JTDS Android connect to SQL Server - Error Connection null -
Hi im trying to connect this to my MS SQL Server 2008 R2 from my Android app: < / P> im getting an error on this line: I jtds-1.3.1.jar am using I have database instance and define the actual database I have enabled TCP / IP, and I have enabled Windows and SQL authentication, as well as remote connections are allowed. Ive looked at other posts but no help is not sure what is wrong, any thoughts?
try {log.i ("login", "setting connection ..."); // SET CONNECTIONSTRING Class. ForName ("net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver") NewInstance (); Log.i ("JDBC", "found"); Connection DbConn = DriverManager.getConnection ( "JDBC: jtds: sqlserver: // MyPC /" + dB + ", for example = SQLEXPRESS; user =" + USERNAME + ", password =" + password); Log.i ("Login" "Connected"); Statement stmt = DbConn.createStatement (); ResultSet insert = stmt.executeQuery ("Log in user login (user name, password) value (administrator, administrator);"); ResultSet reset = stmt.executeQuery ( "* Choose from Ugrlogin '); toast. Make text (it Risetkgetstring (1), toast. Elananjiacaiacoaraaraarti). Show (); DbConnkclose (); // Skip newsfeed} Grip (exception e) {log (e) "error connection", "" + e. Messages ());}
connection DbConn = DriverManager.getConnection ( "JDBC: jtds: sqlserver: // MyPC /" + dB + "eg = SQLEXPRESS; user =" + USERNAME + "; password =" + password ") ; Logkat error connection error with
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