
Showing posts from April, 2011

c# - Cross-thread operation not valid control -

I know there are a lot of tips about my question but I have not found solutions for my case ... I have a panel which I add control over the runtime, I tried this code but it does not help me, and says an error: Cross- Thread operation is not valid Here my code: Public Zero AddControlToPanel (panel panel, control ctrl In addition to the thread was less addressed Control accessed from a thread 1 'Panel') {If (panel.InvokeRequired) {panel.Invoke ((MethodInvoker) representative {AddControlToPanel (panel, ctrl);}); Return; } And panel. Control. Add (ctrl); } And I call it like this: AddControlToPanel (panel1, ctrl); You can create a control extension within the namespace of your project like this: and use it within your code like this: this.UIThread ((=) => (panel1.Controls. Add (Ctrl);});

Java regular expression matching for CSS double class attribute -

I have to put a boolean that tells me that a CSS selector is either: ID selector (#) + class selector (.) In the same element, like table # some edit. Some class class selector (.) + ID selector (#) in the same element, such as Table.someclass # someid In the same element, double class selector (.), Such as table .class1.class2 The substrings are matched in a selector, in which the connectors like Table> tr # someid.someclass> td ... this is my code : import java.util.Scanner; Import java.util.regex.Matcher; Import java.util.regex.Pattern; Public Class Multiple Class ID {Private Static Final String Reggae [=] (# [^ \\ s \\ + & gt; ~ \\. \\ [:] +) (\\. [^ \ \ S \ \ + + And gt; ~ \\. \\ [:] + "", "(\\. [^ \\ s \\ + & gt; ~ \\. \\ [:] +) (# [^ \ \ S \\ + & Gt; ~ \\. \\ [:] + "", "(\\. [^ \\ s \\ + & gt; ~ \\. \\ [:] +) (\ \. ^ ^ [^ \\ s \\ + & gt; ~ \\. \\ [:] +} "}; Public Boolean HMtlSpaceId (string selector...

shell - Compare two files using awk command recursively -

I want to compare two files, 1) Compare each query result. 2) Compare only the first row of the query output. 3) Compare the time (third column), the first file time is less than the second file, then print the pōnp and do nothing. File1: C: \ script & gt; Call transaction 1OPOP c: \ script & gt; Selection ID, PO_ID, TIME, DES table ID is PO_NUM TIME DES ------- ------------ --------------- - ---- 11232323 1OPOP 2012-08-01- Sample 11232324 1OPOP 2013-09-01- Sample 11232325 1OPOP 2014-09- 01- Sample 11232326 1OPOP 2015-09-01-23.02. 50.040000 sample 4 record (s) selected. C: \ script & gt; Call transaction 1XDXD C: \ script & gt; Selection ID, PO_ID, TIME, DES table ID PO_NUM TIME DES ------- ---------------- ----------- - --- 11232323 1XDXD 2012-07-01- Sample 11232324 1XDXD 2013-09-01- Sample 11232325 1XDXD 2014-08-01-23.02. 50.040000 sample 3 record (s) selected. C: \ script & gt; Ca...

php - How to create a custom ActionColumn in the gridView of yii2? -

I have a gridview and I have managed to keep the data needed, but what I need to do next & lt ;? = GridView :: Widgets (['dataProvider' => $ data provider, 'filter modell' = & gt; $ search mode, '' column '= & gt; [[' class '= & gt;' yii \ grid \ SerialColumn '],' Name ',' semi_name ',' is_fosbook ',' is_tivety ', [' class' => 'yii \ grid \ actionColumn'],],]); ? & Gt; name | Cm_name | Platform Account1 | Jack | BTN1BTN2 Where BTN1 and BTN2 refer to Facebook and Twitter. Sorry for the dissected table. You do not need to create your column class. You can create simple raw-columns and can show anything you want: ['attribute' = & gt; 'Some_title', 'format' = & gt; 'Raw', 'value' = & gt; Function ($ Models) {Return '& lt; Div & gt; ' $ Model- & gt; Id. 'And other HTML-code ...

r - Hadoop Stream Job Error (Type mismatch in key from map) -

I know there are some similar problems reported. In my case, in my case, I wrote regular jobs in R. I know that there is a way to directly access ROP to use RHDOP. I execute my hopping job: $ hadoop jar / usr / lib / hasoop -0.20-mapreadus / dischab / streaming / thoupe-streaming-2.0. 0-MR1-CDH 4.1.1.JJ-Input Test / Test_R_MR-Output RMR7 -File ~ / Mapper R-file ~ / reducer R The error looks like the following: error = " type mismatch in key from map: expected org.apache., the recipient Does anyone have any clue how to fix it on Mapper / Reduce R? > Thank you.

format php mysql data injson -

मेरा कोड: foreach (array_filter ($ पंक्ति ) $ कुंजी = & gt; $ मान) {$ आउटपुट [$ value ['phone']] ['कार्ड'] [] = सरणी ('ईमेल' = & gt; $ value ['email'], 'mobile' = & Gt; $ मान ['मोबाइल'], 'नाम' = & gt; $ मान ['नाम']);} गूंज json_encode ($ आउटपुट); वर्तमान आउटपुट: {"919898989898": {"cards": [{"ईमेल": "", "मोबाइल": "919898989898", "नाम": "एबीसीडी"}, {"ईमेल": "", "मोबाइल": "8686868686", "नाम": "एबीसीडी"}]}, "919923717198": {"कार्ड": [{"ईमेल": "", "मोबाइल": "8686868686", "नाम": "defg"}, {"ईमेल ":" "," मोबाइल ":" 919898989898 "," नाम ":" defg "}]}} अपेक्षित आउटपु...

android - Receive/install application updates from code -

I want to control Android app updates (the app is published on Google Play) Closes, and user needs to update (and installs when available) manually - clicking buttons, menu items, or searching for another is a way to implement it? (For example send Google Play or some such request) Thanks in advance Michael I'm not sure Google supports it, but since you know the application package, You should use a non-governmental library to get information about your application (hence the current version on the Play Store) There is a link to a library here: It seems that it is a bit old and I do not know whether it is currently under maintenance the best way Applying a small website (or a simple page on the server) and checking against it You can check this application on startup and display a dialog for example

SML - How to check if 2 parameters are the same in pattern matching? -

I have a piece of code that calories the Hanoi movement and gives it as a list, it works by now is. Funny Hanoi (0, Start, ZL) = [] | Hanoi (1, start, ZL) = [(1, start, ZL)] | Hanoi (Ange, Start, ZL) = Hanoi (Ange-1, Start, Hilf (Start, ZL)) @ ((Dye, Beginning, ZL) :: Hanoi (Anz-1, Hillef (Start, ZL), ZL) ) And Hilf (start, ZL) = 6- (start + ZL); Now my question is how can I check for the previous pattern in which the beginning and the goal (German: ZL) is the same? I tried to do something like this: | Hanoi (anz, start, ziel = start) = [] but this does not work. It seems as if I have problems matching the concept of pattern perfectly. But I did not get a much more helpful source Thank you in advance! Generally, you do not check for this because start = ziel No pattern - pattern (for the most part) value or special code like _ or variable name, while start = ziel is an expression that is not fully evaluated goes. Instead, match the pattern to remove star...

javascript - How to input a function in a function -

मैं इस तरह एक हैक कर सकता हूँ: function exec (fn) {setInterval ( fn, 0); } Exec ("newfn ()"); लेकिन एक क्लीनर की तलाश है। जैसा कि पहले से उल्लेख किया गया है टिप्पणियों में, फ़ंक्शन को किसी अन्य फ़ंक्शन में पास करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका यह है कि उसे संदर्भ पास करना, उसके नाम वाला स्ट्रिंग नहीं। उदाहरण: फ़ंक्शन फ़ू () {console.log ('इनुसाइड फू'); } Exec (foo); फ़ंक्शन के अंदर फ़ंक्शन निष्पादित करने के लिए, आपको फ़ंक्शन संदर्भ के बाद () डाल दिया है: function exec Fn) {एफ एन (); } लेकिन जब आप बिल्कुल ऐसा कर सकते हैं, मुझे exec (foo) over foo () ।

SQL Server - resume cursor from last updated row -

I want to make cursor updates (rows of millions) of the table. If it starts again, then the script should resume from the last updated line (for example, if the server restarts). What is the best way to resolve it? Create a new table with last saved id? Use the extended assets of tables to save this information? I get "update date" or "last process date" or something similar in the named datetime column in your table Use it. When your update is in progress, just process any number of records that are not the maximum updates or tap: where UpdateDate & lt; (Select Max from MyTable) or UpdateDate is empty This is probably a good idea to catch the maximum update ( @maxUpdateDate ?) At the beginning Your process / loop does not change during a batch, and in the same way to update every line you go to get a new update date ( @ newUpdateDate ?) At the beginning of your process . A UTC date will work best to avoid changes in DTT timing. This data w...

php - Getresponse using API to fetch campaign -

यह getresponse के लिए एपीआई का मुख्य लिंक है if (isset ($ _ POST) ['उत्पन्न'])) {require_once dirname (__ फ़ाइल__)। '/GetResponseAPI.class.php'; $ Api = नया GetResponse ('APIKEY यहाँ'); $ अभियान = (ऐरे) $ एपीआई- & gt; प्राप्त करेंगैम (); $ CampaignIDs = array_keys ($ अभियान); $ अभियान = $ एपीआई- & gt; getCampaignByID ($ अभियान आईडी [0]); Var_dump ($ अभियान, $ अभियान); } यह HTML कोड है जो PHP के साथ एक ही पृष्ठ पर है। & lt; form method = "post" action = "" & gt ; & Lt; चयन करें नाम = "अभियान" आईडी = "अभियान" & gt; & Lt;? Php foreach ($ अभियान $ अभियान $ = & gt; $ मान) {? & Gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "& lt;? Php echo $ campaignID;? & Gt;" & gt; & lt;? Php गूंज $ मान;? & Gt; & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt;? Php}? & Gt; & Lt; / चयन & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "जमा करें" मान = "उत्पन्न करें" नाम = "उत्पन...

visual studio - reference required to assembly -

In Visual Studio 2013, I got an error like reference assembly system. Web. Application services, version = 4.0.0, culture = neutral, public token = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx '' type 'System.Web.Security.MembershipUser'. Add one to your project. The same code VS 2010 (I think VS is using ASP 2.0 2.0?) I know some reference is missing? Thanks for any advice! You should refer to .com 4.0 for System.Web.ApplicationServices.dll . Required This is in the docs!

calling javascript function with an argument from html -

मैं जावास्क्रिप्ट का उपयोग कर html तत्व बना रहा हूं: html_info + = '& lt; div वर्ग = "पंक्ति" & gt; & lt; h4 & gt; '+ i +' रोगी: '+ कुंजी +' & lt; / h4 & gt; जन्म तिथि: '+ जानकारी [0] +' & lt; br & gt; व्यवसाय: '+ जानकारी [1] +' & lt; br & gt; टेस्ट की तिथि: '+ info [2] +' & lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Draw_chart ('+ रोगी_टाइट_इनफ़ो [कुंजी]। राइट_येई +'); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & lt; / div & gt; '; Document.getElementById ('रोगी_आदर्शन')। InnerHTML + = html_info; यह तत्व को ठीक से बनाता है और जानकारी सरणी में संग्रहीत जानकारी प्रदर्शित करता है, लेकिन draw_chart () फ़ंक्शन विफल होने पर कॉल करें। मैंने patient_test_info [key] की सामग्री मुद्रित की है। Right_eye इसे एक तर्क के रूप में देने से पहले console.log का उपयोग करके और चर की सामग्री ठीक है। लेकिन HTML तत्व दिखाता है कि patient_test_info [key] .right_eye ...

php - Filtering Eloquent ORM query by relation -

I need to filter my supernatural query with the relation. I have the following link: There are several ** achievements in the user ** There are several ** achievements in the game ** Let me now play a game. For those who receive it, the achievements of User A should be filtered. This can be done like this: $ user-> Achievements () - & gt; While Game ID ($ game-> ID) It's okay, but can I use a straight $ game object instead of filtering by the ugly id column? $ game is injected into the closing method and curious loading During my query, there is a better way in my opinion where and or wherehere are to limit the outcome of the inquiry to the relationship. $ game = game :: find (GameID); // Magic is used here $ user = user :: where is ('achievements', function ($ query) usage ($ game) {$ query-> where ('gameId', $ game- & gt; ID);}) - & gt; From ('Achievements') // If you want to keep them in the collect...

symfony - How to compress inline Javascript in twig -

I would like to know whether it is possible to insert an inline javascript twig file in Symphony 2 via yui compressor. as a JS code in talk file & lt; Script & gt; /% JS code% / & lt; / Script & gt; The doctor tells that it works for .js files but does not mention inline javascript me Allow me to tell you how I did this: Install the bundle: Br & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; {% Jshrink%} $ (document) .ready (function () {//.}); {% Endjshrink%} & lt; / Script & gt; PS: If you are not using Symphony then you can download library:

performance - Improve memory consumption of a map of tuples without losing speed in C++ -

To store costs for 5-Tulips, I have a map like this: studs :: map & lt; Std :: tr1 :: tuple & lt; U32, u32, u32, u32, u8 & gt ;, f32 & gt; CostMap_; There are several such table loaded in memory during the runtime, where each has approximately 2.5 * 10⁷ entries in each entry 2.16345 # 5875 396 # 47512 26445 # 2 and std :: inputstream . After this, the entries remain unchanged. Many Tuples are only different in 1 value, meaning there are several values ​​that appear in some entries. I thought about using this fact and thought about unnecessary collection of values. I have tried a map map map like std :: map & lt; U32, std :: maps & lt; U32, std :: map & lt; U32, std :: map & lt; U32, std :: map & lt; U8, f32 & gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; CostMap_; But this is very slow, because there are millions of look-ups in only a few minutes and therefore the look up should be fast enough (this is not fully optimized...

java - Parsing a JSON array BEGIN_ARRAY but was NAME -

I am parsing this JSON stream {"status": "ok "," Count ": 1," Data ": {" "1000194290": [{"Stats": {"Victory": 472, "All": {"Spotless": 0, "Hit": 0, "War_Aug_GP "," Lights ": 0," HitParents ": 0," Damaged "," 0 "," Damage ": 0," Caption_point ": 0," Action ": 894, Shots": 0, XP ": 0," Fraggs ": 0," Saved_Battles ": 0," Dropped CAPAPRPUs ": 0}," Action ": 894} I started an array at 1000194290 But try to do it The key is code> exception "in the thread" main "java.lang.IllegalStateException: expected BEGIN_ARRAY but the row 1 was named on column 35 My parsing class looks like this Public list & amp;; Tankstats & gt; ReadJsonStream (InputStream in) throws IOException {try (JsonReader Reader = New JsonReader (New ...

Java-part of EJB-Project on JBoss is too slow -

We develop a website on a Jbys 7.1.1 server, because our EJB Manager creates a backend call and a list The database from the database (which executes quickly) is about 50 entries, which are converted into a list of transfer objects in a Java-method. Originally this way: Arreelist & lt; Transfer Object & gt; ToList = New Array's & lt; & Gt; (); (Unit unit: list) for {transfer = new transfer object (); To.setAttribute (entity.getAttribute ()); (To) toList.add; } To return; Each pc needs about 12 ms of each loop, which is great. A PC with very low budget requires around 30ms, which is a bit slow but friends on the machine, which is very strong, need 150 ms per loop, and it's crazy. Why do anyone have any ideas? I do not even know how to tag it, because I do not know which part of the project could be the reason for this. Edit: The exact code for a loop (serialized = shift object, chain = unit): series tt STO = new series tt (); STO.setDatabaseId (s...

elasticsearch - custom parse with logstash and elastic search -

I'm new to logstash! I have configured and everything is working fine - yet. Comes in the form of my log file: 2014-04-27 16:24:43 DEBUG b45e66 T + 561 / V1 / XXX & lt ;! Session & gt; XXX has requested category_ids: only_pro: XXX_ids: 14525 If I use the following config file: input {file {path = & Gt; "/ Log / * _log"}} output {elasticsearch {host = & gt; Localhost}} This will be given the following position in the ES: {_index: "logstash-2014.04.28", _type: "log", _id : "WIoUbIvCQOqnz4tMZzMohg", _score: 1, _source: {Message: "2014-04-27 16:24:43 DEBUG b45e66 T + 561 This is my log!", @Version: "1", @ TeamStamp: "2014-04-28 T 14: 25: 52.165 J", host: "MYCOMPUTER", path: "\ logs \ xxx_app.log"}} How do I get the string My logs so that the entire text is not on _source.message? Eg: I think I can parse something like this: {_...

PHP Query/Comparison Method with Operators -

In my PHP page there are several variables on each weight; Their values ​​determine which widgets are displayed. Each widget has set criteria for the time it is displayed. Example. Display the widget 'A' where: "page == 1, page! = 3, user> 9, rank! = Blue" $ myVars = array (); $ MyVars ['page'] = 1; $ MyVars ['user'] = 99; $ MyVars ['rank'] = 'red'; In this scenario I've written a simple method - it delimitates the query and compares each criteria and as soon as FALSE encounters the problem is that by my engine Any supported "or" operators are not required to meet every criteria. And I can not see my head about how the operator can be added to it. "page == 1 || page == 2 & amp; page! = 3 & amp; user> 9 = user == 3 & amp; rank! = Blue This will give me more flexibility on the widget, creating scenarios without making duplicate widgets separately. How do I see a parallel way of ho...

signal processing - How to determine phase shift of a sine waveform? -

I understand how to get dimension and frequency, but not sure about phase changes? How does it get π / 4? Please advise. Instructions: As explained on 1.) Horizontal between two wave actions Measure the changes by graphing them. One change on the right is a positive phase shift and one change on the left is a negative step change. 2.) Determine the phase shift between the cosine function and the sign function. To use the trigonometric identification (x) = sin (x + Pi / 2) to show that we can get the cosine function by moving the sine wave PI / 2 to the left. Therefore, the cosine function - sign function with phase shift of PI / 2. 3.) sinusoidal equation y = Asin (B [X - C]) + D. In this equation, the dimension of the wave is A, the factor of the extension is B., phase The change is si and the amplitude shift is d 4. ) Express a wave function in form Y = Asin (B [x-C]) + D, to determine its phase change c. For example, for function cos (x) = sin (x + pi ...

c# - Routing table for multilingual web site -

मैं एक बहुभाषी ASP.NET MVC साइट बनाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। -> अंग्रेजी और कॉल नियंत्रक के सूचकांक कार्रवाई होना चाहिए। -> टेस्ट नियंत्रक की अंग्रेजी और कॉल इंडेक्स एक्शन होना चाहिए -> स्पैनिश और होम नियंत्रक की कॉल सूचकित कार्रवाई होनी चाहिए -> स्पैनिश और टेस्ट नियंत्रक की कॉल इंडेक्स कार्रवाई होनी चाहिए यहां बताया गया है कि मेरी रूटिंग तालिका कैसी दिखती है। मुझे जो पसंद नहीं है वह है कि मुझे एक ही चीज़ के लिए 2 प्रविष्टियाँ होने की आवश्यकता है। मार्गों। MapRoute (नाम: "नियंत्रक", url: "{controller}", डिफ़ॉल्ट: नया {Lang = "en", नियंत्रक = "होम", एक्शन = "इंडेक्स"}); मार्गों:। ("Multilang-controller" url: "{lang} / {controller}", डिफ़ॉल्ट: नया {lang = "en", नियंत्रक = "होम", कार्रवाई = "सूचकांक"}, बाधाएं: नया {Lang = "en | es | de | fr"}); मैं ऐसा कुछ कर...

actionscript 3 - AS3 Error: The public attribute can only be used inside a package -

I keep this error in AS3 and would like some help, basically this code is surrounded by package statement such as: Package {code ...}. This gave me this error: "packages can not be nested", so when I take a package statement, "I use the public feature only a package" error, so I really do not know Running, here is the code .. Please help: import flash.display.Loader; Import flash.display.Sprite; Import; Import; Import; Public Class Main Sprite Extends {var _xml: XML; Public function chief () {super (); LoadXMLFile (); } Private function loadXMLFile (): zero {var loader = new URL loader (new URLRequest ("xml / tema1.xml")); Loader.addEventListener (event.complete, loadedCompleteHandler); } Private function loaded. FullHandler (E: Event): Zero { (Event.Complete, LoadedCampleHandler); _xml =; Each (var cont: _xml.tema1 in XML) {statusField.text + = ...

angularjs - Angular.js, form validation only on submit -

How to perform a form verification with only Angular.js? I want to show error messages, except for changing the focus, etc. submit on this page, such as: submit. Check this out. The form model will always contain the actual information about its validity so that you can check it upon submitting.

javascript - SVG Circle Stroke Origin -

I'm having trouble describing this problem, but here goes: I make I am trying to get a SVG Circle Progress Bar and I have found a perfect example that I want to photograph without any third part libraries: The problem is That I am getting a realization of the change of the origin of the stroke, as you will see, if you see it Es, then the original right hand I need to come up to it. Now, I am a developer, so I tried to do myself, but I can not understand how to do it for my life. If I change the stroke-Dashaharru feature then the stroke-dash offset will not match the percentage set. I think it comes down to mathematics with stroke-class values, but I do not quite understand what to do. DashOffets are calculated as follows: var pct = ((100-val) / 100) * (Math.PI * (r * 2)) ; and there should be some kind of correlation between that standard and standard bracket value 565.48. There is no mention of it anywhere. call it 2 & lt; Add to circle ... in SVG ...

antlr - How to get terminals using ANTLR4 -

I just use ANTRR4 to write some grammar After writing the Java code in the input code, the ANLR generates the pers tree for me. However, after checking the syntax, I just need a terminal and I can not find any method that only returns to me every terminal. Grammar is listed below: Grammar XPR; Pram: State; State: (createSQL | insertSQL) ';' State * | (CreateSQL | insertSQL) ';' ?; CreateSQL: Create table name '(' et_f ')'; InsertSQL: The name ('(att_names)') in INSERT? Value '(' att_values ​​')'; Att_names: NAME ',' att_names | | NAME; Att_values: (NUM | str) (',' (NUM | str)) *; Str: '\' '. *? '\' '; Att_def: NAME ATTTYPE PRIMARYKEY | Name unpublished PRIMARYKEY ',' subatt_def | Name ATTTYPE ',' et_def | 'Name unpublished; Subatt_def: NAME ATTTYPE ',' subatt_def | 'Name unpublished; PRIMARYKEY: [PP] [RR] [Ii] [MM] [AA] [RR] [YAY] '' [KK] [EE] [...

oracle - Days between two dates -

I appreciate that it has been asked many times earlier, but by reading through them I was unable to find a solution for it. I want to be It is quite easy. I want to calculate the number of days that are between two dates, which use an oracle function. Date_details and date-links are two reputable days. But I have to put it in a package at the end of the day which I think I can do, I'm struggling with the function. Would anyone be able to give me a structure for this so that I can assemble the function used in my package? I'm still a newbie with Oracle features. Just like this: SELECT Trunc (t.date1 - T.date2) in the form of days from my tables

c# - Best approach for multiple WCF requests -

I have a method that receives an array of productIds and with them I want to get a date for every one The requirement is that the service is only able to give me a date for each product. I have no access to the service ... only what code is a better way of clapping the client? ChannelFinance ("EndpenName")} {client = channelFactory.CreateChannel (); Request request = new request (); Request.Id = Product ID [i]; Feedback feedback = client.execute (request); Dates.Add (response.Date); }} It seems that you do not need to create a channel on each walk, Just before the loop, you can also try to parallel the flow: svcutil can generate work-based ASINC functions, I believe that there is something similar in the channel factory but I am afraid that the proper server-side It is not possible to reduce the amount of service calls without support.

javascript - generated .ejs template not working with .js file backbone -

I am trying to make a mobile app with multiple pages. The first page in index and other pages is made with tribal backbone generator. Yo Backbone: The news problem created in my app / template / news.ejs and app / widgets / news.js is that the ejs file works, buttons, icons and so on, but js is not working Can I help if I am not doing right? ELS and JS file & lt; Div id = "news-container" & gt; & Lt; Div data-role = "page" & gt; & Lt; Div data-role = "header" & gt; & Lt; H1 & gt; & Lt; / H1> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;! - End of header - & gt; & Lt ;! - CONTENT - & gt; & Lt; Div data-role = "content" id = "news-content" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;! - End of content - & gt; & Lt ;! - footer - & gt; & Lt; Div class = "footer" data-position = "fixed" & gt; & Lt; Div data-role = "answer" & gt; ...

c# - Property setter trims a value assigned from LINQ, but isn't displayed as such in WPF datagrid -

I am using ODBC from LINQ to project results of a query, saved in an XML file, In custom object Custom object contains string property, "pfrequency." Its setter value is assigned, if the value is not zero. I have opened my XML file and confirmed this work (the value of the property is to be sorted). However, when the custom object is deserialized and displayed in a WPF datagrid, the DataGridComboBoxColumn column value is empty for my property. The columns items are bound to a static resource of the source string, which includes the value assigned to my custom object's pequared property. So, why does not my value appear in the datagrid? Pequiquancy property: [XmlElement (IsNullable = true)) Public string pequarqancy {receive this.payFrequency; } Set {if (value! = This.payfrequency) {this.payFrequency = (value ?? value.Trim ()); NotifyPropertyChanged ("PayFrequency"); }}} WPF datagroup column: & lt; Datagrid combo box column header = "pay...

indexing - On which OS Search.CollatorDSO is available? -

I want to search for a file system using search. CollatorDSO: Provider = Search CollatorDSO; Expanded Properties = "Application = Windows" Is Windows OS available by default to this provider? According to this, it is not installed on the web versions of Windows Server. If it is not installed then it can be installed manually? After a lot of excavation, this is the only way to get Ole DB provider: Search. Enable the search service in the Collatorator Windows OS Installing the search server from Download does not install it. (Deceptive!) Note that Windows Search Service , which is about this, is completely different from "search server" - Integration of Blogengine into existing websites -

I am trying to integrate Blogengine into my existing .NET website. I found this page on Stackshowforflow, Step4 says, "4: Add blog engine to a web application. Create a project. Build a blog engine." Add references to "Blog Engine.Cor DLL". > Download the blog engine. The source version should be included in: BlogEngine.comCore, BlogGenenet and BlogGegin.Test. It is in your solution and should refer to the website where your blog is.

r - Get the length of the list stored in a column of data.frame -

I am storing a list of stars in one column of my data.frame and I want to get the length of those lists. / P> & gt; Class (DF ['4', 'generated']) [1] "list" & gt; Summary (DF ['4', 'generated']) Length class mode 4 180 -non-character & gt; [df ['4', 'generated']) [1] 1 As shown above The "list" class, but shows the length (DF ['4', 'generated']) 180 instead of the expected result. How do I get the actual list length, please? UPD: I create data frames from JSON in this way: data & lt; - fromJSON ("out.json") matrix & lt; - cbind (id = name), t (rbdID (sapply (data, "c"))) df & lt; - (matrix) And the data looks something like this: {"4": {"generated: [00A1CD093DB15425310C2BB57CB88BA460C87E5B26BAB3867D26870914E80603", " 018BE455F4A178A33517E3586AF115C9DF7356895B9A7416AD8D20D660B0866D "," 04C5...

mysql - PHP, SQL insert value into tables that are linked together? -

मेरे पास 2 टेबल हैं, तालिका उपयोगकर्ता: कॉलम-> आईडी, नाम, आयु , स्थिति, विभाग, फोन टेबल फ़ोन: कॉलम आईडी, u_id, u_phonetype (विदेशी कुंजी को नष्ट कैस्केड और अपडेट कैस्केड पर) के साथ। मैं यह करना चाहता हूं फोन तालिका से यूएफ़ोनटाइप के साथ एसक्यूएल में शामिल करें: `उपयोगकर्ता` (` आईडी`, `नाम`,` उम्र`, `स्थिति`,` विभाग`, `फोन` में शामिल करें ) मूल्य ("'। $ नाम।' ',' '। $ युग।", "'। $ स्थिति। '', ''। $ विभाग। '', ''। $ फोन। ''); मैं इस कोड में u_phonetype के मानों में कैसे सम्मिलित करूं? क्या मैं एक JOIN ? php का उपयोग कर रहा हूं इसे पूरा करने के लिए 2/3 प्रश्नों का उपयोग करें। // यूज़र (कॉलम) वैल्यू (vals) में अपना उपयोगकर्ता डालें; // अंतिम आईडी सेलेक्ट आईडी आईडी से प्राप्त होने वाले ऑर्डर सीमा से प्राप्त करें 1 / यह भी काम होता है यदि आप उपयोगकर्ता से SELECT id करते हैं जहां नाम = 'नाम' और 'उम्र' = 'उम्र' और आपके पास जो भी मान हैं; // फिर फ़ोन में ...

Matlab Mean over same-indexed elements across cells -

I have a cell array of 53 different (40,000 x 2000) sparse matrix, I have to take the mean from the third dimension, so that the example Elements of (2,5) are average in 53 cells. It should output a single (33,000 x 2016) output. I think there should be a way to do this with the cellphone (), but I am not able to write the function that works across cells on the inside signs of the cell. You can change the index and values ​​of non-orroo entries from sparse matrix, and then automatically You can use the sparse to obtain the amount in a rare form: myCell = {spurs ([0 1; 2]), sparse ([3; 4 0])}; % // Example C = numel (myCell); M = cell (1, c); % // preallocate n = cell (1, c); V = cell (1, c); For C = 1: C [mn v] = find (myCell {c}); % // rows, columns, and values ​​of nonzero entries M {c} = m '; N {c} = n. '; V {c} = V. '; End result = Spurs ([M {:}], [N {:}], [V]: / c; Repeat indices '// "sparse"

selenium - White cannot find OpenFileDialog -

Using selenium, I started chrome and clicked the link that opens the open philial diallieg but it is an OS level object and selenium is now Nominal I'm new to white and I'm trying to automate this dialogue, but he can not get it: So far my code is (I know it's not too much, I'm in the stage of the child's white): application application = application. Attach ("chromedier"); Window main window = application Gatevando ("Open"); This gives me an exception: The window can not be found with the title Open in process 21064, waiting for 30 seconds Try it out: From the list & Lt; Window & gt; ModalWindows = Main Window. Model world (); Window OpenWindows = Modal Windows [0];

oracle10g - Oracle database error ORA-00936: missing expression -

यह क्वेरी निष्पादन पर त्रुटि दिखाता है: SELECT City, कंपनी से चालानकर्ता WHERE कंपनी = 'फिल्मफेयर' और शहर = 'अहमदाबाद' और आकार = 20; मैंने इस कथन का प्रयोग करते हुए इस तालिका को बनाया: तालिका इनवॉयसेलिस्ट ("शहर" varchar (20), "कंपनी" varchar (20) बनाने के लिए, "महीना" varchar (20), "आकार" varchar (20), "देस" varchar (500)); यदि आप " के साथ पहचानकर्ता उद्धृत करते हैं तो वे केस संवेदनशील होते हैं या तो आप "शहर" का चयन करें .... या आप बिना अपनी तालिका बना सकते हैं " तालिका इन्वॉलिकलिस्ट (शहर varchar (20), कंपनी varchar (20), महीने varchar (20), आकार varchar (20), देस varchar (500)) बनाने के लिए बीटीडब्लू , क्या आप सुझा सकते हैं कि varchar2 के बजाय varchar ?

Jquery Chosen Plugin how can user clear out back to default value -

अगर मेरे पास & lt; id = "ddlplugin" डेटा प्लेसहोल्डर = " विकल्प चुनें ... "शैली =" चौड़ाई: 175px; " वर्ग = "chzn का चयन करें" & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "0" & ​​gt; & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "1" & gt; ब्लू & lt; / option & gt; & Lt; विकल्प मान = "2" & gt; लाल & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; / चयन & gt; कहें उपयोगकर्ता में जाता है और "लाल" चुनता है उन्हें एहसास होता है कि इसका मतलब यह इनपुट का जवाब नहीं था और "रिक्त" इसे बाहर करना चाहता था। उसे रिक्त मूल्य पर वापस सेट करें। सामान्य ड्रॉपडाउन चयन में वे केवल सूची के शीर्ष पर दिए गए "रिक्त" विकल्प को चुन सकते हैं और वे वहां हैं। > चुना हालांकि, सूची से मेरा रिक्त विकल्प निकालता है। मैंने खाली स्ट्रिंग के बजाय रिक्त स्थान का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की है। तिवारी एक ही बात करता है इसलिए मुझे उपलब्ध "रिक्त" चयन को चुना नहीं जा सकता है, इस प्रकार उपयोग... - Button Click Event Within Another -

I have two button start button and stop button. I click on my button start button and run it. I want to stop the program during the start button. But the work will not end until the program starts. How can I check the stop dwarf during the start up I've heard about threading, but I do not know how I can do it. The Private Sub Button Button (System Object, ByVal e as System.EventArgs) as ByVal Sender Handle Button 1. Click // // // Always check if the user has stopped pushing, if none is released then if this sub is to go / / my code end sub-private sub-button stop (ByVal sender as the system. Object, ByVal and System. EventArgs) Handles Button 3. Click StopClick = True full reply as retarded response = messagebox. ("Do you really want to get out?", "", The message box button. Yes, the message box icon. Q) If answer = vbYes then m Close () End if ending sub You put threading in the function button 1 code You can use and use threads. You can refer to...

xslt 1.0 - transformation in particular sequence -

I would like to know that it is possible to move the XML element up and down in the element element. Input xml. & lt; Root & gt; & Lt; A1 & gt; & Lt; / A1> & Lt; B1 & gt; B & lt; / B1> & Lt; C1 & gt; C & lt; / C1> & Lt; D1 & gt; D & lt; / D1> & Lt; / Root & gt; Required output xml & lt; Root & gt; & Lt; A1 & gt; & Lt; / A1> & Lt; D1 & gt; D & lt; / D1> & Lt; B1 & gt; B & lt; / B1> & Lt; C1 & gt; C & lt; / C1> & Lt; / Root & gt; XSD sequence rule & lt; Xs: schema attribute default = "ineligible" elementfirm default = "qualified" xmlns: xs = "http: // www."> & Lt; Xs: element name = "root" & gt; & Lt; XS: complexType & gt; & Lt; XS: Sequence & gt; & Lt; Xs: element type = "x: string" name = "A1" /> ...

gcc - Dev-C++ Recipe for Target Failed -

I have a problem that is actually going crazy just to me, I have a project written in C ++ and This is using pthread I have compiled this project with Dev-c and everything was absolutely right. However, today, I get this nonsense "The recipe for the goal" project 1. exe 'failed' error I have not changed anything, how did this project collapse itself? I do not really get it, please help me. Below is: & gt; General: TDM-GCC 4.8.1 64-bit release Building Makefile & gt; "E: \ 2013-2014 \ [CNG 334] OS \ Course Project \ New folder \ "& gt; create execution ... mingw32-make.exe -f" e: \ 20 13-2014 \ [CNG 334] & gt; OS \ Course Project \ New Folder \ "All G ++ .exe -c main.cpp -o> Main.oI" C: / Program Files (x86) / Dev-CPP / Minzija 64 / include " & Gt; -i "C: / Program Files (x86) / Dev-CPP / Minijawa 64 / x86_64-w64-mingw32 / include" -i "C: / Program Files (x86) / Dev-CPP ...

bash - command in .bashrc file cannot be executed correctly when submitted a pbs job -

I have a script in which a job is deposited, which is # ! / Bin / bash # PBS-L nodes = 1: PPN = 1 # PBS-L Volume Time = 00: 30: 00 # PBS-NXXX However, After, I got an error message in the xxxxx.e8980 file: /home/xxxxx/.bashrc: line 1: /etc/ini.modules: No such file or directory but the file /etc/ini.modules exists there. Where is being referenced? Files in a job that will be submitted in a cluster, you must either force the job in specific nodes (files) or make sure that the file is present on all the calculation nodes in the cluster.

Rails 3.2 Boostrap 3 Set Date_Select default value to prompt -

I select "date", "select", and select "year" I Have read that you can not combine with prompts because the default prompt does not recognize that I am using bootstrap but I believe it is very relevant. This code adds option to "Choose day", but it's missed in zero because my user's date of birth form is timed. Is there a direct solution? Sounds like a normal problem. & lt;% = ff.date_select: birth_date, Prompt: true; Prompt = & gt; {: Day = & gt; 'Choose day',: month = & gt; 'Select Month' ,: Year = & gt; 'Select Year'}, include_blank: true ,: default => {: Year = & gt; "Select year" ,: month = & gt; "Select Month" ,: Day = & gt; "Choose days"}%> You can not use the prompt twice, because one is sufficient and try it Let me know & lt;% = ff.date_select: birth_date,: prompt = & gt; {: Day = & gt; 'Choose day'...

encryption - Advanced thinking on Caesar Cipher program in C -

#include & lt; stdio.h & gt; शून्य सीज़र (चार सिफर [], इंट शिफ्ट); Int main () {कोर सिफर [200]; अंतर बदलाव; Printf ("छोटे अक्षर में एन्क्रिप्टेड होने के लिए पाठ दर्ज करें:"); हो जाता है (सिफर); Printf ("सही की ओर बदलाव की संख्या:"); Scanf ("% d", और पाली); सीज़र (साइफर, शिफ्ट); वापसी 0; } शून्य सीज़र (चार सिफर [], इंट शिफ्ट) {int i = 0; जबकि (साइफर [आई]! = '\ 0') {यदि ((साइफर [आई] + शिफ्ट)> = 97 और एंड्रॉइड (साइफर [आई] + शिफ्ट) & lt; = 122) {साइफर [आई] + = (बदलाव); } अन्य {साइफर [i] + = (बदलाव - 25); } I ++; } Printf ("% s", साइफर); } रिक्त स्थान के संचालन को मैं कैसे अनदेखा कर सकता हूं? मेरा मतलब है, मैं अपने परिवर्तित / डिक्रिप्टेड स्ट्रिंग में रिक्त स्थान जोड़ना चाहता हूं। जब मैं इस कार्यक्रम को चला रहा हूं तो यह एन्क्रिप्टेड स्ट्रिंग से रिक्त स्थान को नष्ट कर देता है। मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ? मान लीजिए, "यह एक कलम है" बन जाएगा: "यूजट जेटी बी क्यूएफओ" अगर सही 1 से बदलाव होता है। आपको जांच...

web scraping - Can Rapidminer extract an XPath value from a Specific list of URLs? -

I am playing with a rapist and I can not understand it. I have a large list of URLs listed in the Excel file and want to remove one xpith element from each URL. Can I do this with the Rapiller anyway? I have seen the tutorial Neil McGuigan, but they crawl the web / site rather than a specific set of URLs. You would like to see, and similar web crawling tools. You can see the wrong tool for this task: You want scrape data from the web site, actual "data mining" (which is more of an estimated statistical analysis) Please. (Java) and platforms for development (Python) are custom web crawlers and web scraping.

html - Align Image div at the bottom of the outer div -

Can anyone see this CSS and tell me how I go "now go" outer div Please see the HTML code at the link below. add the following line: # Link-button-image a {position: absolute; Down: 5px; Correct: 0; Left: 0; }

python 3.x - Python3: dictionary of dictionaries for table-content in file -

In my hand, where I was trapped, There is something like this in the file: (the first six lines of ascii-file) The name ----------- | Alt name ------- | ---- --RA | ----- Dec | ----- z | --- CR | ---- FX | --- FX * | Error | --- LX | --NH | ID- | Ref # ---- RXCJ0000.1 + 0816 UGC12890 0,0295 82,240 0,0396 0,26 5,80 5,39 12,4 0,37 5,9 1,3 RXCJ0001.9 + 1204 A2692 0, 4877 12,0730 02033 0,08 1,82 1,81 17,93,24 5,1 1 RXCJ0004.9 + 1142 UGC00032 1.2473 11.7006 0,0761 0,17 3,78 3,68 12 , 7,093 5,3, 2,4 RXCJ0005.3 + 1612 A2703 1,3440 16,2105 0,1164 0,24 4,96 4,94 11,8, 2,88 3,7 B2, 5 RXCJ0006.3 + 1052 a) 1,5906 10,8677 0,1698 0,15 3,28 3,28 19,3 4,05 5.6 1 I I can provide file samples. This code works fine until each code is stored in other words. to import from the archive! Import / usr / bin / env python3 file * obsrun = {} objects = {} re = compile ('\ d +. \ D \ d \ d \ d') with file name = 'test.asc' open ( File name, 'r') as f: line = f.rea...

javascript - How do I debug in IE if there are no errors being thrown? -

I'm unable to debug IE (multiple versions, I'm using version 11, somebody else 7, the requirements are to support 9+) The reason is that there are no errors in the console do not load some parts of the page when Firefox has encountered an error, an error was thrown That was the reason I got some clue which was wrong. Maybe I'm not using the developer tools correctly, but everything looks good under the console, just like the page has broken. There are some things you can do to help your life: Try a console.log wrapper Most versions of IE crash and burn if there is a console.log statement The console is not open, things fail silently, I suggest a wrapper, something like this: Use window.errorerror window.error is a little hack, but it is sometimes really Can the. It can tell you in a useful direction: Add a alert at the beginning of each file to make sure it is loaded and loaded. Using a warning can help tell you that there is a syntax er...

Ctrl-Alt-Del doens't work in logon on VirtualBox Windows 2003 server guest by RDP -

When I try to host a Virtualbox Windows 2003 server in any of the RDP logon screens, Google Compute Engine Debian Wheezly I will appear and when I came to the Ctrl-Alt-Dell Task Manager. Menu: Remove Machine> Inser Ctrl Alt All that's it!

Assertion failed on ruby on rails test -

Two previous 2 claims of the test_new method have failed and I have no idea because the administrator who performs the test . Required File.dirname (__ FILE__) + '/../../test_helper' is required 'admin / supplier_controller' # Increase the errors caught by the controller again. Class Administration: Supplier Controller; Def defending_action (e) boost end; And Class admin :: Suppliers Controller Test & lt; ActionController :: Test Season fixtures: Suppliers DEIF Setup @ controller = admin :: Suppliers Controller.New Request: Action Controller :: Test Requests.New @ Response = Action Controller :: Test Response Get NY and DEF test_new: Admin / Supplier / New 'Assert_tag' h1 ',: Content = & gt; 'Create New Supplier' assert_tag 'form' ,: attributes = & gt; {: Action = & gt; '/ Admin / Supplier / Create'} End End

AJAX cannot access an object data value passed from php -

I have a php.php file to get the data, then pass the result back to AJAX, like this: & lt ;? Php $ p1 = $ _POST ["p1"]; $ C1 = $ _POST ["C1"]; $ Resultx ['r1'] = "XXX"; $ Resultx ['r2'] = 0; $ Resultx ['r3'] = 100; $ Result area ['R4'] = 1000; Echo json_encode ($ resultx); And I have in my JS file: $ Ajax ({url: 'php.php', type: 'post', data: {P1: 5, c1: 100}, cache: false, success: function (result x) {var results = result x; console.log (Mys); var my1 = document.getElementById ('my1' ; My1.textContent = "id:" + result.r1; my2.textContent = "rank:" + Result.r2; my3.textContent = "total players:" + result.r3; my4.textContent = "top credit:" + Result.r4;},}); my1 my2 my3 my4 fields are undefined with all print, however the console shows the value of the log: {"r1": "XXX" var results = result x; / code> to var...

asynchronous - Python DeferredList callback reporting success when deferreds raise error -

मेरे पास निम्न सरल स्क्रिप्ट है: #! / Usr / bin / env अजगर मुद्रित 'त्रुटि' डीईफ़ (परिणाम): प्रिंट 'समाप्त', परिणाम कार्यों = 'मुड़ें' [] D = getPage ('thiswontwork')। AddCallback (सफलता) .addErrback (त्रुटि) tasks.append (डी) डीएल = defer.DeferredList (कार्य) dl.addClallback (समाप्त) रिएक्टर.रन () यह निम्न आउटपुट का उत्पादन करता है: त्रुटि समाप्त हो गई है [(ट्रू, कोई नहीं)] मुझे यह त्रुटि कार्य वापस आने की उम्मीद है एक गलत क्योंकि getPages कार्य विफल रहता है और इसे कॉलबैक त्रुटि कहते हैं क्या कोई इस व्यवहार को समझा सकता है? मुझे आपके विचार के रूप में चुना जाने से परे एक विचार जोड़ने दो: अपने प्रश्न में आप पैरामीटर मुद्रित करते हैं कि आपके आस्थगित (सूची) कॉलबैक ( समाप्त ) के साथ कहा जाता है, और आप यह ध्यान रख रहे हैं कि आप इसे false (त्रुटि होने से पहले हो रहा है) यह उम्मीद है कि आप जिस तरह से भ्रमित होने वाले रास्ते में स्थगित होने के बारे में सोच रहे हैं। मुझे देखने दो कि मैं इसे अलग कर सकता हूं ... (इस सब में बहुत सारे ...

ios - CFType for NSArray and NSMutableArray? -

We are working in a way to make changes in a certain array (and all its fixed components, multiple levels), and It seems that the only way to do this is to walk again through all the levels of the fixed array of arrays and use unstable objects either by using arrayWithArray or mutableCopy Used to be. After doing some research, I learned that CFgetCFType () while returning the same value (int19) NSArray and NSMutableArray Code> function is used is the attached sample code NSArray * array = @ [@ "one", @ "two"]; NSMutableArray * mutableArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: array]; Int id 1 = CFGTTIPID ((__ Bridge CFTYPRFF) (array)); Ent ID 2 = CFGTTIPID ((__ Bridge CFTYPRF) (MuteErray)); NSLog (@ "Type:% i Type:% i", id1, id2); Why is it, both types of structure come back to the same CFTypeID ? Does this mean that the variability of NSMutableArray is CFMutableArrayRef ? NSArray has a very complex and undocumented behavior....

caching - Ignore utm_* values with varnish? -

Can I ignore query string variables by dragging the matched object from the cache, but can not really remove them from the URL last -the user? For example, all marketing utm_source , utm_campaign , utm _ * does not change the contents of the page, They differ greatly in the campaign from the campaign and are used by all of our customer-side tracking. Therefore it also means that the URL can not be changed in the customer side, but it should be 'normalized' in some way in the cache. Basically I want all these ... / example .com / page /? Utm_campaign = usa ... to use all However, this URL will be the cause of a mis (because the ultimate one is not utm_ * param) will trigger the cache Also, keeping in mind that the URL to be seen in the URL should be the same, I redirec Can not do witho...

Return list using SWIG from C to Python -

I have the following functions that I am trying to SWIG-ify: Zero GetAttOrder (full node, DCE_ORDER command, float at [3]); Which I want to call in Python and access through: node = 0; Order = DCD_TYPR; Attitude = GetAttOrder (node, command); Attitude [0] // 45.232 I first applied the DCE_ORDER type as Type Defed Enum {DCD_TPYR = 0, DCD_TYPR, DCD_TYRP, Was there. .. DCD_PRYT} DCE_ORDER; I have found some documentation about similar problems, but I have not got any luck to implement any solution. I have also looked at some other stack overflow questions (closed with suspicion), even to no avail. I suspect that I should use a TypeMap here, but when it comes to SWIG I am young and stupid. Any suggestions or hints? Many thanks. After solving it some days, if you have a vector that you want to get away, Some can do: % typemap (in, numinputs = 0) float vec3out [3] (float temp [3]) {$ 1 = temporary; }% TypeMap (Argout) Float Wake Out 3 [3] {Int Eye; $ Result =...

java - Regex is getting other words -

I am using regex in java, I want to get the upper case of only one string. Example: 1.- M / PS (Obstatic) - Group 1: M group 2: PS 2.- M / PS * - Obstetrico - Group 1: M Group 2: PS3- H / PS Adulo - Group 1: M Group 2: PS Now when I use: regex : ([AZ] +) For the first case: group1: m group2: PS group3: O So I say that I'm going to leave this method: regex: ([AZ] + [^ az]) PS * I will use Test: Input H / M * H (Syquitria) PS * M / PS Infantil H / M / PS M / PS (Obstetrico) OPT H, MH PS M If you enter ([AZ] +) [^ Az] You will find for each string: Group 1: M Then after the next search () you will meet again Group 1: PS Explanation; In any group, the regex is captured in one of the z axis in any order, which is followed by something that is not for z. Thus, it will first occupy M in the group, then start searching again and capture the PS in the first group. Especially for your 3 string, you can use ([AZ]) * / * ([AZ] +) Grou...

javascript - async js with node -

async.js लाइब्रेरी का उपयोग करके इस फ़ंक्शन की प्रगति क्या है? var async = आवश्यकता होती है ('async'); Var स्क्वायर = फंक्शन (num, doneCallback) {console.log (num * num); // कुछ भी गलत नहीं हुआ, इसलिए एक रिक्त त्रुटि के साथ कॉलबैक। वापसी किया कॉलबैक (रिक्त); }; // स्क्वायर प्रत्येक संख्या [1, 2, 3, 4] async.each ([1, 2, 3, 4], स्क्वायर, फ़ंक्शन (गलती) {// स्क्वायर में प्रत्येक नंबर पर नंबर / / तो अब हम कर चुके हैं! Console.log ("समाप्त!");}); 'वर्ग' फ़ंक्शन में, क्या रिटर्न किया जाता है, हर बार एक नया नंबर पारित किए जाने पर कॉलबैक (रिक्त) चलाया जाता है, या फिर सभी नंबरों के समाप्त होने के बाद क्या चल रहा है? मुझे लगता है कि सभी नंबरों को पारित कर दिया गया है और सांत्वना दी गई है, आईएमओ वापसी के कारण फ़ंक्शन को रोकना और रोकना होगा। क्या यह वास्तव में हो रहा है? नहीं, doneCallback इससे पहले होता है वापसी , क्योंकि doneCallback के परिणाम फ़ंक्शन का रिटर्न वैल्यू है पूर्ण कॉलबैक को प्रत्येक बार एक बार कहा जाएगा कि वर्ग लागू किया जाता है। ...