c# - Polling the right way? -

I'm software / hardware engineer with some experience in C and embedded technologies, and currently I'm doing something in C # (.NET)

I'm busy writing apps which are using hardware for data acquisition. Now the following, burning for me, question:

For example: I have a machine in which there is one end to find the last place of a pivot. Now I am using the USB Data Acquisition module to read data. Currently I am using a thread to read port-states continuously.

There is no interruption on this device.

My question: Is this the right way? Should I Use Timers, Threads or Tasks? I know that there is something in the poll that most of you "hate", but any suggestions are welcome!

IMO It depends very heavily on your exact environment, but before that: in most cases you have threads Should not be used

  • Low voting interval: Timer and voting in tick . Work
  • Medium: Waiting for Tasks and Tasks Delay (delay)
  • High: Using tasks and threads. Sleep (delay)

Why "Less Solution": Timer is easy to handle and easy to stop; there is no need to worry about the thread / functions running in the background , But the main thread is holding in.

Why "Medium Solution": Waiting for the job. Delay (delay) does not block the thread-pool thread, but due to the reference to the minimum delay, ~ 15m.

On "1ms delay" the "high resolution" is usable - we actually do here to choose our USB measurement device.

It can be implemented as:

  int delay = 1; Var cancellation tokens = new cancellation (); Var Token = Cancellation Token. Source; Var listener = Task. Factor STARTNU (() = & gt; {while (true) {// pole hw thread sleep (delay); if (token ic cancellation request) brake;} // cleanup} token, task selection option, task scheduler default ); In most cases you can only use  Tasks.Run ((=) => DoWork (), Token , but  Task Action Option. Anchor option  which tells the task-scheduler not to use the normal thread-pool thread. 
But as you can see it is easy to handle tasks (and < Code>
should be enabled, but does not apply here). Especially "stop" just code in from anywhere to this Cancellation of the code )

You can also share this token in many tasks and can stop them once. Work has not been started even then.

You can also attach another task to a task after a task:

  listener .continueWith (t => shutdown (t));  

This is executed after the completion of the listener and you do the cleaning ( t.exception is an exception to the functioning tasks if it does not succeed).


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