Does parseInt change the way jQuery selectors work? -
We are using the following to dynamically change the element's ID:
< Code> $ ('next') attr ('Id', 'next' + parseInt (number (id_next -1));
For example, # next1
becomes # next0
Gt; 0) {$ ('last'). {'Visibility': 'Visible'}); $ ('. Next'). CSS ({'visibility': 'hidden'}); }
What is causing a problem here parseInt
Thanks in advance for any help!
No parseInt problem is causing.
The code works to show that the code works:
var id_next = 1; $ ('. Next'). Entry ('id', 'next' + parsect (number (id_ext) -1, 10); Always include radix when using // parseInt warning ($ ('# next0'). Length);
Your problem is elsewhere.
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