php - Registering a new user -

I am creating a platform, I have a database, the script has been found to enter existing users. Although I have a mind about making a sign up form.

I have received a sign up script and on a 'signup.php' page and method = "post" and verb = "signupprocess.php" I understand that I need to use POST , But anyone can point me in the right direction that what I should include in signupcrase.fpp to insert data into the database

Thanks in advance,

Next time, please try to include more details in Do your question and a little more research because this is a relatively easy answer for you to find.

If you are using the SQL database, whenever the signup button is pressed you should trigger a SQL QUERY - assuming that all the credentials are correct and valid, usually SQL queries This type will look similar to:

$ db-> query ("Signup credential value ('John', 'Miller', '')" / P>

It is used in an example where the one called signupcredidial The table is created with the first name, last name, and column for the email.

Now if you want to store all your values ​​in a PHP array (this is not recommended for login credentials) You should retrieve the $ POST variable from the array and add it to the array.

It seems that you are relatively new to it, so I suggest that to create SQL database / add / create PHP arrays, Research on the forums.


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