Quickbooks SDK 13.0 ToDoAddRq C# -
Hey guys, I'm new to this SDK, I'm trying to add everyone until I'm trying Specify time or priority or give me this error "QuickBooks gets an error when parsing the XML text stream provided" I am using SDK 13, please any my Please help
using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; Using System.Text; Using System.Windows; Using QBFC13Lib; Using System.Globalization; Using System.Windows.Forms; Namespace Test {Public Partial Category Form 2: Form {Public Form 2} (Private Timeliness)} Private Zero Form 2_load (Object Sender, EventA RGS E) {Bull Sessions Begun = False; Bull connections open = false; QBSessionManager sessionManager = null; {SessionManager = Try New QBSessionManager (); // To set our request, set the message set object IMsgSetRequest requestMsgSet = sessionManager.CreateMsgSetRequest ("US", 8, 0); RequestMsgSet.Attributes.OnError = ENRqOnError.roeContinue; // Connect to QuickBooks and start a session session. The Manager. OpenConnection ("", "QuickBook Account Import"); ConnectionOpen = true; SessionManager.BeginSession ("C: \\ User \\ Public \\ Document \\ Intuit \ QuickBooks \\ Company Files \\ ***. Qbw", ENOpenMode.omDontCare); Sessions Beginn = true; IToDoAdd ToDoAddRq = requestMsgSet.AppendToDoAddRq (); ToDoAddRq.ReminderDate.SetValue (DateTime.ParseExact ("29/4/2014", "D / M / yyyy", Culture Info Inventory Culture)); // time tudoadrack Set the field value for the RinderTime SetValue (10, 10, 10, false); // Notes ToDoAddRq.Notes.SetValue ("abc") set field values for; // Set the field value for IsActive ToDoAddRq.IsActive.SetValue (true); // Set Type ToDoAddRq.Type_2.SetValue (ENType.tcall); // Set the field value for priority ToDoAddRq.Priority.SetValue (ENPriority.pLow); // Send the request and get feedback from QuickBooks sessionManager.DoRequests (requestMsgSet); } Hold (Exception pre) {Message Box. Show (ex.Message, "Error"); } Finally {// close the session and close the connection to QuickBooks (sessionBegun) {sessionManager.EndSession (); } If (connection open) {sessionManager.CloseConnection (); QuickBooks qbXML API is a version
When developing, you need to make sure that you are using a version of QBXML API, which supports the functionality you need, and support your version of Quick Book Does.
You currently use the qbXML version 8.0
IMsgSetRequest requestMsgSet = sessionManager.CreateMsgSetRequest ("US", 8, 0);
Typically, the QuickBooks version 1 is closed with qbXML version support. Quickbooks supports 14 qbXML versions such as 13. QuickBooks 13 supports qbxML version 12. Etc. This means that you are currently targeting QuickBooks 2009.
Code> 13.0 and higher. You do not need to include those values either in your request, or use the higher QBXML API version.
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