ios - Apple Mach-O linker error: Undefined symbols for architecture armv7 -
I am quite new to the coding world, but I'm picking things up on the real quick. However, this issue has defeated me - I have tried to look through many forums, what is the problem, but there is no dice yet when I try to run an app on my device then two linker errors there are - there is no error in this simulator is logged:
undefined for architecture ARMv7 symbols: "_NewBase64Encode", refers to: -: + [NSData ([NSData (Base64) Base64EncodedString] in nsdata_and_base64.o "_NewBase64Decode", from Refers Base64) dataFromBase64String:] in nsdata_and_base64.o _checkReceiptSecurity in verification_controller.o ld: symbol (s) found for Architecture ARMv7 Clank: error: Failed out of the linker command exit code of 1 (use -v to see Invocation)
Anyone found out what could be the problem? Help will be greatly appreciated ..
Thank you !!
If you are using the simulator (i386 architecture) has been compiled BTW for
You need to find lib or create it if you have source code for iOS device.: Support NSData Base 64 encoding.
- (NSString *) base64Encoding
Availability:. IOS 4 - iOS 7;
- (NSString *) base64EncodedStringWithOptions: (NSDataBase64EncodingOptions) option may be
in iOS 7 and you do not need to use all external Lib.
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