
Showing posts from January, 2011

java - Sorting a list of strings by values of map -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 44 उत्तर मैंने एक नक्शा बनाया और I इसे मूल्य से सॉर्ट करना चाहते हैं, लेकिन मुझे आउटपुट को स्ट्रिंग्स की सूची के रूप में देने की आवश्यकता है। मुझे लगता है कि मैं तुलनीयता बढ़ाकर मानचित्र को क्रमबद्ध कर सकता हूं और फिर प्रत्येक सॉर्ट की गई कुंजी को सूची में जोड़ सकता हूं, लेकिन मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि यह सबसे अच्छा तरीका है। कोई भी विचार? // कोड अभी समाप्त नहीं हुआ // सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; खोज (स्ट्रिंग उपसर्ग) {मानचित्र & lt; स्ट्रिंग, पूर्णांक & gt; उपयुक्त_साइट्स = नया लिंक्डएचशैप & lt; & gt; (); सूची के & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; Sorted_list = नया अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; & gt; (); (नक्शा। प्रविष्टि & lt; स्ट्रिंग, साइट & lt; स्ट्रिंग & gt; & gt; साइट: index.entrySet ()) {नक्शा & lt; स्ट्रिंग, पूर्णांक & gt; शब्द = site.getValue ()। GetWords (); इंट काउंटर = 0; (स्ट्रिंग शब्द: words.keySet ()) {if (word.startsWith (prefix)) काउंटर ++; } इंट वजन = काउंटर / साइट .get मूल्य ...

c++ - When a derived class exits scope, does the base members get destroyed? -

I'm thinking one thing and no relevant answer can be found (maybe I'm just searching for the wrong things? ) For this: If a derived class exits from the scope (called the destroyer), will the members of the base class be destroyed (even if the destroyers be removed?). The idea is that destructors are used to remove any dynamic memory or to close a hook (file etc.). So if I have a managed member (for example string) will it still be destroyed? Sorry if the question is stupid or has been answered before! Best regards, Eric Yes, the builders of the base class are called when an example of a derived class Is destroyed. If you have a derived object through an indicator on the delete basis: class B {public: ~ B (); } Category D: Public B {Public: ~ D (); }; Zero F () {b * p = new d (); Remove p; // (maybe) will not call ~ D ()} To create cases like work above, declared ~ b () to be virtual should go. class B {public: virtual ~ (b); };

php - Remove link from header of widget -

In my WordPress theme I want to customize the title of the widget with different colors and delete the link with the title of the widget. I am & lt; Div id = "widget2" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "& lt ;? php the_permalink ()? & Gt;" & Gt; & Lt ;? Php if (! Dynamic_sidebar ('widget2')):? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php endif ;? & Gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Unfortunately the title of the widget is found in the first line of the list item. How do I resolve it?

packet capture - How to hexdump few lines in a large using only line number.(Not bytes) -

I am using hexdump to display the file in a readable format. The file is too large and I only know the line number I lines can be indefinite (10 characters or 100 characters) Do some lines have an option for hexdum 5 to 10 or 17-25 I have read man pages and a better explanation. Thank you .. Is it possible to cut the rows from the file and pip them into hexdump? For example, cat myfile | Sed -n '17, 25 {p; N; N;} '| Od -x Maybe you have what you need if you myfile >

qt - Squish popup menu causes the tests to get stuck -

I am writing a squash test for an application that uses a menu that slips the mouse after rotating once This means that the test is underway, the user has to move the mouse over the mouse to move forward. The app is written in QT. Does anyone have any kind of experience on this and around it? I have encountered similar issues, you can see a bash script and kill processes Are there. For a system interface in Mac, you can do something like this: number = ps aux | Grep "[U] Serotification Center" | If the (killer) userNotificationCenter "` end (if number.to_i! = 0) is wc -l

Copying HTML code in Google Chrome's inspect element -

I have a website that I want to copy with an HTML code - How do I copy all the text Inspect the element - That's why I did not get the HTML code of the website, but the code I have already changed does not have the element I do not want in my own webpage? do the following: Select the top element, you make a copy Want to Edit as HTML New sub-window (To copy all, select & lt; html> gt; Opens with HTML text. This is your chance to press CTRL + A / CTRL + C and copy the entire text field in a separate window. This is a hack method, but the easiest way to do it.

Does parseInt change the way jQuery selectors work? -

We are using the following to dynamically change the element's ID: $ ('next') attr ('Id', 'next' + parseInt (number (id_next -1)); For example, # next1 becomes # next0 . Gt; 0) {$ ('last'). {'Visibility': 'Visible'}); $ ('. Next'). CSS ({'visibility': 'hidden'}); } What is causing a problem here parseInt ? Thanks in advance for any help! No parseInt problem is causing. The code works to show that the code works: HTML: JS: var id_next = 1; $ ('. Next'). Entry ('id', 'next' + parsect (number (id_ext) -1, 10); Always include radix when using // parseInt warning ($ ('# next0'). Length); Your problem is elsewhere.

python - ValueError while using scipy.integrate to calculate value of a function -

I am trying to evaluate the function for different values ​​of a variable n I made a NP Linsep and function of the momentum Q : def Q (z_i, z_min, f_gamma, mdm, sigma_v, n, with_ucmh) plug-in in: DQdz_z = lambda Z: Dikyudijh (F_ Gemma, MDM, Sigma_vi, Z, N, Sath_kyuemac) integrated = lambda z: ((1 / ((1 + z) * Ac_jh (Z))) * (Dikyudijh_jh ( Z)) * np. (z)) second_part = const.C * const .B * integrate.romberg (integrand, z_min, z_i) return second_part z_i = 2.0e6 z_min = 5.0e4 sigma_v = 3.0e-27 f_gamma = 1. MDM = 10. with_ucmh = true n = np.linspace (1., 1.3 100) mu = Q (z_i, z_min, f_gamma, mdm, sigma_v, n, with_ucmh) I value error: an array element with a sequence Installing indicates me for the line where I use integrity. Use the method of gravity, but I do not understand how I get such error here.

Avoid deep routing in Rails yet still nest when needed -

I am putting my resources in deep nests and now it shows that it should be avoided. The answer to the shallow nesting victim is, but on the other side I am struggling to recover deep nesting properly. Let me show you the files of your routes as I think it will make it clear (I'm using Rail 4): OLD: Resources: Members do the resource: Email resources: Events are resources: end of item end New so far: Resources: Members, shallow: Correct resources : Email Processing: Events Ended My problem is that I do not understand now where : Items should be placed? I thought that : index should be nested under : Events for new, and: Create tasks? What am I missing, I am sure that this is something silly that I am not able to get it yet, please forgive my ignorance and I think that you can advance any help Are !!! Mark All you need to do is, Update: Resources: Member, Shallow: Correct the resources: Email resources: Events, Shallow: Correct the resources: End of i...

infor eam - Error in processing entity WorkOrder unable to create entity object -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> The following error is being sent to GetAssetEquipmentOp: "Unable to create error WorkOrder in the processing unit Unit Item " Here the code is now: public stringType getAssetDescription (string toolcode) {try {// Setup service objects MP0302_GetAssetEquipment_001.GetAssetEquipmentService getservice = New MP0302_GetAssetEquipment_001.GetAssetEquipmentService (); MP0302_GetAssetEquipment_001.MP0302_GetAssetEquipment_001 getrequest = new MP0302_GetAssetEquipment_001.MP0302_GetAssetEquipment_001 (); MP0302_GetAssetEquipment_001.MP0302_GetAssetEquipment_001_Result getresult = New MP0302_GetAssetEquipment_001.MP0302_GetAssetEquipment_001_Result (); // Setup Object Type the string desc = new stringType (); // Setup service parameter getrequest.ASSETID = new MP0302_GetAssetEquipment_001.EQUIPMENTID_Type (); Getrequest.ASSETID.EQUIPMENTCODE = equipmentcode; Getrequest.ASSETID.ORGANIZATIONID = New MP0302_GetA...

php - LAMP security - www-data sudoer -

I'm looking for a way to run some command line functions, including some pseudo commands, I reboot. I understand that giving poodo access to www data data is a security risk. Most people say that for writing a file and cron runs it every minute raises the commands. But when I reboot, I want to reboot it. This is the raspberry pie with some recording software, which will be controlled using web interfaces (like webmin , all routers?). Raspberry PE will sit clearly on a local network with access to download / upload information on the Internet, Raspberry Pi will have a username and password to access the web interface. Is not it how your router works? Router's web interface basically has root access and in most cases you can set a bass script to run, of course, that I am trying to get it with Raspberry P. Raspberry P is safe in the form of web interface, ssh log is disabled (but only log through enabled key) I www-data Can I use sudo commands? Okay? Or can there ...

algorithm - Find if there is a non-simple path from v to t on a directed graph -

I am searching for the simplest algorithm that can tell if (if true or false) is between a head Directed paths and directives of T. have been given. I do not intend to use BFS, DFS, Dzstra or any other algorithm which can help solve this problem, I was trying to get the SCC graph, Thank you! "post-text" itemprop = "text"> step 0 : if there is no way for V, then there is no answer . Step 1 : After all the tightly-connected components of G have been covered, graph G. Phase 2 : If the top 'v' matches some SCC more than 1, then there is definitely a non-simple route. Similarly if the top is a part of the STC which contains more than 1 digit then the answer is yes. step 3 : If step 2 is not correct then determine whether there is a way from the way of V in the graph that goes through a head which is 2 Or fell into the strongly connected component of the corner. If yes, then the answer is yes and no answer. Running time: O (M + N) for e...

java - Android: Save two Bitmaps with same name in internal storage -

If I save a bitmap in the internal memory named "Picture .JPG" and in a few steps later I will use another bitmap Also, what is the "picture" Jpg? What is the second bitmap overwritten for the first time or does it have two bitmaps with the same name? This will show you an error, I suggest you can use a dynamic file name or delete it before saving. In the case of dynamic, you can use something like this: static int fCount = 0; file file = new file (environment. Gatestile store directory () + file. Separator + "/ Test "+ string.valuef (FQA +) +" .jpg "); or file file = new file (getExternalCacheDir ()), "Test.jpg"); If (file.exists ()) {boolean deleted = file.delete ();}

unix - Launch PUTTY script in C# code -

I have to write a C # code that uses the Pootty to connect to a UNIX server, execute a command (for example "ls - la"), and return the results of the script to c # How can I do this? I use the process. To run the PUTTY process, start in C #. What you need to get results from your cyst process, redirect your processes Stream Out (Standard Output) and consume it in your code: var processStartInfo = new process restart {filename = @ "c: \ basement location", logic = @ "- SSH -b abc.txt "RedirectStandardOutput = true, UseShellExecute = false, // You must set ShellExecute to a false error ErrorDialog = false}; Var Process = Process Start (processStartInfo); If (process == zero) {return; } Var reader = process.StandardOutput; While (Reader.EndOfStream) {// read data ..}

javascript - submitting form with jQuery/AJAX, cant stop page from refreshing on submit? -

I'm having trouble having my AJAX form POST My PHP script without refreshing the page. I've added both e.preventDefault () before and after the AJAX request, but it seems that no one is affected, which seems weird. Here is my javascript: // Submit ajax form $ ("form [name = signout request form]"). ("", "Echo", ("", "function" (e) {var cval = confirm.val (). ToLowerCase (). Substitution ("", ""); if (kawl! == "yes") Acceptance policy. ") Else} var formData = {validForm: true, name_txt: name.val (), productName_sel: prodName.val (), signoutDateStart_txt: startDate.val (), signoutDateEnd_txt: returnDate.val ( ), Additional notes_tactria: addNotes.val (), disclaimer_tyte: confirm.val (), recaptcha_challenge_field: recap_challenge.v al (), recaptcha_progress_field: recap_response.val (), studentUsername: studentUse.val ()} $ .exx ({ Type: "Post", ULL: Conf Lockation, Data...

mysql - Filtering SQLite database by item "popularity"- Android -

I wonder how I can determine the item based on popularity in my app's SQLite database. The app connects to my online server and automatically syncs via JSON. Items are usually saved by the user on the phone, and add them to a list, I thought I can send all the clicked items "ID" back to the server, where I can easily query and order them I am, but what? I mean, how can I "measure" that returns the most items in my online database, and then a list is created based on the popularity of the users? Suggestions are welcomed to the Vedas. ///////// UPDATE I have solved this problem by using the following problem, maybe it can help others: php script: & lt ;? Connecting to Php // database included_ense '../includes/psl-config.php'; // like functions.php is not included $ link = mysqli_connect (HOST, USER, PASSWORD, DATABASE); $ Table = palarm_entries; $ Event_title = $ _POST ['event_title']; $ Query = "Popular selections from...

.net - converting int to string in a textbox -

I have a novel statement by creating a text box with a variety of details about a person from the list Public Zero Performance Senior (foreach (senior player in senior player senior) {if (combo list seaplayer.Socured itam == spam .name) {txtSeniorName.Text = spName; TxtAdress.Text = Sp.Address; TxtDOB.Text = sp.DoB; TxtEmail.Text = sp.Email; TxtDoctor.Text = sp.DoctorNme; TxtKnowIssues.Text = sp.Health; TxtNextofKin.Text = sp.NextOfKin; TxtPostcode.Text = sp .Pstcode; Int.Parse (txtPhoneNum.Text) = sp.PhoneNum;}}} When I try to parse the text box, I get an error on the "left hand side of the assignment should be a variable, property or index". What would be a way to score this goal? Thanks for any help and feedback! Since you mention that sp.phoneNum "an integer value holding a phone number" should be TxtPhoneNum.Text = sp.PhoneNum.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCultu Re);

xml - C# XmlReader, sequence problems -

It is probably quite idle, but I have a problem that is lightweight enough to be easier. This is my XML: & lt; Custom Fielded Options & gt; & Lt; Data type & gt; Text & lt; / Data type & gt; & Lt; Options & gt; & Lt; Option key = "Advocate" & gt; Category_Advocate & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option key = "architecture- and enginewiviccomputer" & gt; Category_crumbs & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option key = "Bank & Finance" & gt; Category_bank & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Options & gt; I am trying to get a node value and main attribute in the list, such as: using (XmlReader Reader = XmlReader.Create (New StringReader (xml)) {While (reader.Read ()) {reader.ReadToFollowing ("Options"); Key = reader.ReadInnerXml (); Reader.MoveToFirstAttribute (); Value = reader.Value; If (key.Length & gt; 0 & amp; amp; value.Length & gt; 0) category...

ruby on rails 4 - default_url method of carrierwave doesn't work with me -

I have a problem with carrier congestion default_url method because it does not work. My code looks like this class ImageFileUploader & lt; CarrierWave :: Uploader :: Base included CarrierWave :: MiniMagick storage: file def store_dir "upload / # {model.class.to_s.underscore} / # {mounted_as} / # {}" end version: perform small process : Resize_to_fill = & gt; [75, 75] and version: Thumb processing: resize_to_fill = & gt; [120, 120] and version: The medium process is: resize_to_fill = & gt; [639, 426] and def extension_white_list% w (jpg jpeg gif png) and version: thumb_default_avatar process: resize_to_fill = & gt; [120, 120] End DEF DEFAULT_URL ActionController :: Base.helpers.asset_path ("Fallback /" + [thumb_default_avatar.jpg, "default_avatar.jpg"]. Compact.join ('_')) End End And I have this model that gives me the default_quirite image class agent & lt; I need to set my avatar with I ActiveRecord :...

sass - Add Background Image to .scss File in Ruby on Rails -

I was trying to add a background image to a canvas (Zurb Foundation 5), but I did get this error Pie: # located in this file: foundation_and_overrides.scss $ off-canvas-bg: #fff url (../ property / img / canvas-bg.jpg) no-repeat; Error shown: $ color: (white URL (../ asset / img / canvas-bg.jpg no-repeat) no One color for `color-color ' Any help would be great! Thank you Just try this snippet code. @mixin background ($ imgpath, $ position: 0 0, $ repeat: no-repeat) {background: {image: url ($ imgpath); Status: $ position; Repeat: $ Repeat; }}. Test {@ included background ('/ my / img / path.png'); } It will then output: . Test {background-image: url ("/ my / img / path.png"); Background-position: 0; Repeat Background: No Repetition; }

nsdate - How to append a time zone in iOS? -

I have a string MMddyyyy_HH: mm: ss ... At this time the string is to apply EST and convert the string to NSDate is required . NSDT should be of East Time. How to get it? Use the time zone property of NSDateFormatter, with which you will convert your string.

javascript - HTML 5 Audio with Playlist -

I started using the script from a jsfiddle link for a HTML5 audio player with a playlist, HTML and CSS There was no problem in importing parts / though I have been running hard to run javascript. The audio player only runs the file kept in the audio tag. When I click on a song from the playlist, then I take it to the second page (black background) where the audio file plays. My question is whether I import this script or I can copy it to the top of the html file I will keep on Also, what would be the correct tags to run the following script (shown below): var audio; Var playlists; Var track; Var on; in this(); Function init () {current = 0; Audio = $ ('audio'); Playlist = $ ('# playlist'); Tracks = playlist.find ('li a'); Lane = track. Long - 1; Audio [0]. Volume = .10; Audio [0] .play (); Playlist.find ('a'). Click (function (e) {e.preventDefault (); link = $ (this); current = link.parent (). Index (); run (link, audio [0]);}); Audio [0] .addEven...

How do I save multiple graphs from quartz in R using a loop? -

I need to generate multiple image plots. I have a loop or function that will generate them and each one has its own Save the working directory with a unique name. This is what I have come up with (my still-beautiful-new-to-R skills): for (i in 1: 5) {filename it runs only through 5 image plots , But they are saved only with "filename" name, what is the best way to give each person a different name? You are giving this same file name every time ( 'filename.png' / Code>). Use the filename as an object, such as png (paste0 (filename, '.png'))

drupal 6 - Why can't my user access a certain page? -

In the user's roles, "site developer" is examined for the "site developer" page on the permissions page, the "developer" I have the following in my module: $ items ['batch / delete'] = array ('page callback' = & gt; 'Batch_Delit', 'Access Arguments' = & gt; array ('developer'), 'use callback' => gt; TRUE, 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK); They are receiving an error in Chrome: This webpage has a redirect loop It has been found that I have 'batch / delete' defined somewhere else, so I changed it and now it works.

.net - Stack Trace File Path "Server Error in Application" -

Whenever someone (uses my application) becomes a "server in" / "application" error, they Stack Track and Kindle Emails a screenshot, however, the line within the stack, which is most interested to me, almost always crops; Due to the length of the line Stack says something like this (see how you have to scroll) namespace. Class. Method (type parameter) in c: \ user \ myname \ desktop \ development project \ svn_branch \ project \ sub_project \ projectName \ controller \ controllerName.cs: line 000 Does this mean that Can I do something to make the path easier? - A short way? - Anything without my name? In this way (see how you do not have to scroll) name space. Class. The controller in the method (type parameter) Name: Line 000 [edit] - There is a template pkage (eg 404 Htm) for "server error" / 'application' where I could potentially customize the page ? I think it can be quick to decide that a fixed position can be applied ...

c# - Capturing screenshot of Form and elements on form -

I am trying to capture the contents of a screenshot and main window on the main window. Menwindows are sometimes behind other elements and need to get screen captures without those other overlaying elements. This code currently gives a bitmap of empty main window form without any content, as there is a bunch of different dynamic UI elements. How can I capture / capture the current screenshot / main content of the main window? Posting code for MainWindow content is a long wait, so I hope this is enough. border of rectangle = new rectangle (); Limit. Bill = Program. Manvindo Width; Limitations. Program = Manwindo height; Screenshots = new bitmap (programmable window width, programmable.window.text, pixel format.format 32bpprgb); program. Manvindo Draftbitmap (screenshot, border); You should be able to get it by using CopyFromScreen Graphics method of class rectangle border = program. main window. Bound; Bitmap b = new bitmap (border, with, bound. Height, pixel format....

apache - The requested URL /services was not found on this server -

I have a lamps environment My domain is but I am running Ubuntu 14.04 I have installed everything correctly (or at least I feel like this) but my website weight homepage. If you navigate to any other pages, I get this error The requested URL / services were not found on this server This is my vhost setting for Apache. & lt; VirtualHost *: 80 & gt; ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /var/www/ ServerName ServerAlways & lt; / VirtualHost & gt; What could possibly be the problem? I can login to my WordPress Admin panel but there is no content load. I can only see the sidebar with links to "Dashboard, Post, Settings, Act ...", but will not display content on the right side of the page.

ios - How to scale physicsBody? -

When I do not scale on a CCSprite scale with a physics-related physics (I have debug draw on) . How do I scale the physics body? I got this code to change the radius of a circular physical body but it does not work on cocos2d v3. ([Newshap Hackandoff Class: [Chipmunk CarrierShip Class]]) [CPCRCalsepspectSetSatiaas ([new shape shape], [NewSheep] Radius] * scale); // Unprotected size change cpCircleShapeSetOffset ([newshape shape], ccpMult ([newshape offset], scale)); }} Do you include "chipmunk_unsafe.h"? Functions cpCircleShapeSetRadius and cpCircleShapeSetOffset are defined there are also read comments hopefully it helps :)

php - Registering a new user -

I am creating a platform, I have a database, the script has been found to enter existing users. Although I have a mind about making a sign up form. I have received a sign up script and on a 'signup.php' page and method = "post" and verb = "signupprocess.php" I understand that I need to use POST , But anyone can point me in the right direction that what I should include in signupcrase.fpp to insert data into the database Thanks in advance, Next time, please try to include more details in Do your question and a little more research because this is a relatively easy answer for you to find. If you are using the SQL database, whenever the signup button is pressed you should trigger a SQL QUERY - assuming that all the credentials are correct and valid, usually SQL queries This type will look similar to: $ db-> query ("Signup credential value ('John', 'Miller', '')" / P> It is used in an e...

c++ - ::std::pair in a variadic function template -

It is possible to write a variadic function template, accept :: std :: pair Without making the couple manually: void print_pairs () {} template & lt; Typename ... B & gt; Zero print_pairs (:: std :: pair & lt; int, int & gt; const & a, b & ... b) {:: std :: cout & lt; & Lt; A.first & lt; & Lt; "" & Lt; & Lt; A.second & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl ::; Print_pairs (:: STD are ahead & lt ::; p & gt; (b) ...); } but I want to be able to write print_pairs ({1, 1}, {2, 2}); , instead of using :: std :: make_pair every time Edit: After thinking about something, the best solution can be old school: print_pairs (:: std :: pair & Lt; int, int> const & amp;); Print_pairs (:: std :: pair and lt; int, int & gt; const & amp;; :: std :: pair & lt; int, int & gt; const & amp;;); Print_pairs (:: std :: pair & lt; int, int & gt; const & amp;; :: std :: pair & gt; int, int...

mysql - Why do two joins runs faster than one with an OR condition? -

I ask my database for a list of those places which are either the teacher's primary place or place Availability is provided for information. If I meet two like this: SELECT tea. *, Avail_loc *, Pri_loc. * Leave the teacher in the form of tea (tea.teacher_id = ava.teacher_id and ava.end_date> + 13 9 8706428) as left places on avail_loc JOIN (ava.location_id = avail_loc.location_id) on left as pri_loc Places JOIN (tea.location_id = pri_loc.location_id) Where = 1 My query takes .05 seconds. The problem is that I have to clear the output in php because my locations are split between avail_loc (optional location) and primary location (primary location). Therefore, if I add them one to one or conditional, the query takes .8 seconds. SELECT tea. *, Loc. * Leave the teacher in the form of tea Ava on as available availability (Tea teacher_id = ava.teacher_id and ava.end_date> 1398706428) Places JOIN (ava.location_id = loc.location_id or tea as loc as left) ...

python - How do I use Google Storage in Flask? -

After this oauth2_client which uses it immediately locks Script does not work without these lines What is the correct way to integrate it into a flask app? Do I have to manage these locks? Is it a thing that my web server can generate multiple threads? Or if I'm using Gnicknorn + Gagweet? Is there documentation anywhere? After This is actually locking, it is not instantiating just a lock object inside the module . Lock is actually achieved / released internally by the oauth2_client ; You do not have to manage it yourself, you know, you can see the source code from here: In fact, based on the above link source code, you can simply call oauth2_client.InitializeMultiprocessingVariables Should be enabled for () except for leaving / excluding blocks, since it is finally doing the exact same thing.

javascript - How to disable/remove only first space on input field? -

Good morning everyone! I have a case when the first letter on the input field should prevent me from entering users space. I have a demo here: This only works when you hit spacebar for the first time. When you start typing the other characters and select the entire text in the input (ctrl + a) and then press the space bar, it adds the location at the beginning of the input field. So, how the keypress / keydown if the first letter is a place, then return false and do not allow it to type the location as the first letter? You can do that the key is space and selection Start is below: $ (function () {$ ('body'). ('Keydown', '#test', function (e) {console.log (This.value); if (e.which === 32 & amp; .selectionStart === 0) {return false;}});});

sql server - Powershell Function SQL Stored Procedure with Parameters -

प्राप्त त्रुटि "SqlParameterCollection केवल गैर-रिक्त SqlParameter प्रकार ऑब्जेक्ट स्वीकार करता है, नहीं SqlCommand ऑब्जेक्ट्स।" & Amp; "प्रक्रिया या कार्य 'usp__SingleUpdateServerBackupPath' पैरामीटर '@decServerName' की अपेक्षा करता है, जो कि आपूर्ति नहीं की गई थी।" PowerShell कोड: एसक्यूएल प्रक्रिया: प्रक्रिया usp__SingleUpdateServerBackupPath बनाएँ ( @decBackupPath varchar (50), @decServerName के रूप में varchar (50)) BCKP भीतर से अद्यतन BCKP सेट PTH = @decBackupPath रूप में शामिल होने SRVR पर SRVR.ID = BCKP.FK_SRVR कहां SRVR.NM = @decServerName सीएसवी फ़ाइल स्वरूप आयात-सीएसवी -पाथ सी: \ बिन \ रपो \ Backup.csv | C: \ Bin \ Scripts \ update-serverbackuppath.ps1 नाम पथ सर्वर 1 \\ fileshare \ server_name पावरहेल कोड में कई वाक्यविन्यास त्रुटियां हैं, जैसे कि गलती से गलतियों को संदर्भित करना: # गलत प्रपत्र [System.Data.Commandtype.StoredProcedure] # गणन का संदर्भ देने के लिए सही रूप [ System.Data.Commandtype] :: संग्रहित प...

python 3 select just the integer from a list with strings -

I have a problem related to Python 3: I get a list containing [integer One variable (sometimes 1, sometimes 5, sometimes 938, etc.). I just want to get the integer by bus and & gt; ; & Gt; L = [b'1 ', b'2', b'abc ']> gt; & Gt; & Gt; N = [Ele (Elem) for elem if elem.isdigit ()]> gt; & Gt; & Gt; Print N [1, 2] Edit : Yes, you are right; It breaks down with negative values ​​in stars, and there will be a more long approach: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; N = []> & Gt; & Gt; For L: ... Try: ... n.append (int (elem)) ... except ValueError: ... pass ... & gt; & Gt; & Gt; N [1, 2]

parsing - Extract the main article text from a Wikipedia page using Python -

I'm looking for hours to remove the main text of the Wikipedia article without all the links and references. I have tried Wikitol, Müblb, Beautiful Sop and more. But I have not really succeeded. Is there an easy and fast way to take a clear text (actual article), and put it in a Python variable? > Solution: Omyid Raha solved this :) You can use it , Which is the Python Cover API for Wikipedia, is a quick start. P = ("Python Programming Language") Print (P. Ur) Print (PtTL) content = p.content # Page content. Output: (programming_language) Python (programming language)

Grails Spring Security: Need if/else logic in GSPs based on user -

I believe that if the user should have another great way to implement other / logic blocks in GSP depending on the information . Consider the following: & lt; G: If test = "(user is logged in) & amp; amp; amp; (this user posts) & amp; amp; amp; to & quot; Show options for this post if & lt; / G: if & gt; & Lt; G: elseif test = "(user login) & amp; amp; (this user post)" & gt; If this user & lt; / G: orif> & Lt; G: elseif test = "(user login)" & gt; If this user does not post, show options & lt; / G: orif> & Lt; Six and & gt; If any & lt; / G: else & gt; I am using the following to determine if a user is logged in or not (sec.loggedInUserInfo (field: 'id')! = "") I know I hate it! I can not use good spring security tags because they do not meet my requirements and I was trying to apply custom tags but if / else the functionality (or I) will not be able to impl...

Python - sorting/querying a dictionary? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 13 उत्तर मैं अपेक्षाकृत नया हूँ पायथन (2.7 आयात भविष्य) तो कृपया मुझे क्षमा करें अगर यह एक बेवकूफ सवाल है। मेरे पास मान [कुंजी] का शब्दकोश है मैं सूची से दूसरे उच्चतम मूल्य प्राप्त करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, लेकिन पठनीय कोड लिखें मैं इसे क्रमबद्ध प्रकारों के मानचित्रण के द्वारा कर सकता हूं, लेकिन यह नरक के रूप में भ्रमित है, और फिर मुझे कुंजी हथकंडा करना होगा यह कैसे साफ करने के लिए कोई सुझाव बहुत सराहना की जाएगी। शब्दकोश में दूसरा उच्चतम मान: से ऑपरेटर आयात आइटम मिलेगा # ध्यान दें कि यह अब एके, वी जोड़ी देता है, न सिर्फ मान। सॉर्ट किया गया (mydict.items (), key = itemgetter (1)) [1] या अधिक विशेष रूप से, मूल्यों के क्रमबद्ध प्रतिनिधित्व में दूसरा मान। आपको उस मूल्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए सॉर्ट क्रम उलटा करनी पड़ सकती है जो आप वास्तव में चाहते हैं।

How to query atom field with unicode value in Google App Engine production search? -

I wrote some text search with the use of Google App Engine Search. In the SDK I have such query tested nuclear sector: u'tag: "wartości" ' Production I run the same query, but it does not work on the same data. How can I do Unicode queries on the nuclear field? Is it possible to use Unicode in Google app engine search? We plan to fix are aware of this issue ASAP. Well that we are currently planning, it is necessary that in order to match the value of the atomic field, the same letter will be insensitive. We expect that at least initially, varieties which will be treated as different values ​​for use in combination Dayaritikl points, compared to those who use them characters predecessor. We can repeat that decision again on the basis of feedback, but this is the simplest solution on our end. For more on Preecompapd characters, a combination of separation marks, see the Wikipedia article: Chris

java - Getting getting "not found" and "already exists" for the same github repo -

I have a GIT repo with a project in the name of dogs, now I try to add another project called Chair I am here. So, to add the chair project as follows, go to Gitob and nominate a chair named Go to my / chair directory in the terminal and git commit -m 'first committed' Copy my URL from github and enter in terminal git remote add parent /myname/chair.git git push original master then error I Remote: The repository was not found. Fatal: The repository 'did not get' This error looks awkward, I re-typed git remote add originals Chair.git Be sure that it has an error Fatal: Remote Origin already exists. So how is it possible that I not found and I know that there are similar questions, but none of them Was not able to help me. Note: I suspect that somehow my first repo, dog , is currently interfering in my repo chair but why would it happen? It has been around two months, but I believe I have...

c++ - Static Assert that a type A can be constructed from type B -

I am trying to make a constant assertion for two types of A and B; Class A must be a public constructor of signature A (B & B) or A (Const B & B). Let me tell you some type of is_constructable_from & lt; A, B & gt; : Value which evaluates for true if any public A (B & B) or A (Const B & B) or A (BB) exists. I think this is somewhat different from promoting. How do I get it? Am I not left anything that will boost types of symptoms or concepts in the Czech Library? Now I need to do a constant check that the expression aa (b) is a valid one, as the previous concept recommended by the show is less restrictive than both The solution to the cases is welcome. I have permission to use Boost. Constructors are not members - they have no address you can take, so SFINAE It is impossible to test their presence in a direct way with . While it is not at all with C ++ 11 you can meet with , and with C ++ 03 you can get your rollout Must do: tem...

actionscript 3 - How to Detect Settings Opening/Closing in a ContextMenu in Flex? -

I am working with one and when a selection is made I was able to find out, although I Find out when specifically the "settings" menu item is off how can I go about this? I am currently embedding iframes in the Flex app and I want to hide them until the menu is closed. Criminal: It should help. This is an alternative solution, but I think it is best that we can do for now. When you select the menuItem event, add the enterFrame event handler In the event handler, check that BitmapData.draw (stage) error Throws up If this error is to throw away, remove the enterFrame handler and do what you want to do: Set the iframe in the view.

how to extend bounding box regionprops from matlab -

में matlab function regionprops () मैंने छवि से बाध्य बॉक्स बनाया obj = regionprops (obj_label, 'बाउंडिंगबॉक्स'); क्योंकि यह उस पर बाइनरी इनपुट मुखौटा पर सबसे छोटा क्षेत्र बाउंडिंग बॉक्स बसक वापस करेगा सवाल यह है कि क्या मैं क्षेत्र बाध्यकारी बॉक्स को बढ़ााना चाहता हूं (जैसे कुछ जोड़ना उस चौड़ाई और ऊंचाई को 5 पिक्सल से जोड़कर) मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? आपके प्रश्न को सही ढंग से व्याख्या करते हुए मैं आप की जांच करना चाहूंगा यदि आपके पास एक मुखौटा है जो आप उपयोग कर रहे हैं तो आप इसे इस में पारित कर सकते हैं और इसे इच्छित प्रभाव प्राप्त करना चाहिए। यदि आप ऐसा नहीं चाहते हैं तो क्या आप कृपया स्पष्ट कर सकते हैं कि आपके पास कौन-सी वेरिएबल्स हैं और आप क्या चर चाहते हैं। यह एक उत्तर तैयार करने में बहुत उपयोगी होगा।

css - :nth-last-child(-n+3) doesn't work with article element? -

Hello friends, As the title, I was wondering why : nth -Little-child (-n + 3) {} My document is not working for article element inside markup? According to the observations, should work like the following example: When I want to select the last 3 items in a line before markup inside my layout, it does not work for me. . Post-Entry: nth-last-child (n + 3) {display: none; } The above code selects all line items, not the last 3 HTML: & lt; Article class = "grid_4 post-entry" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" headline = "" & gt; & Lt; Data class = "post-thumb" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "../ images / placeholders" alt = "placeholder" & gt; & Lt; Figcaption & gt; & Lt; Img src = "../ images / cross.png" alt = "cross x" & gt; & Lt; / Figcaption & gt; & Lt ;! - End - & gt; & Lt; / Statistic & gt; & Lt ;! - Last p...

google app engine - Django + ndb/GAE: can't figure out how to properly display results from queries -

I am on a Google App Engine application, and I am using the tools for visuals, templates and file structure, And dealing with NDB / Datastore for models / questions. My problem is that I did not know how to properly display a model through a query. It seems that I am posting on datastore and can recover it properly, but I can not print anything I have achieved. I take a stringproperty () object, which I think the DJGENGO is unable to understand the request handler, so it actually prints "stringproperty ()" Either, or I do not understand NDB questions and I think :) Still, any idea how can I show it right? Am I trying to combine NDB and Dzegoo in this way? How it looks: Import to google.appengine.ext from ndb #make your model here Class contact (ndb.model): name = ndb.StringProperty address_street = ndb.StringProperty address_extra = ndb.StringProperty address range = ndb.StringProperty address_state = ndb.StringProperty address_zipcode = ndb.String...

javascript - jquery transform fails below parent level. Why? What do I do? -

The images should be wrapped with the following code, but this is not and I'm stumped. Could it be because I've used getJSOndata? & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Working with JSON & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Style & gt; # Content {padding: 5pt; Border: 2px dashed light; } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ ("Document") ready (work () {getJSONData (); addDIV (); jQuery ('IMG', '# content'). Etr ("alt", "noddy");}); Call for images. function getJSONData () {var FlickrAPI = " ="; $ .getJSON (Flickr API, {tag: "space needle...

Git svn configure local reposity -

I have a svn local repository and my goal is to convert it to git. I followed this tutorial for the last command (part subversion): $ git add remotely original $ git push original - already $ git For the push origin - Tates already up to date I need some advice on the last things: I have a master branch for a user (administrator) Must be blocked. I need to make a branch for God, I mean, the representative clones this representative and receives the branch master and all the deities, he can push only and his God can branch. For now, when I clone only the master branch and even the (bare problem) can not be pressurized. This GIT representative should be accessible to many Gods, they can and can merge their branch and administrator on the master. Other thanks for using external software such as gitolite , you can use server side hook . In your case, you can either use the pre-acquire or update hook. The first script running pre-retrieve when handling a p...

php - addRole() Error - Call to a member function addRole() on a non-object -

I am currently adding the role of using Symfony2 / FOSUserBundle in a user account. Example, and the previous SO questions I have in my controller are: Namespace MyVendor \ MyBundle \ Controller; Use Symfony \ Bundle \ FrameworkBundle \ Controller \ Controller; Use MyVendor \ MyBundle \ Entity \ Account; Use Symfony \ Component \ HttpFoundation \ Request; Square DefaultController Controller {Personal Function AddRole ($ role, $ user name) Expands {// ARI Manager $ em = $ this- & gt; GetDoctrine () - & gt; GetManager (); // name admin $ dbuser = $ em- & gt; Get user with recipient ("MyVendor \ UserBundle \ Entity \ User") - & gt; FindBy (array ("user name" => gt; $ username)); // role $ dbuser- & gt; Set addRole ('ROLE_BASIC_TRIAL'); // database $ em-> Continue ($ dbuser); $ Em- & gt; Flush (); } However, after running the method, I receive the following error: FatalErrorException: Error: Call addRole () on a non-o...

node.js get data from array or object -

I am trying to access data from a function, I thought it was an array, so I did not have the .parse () , to divide JSON Sir Auged objects into Word objects, but this is not a real array, so I do not know how it is. This code is: app post ('/', function (request, response) {console.log ('post oak' ); Mongoose.Connect ('Mongodb: // localhost'); var db = mongoose connection; db.on ('error', console.air bit (console, 'connection error:')); db once ( 'Open', function callback () {database.findByName (request.body.username.toLowerCase), function (error, data) {if (error) {response.render ('index', {'Title': title, Result ':' Error, please try again later. '});} If (data Gt> {console.log (JSON.stringify (data)); if (request.body.username == Data.username & request.body.password == data.password) {response.render ( 'Index', {'title': title, 'result': 'log in success.'}...

ruby - Setting up Facets in Elasticsearch with Searchkick gem in Rails 4.1 -

I would like users to easily find a series so that they want to set aspects. I have followed the instructions and everything is working fine, but when I print the setup, I get a refund in the following form. I want them to have such documents in their documents. Hope someone can help you. I get it in {"name" => {"_type" = & gt; "Terms", "missing" => 0, "total" = & gt; 1, "Other" = & gt; 0, "Rule" = & gt; [{"Word" = & gt; "Bloop", "Count" = & gt; 1}]}, "IMDB" = & gt; {"_type" = & gt; "Terms", "missing" => 0, "total" = & gt; 1, "Other" = & gt; 0, "Rule" = & gt; [{"Word" = & gt; "Http://", "Calculation" = & gt; 1}]}} # app / view / movies / index.html.erb # app / controller / movies_...

javascript - Custom scroll bar for Object -

I try to use a plugin called Jquery.mCustomScrollBar to customize scroll bars I am doing This is working except for an object that displays the text file. Is there any way to change the scroll bar on objects? If not, what are some alternatives to the text files allowed to change the scroll bar? Here is the link to the plugin Code: Lt; Object class = "notepad" data = "../ approximately ..." type = "text / plain" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; No support? & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Object & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; (Function ($) {$ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("notepad"). MCustomScrollbar ({scrollButtons: {enable: true}});});}); & Lt; / Script & gt;

html - How do I load google maps external javascript after page loads? -

I will provide more information to explain my situation. I am building an application with PhoneGap for deployment on iOS. I have AA view / page that the user will navigate (not using AJAX) which will load Google Maps JS script and call the Cordova Geolocation API. My problem is that Google Maps Script: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; It takes a very long time to load and prevents the page from rendering for about 3 seconds. I want to postpone the loading of the external script until the page is completely render . The bottom of the page does not help before inserting the script below. I was trying to use getScript () but it will not work and throws the following error in the debug console: Failed to execute 'write' on the document: Asynchronous- It is not possible to write in a document with a loaded external scrip...

cloning - Copying Array Dimensions -

I have a method, AMDF (), which takes two object references, a1 and a2, and two string values , Dim1, and dim 2 public static object aModify (object a1, string dim1, object A2, string dim 2); A1 and A2 will be passed as arrays, and dim1 and dim2 as array dimensions (like dim1 = "0", dim2 = "0 0") Will be passed. The goal behind this method is to take the array a2 on dim2 and copy the value on a1 to dim1. I've successfully copied two arrays in new examples, manipulated, but I'm really confused to translate the string values ​​into dim1 and dim2 array dimensions, and then copy the values ​​to these dimensions Use to create So far, for this method I have object copy1 = Array.newInstance (a1.getClass (). GetComponentType (), Array.getLength (a1) ); Object copy 2 = array. Experience (a2.getClass (). GetComponentType (), array.tag lamp (A2)); Copy 1 = Mythility. Aclon (A1); Copy 2 = MyUtility. A. Clone (A2); aClone () is a method that I wrote...

linux - Compile a C++ code snippet using G++ dynamically -

Working on a C ++ application, this user takes input and generates a C ++ function and compiles it to create an .so file and The function links to the main app Currently it has to call an external command" G ++ "to know that it is possible to call any type of function, say The "compilation" that takes as a code snippet input And a cause. More accurate, I need a function that has the following syntax: sizeoff obzbook = compilation (codeBuf, objBuf); The first parameter is a zero-end string in which the code snippet is, the second parameter is the output buffer that captures the compiled code and gives the size of the compiled code size. The whole idea is to get rid of the dependency on external programs (G ++) so that the application can be run on any Linux system (even if g ++ is not installed). Thank you. I'm afraid the answer is "no".

php - How to add a check box to a row result -

What am I missing Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'checkbox' (T_STRING), expected ',' or ';' In C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ index.php on line 70 if (mysql_num_rows ($ result)! == 0) {while ($ row = mysql_fetch_array ($ result )) {Echo '& lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; '$ Line [' help '].' & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; '$ Line [' Name '].' & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td> '.' & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" class = 'form' value = "1" name = "checkbox []" />".'</td> & lt; / tr & gt; ';}} correct this line & lt; td & gt; ; '.' & Lt; input type = "checkbox" class = 'form' value = "1" name = "checkbox []" />".'</td> like this & lt; Td> '' & Lt; Input type = 'checkbox' class = 'form...

jquery - How to stop Ajax append from removing text format (line breaks & spaces) -

I am trying to embed a text document into an HTML document. The text document I used to embed Ajax, however, the formatting has been removed. What can I do to keep the text document the same? & lt; Div class = "notepad" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ .ajax ({async: incorrect, url: "approx .. equals", success: function (data) {$ ("notepad"). Attachment (data);}}); & Lt; / Script & gt; Try using the data type as HTML & lt; Div class = "notepad" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ .ajax ({async: incorrect, url: "approx .. equals", datatype: "html", success: function (data) {$ ("notepad"). Attachment (data);}}) ;

JTDS Android connect to SQL Server - Error Connection null -

"itemprop =" text "> Hi im trying to connect this to my MS SQL Server 2008 R2 from my Android app: try {log.i ("login", "setting connection ..."); // SET CONNECTIONSTRING Class. ForName ("net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver") NewInstance (); Log.i ("JDBC", "found"); Connection DbConn = DriverManager.getConnection ( "JDBC: jtds: sqlserver: // MyPC /" + dB + ", for example = SQLEXPRESS; user =" + USERNAME + ", password =" + password); Log.i ("Login" "Connected"); Statement stmt = DbConn.createStatement (); ResultSet insert = stmt.executeQuery ("Log in user login (user name, password) value (administrator, administrator);"); ResultSet reset = stmt.executeQuery ( "* Choose from Ugrlogin '); toast. Make text (it Risetkgetstring (1), toast. Elananjiacaiacoaraaraarti). Show (); DbConnkclose (); // Skip newsfeed} Grip (exception e) {log (e) "error co...

associations - Rails, setting up favorites between two models -

I followed the steps to establish a preferred relationship between a user model and a company model. Specifically, the user may have many favorite companies so my current model / route / DB schema model class favoritecompany & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is_to: company belongs_to: user ... class user & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is has_many: Companies are_im: favorites_company has_many: favorites, via: :: favorites_company ... class company & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is_many: user_many: Favorites_company has_many: favorited_by, via :: Favorites_company, source :: user route (may not apply) ) ActiveRecord :: Schema.define (version: 20140429010557) Create_full "companies", force: true. T | T.string "name" t.string "address" t.string "website" t.datetime "created_at" t.datetime "updated_at" t.float "latitude" t.float "longitude" t.text "popup", border : 255 T. ...

jquery - QUnit and a fail JSONP scenario -

I want to check that my web app handles the failure scenario and displays related error messages using Cognit. . My app makes a JSONP request to get its initial content. I want to check the case where my data source is unavailable at startup. The result of this scenario is an error on the underlying JQuery code, which I believe quinnit is blocking and capturing it as a failed failure, though it is expected behavior. My app code looks like this: loadContents () {$ .ajax ({url: initURL, data type: 'jsonp', timeout: timeout, Success: initial performance, error: display error message,}); } My test case looks like this: asyncTest ("Invalid initial host", 1, function () {initURL = invalidURL; loadPageContents ( ); Index = $ ("#reer-message-div"). Text (). Indexoff (error message); OK (index> 1, "error message not found");}) When I run my trial, I get an additional argument, which always fails. The message in this argument is: ...

web services - -

I am very new to the Java web server. I am creating a soap based webservice in Java which uses Apache axis 2-1.5.6. I have posted a service on the local machine. Now I want to get data from the database. Is there a way to do this as I have made a JDBC connection, but I am getting the following exception when creating a connection to the database ... .sqlserver .jdbc.SQLServerDriver I have placed the sqljdbc.jar file in my web-INF but there is still a single error. Please provide me a suggestion of what is going wrong in my web service. Connection, 'sqljdbc4' or 'sqljdbc' axis2 inside the Lib folder of the home folder.

C# Textbox to Update/Edit Data on XML -

सार्वजनिक शून्य EditStudentRecord (स्ट्रिंग OldStudent, स्ट्रिंग न्यूस्टुडेंट) {string strFilename = "Student_" + Tools.IDStudent + " .xml "; अगर (फ़ाइल। उदाहरण (स्ट्रफिलेंनाम)) {XDocument xml = XDocument.Load (@ "विद्यार्थी_" + उपकरण। आईडी स्टूडेंट + ".xml"); Var query = xml.Elements (strFilename) से। एलेमेंट्स ("छात्र नाम") जहां (स्ट्रिंग) पी। एलेमेंट ("नाम") == पुराना छात्र चुनें पी; विदेशी मुद्रा (क्वेरी में विभिन्न रिकॉर्ड) {record.Element ("नाम")। Value = NewStudent; } Xml.Save (strFilename); }} ऊपर की कोड मेरे एक्सएमएल फाइल पर डेटा अद्यतन / संपादित करेगी & lt; नाम & gt; एक कॉम्बो बॉक्स विकल्प के साथ txtName.Text को नया नाम अपडेट करने के लिए जब मैं अबू खान को खान हान में संपादित करता हूं यह XML डेटा है & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & LT; Student_1.xml & gt; & Lt; छात्र नाम & gt; & Lt; नाम & gt; अबू खान & l...

How to create and display Indoor Map in Android -

I want to develop an Indoor position in Android. First of all, I need to create and display an indoor map (floor plan) in Android, then I can do my work. However, I do not know how to do this. I got the same question in Stack Overflow but unfortunately it still does not have any answer. Can anyone give me the solution? Thanks

perl - Develop a program to analyze the directory structure of a Linux disk and identify any files larger that 500kbytes -

I am trying to develop a program that will analyze the directory structure of a Linux disk and files larger than 500kbytes Will recognize #! Use the / usr / bin / perl file: Search :: Rules; Use warnings; My $ filelist; Sub buildfile {open ($ filelist, "& gt;", "filelist.txt") || $ Die ;; # Find the Find rule and # $ ($ "',' dev ',' bin ') in my $ sub-directory = file :: search :: rule-> directory-> Provide a specific list of directories to scan; # Meaning of pattern and my file = files stored on file @ :: :: search :: rule-> size ('500') - & gt; In ($ subdirectors); Print $ filelist map {"$ _ \ n"} @ files; Return \ $ filelist; } I think it's worth using To know the functioning of your work, which is around file :: find :: rule is a cover, despite the use of the module dozens, I still have to always read the documentation, and I think A simple file :: find solution is often easy to re...