Java-part of EJB-Project on JBoss is too slow -

We develop a website on a Jbys 7.1.1 server, because our EJB Manager creates a backend call and a list The database from the database (which executes quickly) is about 50 entries, which are converted into a list of transfer objects in a Java-method. Originally this way:

  Arreelist & lt; Transfer Object & gt; ToList = New Array's & lt; & Gt; (); (Unit unit: list) for {transfer = new transfer object (); To.setAttribute (entity.getAttribute ()); (To) toList.add; } To return;  

Each pc needs about 12 ms of each loop, which is great. A PC with very low budget requires around 30ms, which is a bit slow but friends on the machine, which is very strong, need 150 ms per loop, and it's crazy.

Why do anyone have any ideas? I do not even know how to tag it, because I do not know which part of the project could be the reason for this.

Edit: The exact code for a loop (serialized = shift object, chain = unit):

series tt STO = new series tt (); STO.setDatabaseId (series.getId ()); If (series.getMaxGames ()! = Null) {sTO.setMaxGames (series.getMaxGames ()); } If (series.getCasters ()! = Null) {ArrayList & lt; CasterTO & gt; CList = new arreelist & lt; & Gt; (); (For caster caster: series.getCasters ()) {CasterTO cTO = new CasterTO (caster .getName ()); CList.add (CTO); } STO.setCasters (cList); } If (series.getEvent ()! = Null) {EventTO eTO = New Event TO (series.getEvent (.). GetName ()); STO.setEvent (ETO); } If (Series. Get players!) = Faucet) {Aralist & lt; PlayerTo & gt; PList = new archilist & lt; & Gt; (); (Player Player: Series. Jetplayer ()) {PlayerTO PTO = New PlayerToO (Player. GetName ()); PList.add (pto); } STO.setPlayers (pList); } ArrayList & lt; MatchTO & gt; Matches = new arrelisted & lt; & Gt; (); For (Match Me: Series. Metmates ()) {if (m.getUrl ()! = Null) {Matto MTO = New Matto (); MTO.setUrl (m.getUrl ()); MTO.setDate (m.getDate ()); Matches.add (MTO); }} STO.setMatches (matching);


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