soundcloud - How can I get a list of tracks in Sound Clound in WP 8 Programming? -

I am beginning with wp programming, my first app is about soundcloud, and i HttpRequestMessage > but the response message "did not get".

I do not know when I type this URI in the website browser, I need a string.

My code is:

  Private async Tasks & lt; String & gt; GetMyTracks (String ID) {HTTP Client Client = New HTTP Client (); HttpRequestMessage Request = New HttpRequestMessage (HttpMethod.Put, string.Format ("{0}/tracks.json", ID)); String tokenqrq = string.Format ("client_id = {0}", app.ClientID); Request.Content = New string content (tokencrack, encoding. UTF8, "application / x-www-form-urlxoded"); HttpResponseMessage feedback = Waiting for the customer. SendAsync (request); String response string = response is awaiting. Content RedAssressingSync (); Return feedback string; }  


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