devexpress - How to refresh after changing ValueNumericOptions.Format? -

I am using DevExpress xtraChart to display some data. In the CustomDrawSeries event, I am checking the series name and changing the SeriesTemplate.Label.PointOptions.ValueNumericOptions.Format . It works ... partially.

This idea is from ValueNumericOptions.Format to NumericFormat.FixedPoint to NumericFormat.Percent and vice versa. The problem is that the change does not appear immediately, to see the changes, the user will have to select another cell and then the changes are immediately visible.

How can I strengthen the series to refresh and see the change immediately after choosing any other cell? / P>

Update - After the changes have been made through the code, I inspect the format and it is being set correctly, it confirms that in my mind, this There is a fresh problem.

I do not know what is the real cause of the problem, but your approach is not very favorable. You modify the global settings, while your goal is to change settings only for a certain series.

What you want to achieve, without controlling events, can be done during the chart control initialization. The following code can be used to apply a one percent format for a specific series. :

  DevExpress.XtraChartsPointOptions pointOptions = New DevExpress.XtraChartsPointOptions (); Point Options Value Numerication Format = devaux. Extractor Numeric format.parant; DevExpress.XtraCharts.SideBySideBarSeries label label = new DeveExpress.XtraCharts.SideBySideBarSeriesLabel (); the label. Point Option = Point Option; DevExpressXtraChartsSeries Series = xtraChart1.Series ["chain name"]; Chain. Label = label; Chain. Labels Visibility = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.True;  


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