
Showing posts from July, 2013

regex - How to find the largest repeating string with overlap in a line -

I have a series of rows such as my $ string = "home test results Result-apr-25 result-apr-251 csv "; @ Str = $ string = ~ / (\ w +) \ 1 + / i; Print "@ str"; How do I find the biggest repeated string with overlap which separates from white space? In this case I am looking for output: result-apr-25 It looks like you need to calculate the most common substrans. Do not try it Pearl-only twin brother because it has insects. Use strict; Use warnings; String :: Use LCSS_XS; * LCSS = \ and string :: LCSS_XS :: LCSS; #My $ var of `lcss` manually = 'Result results of home test- apr-25 result-apr-251.csv'; My @words = partition '', $ var; My longest; Mine ($ first, $ second); My $ i (0 .. $ # words) {my $ j ($ i + 1 .. $ # word) {my $ lcss = lcss (forwords [$ i, $ j]); Unless ($ longest and length $ lcss & lt; = length $ longest) {$ longest = $ lcss; ($ First, $ sec) = @words [$ i, $ j]; }}} Printf qq {Longest general substring is ...

How to skip the code which produces error when dll is Missing in C#? -

मेरे पास एक कंसोल अनुप्रयोग C # और AppManager.cs नामक क्लास लायब्रेरी है। इस वर्ग की विधि को नीचे दिए गए अनुसार कंसोल एप्लिकेशन में उपयोग किया जाता है। try {AppManager mgr = new AppManager (); // डीएल के गायब होने पर इस लाइन को छोड़ना चाहते हैं। Mgr.Method_Name (यह, सच); // डीएल के गायब होने पर इस लाइन को छोड़ना चाहते हैं। } पकड़ (अपवाद) {} जब मैंने कोड प्रकाशित किया और केवल exe निकाला तो आवेदन को चलाने में विफल [मुझे पता है के रूप में exe dll और dll में मौजूद विधि को खोजने की कोशिश अब उपलब्ध नहीं है। अब मेरा प्रश्न यह है कि क्या कोड को छोड़ने का कोई तरीका है जो त्रुटि उत्पन्न करेगा जब उसे डीएलएल का संदर्भ नहीं मिलेगा। मैंने यह भी करने की कोशिश की, लेकिन उसने काम नहीं किया: स्ट्रिंग फ़ाइल = नल; स्ट्रिंग filePath = पथ.गेट डायरेक्टरीनाम (application.ExecutablePath); File = Directory.GetFiles (फ़ाइलपथ, "myLibrary.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories) .FirstOrDefault (); अगर (फ़ाइल! = नल) {AppManager mgr = नया AppManager (); Mgr.Method_Name (यह, सच); } ...

Matlab, Change order in a cell array randomly -

Is it possibly to change the order of a cell array with a function, or I shoudl another way around ? Use: & gt; & Gt; MyCell = {'a', 23, [3 4 5], 'BBB'} myCell = 'a' [23] [1x3 double] 'BBB' & gt; & Gt; MyCell (:) = myCell (randperm (numel (myCell))) myCell = 'bbb' 'a' [1x3 double] [23] Also for n-dimensional cell arrays Works: & gt; & Gt; MyCell = {1, 2; 'A', 'b'} myCell = [1] [2] 'A' 'B' & gt; & Gt; MyCell (:) = myCell (randperm (numel (myCell))) myCell = [1] 'A' 'b' [2]

Elasticsearch - Index word, bigram and trigram -

I am trying to index some phrases like this: " Elastic search is a great search engine " like indexed elastic search terms are # words # words great # word engine # words elastic search # bi -Gram is # bi-gram A great # bi-gramin great search # bi-gramin search engine # Bi-Gram Flexilizer is a # tri-gram, a great # tri-gram is a great discovery # tri-gram I search engine # tri-gram I know how the index word (with the default indexer) and the large ram and trigemrand (with the N-Gram indexer) index, but both of them Not at the same time How can I do this? Regards You will use it. Here's an example I made - {"settings": {"number_of_shards": 5, "number_of_replicas": 0, "analysis": {"filter": {"option "Type": "synonyms", "synonyms_pad": "synonym.txt"}, "my_metaphone": {"type": "phonetic", "encoder": "metaphone...

css3 - Wrong Autoprefixer compilation on linear-gradient -

I am using codecit 2 (2.0.4) with Autoprefixer - Background: Linear-gradient (top, black, white); changed to: Background: linear, top, black, white; This problem was on the old Autoprefixer version and was fixed in the latest one. But it is difficult to separate the autoffixer from the codekit (this is one of the benefits of using Grunt).

php - How to extend FOSUser Bundle in multiple bundle? -

Can someone help me overwrite FOSUSerBundle in multiple locations (bundles)? I have been overwritten in separate bundle with the name "UserBundle" user_type = ADMIN , but now I need the same FOSUserBundle succession . user_type = client with "clientbundle" , In this way I have several roles for the user backend and the second is for the frontend And can be more Please help me on the advance issue. -Content "itemprop =" text "> You can not easily ... Symfony2 bundle architecture for heritage is similar to PHP, you can not get more than a bundle, as you get multiple times You can not forgive the square in PHP, but you need to think again about how to divide your application into several bundles.

Error on retrieving the uploaded files with auto-generated names to Sling by cURL -

I want to upload some binary files for sling with curl and I want the sling to be automatically filename Generate I must use the post command from what I have read and set the destination to the folder: `curl -x POST -d im2.png - U Admin: admin http: /191.168.23030: 8080 / content / * ` In the returned HTML, everything looks fine: position = 201 and content / / 9_1398511015890 Content Now when I type the file Curl -X GET -u Administrator: Admin Is an empty result (302 ml, content-length = 0) The went and Ta if I try with a browser, so it // 9_l3985ll0l5890 / redirect and generate a 403 error. This also happens when I can use the I -T option to post a filename, but then I can not say to make a filename for me from sling. Any help is appreciated. I would be happy to prove wrong, but AFAIK default sling POST servlet in this case with -d Does not use passed data As you indicate that you should use the put method i...

powershell - How to change access control list of performance counter? -

As an administrator, I can get the performance counter on my server: C: \ Users \ Administrator \ Document & gt; Gate-counter 'memory' available bytes' timestamp counter samples --------- -------------- 28.04.2014 5:19:55 \\ vm108838-2 \ Memory \ Available Bytes: 393011200 But when I try to get the performance counter from a non-administrator user, I receive the following error: PS C: \ Users \ lpu3 \ Documents & gt; Gate-counter 'memory' available bytes' gate-counter: unable to connect to specified computer or computer is offline + category info: invalid type: (:) [gate-counter], exception + fully qualified error: counter API, Microsoft .Powerschool. Commands Gate Quarter Commands Says: Display counters are often preserved by Access Control Lists (ACLs). To get all available display counters, open "Windows PowerShell" from the "Run as administrator" option. So the question is, where could I change that ACL to in...

post - jQuery Click Doesn't Work in FF -

I have the following code that does not work in Firefox. No error message works with Chrome and IE also does not remove test warning in FF Any suggestions? I have tried to put JS at the top of the page, but that too does not work. & lt; P class = "hed" id = "postcomment" & gt; Save Comments & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Script src = "//"></script> & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("p # postcomment"). Click (function () {alert ("test"); $ .post ("putcomment.asp", {zR: "data1" , ZF: "data2", zN: "", zF1: "data3", zF2: "provider_sortname = all", zF3: "phenomm = 2014-02-01", zF4: "", zC1: $ ('# Comment1 ') .val (), zC2: $ (' # comment2 '). Val (), zC3: $ (' # comment3 '). Val (), zC4: $...

c# - How to disable step-into debugging for a package? -

Text after " I have created a NuGet package and until this test I found that whenever a step in the package moves from Visual Studio Disclaimer code, I would not like to happen. The package is designed under the release configuration. What is required to disable the code of package sections through steps? Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> Are you publishing PDB files with your NuGet package? If so, allows you to step into the visual studio is treating you as expected. If you definitely want to include the PDB, then you will need to add the [DebuggerStepThrough] attribute for every class in your assembly though , Will make a bad dream debugging for you unless you do this just in a release mode using a #if blank hash defined condition. My suggestion would be not include PDBs in your newgate package, then you do not need to modify your code at all. mvc - how to open awesome mvc popup using javascript -

ऑन चयन करें: फ़ंक्शन (आईडी) {if (id) {'url.we ()। PopupFormAction ()। यूआरएल (Url.Action ("ErrorInfo", "PatientManagement", new {'+ id +'}))। सफलता ("संपादित करें")। शीर्षक ("त्रुटि जानकारी") '; }} मैं जावास्क्रिप्ट फ़ाइल में इस कोड का उपयोग कर रहा हूं भयानक MVC पॉप-अप खोलने के लिए, लेकिन यह काम नहीं कर रहा है, किसी भी मदद की सराहना की / * "ऑन-स्टाइल आरओ: फ़ंक्शन (आईडी) {एएएपीएफ (इस। इवेंट, {यू: '/ पेटीट मैनेजमेंट / त्रुटिइन्फो' ईआईडी = '+ आईडी, पी:' ', आर: 0, एम: 0, डब्ल्यू: 700, एच: 330, f: 0, t: 'त्रुटि जानकारी', आई: 'सीपी', बी: [], रुपये: 0, ओटी: 'ओके', सीटी: 'रद्द करें', एसएफ: '', आरसी: 1, पीसी : ''}}} "* / अभी मैं पॉप-अप के लिए इस कोड का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और यह मुझे त्रुटि दे रहा है जैसा कि भयानक MVC.js स्क्रिप्ट में अनिर्धारित है फ़ाइल, कोई भी विचार यह त्रुटि क्या है? आप पॉपअपफ़ॉर्म शुरू करने के लिए InitPopupForm सहायक का उपय...

c# - Programmatically add/edit exchange2010 account -

You have to know that this is the first time I am working with the exchange. I would have to create a program to add / edit account in Exchange 2010. I know that there is a lot of answers about this subject on the Internet, but I have not got any complete tutorial recently, which is how to do it from scratch (all the complete steps). I want to create AC # or VB (.NET) program (window client, or web or whatever) with this functionality: Add a new exchange 2010 email List of existing accounts Edit an existing account I know this is very easy for you Maybe, and I know there is a lot of good tutorials out there but like I said, I'm completely new to exchange, and All the tutorials are really complex for me. I I'm suggesting you, suggesting tutorials, suggestions, something that can help me understand and I hope this question is going to be a lot like Newbill like me. will help. Exchange Web Services (EWS) SDK does not support this feature. Your best choice...

json - How to generate a Dictionary<> object in c# -

I want to create a dictionary & lt;> object and that dictionary object should include name and value attribute. For example: dictionary & lt; String, Object & gt; Dict = new dictionary & lt; String, Object & gt; (); And when I serialize that dictionary into json string then it should be accessed like this: dict [0] ["name "] ==" product name "; // Property Name Dictionary [0] ["Price"] == "Product 1"; // pricing instructions [1] ["name"] == "description"; // Property Name Dictionary [2] ["Price"] == "Product 1 Category"; // value ............................ But I can not find a way for this is this. Can someone suggest me how can we do this? Edit: - Actually I get a JSON string from Ajax Post: - = "{" Name ":" firstname "," value ":" john "}", and once I am able to get it deserialize that string in the form...

php - Output all mp4 files from multiple directories -

I have a problem. I want to produce all the filenames that have an extension. MP4 The following code can make it, but it outputs only from one directory. & lt ;? Php if ($ handle = opendir ('/ media / AB12-34 / DCIM / 100DCIM')) while {wrong! == ($ file = readdir ($ handle))} {if ($ file! = "." & Amp; $ file! = ".." & strtolower (substr ($ file), strrpos ($ file, '.') + 1)) == 'mp4') {$ thelist = '& Lt; P & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Option value = "'.. $ file' '& gt;'. $ File. '& Lt; / options & gt; & lt; / td & gt;';}} Close ($ handle);

javascript - How can you handle multiple events in google analytics from a single action? -

Currently, when a user clicks on a thumbnail on my page, I track that page (points on the page) ), The position of the thumbnail was (pre: 5th second), and the total number of thumbnails on that page. Right now, I produce 3 different events for this one click as a single action with a different label and value. Something looks like this: ga.send ('event', '[page]', 'thumb', 'page', 1) ga.send ('event', '[page Group, 'thumb', 'position', 2) ga.send ('event', '[page]', 'thumb', 'total', 10) Is there a better way to create event data or have I been left with 3 different calls?

php - How to do a curl GET request -

मेरे पास हैडर रीडायरेक्शन कोड है हैडर (स्थान: "http: // www ? / x.php नाम = "। $ नाम।" & amp; भीड़ = "$ mobNo)। लेकिन कैसे कर्ल का उपयोग करने के लिए एक ही तरीके से कैसे करें? प्रतिक्रिया की प्रतिक्रिया कैसे करें? कृपया बस इस तरह से: $ curl = curl_init (); Curl_setopt_array ($ कर्ल, सरणी (CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER = & gt; 1, CURLOPT_HEADER = & gt; 0, CURLOPT_URL = & gt; स्प्रिंटफ़ ('' , $ नाम, $ mobNo),)); $ प्रतिक्रिया = कर्ल_एक्सएसी ($ कर्ल); curl_close ($ कर्ल); प्रतिध्वनि $ प्रतिक्रिया;

Use java reflection to get an instance of a inner class -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 2 जवाब मेरे पास स्कूल वर्ग है जिसमें एक भीतरी कार्यालय / कोड> वर्ग: वर्ग स्कूल {वर्ग offcie {कार्यालय () {...}}} दूसरे स्थान पर, मुझे एक स्कूल नामित myschool का मजबूत> उदाहरण । प्रारंभ करने का सामान्य तरीका कार्यालय है: स्कूल myschool = नया स्कूल (); कार्यालय myOffice = कार्यालय (); लेकिन myschool का उपयोग करके कार्यालय का उदाहरण प्राप्त करने के लिए जावा प्रतिबिंब का उपयोग कैसे करें उदाहरण के लिए कार्यालय पैरामीटर रहित कन्स्ट्रक्टर और इसे एक तर्क के साथ, स्कूल उदाहरण। कन्स्ट्रक्टर & lt; Office & gt; निर्माता = Office.class.getDeclaredConstructor (School.class); ऑफिस ऑफिस = कंस्ट्रक्टर.न्यू इंस्टेंस (नया स्कूल ()); // या आपके उदाहरण इसे में समझाया गया है यदि कंसट्रक्टर का घोषित वर्ग गैर-स्थिर संदर्भ में एक आंतरिक वर्ग है, तो पहला तर्क कन्स्ट्रक्टर को सम्मिलित होना चाहिए; जावा ™ भाषा विशिष्टता के खंड 15.9.3 देखें।

devexpress - How to refresh after changing ValueNumericOptions.Format? -

I am using DevExpress xtraChart to display some data. In the CustomDrawSeries event, I am checking the series name and changing the SeriesTemplate.Label.PointOptions.ValueNumericOptions.Format . It works ... partially. This idea is from ValueNumericOptions.Format to NumericFormat.FixedPoint to NumericFormat.Percent and vice versa. The problem is that the change does not appear immediately, to see the changes, the user will have to select another cell and then the changes are immediately visible. How can I strengthen the series to refresh and see the change immediately after choosing any other cell? / P> Update - After the changes have been made through the code, I inspect the format and it is being set correctly, it confirms that in my mind, this There is a fresh problem. I do not know what is the real cause of the problem, but your approach is not very favorable. You modify the global settings, while your goal is to change settings only for a certain series...

javascript - Why does ngdocs generate 0 files? -

I have set up a very simple project to test Grant-NGDOS (). However, when I try to generate documentation, it does not recognize any comments as to why ?! help! GrantFile.js module.exports = function (grunt) {// project configuration grunt.initConfig ({ngdocs: {options: {dest: 'docs'} , API: {src: [someCode.js'], title: 'API documentation'}}}); // Load plug-ins that provide functions grunt.loadNpmTasks ('grunge-ngdocs'); }; someCode.js / ** * * This is a sample function @param x * layers {number} * / var myFunc = function (X) {Return2 * x; }; console output: slc058: ngDocPlay selah $ grunt ngdocs is running "ngdocs: api" (ngdocs) Working documentation documentation ... done . Generated 0 pages in 7ms, complete without errors I have some codecs Amended and then it worked! someCode.js / ** * @ngdoc function * @name myFunc * @description * This is a sample function @most {number} x - any number , T thing which * / var m...

html - Magento - Top Links Responsive, and adding to basket breaks -

I am working on a responsive site, and I try to make it responsive by using media queries at various sizes I am - 320px, 470px etc. I have used the margin (top, left and right) to focus the top links. However, if you add something to the top link brake, it means that it is not centered is . Can someone help me or teach me how to focus things in a responsible way and whether or not to add items to the basket? I have tried - Align text: center; But he does not work for CSS. Please give any advice?

Zabbix watch a MySQL table -

I have an application that logs events in the table in MySQL, timestamps in each entry (row), position and Other arbitrary bits of some metadata Very simple form can appear something like log_id in the logs table. Day-time Result code | Message: I think it is probably a bit ambitious to go away zobbis and ask directly to the figures, but I am wondering how it can be made and architectural. Write a separate process that queries the table and a log file, but it seems a bit clunky, I can have a script run from zabbix_agent.conf, but I'm not sure that the jebics will How to convert data into metrics. The way I understand this question, in the same way, Have to be able to monitor. If so, this question is in two parts: (1) How to choose the database for only new records and (2) how to send data to Zabbix in a way that it can understand I (1) will leave you, but instead will offer a way to deal with (2). We can model the solutions for Zabbix agent deals with the Window...

qt - QTreeView parent item style -

How do I create a top-level item in a curie view such as "layout" or "sparkers" in the capture image? Is there a way to add a separator to QListView? Thanks You can use a custom representative to get it . Therefore, you have to re-apply the paint method.

zoom - mouse in gnuplot x11 -

I noticed that I can use the right mouse button to zoom in in the plot in gnuplot, terminal X11 I did not find any documents for the second mouse gesture. For example, it would be OK to zoom out a few! Can you suggest it? Best, Al. Edit: Apparently, there is a possibility to zoom in with the right mouse button Christopher suggested that use the key page to come back. Yes, the document is not very clear about this. You can find some information about this under the help mouse (type it in the interactive gnuplot terminal or see section mouse in PDF). It shows you, for example, that you can use the mouse wheel to zooming ( mouse scrolling ) while scrolling in the X and Y direction. To get all the gestures, type show bind , which gives me (Linux, 4.6.4): gnuplot> ; Show Tie 2x & lt; B1 & gt; Print coordinates (see key '3', '4') on the clipboard using the clipboard format & lt; B2 & gt; Annotate graph using 'Mouse Form'...

arrays - Exception in thread "Thread-2" java.lang.NullPointerException.error in my code -

I had to work my code (at least to some extent) and I would have to change something, because it will not launch now . No error has been shown within the code, but it appears when I try to run it: Exception in thread "thread-2" java.lang.NullPointerException at azsystem3 ( at (.Java: 662) and ( this line is: sum.s + = A [i]; How do I fix this? Here is my relevant code: package azsystem3; Import java.util. *; Import java.util.concurrent.locks .Lock; Import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; Playable filling tool {int [] a; Fixed Random B = New random (int); int start; intent; fill public (int [] a, int start, int end) {this.a = a; this.start = start; this.end = end;} public zero run (For (int i = this.start; i & lt; this.end; i ++) {a [i] = b.nextInt (100);}}} class values ​​{ints;} classes apply Make Runnabel {value sum; L lock; integer [] a; int start; intent; // public long zodiac = 0; add public (int [] a,...

r - Linetype and Guide options for ggplot2 when using geom_smooth with continuous variables -

I am using ggplot2 and geom_smooth functions to build an approximate line from an LM model. I am continuously using the y and x function in my ggplot code. I am trying to create a different line type for each line in the plot (which is -1, 0, or 1 to the variable "location"), and I would like to list each location Guide (where -1 = Place A, 0 = Location B, and 1 = Location C). A replica portion of my code is below: # test score which is between 1 and 7 digits Whenever I try to add linux or manual linux, I keep errors about how linety can be used with continuous variables (only discrete) Can not be mapped. Is there any way around this or should I use a different function? Maybe prepare the labels for location values ​​(School 1, School 2, and School 3?)? Or should I use some options for lintip? I'm not getting a solution online or in the book of Wiki Thanks! You are receiving this error message because location is constantly changing (numeric The variabl...

sql server - How does one change the connection string of linked tables in MS Access -

So I just started a new job and part of my responsibilities to support some old access database applications until I Can not move them one of the first things with better things I have seen that access data uses linked tables (linked to SQL Server), but they are pointing to production. Before I made any changes, I wanted to set up a testing environment and wanted to point out a test SQL Server access file. Here is the place where I am lost, I can not understand how to change the way to point to converting tables. I have noticed that some people have suggested changing it to a code, but format designs are bound to time and I like to change the design mode so that the test and prod version is completely different. I do not know where it is done from anywhere Is there anyone who can tell me in the right direction? I do not want to change connection properties at run time ... thanks, John If you want to basically set up a new ODBC data source for a Dev or test environment, t...

delphi - Inheritance/polymorphism concept -

I have two binary files that have the same type of data, so I have an integrated viewer Audience) Some, the methods are common to these two file types, there is nothing, so I have created a base class tshap, and it contains ticircle and teetering. Pseudo-code: TShape = class (TObject) function NoOfItems: integer; Virtual; abstract; End; TCircle = class (tshape) function no off items: integer; Override; & Lt; ---- Actual implementation ends; TITRING = Class (TESPE) function NO OF ITEMS: integer; Override; & Lt; ---- Actual implementation ends; TViewer = Class (TStringGrid) container: TShape; End; And I use it like this: process main; If FileType = Circle starts (viewer as TCircle.). Load (FileName) Other (in the form of viewer TTriangle). Load (FileName); Caption: = Viewer Container. Nobody; & Lt; ---- It calls TShape which is an intangible end; When I do this, it works: If viewer. Container is TTriangle then caption: = (Viewer.Container as TTriangle) .N...

oracle - How do you query for blank schemas? -

I am trying to find an empty schema within my oracle server. I DBA_TAB_COLS , but not success. Example: Choose TABLE_COUNT from DBA_TAB_COLS group (OBNER, COUNT (separate (TABLE_NAME)) by OWNER TABLE_COUNT = 0 One way to query for a list of empty schemas If "blank schema" is a schema, there is no table Choose from Username dba_users where u is not present (selection 1 to dba_tables t where t.owner = u.username); If you want to search for schema, Not even an object, which is a key of the schema If you do not have an ebay, you want to use dba_objects in the subquery instead of dba_tables . For any of these, however, you have dba _ * Obligations will be required to query objects.

mean stack - What is the command/configuration to run NodeJS/Express app as a daemon? -

If I run SSH: $ node server My Web app works fine until I close the SSH session. What commands or configurations are necessary so that it runs without active SSH session all the time? You can turn it on: nohup node server Or you can install forever. npm -g always start forever server

r - How to set knitr chunk output width on a per chunk basis? -

मेरा प्रश्न (s): क्या बुनना एक विकल्प है किसी एक चक्कर आधार पर आर के चौड़ाई विकल्प सेट करने की अनुमति देता है? यदि नहीं, तो क्या कोई अच्छा कारण नहीं है (यानी एक बुनना मॉडल के कुछ मूलभूत सीमा में निहित है)? मैंने कोशिश की है: यह दिखाने के लिए कि मैं क्या चाहता हूं, यहां एक हाथ से लुढ़का हुआ हुक फ़ंक्शन होता है जो मूल रूप से मुझे क्या चाहिए। (मैं वास्तव में इसे पसंद नहीं है, (ए) क्योंकि यह बदसूरत है, वैश्विक वातावरण में वेरिएबल .width के असाइनमेंट पर निर्भर है, और (बी) क्योंकि यह उपलब्ध नहीं है " बॉक्स "जैसा कि अंजीर। , out.width , et al। जैसे एक आपूर्ति विकल्प के रूप में) \ documentclass [preview = true, चौड़ाई = 3 मिमी] {स्टैंडअलोन} \ आरंभ {document} & lt; & lt; सेटअप, include = FALSE, कैश = FALSE & gt; & gt; = विकल्प (चौड़ाई = 60) knit_hooks $ सेट (चौड़ाई = समारोह (पहले, विकल्प, इंविवर) { # (चौड़ाई = विकल्प $ चौड़ाई) ## चौड़ाई निर्धारित करें और 'पुरानी' मान को बचाएं अन्यथा {विकल्प (.विड्थ)} ## चौड़ाई का पुराना मान पुनर्स्थाप...

c# - Canonical Function in Linq to Entities not working -

This code is trying to run in my code: var rslt = Ent.AppointmentDiaries where (s = & gt; s.DateTimeScheduled & gt; = day & amp; amp; organization function; s.DateTimeScheduled, s.AppointmentLength) & lt; = toDate; It breaks down with: One type of exception was 'System.NotSupportedException' in EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll but the user code is in additional Information: The method for the LINQ unit 'System.Nullable' 1 [System.DateTime] AddMinutes (System.Nullable`1 [System.DateTime], System.Nullable`1 [System.Int32]) 'does not recognize the method, And this method can not be translated into the store expression. By using EntryPrimework 6.1.0 I know about authentic guns, so I expect the entity function. To work with Adidines to question the questions ... Any thoughts that I am doing wrong? In Entity Framework 6 by EntityFunctions DbFunctions Has been replaced. The old class has now been marked as obsolete and will disappear...

android - Retrofit SocketTimeoutException - Uploading Image -

I am currently using retrofit for Android because when my network communications are posting an image on my backend server, The server is in the middle of upload and then returns "bar out" with SocketTimeoutException. I've added the OKhttp library because some have suggested and still time is ending. The current image size is around 750kb, because I deducted them. Is there any suitable way to change the amount of time until the time for the restroof? Or is there a better way to upload images to a server? Thanks Perhaps try changing timeout on your OKHTP client; Note that a setting of 0 sometimes indicates the ending. Bonus: If you need help finding the appropriate settings, then you can read with the exception before the timeout, and can also check the current default reading with timeout.

css - How can I breakout a fixed position element from it's parent? -

I have a fixed position element that I want to take to the bottom position and 100% screen width. It keeps taking the width of its parents from the center, the blue container starts with the locatino of red rather than the visual port. & lt ;! DOCTYPE html public "- // W3C // DTT XHTML 1.0 Transcription // N." http: //">" target="_blank; html xmlns = " Http:// "> gt; Top & gt; & gt; Meta http-equiv =" content-type "content =" text / html; Charset = UTF-8 "/> gt; Title & gt; Untitled Document & lt; / title & gt; & lt; Style & gt; * {Margin: 0; Padding: 0;} & lt; / Style & gt; & lt; / head & gt; & lt; body & gt; & lt; div style = "width: 800px; Background-color: red; Height: 1500px; Margin: 0 auto; Status: Relative; Z-index: 999 "& gt; & lt; div style =" background-col...

java - Mule: Closing stream and queued-asynchronous -

I have a flow that I have changed from synchronous to queue-asynchronous. At some time in a foreach, I am opening a file and setting FileInputStream is as follows: Public class FileAsStream {// Return a file InputStream Public FileInputStream fileAuststream (string filename) { File file = new file (filename); FileInputStream fis = null; {Fis = Try New FileInputStream (File); } Hold (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace (); } Finally {efis; }} FileInputStream then my payload becomes, and I'm sending it at http or sftp endpoints. When the flow was synchronous, then I could run # [payload.close ()] and could close the current. But now it is asynchronous, it does not seem that I can do it. When I try to close the stream, it fails. My question is whether I close this stream or not. Does the mule wrap things made in terms of flow? Or do I need to stop the stream after sending someone to the end point?

java - Inserting Newline character before every number occurring in a string? -

I have a string of format like something string VIA = "1.NEW DELHI 2. Lucknow 3. Agra "; Before every digit happens, I want to insert a new row, it succeeds in the dot so that it is like the last string String VIA = "1.NEW DELHI" + "\ n" + "2. Lucknow" + "\ n" + "3" Agra "; How can I do this? StringBiller and String have been read, but now I am confused. Something like this: stringbuilder builder = new stringbiller (); String [] partition = VIA.split ("\ d + \."); (String split: splits) {builder.append (split) .append ("\ n");} string output = builder.tstring ( ). Trim ();

javascript - How To Disable A CSS Text Area -

I have the following lessons from the program that I am working on. & lt; Div etype = "TEXTAREA" style = "width: 923px; condition: full; left: 1px; top: 192px;" Class = "dragable UI-dragable" id = "element_857257" & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; Sign in & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Textarea variable = "log" class = "form-control" style = "white-space: aboper; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: -6px; width: 923px; margin-top: 0px; margin - bottom: 0px; height: 364px; "placeholder =" log "& gt; & Lt; / Textarea & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; I'm trying to disable this text area and read it alone. I have no experience with CSS, so I'm not sure that this is also possible? similar In your example, just add disabled property to the textarea tag

ubuntu - Weird number boxes for output in terminal running GCC for C Programing -

This code works on other machines, but when I enter ' to putchar Some common information: Running in VM on Windows 8 Running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Basic package for C development was established using GCC Output sometimes works and sometimes it does not happen when I modify the program but I'm sure it Thapit is a problem with a few things or Ubuntu because it works in other machines. I do not think the output for the terminal is '' I am new to programming Code: int c ; While ((C = getchar ())! = EOF) {if (c == '') {while ((c = getchar ()) == ''); Tutor (''); If break (C == EOF); } Pastor (C); }

arrays - How to write a Javascript function with ability to preserve values between calls -

Actually I am underlining a graph in which I first offer 30 or so such as the chart loads and then I am giving a call to any other function which will give a new random value with additional property, if this number is high then in the graph, its immediate predecessor or the number of wards that come in the next number adds additional properties like that Different Color Here is my code Events: {load: function () {// set every other var series = this.series [0] update of chart Do; SetInterval (function () {var x = (New date ()). GetTime (), // current time color = 'red', // default color y = getYData (); // This function is supplying values // Condifiton if the situation is true follwoing series .addpoint ({x: x, y: y, color: color // pass color}, true, true); else series.addpoint ({x: x, y: Y // no color is required}, true, true);}, 1000); How can the code get the function getYValue () {// yValue? } But in this I should be able to preserve the value between calls. Is...

Android broadcast attivity no history -

I have a problem with the activity initiated by Broadcast Receiver. I use this activity to overwrite the default lockscreen and I think the activity has not been mapped to the stack. I try with different flags: FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY, FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP, FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK ... but they do all the work. Recipient. Java Public Class Receiver Expands Broadcast Receiver {Available on Public Empty (Reference Reference, Intent of Intent) {reference.startService (New Intent ( Context, MyService.class)); Intention = Intentional Intent (context, AppActivity.class); Intent.addFlags (Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); //intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY); //intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); //intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK); Context.startActivity; } AndroidManifest.xml & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Manifest xmlns: Android = "

javascript - Changing data attribute with jQuery -

मेरे पास यह html है: & lt; input id = 'myId' type = ' बटन 'डेटा-यह पृष्ठ =' myPage '/ & gt; अगर मैं myPage को कुछ और से बदलना चाहता हूं, तो मैं यह कोशिश करता हूं: $ ("# viewer_next_page") डेटा ('यह पृष्ठ', 'नया पृष्ठ'); क्या यह सही तरीका है, क्योंकि ऐसा कुछ नहीं होता है मैं सुनिश्चित कर रहा हूं कि तत्व आईडी को jQuery कॉल से पहले बनाया गया है। यह सही तरीका है कर दो। आप देखेंगे कि विशेषता स्वयं ही बदलती नहीं है JQuery में डेटा - * गुणों को आंतरिक रूप से प्रबंधित करता है पृष्ठ लोड पर, सभी डेटा - * विशेषताएं आंतरिक रूप से jQuery में पढ़ी जाती हैं। इसके बाद से कोड के माध्यम से मापदंडों। डेटा (...) विधि, आंतरिक ऑब्जेक्ट (हे) में हेरफेर करें इस प्रकार विशेषता को बदलने में प्रतीत नहीं होता है हालांकि, जब तक आप भविष्य में गुणों तक पहुंचते हैं, जैसे var पेज = $ ('# ...')। डेटा ('यह पृष्ठ'); , आपको सही मिलेगा बदले में मान।

ModX friendly url has a bad format -

Sorry, this is probably a very basic question, but I am new to ModX and I have not been able to figure it out. answer. I'm trying to work on friendly URLs, but now, all of my URLs are showing like http: //localhost/modx/modx-2.2 Instead of expecting .13-pl / "http: //localhost/modx/modx-2.2.13-pl/other.html Http: //localhost/modx/modx-2.2.13-pl/other.html Perhaps some system set up is not set up correctly; any help would be greatly appreciated. Looks like you forgot to add & Lt; base href = "[[++ site_url]] / / gt; On your head At least this is the first thing that comes to mind.

ajax - jquery accessing newly loaded dom elements -

I have a simple form to dynamically load some objects from my database & lt; Input type = "text" name = "search" /> & Lt; Input type = "submit" name = "submit" /> When I click on the submit button, my DOM will add in some way & lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li class = "name" & gt; Item 1 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "volume" & gt; 120 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "update" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" name = "update_qnt" /> gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "submit_quantity" & gt; Input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "update" & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li class = "name" & gt; Item 2 & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "volume" & gt; 14 & lt; ...

loops - Java java.lang.ArithmeticException finding multiples of a number -

I am trying to find multiples of the numbers being inputted, but every time the user enters 0 I Get the error. Exception in the / p> thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero Yes, I know that you can not divide by zero, but Should be a public static int prob1Rec (int num1, int num2) {int sum} This is the way to work. = 0; {If ((i% num1 == 0)} (i% num2 == 0)} {sum + = i; for int i = 1; i & lt; 500; i ++) }} Refund Amount; } Note: If a number is zero, then I still want to add multiples of second number. if you enter if to Can change (if (1 point! = 0 & amp; i% Num1 == 0) || (num2! = 0 & amp; i% num2 == 0)) {

MySQL remove specific number from list -

I have a database that has the following structure: + ---- + - --- + ------------------- + --------------- + | ID | By | Name | List | + ---- + ---- + ------------------- + --------------- + | 1 | 1 | First name 12,6,5,3,2,66 + ---- + ---- + ------------------- + --------------- + | 2 | 1 | Second name 6,3,5 | + ---- + ---- + ------------------- + --------------- + All I have to do is remove a certain number from the list column, for example, there can be thousands of rows in the "6" number ( table ) I need to remove in a special list id). I have tried the following query that almost works, it can remove the '6' entry, but it can close 66 and leave empty list element (example:, 3) , 2): Unfortunately I will not be able to use any external libraries for MySQL (like preg_replace) nor can I restructure the database, is there any way to do this? If you can not be reconstituted with this hatred and need to be urgent, then I will seriously send you this...

scripting - Powershell: If user in domain x add to AD group y -

So I need to run a script that checks the membership of AD Group. Each member in this Eddy Group will be added to the specific Eddy Group on the basis of their domain. Although it looks good for a small number of users, I am looking for a way for 20,000 users to do this regularly. Example: We have an ADG group called Northamerica, we want to add members in North America either in Westcast or East Coast Edi Group, if their domain is West Coast, or based on the East Coast. For users in North America, if a user domain in the west coast adds a user to the Westcast ad group if users add users to East Coast East Coed Edi group in the next domain How does this effectively? Adding one by one through each member of North America and adding them one by one is not the best way to do this. Thank you,

Mercurial Branching Push -

गुड डे, मेरे पास एक नमूना प्रोजेक्ट है जो मैं मर्क्यूरिअल एचजी का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। यह एक नमूना प्रोजेक्ट है जो इस पर रहता है: सी: \ विकास \ Serivce इस स्थान पर डिफ़ॉल्ट शाखा अंक। मैंने इस स्थान पर टेस्टब्रंच नामक नामांकित शाखा का निर्माण किया। मैंने डिफ़ॉल्ट के लिए कुछ बदलाव किए हैं कि मैं अपने आप को परिचित करने के लिए TestBranch को पुश करना चाहता हूं कि कैसे Mercurial शाखाएं बांटता है। जब मैं "एचजी चेकआउट डिफ़ॉल्ट" का उपयोग कर डिफ़ॉल्ट शाखा पर स्विच करता हूं, तो मैं "hg" TestBranch धक्का "और मुझे निम्नलिखित आउटपुट प्राप्त हुआ: सी: \ विकास \ सेवा & gt; एचजी पुश टेस्ट्रैंच को धक्का दे रहा है C: \ Development \ सर्विस को लॉक के लिए इंतजार कर रहा है C: \ Development \ Service held 'Dev-pc: 4124' द्वारा बाधित! सी: \ विकास \ सेवा> मैं एक मिनट बाद Ctrl-C मारा। सवाल यह है कि कैसे मैं डिफ़ॉल्ट से TestBranch में मेरे बदलाव को धक्का कर सकता हूं? मैं Mercurial में शाखा के विभिन्न तरीकों के बारे में अधिक सीख रहा हूं कुछ देव नामांकित शा...

c++ - I am debugging a program using gdb and I'm getting a segmentation fault -

const char * text = str- & gt; पाठ; कोड की यह रेखा है जो जीडीबी में पाया गया त्रुटि उत्पन्न कर रहा है, यह किसी फ़ंक्शन में है जो स्ट्रिंग प्रदर्शित करता है। टोकन * बनाएंटोकेंस (स्ट्रिंग * str, चार सीमांकक) {int start_size = 1; टोकन * टोकन = initTokens (start_size); Int start = 0; Cout & lt; & lt; टोकन- & gt; एसएजी & lt; & lt; endl; टोकन- & gt; एसज़ = 1; जबकि (शुरू & lt; टोकन- & gt; sz) {for (int i = 0; i & lt; str-> gt; s + i ++) {int end = find (str, delimiter, प्रारंभ); Str = substr (str, प्रारंभ, अंत); जोड़ टोकन (टोकन, str); Start = end; टोकन-> एसज़ ++; }} वापसी टोकन; मेरा मानना ​​है कि यह कोड है जहां त्रुटि उत्पन्न होती है। मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि समस्या कहां है मैं एक शुरुआतकर्ता प्रोग्रामर हूं जो बहुत ही कठिन परिचित सी ++ क्लास में है इसलिए किसी भी मदद की सराहना की जाती है। द्वारा प्रारंभ करें शुरुआत से, जांचने से, जो कुछ भी आप मानते हैं वह कोड के एक टुकड़े के बारे में सही है। इस स्थिति में, str के मानों की जांच करें...

soundcloud - How can I get a list of tracks in Sound Clound in WP 8 Programming? -

I am beginning with wp programming, my first app is about soundcloud, and i HttpRequestMessage > but the response message "did not get". I do not know when I type this URI in the website browser, I need a string. My code is: Private async Tasks & lt; String & gt; GetMyTracks (String ID) {HTTP Client Client = New HTTP Client (); HttpRequestMessage Request = New HttpRequestMessage (HttpMethod.Put, string.Format ("{0}/tracks.json", ID)); String tokenqrq = string.Format ("client_id = {0}", app.ClientID); Request.Content = New string content (tokencrack, encoding. UTF8, "application / x-www-form-urlxoded"); HttpResponseMessage feedback = Waiting for the customer. SendAsync (request); String response string = response is awaiting. Content RedAssressingSync (); Return feedback string; }

objective c - Access one specific element of NSMutableDictionary getting null values in iOS -

मेरे पास एक NSMutableDictionary है जो किसी विशेष स्रोत से डेटा लोड करता है वह ठीक से लोड कर रहा है और डीबगिंग करते समय मुझे यकीन है कि वह लोड कर रहा है और अंत में उसे तत्वों की सटीक संख्या है। मैं डीबगिंग के दौरान भी तत्वों को देख सकता हूं। मैं सिर्फ पंक्ति के मूल्य को कुंजी value = 3 प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं । मैंने कोशिश की NSString * myString = [myMutabDict objectForKey: @ "3"] , यह मानते हुए कि मान स्ट्रिंग में है, और मैंने उसका अनुसरण किया डिबगर के साथ, और मुझे यकीन है कि मेरे एनसियेटिशन में इसमें तत्व हैं, और मैं डीबग करने के दौरान उन्हें देख सकता हूं, और मैं key 3 देख सकता हूं, लेकिन मुझे अभी भी मिल रहा है एक आउटपुट ... के रूप में निरर्थक मुझे क्या याद आ रहा है? यदि आप सुनिश्चित हैं कि आपको 3 की एक कुंजी के साथ एक मूल्य दिखाई देता है और आप कुंजी @ "3" का उपयोग करके इसे लोड नहीं कर सकते हैं, तो यह संभव है कि कुंजी एक संख्या है का प्रयोग करें: NSString * myString = [myMutableDict objectForKey: @ 3]; या आधुनिक वाक्यविन्...

debugging - How to debug a Scala SBT project in IntelliJ 13? -

I never tried to use any type of debugger with Scala and never tried to do some debugging in Intel IZ (as long as I'm using Idea.) To write Scala code now , As I have tried to use this feature to import the SBT project (instead of the old SBT-idea SBT plug-in) and it starts working but I do not know Person running the program in this case and how to debug. Of course, I can use the traditional SBT command line to build and run, but does Idea do not have the basic idea for it now? When I click on run-debug or run-run, I think the first window to be illustrated under the pop-up shows this, as well as the second (project structure window) that is called. (Note that run Button is disabled (grade) and never goes anywhere capable of doing it) Why does it complain about the SBT :: Scala-compiler-bundle: 2.11.0 The way the library is not used? What do I have to do to use it? Do not need this compiler / SBT / IDE? In addition, when I click on Build - the project creates an unusua...

jquery - getJSON not displaying data with Web API -

If I run this code, JSON data is being returned correctly from Fidder, The page can not appear in the HTML at all. I'm trying a bit simpler to start with showing JSON data which is back with JS alert. I have written that there can be such a thing to work in other programs, but it is not able to understand why this is not working because Fidler data is coming back in the right JSON format every time. I believe my code below only runs the first line and then locks Please advise, thank you. $ .getJSON ('http: // 199 ...: 8010 / api / values ​​/', {id: '000101'}, function (data) {$ .ei (Data, Function (Index, Revenue Center) {Warning (in addition to Revenue Contributions);});}); this "", "Total": "", "", "", "", "Member ID": "000102", "Charged": "20140218", "Tracking Number": "", "" - 874.00 "," PST " "PAYMENT...

python - AWS's Elastic Beanstalk not using my virtualenv: "No module named boto" -

I am trying to use the elastic beanstock of AWS, but when I eb start If I run, then I get "Import error: A module named Bito can not run A VS for local repository head." I am in the virtual environment of my Django project, I run Install Pip installed and it was successful. I got the pp freeze & gt; Requirements.txt , Add git requirements.txt , and git commit -m 'bits added in requirements.txt' , all successful then I open the python Found and got imported bits without any consequential errors. Finally, I went back to the eb start on the normal command line, not the same "no module boto" error. It looks like eb start command is not using my VirtualNV What should I do? Well, this is a hack and an ugly, but it has worked. Now, there is an error on the local machine, nothing to do with the remote. I have been installed locally and I have tested another barebones approach for Virtual Enviv (My own reasons.) 1 Note that where the e...

java - Is it possible to return two values from findGrade()? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 12 जवाब स्कोर 40 तक बढ़ रहा है increaseScore () विधि का उपयोग करके। यदि कोई बूलियन फ़्लैग है true , स्कोर 10 से कम हो जाएगा ( इसलिए, इस मामले में, यह 30 होगा), और प्रदर्शन स्कोर = 30 और ग्रेड = डी में toString () । लेकिन मुझे केवल स्कोर = 40 और ग्रेड मिल सकता है toString () में डी = । क्या रिटर्न स्कोर जोड़ना संभव है; के बाद स्कोर = स्कोर - 10; में findGrade () ? सार्वजनिक int increase score () {score = score + 10; वापसी स्कोर; } सार्वजनिक चार मिलेग्रेड () {if (ध्वज) स्कोर = स्कोर - 10; चार ग्रेड = 'ए'; यदि (80 & lt; = स्कोर) ग्रेड = 'ए'; और अगर (60 & lt; = स्कोर & amp; स्कोर & lt; = 79) ग्रेड = 'बी'; और यदि (40 & lt; = स्कोर & amp; स्कोर & lt; = 69) ग्रेड = 'सी'; अन्य ग्रेड = 'डी'; वापसी ग्रेड; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग टूस्ट्रिंग () {वापसी टीमनाम नाम + "" + स्कोर + "" + खोजग्रेड (); } आप toString () के लिए एक और विधि जोड़ सकते...

php - Sanitizing password_hash() strings -

I have to help with a safe and future-forward way to sanitize hash strings that are basically password_hash () . password_hash () The default algorithm on my system will be implemented with PASSWORD_DEFAULT integer, which will be bcrypt () encryption, though it will be the future of PHP Can be changed in versions. I have read that any of the manual pages clearly shows which characters can be generated by this algorithm. Will someone at least suggest sanitaryization which will work? Maybe ... filter_var ($ hashed password, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); or preg_replace ('/ ^ [a-zA-Z0-9 - \ $ \ =] * $ /', '', $ Hashed password); If you have a specific BCRPT, but do not necessarily have a change in the PHL in the future and I have to update my Reggae string in the future, it's OK to break, Tell me and I will consider it Thanks for any help. P.S. If you are wondering why do not bother them, okay because it is passing a little bit in the two syst...

sockets - WSO2 ESB Proxy Service TCP Transport Timeout settings -

I have a TCP transportation-based proxy service that is listening to the connection via ESB version 4.8.0. I have some clients who are sending the service which for 63 seconds after the TCP socket connection is shutting down or shutting down, and 15 seconds for others. We are working to determine whether the problem is appearing on the ISB side or the client side. Is there connection specific settings for TCP sockets on the ISB side? Either via proxy parameters or via the axis2.xml config file? Here's my code: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; Proxy xmlns = "" name = "MyCoolService" transports = "tcp" stats = "enable" trace = "enable" startOnLoad = "true" & gt; & Lt; Goal & gt; & Lt; InSequence & gt; & Lt; Log level = "full" /> & Lt; Dbreport & gt; & Lt ;! - MySQL entry state...

can I use 'show SQL query' from crystal report and use in SQL server -

I got some crystal reports, they were developed by somebody but now I am migrating to SSRS. So when I go from 'Crystal Report' to 'Show SQL Query', it is showing some queries, but I can not be rightly understood where these columns are coming from. Is the SXL query accurate to anyway, so that I can use it in SQL Server to create data sets for SSRS. Thanks You can run against your database server so that you can see the exact SLL Can be able to generate a report that is crystal report running. The SQL Profiler is a tool that comes with SQL Server (under the display tool in your SQL Server program) which shows every SQL statement colliding with a database. Trace through SQL Profiler on your SQL Server, then run your report and SQL Profiler will show you the exact SQL statement that your Crystal Reports is running against the database.

javascript - How to use setTimeout and get a return variable? -

I have a function geocode that works ... I want to implement a delay to prevent query boundary errors I am trying, and here is my javascript: tmpResult = null; Set timeout (tmpResult = geocode (features [j], cities [j], state [j]),} 100); variable tmpResult is the result of my geocode .. However, tmpResult is null when I run the script .. am I missing? Thanks! setTimeout () tmpResult is completely valid when setTimeout () runs and then you may find this issue possible that you are trying to use setTimeout () before tmpResult . Remember, this will run 100MMS in the future. Your other JavaScript will continue to run before that time. What do you have to do to tmpResult use the value setTimeout () or call some function and pass it in the value of tmpResult . Timeout (function () {var tmpResult = geocode (features [j], Cities [J], States [J]); Call MyFunction (TMPRSult);}, 100); setTimeout () is asynchronous and you can not synchronize while usin...

jquery mobile - Why onchange() function is not working in some pages? -

After the the script I am using in my page The code that I am using Todas Las Monedes & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "2" & gt; $ - Dillar & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "3" & gt; Colon & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Input name = "im_pi" id = "im_pi" type = "text" placeholder = "desde" disabled = "disabled" /> & Lt; Input name = "im_pf" id = "im_pf" type = "text" placeholder = "hayata" disabled = "disabled" "/> I have placed the above code in one file and I also included that enabling input tags in every pages in all pages.It is when I select $ -dolar or colon. The problem now which I am facing is only able to enable your input tag $ -dolar or stomach Not when I select it in two pages. I can not find it, because it is not only enabled in those tw...

c++ cli - Meaning of '^' with class name in Cpp -

I was reading some code in CPP and I & lt; Classname & gt; ; ^ Instancename What is the use of it ?? I tried to search but I could not find any answer. This represents a managed index, ^ Trash points the collected object (handled by the framework goes). You can check for more details In Visual C ++ 2002 and Visual C ++ 2003, use __GC * to declare a managed index it was done. For example, it is allocated individually for example: code> native object * n = new native object ( ); Managed object ^ m = gcnu managed object (); Also check for more details This sample shows how to create an example of a reference type on the managed pile. This sample also shows that you can start handling with each other, as a result there are two references to the same object on the trash-collected pile. Notice that the object assigning nullptr (C ++ Component Extensions) to a handle does not mark for the garbage collection. Compile with // mcppv2_handle.cpp //...

c# - PowerPoint charts events right click and double click don't get fired -

I'm working on some PowerPoint add-ins. I have to do some additional work such as showing an extra menu or creating a check box when the user clicks on the slide. I am doing this PowerPoint.Application pApp = this.Application; Papp.WindowBeforeRightClick + = pApp_WindowBeforeRightClick; but did not remove the incident. I tried debugging but this incident is never the case with the double click program. Am I declaring this wrong? help please. There is nothing wrong in your code or announcement, a bug in PowerPoint that Microsoft has so far called PowerPoint 2007 Has not decided since. According to the double click event, it is removed on 3 views, but in reality it is only removed in the slide sorter view. Only on-window selection event is removed in PowerPoint.