ruby on rails 4 - default_url method of carrierwave doesn't work with me -

I have a problem with carrier congestion default_url method because it does not work. My code looks like this

  class ImageFileUploader & lt; CarrierWave :: Uploader :: Base included CarrierWave :: MiniMagick storage: file def store_dir "upload / # {model.class.to_s.underscore} / # {mounted_as} / # {}" end version: perform small process : Resize_to_fill = & gt; [75, 75] and version: Thumb processing: resize_to_fill = & gt; [120, 120] and version: The medium process is: resize_to_fill = & gt; [639, 426] and def extension_white_list% w (jpg jpeg gif png) and version: thumb_default_avatar process: resize_to_fill = & gt; [120, 120] End DEF DEFAULT_URL ActionController :: Base.helpers.asset_path ("Fallback /" + [thumb_default_avatar.jpg, "default_avatar.jpg"]. Compact.join ('_')) End End  < / Pre> 

And I have this model that gives me the default_quirite image

  class agent & lt; I need to set my avatar with I ActiveRecord :: Base mount_uploader:. Avatar, ImageFileUploader End  

In addition, thanks to the default_avatar.jpg image in the "Public" folder in a "fallback" folder created in advance

Thanks in advance.

default_url To work on the method, you must take the place Typical default images ie small_default_avatar.jpg , thumb_default_jpg and medium_default_jpg in public / return ( Public ). Therefore, when you do not upload an image for a record, instead of showing a broken image icon default_url will display carrierw image

According to the share for update

code ImageFileUploader , you 4 are making any image uploading versions i.e. : small , : thumb , : middle and : thumb_default_avatar . Therefore, you should rationalize the version specific default images in the public / fallback folder. Therefore, for example, if you were trying to render the image with the version : small in the image view of your agent and the image was not uploaded, the agent's composition is broken Instead of showing the default image for the version image: small ie, small_default_avatar.jpg will be raised to display.

Update 2

The default URL is not saved in the database In runtime, carrier service checks whether an agent is a Whether the image was uploaded or not. If the image was uploaded then it displays the image from the stored directory and if the image is not uploaded, it displays the default image directly, therefore, no, you are not going to store the default URL in the database.


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