windows - org.mozilla.javascript.EvaluatorException: illegal character (/[filename].js#1) JSCover -

I am trying to run JSCover on Windows 7, I have kept those files that I ~~~ JSCover-0.2 Want to test in .0 \ Doc \ Examples - My two files are generating errors with 500 (internal server error) , while jquery jasmine and other libraries are full.


  org.mozilla.javascript.EvaluatorException: Invalid character (/onTheMove-Tree.js # 1) on org.mozilla .javascript.DefaultErrorReporter.runtimeError ( organization on org.mozilla.javascript.DefaultErrorReporter.error ( on org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.addError ( mozilla.javascript.Parser.addError org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.addError ( to ( on org.mozilla.javascript.TokenStream.getToken ( organization on .mozilla.javascript.Parser.peekToken ( ( on org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.primaryExpr ( org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.memberExpr org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.unaryExpr ( on org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.mulExpr ( ( rser.shiftExpr on org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.addExpr on ORg.mozilla.javascript.Pa (Parsrkjawa June 225) ( org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.relExpr ( 2181) on org.mozilla.javascript on org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.eqExpr ( on .Parser.bitAndExpr org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.bitXorExpr ( 142) ( at org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.bitOrExpr ( at org.mozilla. javascript.Parser.andExpr ( on org.mozilla on org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.orExpr ( org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.condExpr ( .javascript.Parser.assignExpr ( organization on org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.expr ( on org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.nameOrLabel ( mozilla.javascript.Parser.statementHelper org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.statement ( to ( on org.mozilla.javascript.Parser.parse ( organization .mozilla.javascript.Parser.parse ( on jscover.instrument.SourceProcessor.instrumentSource (Srotprkriya jscover.instrument.SourceProcessor.processSourceWithoutHeader ( jscover.instrument.SourceProcessor .processSource ( at jscover.instrument.SourceProcessor.processSourceForServer (at jscover.instrument.InstrumenterService.instrumentJSForWebServer ( at jscover.server.InstrumentingRequestHandler.handleGet ( InstrumentingRequestHandler.javaety36) on (  

I have almost checked and mang The proposed solution is as follows: java -Dfile.encoding = UTF-8 -jar JSCover-all.jar , but the result in my case is no different.
Am I running it wrong? The ruler? Enter image details here

I'm running example-server If the bat is running then the command is running, then after changing the encoding, example-server.bat starts again.

UPDATE: I have checked and my system is encoded ISO-8859-1, but Java-Dfile.encoding = ISO-8859-1-JR JSCover- All.jar still does not produce any effect.
I have also tried to specify the absolute path to no fate

  c: \ user \ administrator \ download \ jescaster -0.2.0 \ target \ dist & gt; Java-Dfile.encoding = ISO-8859-1- "c: \ user \ administrator \ download \ jescaster -0.2.0 \ target \ dist \ jsco server-sub.jar"  

How do I check

To confirm whether the server is running ? This is not a fair solution but a temporary hack is more to solve this problem:
I opened those files which gave me the 500 (internal server error) Notepadd ++, and then changed the encoding to 'BOM without UTF-8 Convert' to convert.
This allowed me to go beyond this problem, so technically this is a way to go on it, although I would like someone to offer a better resolution.


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