm not sure how to model it. This pre-computed tables will be intensively inquired, so I think the ideal way to do this is to store each table in a separate table, but I'm not sure that Djangogo can produce such a dynamic model. Here ...

php - Is there any way to apply strict typing to the parameters of a function? -

I know that some of the beauty of PHP is with loose typing, but I want to create a strictly typed PHP class I'm Object Oriented Functions. I tried what I thought: ... [index.php] 24: Include './documentation-builder.php'; 25: $ creator = new dockbuilder ('documentation'); ... [documentation-builder.php] 5: class docbilder 6: {7: function __ composition (string $ heading) 8: {9: $ this-> Title = $ heading; 10:} 11:} But I found the following error: Catchable fatal error : 1 document doc -Bilder passed: __Construct () string should be an example, given string, which is on path 25 \ path \ to \ index.php and \ path \ to \ documentation-builder .php is defined in the line 5 The fact is that "logic 1 ... Should be an example of string, given string "I feel Why have received that I am close, but forgot I need strict typing on your PHP functions? Just point to classes and arrays in this way. Type signals can not be used wit...

amazon web services - How to save customer configuration from AMI? -

I am planning to provide a service using Amazon AWS, so users of my service is an example of my AMI to start, they will use it and the way to make configuration changes with in order to meet these instances and finish the configuration will be lost until my software to protect it from anywhere, But where and how? Configuration can be done in a few large files is not sure if it makes sense to store in a central location If you are ever in a new AMI can create (eg Select> actions> Create image) after the change, only storage to create a new image and maintain that image costs .

javascript - z-index inherits parents z-index , or not? -

I have two full divs, I'll show an item on DI div (click + + some javascript code) on div. I want to zindex on A to B. (I want A to B) - This item has its own zindex (a zindex from div). Jindex inherited by the children of parents, but it does not seem so. The question is ...? How can I get a 'computed' keyword for my 'item'? No, it is not legacy is . You can see it. However, keep in mind that z-index sets z-position more than set-stunning context. This means that if you have , then Div id = "a" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "b" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "c" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; #A, #B, #C {Status: Completed; Top: 0} # A {z-index: 1; } #b {z-index: 1000000; } #c {z-index: 2; } Then, #c overlap #b , even if #b is high Z-index . Therefore, z-index is not technically inherited, but z-index z-post of ancestors. I suggest reading ...

c# - How to build a transactional query from multiple webservice calls -

I have a design issue - I will try to explain clearly. I have a web service that takes messages from a system, parses the message and sends the formatted data to another application (through a webservice message within that application - we This is called "application service" from now on). Many classes are related and the new saved sections are returned by the ID system, which gives the access service, the returned IDs are then added to a mapping table, which is maintained by the middle webservice using NBarnetes. The problem I have is that I need to make the whole process transactional (so that if something goes wrong, the whole thing can be brought back and the web service gives unsuccessful results to the client system). So the question is of a design - Should I pass all the information in a big message to the information and return a large message for the mapping ID web service? (This is my current favored idea) or Should I create a Transaction Statement ...

java - readLine() hangs on last line using Runtime.exec and BufferedStream -

I am using the right practices mentioned in this article: I've read output and error streams together. However, when reading the output stream of the process, it hangs on readLine () after the last line I have no idea how it works. This is the line of process and it just hangs there. This hanging order paexec \ -c -f C: \ Windows \ ITBBsync0.bat. There are several lines inside the batch file such as the following: devcon.exe status = usb> c: \ windows \ output.txt When I execute it on the command line, So the code exits 0. When I execute it in Java it is hanging after reading the last line of output (which is basically the last line of the batch file). I believe the process is not finished, so why does this problem occur? import *; Class StreamGobbler Thread is Extended {InputStream; String type; StreamGobbler (InputStream, string type) is { =; This.Type = type; } Public Zero Run () {try {InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader...

tooling - Can I use the gradle connector to get arbitrary configuration information from a build.gradle file? -

I am using a Gradle Connector with a Gradle Project that is downloaded from a service. I want to do some grade operations on that project, but some information is required from the project. Creating the download project. The grade has some properties that I want to remove: ProjectConnection.getModel (GradleProject.class) " "=" value0 "archive name =" value1 "version =" value2 " I can get some value from the model But not those whom I want (maybe I'm misusing it?). Is there a way to remove those specific values ​​out of the project (maybe a different model)? I can also parsing some text on the build file, but I think this should be my last option. The Grad Towing API only shows a subset of the build script's information using its own models. As far as I can tell, the properties you are interested in do not appear by default. However, you can expose your own custom model, for example, see sampling / tooling API / cu...

tcp - Consequences of the lack of acknowledgment on last message -

Not long, I did not think deeply about the same limit that TCP is also known, As I have stumbled due to this problem, I have started thinking that the outcomes that arise from the impossibility of solving the problem are. Consider the e-mail protocol. When AS sends a mail, A verifies A that B actually receives its message. Still, B does not end with knowing whether A is acceptable. Why is it not important? I am trying to understand why there is no possibility of consensus among day-to-day applications and we worry about it (I'm probably finishing things). Another situation which I thought about ATM machines says that wants to withdraw $ 50, the transaction is accepted at the bank headquarters, so the money is reduced from the balance , But believe that the relationship between the headquarters and the ATM fails at this time. Money is discounted but machine is not paying. How are these situations handled? Maybe I'm a little confused, but it's all new to me. It seem...

javascript - Why does it keep adding a random 0? -

I was trying to create an MCT calculator in JavaScript, though during the construction of the mean, I received errors having had. This is my code: (Note that I am relatively new to javascript) var min = prompt ("Enter the minimum value"); Var max = Prompt ("Enter Maximum Price"); If (min> max) {warnings ("Error: \ n \ n \ nminimum value '" + + + "maximum value greater than" "+ max +"'); } And {var a = (max - min); Warning ("variable one is" + max + "-" + minute + "=" + a); Var B = A / 2; Warning ("variable is b" + a + "/ 2 =" + b); Var c = min + b; Warning ("variable is" + minute + "+" + b + "=" + c); Warning ("range is + + + \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \" + + + \ n \ n Median + "+ + +" + \ n \ n max "max +" \ n \ n Max is "max"); If you type 10 for the minimum value and 10 ...

an array of people using structs in c? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 5 जवाब 17 उत्तरों मुझे इस तरह से एक struct का उपयोग करते समय व्यक्तियों की एक सरणी बनाने की आवश्यकता है: - typedef struct व्यक्ति {int age; // को बेतरतीब ढंग से उत्पन्न इंट ऊंचाई की जरूरत है; // को बेतरतीब ढंग से उत्पन्न int वजन की जरूरत है; // बेतरतीब ढंग से उत्पन्न होने की जरूरत है} व्यक्ति; लेकिन मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि ऐसा कैसे करें जैसे सरणी के साथ: - व्यक्ति [0] व्यक्ति [1] व्यक्ति [2] कोई भी युक्तियां बढ़िया होंगी! typedef संरचना व्यक्ति {int age; // को बेतरतीब ढंग से उत्पन्न इंट ऊंचाई की जरूरत है; // को बेतरतीब ढंग से उत्पन्न int वजन की जरूरत है; // बेतरतीब ढंग से उत्पन्न होने की जरूरत है} व्यक्ति; // 5 व्यक्तियों के व्यक्तियों की एक सरणी बनाएं [5]; // पहले व्यक्ति का डेटा सेट करें व्यक्ति [0] .ge = 25; व्यक्ति [0]। हाइट = 175; // में सेमी व्यक्ति [0]। वजन = 68; // in kg

ios - ProgressView not showing in all UICollectionViewCells -

My problem is that progression is only visible in the first 2 cells. What's wrong with my code? Note: Scroll my collection view horizontally and each cell contains the full screen. I think that something like this can happen because I tried to show all the rooms in the same scene and they work fine, they show all progressiveness. Edit code: - See the (UICollectionViewCell *) collection: (UICollectionView *) collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath {static NSString * CellIdentifier = @ "Sail"; Clothing- DetailCell * cell = (Clothing- DietCell *) [see dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier: cell identifier for indexpath: indexpath]; Cell.progressView.hidden = NO; [Cell. Progress progression set progress: 0.02]; PFFile * storeLooks = [self.vestimenta objectForKey: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "image_% ld", (long) indexPath.item]]; NSMutableString * precio = [NSMutableString string]; (NSString * precios [self.vestimenta object...

javascript - View exported HTML -

मेरा उदाहरण: a.href = "डेटा: पाठ / html," + document.getElementById ( "सामग्री") innerHTML। डिवेल आईडी = सामग्री द्वारा निर्यात सामग्री हालांकि निर्यात कोड अच्छा नहीं दिखता है सब कुछ एक पंक्ति में है कृपया इसे ठीक करने के बारे में सुझाव दें। यदि आप अपनी फ़ाइल का उपयोग करते हैं, तो नई लाइनें संरक्षित हैं: a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL (नया ब्लॉब ([document.getElementById ("सामग्री")। InnerHTML], {प्रकार: "text / html"})); यदि आप base64 स्ट्रिंग (किसी कारण के लिए) पसंद करते हैं, तो आप ब्लॉब को किसी स्ट्रिंग में कनवर्ट कर सकते हैं। var reader = new FileReader ( ); reader.readAsDataURL (ब्लॉब); Reader.addEventListener ("loadend", फ़ंक्शन () {console.log (reader.result); // base64}); यहां एक डेमो है:

solrj - How to check if a solr query will return data before actually loading the data? -

I am going to write some code which will run several solr queries. But whenever I run the query, these questions do not need to be loaded with documents. I mean, I can run 6 questions but I can load the documents from the 5th query only May need to be done. So to speed things up, there is a way to run a sulter query which only indicates that this query will return the document or not? My goal document is not to load until I actually use them. Just to accelerate the process. There are two ways to achieve this: You can set the field list to go back by using the fl parameter: Set the empty string or set the field name that does not exist in your index so that the request is not fallback in the default field list blank should return a list of documents: SolrQuery query = new solverkey (); Query.setQuery ("Something to Search"); Query.set ("fl", "unknown_field"); SolrDocumentList Out = server.query (Query) .getResults (); Use the rows...

cakephp - Cake PHP image upload -

I'm new to the cake and I need some help in uploading an image to allow me to upload an image to a user And I want to save it to the image directory (www / CakePHP / app / webroot / img /), and also want to store the file's path to the database. This is what I have so far received, ProductsADD.ctp: & lt; Div class = "products form" & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ this- & gt; Form- & gt; Create ('product'); ? & Gt; & Lt; Fieldset & gt; & Lt; Legend & gt; & Lt ;? Php Echo __ ('Add Product Details'); ? & Gt; & Lt; / Narrative & gt; & Lt ;? Php echo $ this- & gt; Form- & gt; Input ('product_name', array ('required' = & gt; wrong)); Copy $ the-> gt; Form- & gt; Input ('product_model_number', array ('required' = & gt; wrong)); Echo $ the-> Form- & gt; Input ('product_brand', array ('required' = & gt; wrong)); Echo $ ...

actionscript - Flex Spark List item render with delayed refresh -

I have a spark list in which I'm manually adding custom components (without an item renderer). My questions are: All things are working properly, when I add hundreds of items to the list ( Based on many calculations). Can the flex automatically delay the distribution of components to be added to a list? If not, how can I tell the spark list to present only the limbs when everything is added? I hope that what I am asking makes sense. I am pretty sure that the time of render is increasing because I have some components within the custom component, I just want a simple answer to my questions. One more thing to know is that, action script 3 even here Runs on a flash player based on that-powered it means that if you run a piece of code in the blocking, nothing, including the rendering, will not be executed until the code is finished. This design sometimes causes issues: If a developer adds too many jobs in one blocking function, the player looks...

c++ - Why is my function endlessly looping -

#include & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; iostream & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; iomanip & gt; नेमस्पेस एसटीडी का उपयोग करना; शून्य जोड़ें (स्ट्रिंग नाम [], इंट अनुभाग [], इंट ग्रेड []); शून्य प्रिंटरेकॉर्डर्स (कॉन्स्ट स्ट्रिंग नाम [], कॉन्स्ट इंटेक्स [], एंग्री ग्रेड [], इंट साइज़); शून्य प्रविष्टि सॉर्ट (पूर्ण संख्या [], पूर्णांक आकार); शून्य प्रदर्शन (पूर्णांक संख्या [], पूर्णांक आकार); Int main () {// कमांड स्ट्रिंग कमांड; // स्ट्रिंग नाम जोड़ें [20] = {""}; Int वर्ग [20]; इंट ग्रेड [20]; Cout & lt; & lt; "एक कमांड (जोड़ें, प्रिंट, ड्रॉप, सॉर्ट, औसत, छोड़ें) दर्ज करें: \ n"; Cin & gt; & gt; आदेश; जबकि (कमांड! = "छोड़ दिया") {if (command == "add") {add (names, sections, grades); } और अगर (कमांड == "प्रिंट") {printRecords (नाम, अनुभाग, ग्रेड, 20); } और अगर (कमांड == "ड्रॉप") {cout & lt; & lt; आदेश; } और अगर (कमांड == "सॉर्ट") {cout & lt; & lt; आदेश; } औ...

Masking answer options in Confirmit (jscript) -

I'm trying to mask the answer option which, using a background value, the 3DGrid question The items are shown in the variable Example when displaying "Background 1" == 1, Answer Category 1. If "background 1" == 0, then do not display the answer category 1. If "background 2" == 1, display category 3, otherwise not. In any case, display the answer category 2. Hope this is easy for someone (I'm a psychiatrist, not a sign word ... so it's not for me: /) Thank you! We can use the Confirmit function to access data inside a query / variable. For example: f ('my_question_id'). Get (); While masking a question, we have to pass in a set object so that Confirmates knows that not to show and show for code You will often mask using a set from the previous question. So you pass in question_id and do all the spell-bound magic. Here we have a problem not having a set, so we have to make our own. For this, there are 2 appr...

How to set a Http Session parameter in a JPA named query -

I want to set a parameter in a named query (JPA 2.0), so my datatable will present the relevant dataset. The parameter is obtained remotely and the abstrate is injected into the famed class. I have tried to get it through the code given above, but it is not working. Can anyone help me? Sarfachet (Main Code): Private string prefix; Public listing & lt; T & gt; FindByPrefDep () {prefDep = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance (). GetExternalContext (). GetSessionMap () Get ("xPrefDep"); Javax.preistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery cq = getEntityManager () GetCriteriaBuilder (). CreateQuery (); (cq.from (entityClass)); Return getEntityManager (). CreateQuery (cq) .setParameter ("prefDep", prefDep) .getResultList (); } Entity Class (Main Code): @NamedQuery (name = "capacitacao.findByPrefDep", query = "Choose from Capsitec C, C WHERE C .prefDep =: prefDep "), Synchronous: public archive & lt; T & gt; GetItems () {...