ios - Wait for method with completion block to finish inside fast enumeration block -

I know that I can use loop frequency with an incremental variable, then increases on success, but when The blocks are faster than I would use them ideally, the method inside the loop is processed in the background and creates threads and sockets which slow it down, so I finish it before moving forward to the next To wait to be Ta said. Here is the code below (if (! [Asset_model isFile uploaded: uuid]) {[self uploadFileAssetWithUUID: uuid: ^ (BOOL success) {if (success) {NSLog (@ "upload ended .." );}}}}}}

How do I contact the block to move to the next instance?

Do not wait, and do not want to wait. Queue. Use a NSOperationQueue to create all uploads and control how long If you are up If the area to try to wait for the loop, at any speed advantage you think you are illegal and you can block the main thread.


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