c# - Canonical Function in Linq to Entities not working -
This code is trying to run in my code:
var rslt = Ent.AppointmentDiaries where (s = & gt; s.DateTimeScheduled & gt; = day & amp; amp; organization function; s.DateTimeScheduled, s.AppointmentLength) & lt; = toDate;
It breaks down with:
One type of exception was 'System.NotSupportedException' in EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll but the user code is in additional Information: The method for the LINQ unit 'System.Nullable' 1 [System.DateTime] AddMinutes (System.Nullable`1 [System.DateTime], System.Nullable`1 [System.Int32]) 'does not recognize the method, And this method can not be translated into the store expression. By using EntryPrimework 6.1.0 <... I know about authentic guns, so I expect the entity function. To work with Adidines to question the questions ...
Any thoughts that I am doing wrong?
In Entity Framework 6 by EntityFunctions
Has been replaced. The old class has now been marked as obsolete and will disappear in the future.
I must admit that when you are Google for release notes, this is not straightforward, though it is a blog in which how this change has been described.
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