Rails 3.2 Boostrap 3 Set Date_Select default value to prompt -

I select "date", "select", and select "year"

I Have read that you can not combine with prompts because the default prompt does not recognize that I am using bootstrap but I believe it is very relevant.

This code adds option to "Choose day", but it's missed in zero because my user's date of birth form is timed.

Is there a direct solution? Sounds like a normal problem.

  & lt;% = ff.date_select: birth_date, Prompt: true; Prompt = & gt; {: Day = & gt; 'Choose day',: month = & gt; 'Select Month' ,: Year = & gt; 'Select Year'}, include_blank: true ,: default => {: Year = & gt; "Select year" ,: month = & gt; "Select Month" ,: Day = & gt; "Choose days"}%>  

You can not use the prompt twice, because one is sufficient and try it Let me know

  & lt;% = ff.date_select: birth_date,: prompt = & gt; {: Day = & gt; 'Choose day',: month = & gt; 'Select Month' ,: Year = & gt; 'Select Year'}%>  


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