
Showing posts from April, 2013

php - Duplicate Data for Primary Key -

I have a table that saves an id for the user that ID's data is found with LDAP for the first time when user logs In this, he records his identity in the table. But the users who consider me on this already have data on the database. I got the error 'duplicate entry' jodida for 'primary'. Field Since this data is the primary key but I need to go around it. $ check = "Choose from utilities * where id = '$ samaccountname [0]'"; $ H = mysql_query ($ check); If (! $ H) {dead (mysql_error ()); } $ Data = mysql_fetch_array ($ h); If ($ data [0]> 1) {header ('location: pprincipal.php'); } And {$ query = mysql_query ("Use utility (id) values ​​('$ samaccountname [0]');"); If (! $ Query) {dead (mysql_error ()); }} I do not want to duplicate data, I just want to know whether the data has been entered or not, and if so, then go ahead, if it is not, then data Enter / P> Note: $ samaccountname is a variable that contain...

android - Flash don't play in WebView for FLV -

I have one in the webview. I want to play FLV video but it does not work. I have enabled plugins and javascript, set android: hardware accelerated = "true" . Blue Rock is missing from the Flash plugin in the webview ... Can anyone help me thanks in advance webView = (webview) get ViewById (; WebView.getSettings () setJavaScriptEnabled (true). . WebView.getSettings () setAllowFileAccess (true); . WebView.getSettings () setPluginState (PluginState.ON); // Web Vive WebView Load the load in the load URL (URIFrameFile (flawhtml) .ststring ()); Flash content is used in Android, at least because of higher versions, Adobe has closed it. Support for this, on the lower-level devices, you load the flash player from your archives And they will play it. My question was yesterday

php - CodeIgniter Update function not working? -

I am trying to update a database and change all the rows at once, Amend_job ($ heading, $ description, $ location, $ date, $ time, $ pay, $ jobcat, $ job_id) // This function is amended in a job: Does. $ {$ AmendJob = array ($ Job, "JobTitle" => $ Title, "Job Description" => $ description, "Job Position" = & gt; $ location, "JobDate" => $ Date, "JobStartTime" => $ Time, "Job" => $ Pay, "JobCategory" = $ Workcat); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Where ('JobID', $ job_id); $$ - gt; Update ('hm_jobs', $ amendJob); } The code does not run with any database or syntax errors, I think the update syntax may be incorrect, any suggestions? I have updated the above function, here is the controller function: function amend_job () {$ this- & gt; Load-> Library ('form_validation'); $ This- & gt; Form_validation- & gt; Set_rules ('title', 'title...

sublimetext2 - Creating a new project/site in Githubs Atom Editor -

I downloaded the Githubs Atom editor and I can not find the project in any way Make. I am currently using Sublime Text 3 , I've added some packages for it that allow FTP and I'm able to create directories and sites Because its construction is in the project manager I have been looking on the internet for a while and I can not find any help from the following. Does Atom have a built-in FTP? How to create projects / sites in Sublime Text 3 Is everything synchronized for your Github ? Sorry or it has been said or feels irrelevant, but I am looking for help in using the new Atom editor If you are open, the box provides some project views on the atom ( ⌘ o ) a file Instead of a directory: I am recently trying new editors. I'm switching between Atom, Bracket, and Sublime Text 3. They have many similarities, as you probably have seen that the Atom box does not come out too much, such as the Sublime Text, but like the Sublime Text, it has be...

akka - Single OSGi bundle across multiple Cellar nodes -

A basic question about OSGI: Can an OSGI bundle be distributed in many cellar nodes? Say, I can distribute the OSGI bundle created with actor (Akka) in bundles in many nodes so that I can extend the performance of distributed actor. What is the need for an uneven bundle, but is it not known about its inherent bundle ? Yes, it is easy to distribute this bundle in many nodes within this cluster group. If you want some "exchange" mechanism between those distributed bundles, then you have to take care of it, for example you may want to use the built-in hazelcast to distribute a state in your cluster bundle.

security - Does IE 10 support the following chiper suites? -

आईई 10 का समर्थन करता है निम्न दो चीफ़र सुइट्स का समर्थन करता है: TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA टीएलएस_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA इसे केवल कुछ ही संबंधित नहीं मिल सकता है: (जो कहता है: नहीं!) सर्वश्रेष्ठ संबंध मार्कस नहीं, यह नहीं है। का उपयोग करने के लिए ब्राउज़र का उपयोग करने वाले सुइट्स को आप देख सकते हैं

c# - Web API POST - 404 Not Found -

In my VS2013 web application, I have many controllers in this way: [root ("test / {param1}")] Public Bull Test (Int 32 Parama 1) {return true; } I call the law from my client: feedback = wait for the client. GetAsync ("TestCtrlClass / Test / 1"); And all works well . Now, I need to pass an object in ways, so I put it: [http post] [root ("Test 2 / IIT") ")] Public Child Test 2 ([BOBD] Classname Item) {returns correct; } I invoke the method from my client: HTTP client client = new HTTP client (); Client.BaseAddress = ServerUri; Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add (New MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue ("App / Jason")); MediaTypeFormatter jsonFormatter = New JsonMediaTypeFormatter (); Hpccent material = new object sitentant & lt; Classname & gt; (Object, JasonFormer); Response = wait client.PostAsync ("TestCtrlClass / Test2", content); And I can not find 404 found . This is my root configuration...

jquery - JQM footer issue -

This is inserting my head inside. I have a footer with various navigation buttons such as: This is not a complete problem at the simulator. However, on one device, when the keyboard opens, the partition goes above the keyboard for the second and then returns, sometimes due to the rickshaw on nine buttons. I am using jquery mobile 1.4.2, so I am thinking that there is a fix on this or not. Note: The footer keyboard does not stay above the keyboard for the duration of the input, it only appears above it when the keyboard opens to another and then disappears. EDIT: I have seen all the solutions to hide the footer, when a texture is in focus, but none of them works. Edit: The device is an iPhone 4 and an iPad Mini, it is not certain that these details are required Edit: In response to the comments people have made, I have tried to recreate a jesphield problem, though I am unable to do this. Here's the problem on iPhone 4: To keep someone interested, I got the ...

How to know the type of object a pointer points to in C++? -

Suppose I have defined two classes based on a basic class: Class Basic {public: int i; }; Class DeriveA: Public Basic {Public: int j; }; Category DerivedB: Public Basic {Public: int k; }; After that, a collection is now named class, in which original class class Collect {public: Basic * PBASIC; Running zero (); }; In this class, a function is defined as run () , which will indicate some operation based on the type of object: zero gather :: run () (if (pBasic points to derivedA object) {} (pBasic points to DerivedB object) {}} then my question is as follows Is: With C ++, is it possible to know the type of object of the type of indicator type? Is there something different to vary depending on the type of object good Is the food, as illustrated in the run function? Basic should be at least one virtual member since you want to create a range hierarchy, so I have to ensure that the ~ Basic virtualization will be at the same time. The reason behind th...

android - Reading Old Values From SharedPreferences File X-Application -

I create and write a SharedPreferences file to store configuration information from an application like this: Public Zero Set Custom Sense (Last Reference Reference ...) {if (prefs == null || editor == null} {prefs = context.getSharedPreferences ("prefs", Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE + Context.MODE_WORLD_WRITEABLE ); Editor = prefs.edit (); } Editor.putString ("custom", info); // It can change the first set value editor. Application (); // Backups Preferences file execCommand (copyToBackup); ExecCommand (mainFixPerm); ExecCommand (bakFixPerm); Activity.finish (); } Public Zero execCommand (string [] arg0) {try {final process pr = Runtime.getRuntime (). Exec (arg0); Final interval retval = pr.waitFor (); If (Rate! = 0) {Log D. ("Error:", string.value (retal)); I have been reading that information: Custom (last references app contact) obtained with a static string string Throws NameNotFoundException {context = appContext.createPackageContext ("...

ios - Make a QBFlatButton Shimmer with FBShimmer -

I'm trying to get Shimmer on programmer added button It is a QBFlatButton, userStateButton = [[QBFlatButton alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake ((cellView.frame.size.width - (80 + 20)), (self.screenHeight / (cellCount * 4)), 80, ( (Self.screenHeight + (cellCount * cellCount)) / (cellCount * 2))]; When I turn Shimmer, the whole range that I began flickering set button (there's no surprise, thats what sets the limit as I) Fbshimmeringviav * Shimmeringviav = [[Fbshimmeringviav light] Initvitःfrme: Ussersttebuttonkbonds]; 2014-04-28 Shot How do I get the text of the button just for flicker? I already shimmeringView frame titleLabel the frame (which is trying to figure out {{0, 0} {0, 0}} Any way it is? you must set contentView property FBShimmerView. to ensure proper effect of visual size So that you do not need to set limits.

Android Development: Open existing application in fragment -

I have to make a scheduler application for the Android tablet. What is a way to use the existing Android calendar app in a frame / piece? Example: On the left side of the screen will be a list of unplanned placements removed from a content provider. On the right side of the screen should display a calendar (preferably out-of-the-box calendar on Android device) with week and day views. Is it possible to do something like this with Android development? If not, do you have any suggestions for proceeding with this design? What is a way to use an existing Android calendar app in a frame / piece? You are welcome to use the calendar view widget, or various open source replacements, to render the calendar, but you can automatically create a third- Party UIs can not be embedded.

multithreading - Best practice for naming a thread -

Recently, I worked on a high concurrent event operated framework (Java Akaka) threads When I debug an Acka app, the thread contains very meaningful names. It's really amazing when I return to Delphi, so I think all threads are unaware, though for the last 20 years, their name is already unknown. For all of my designed thread sections, I follow a pattern of which I define a setter SetThreadName and I NameThreadForDebugging code> in the Execute method. It works fine so far type TMyThread = class (TThread) private FThreadName: string; Executed secure process; Override; Public Process SetThreadName (Const. Threadname: string); End; Process TMyThread.SetThreadName (const ThreadName: string); Start FThreadName: = ThreadName; End; TMyThread.Execute Process; Start NameThreadForDebugging (FThreadName); // End the normal thread execution code here; But those instances of third-party threads will not be named, unless I am making a string thread square, Delphi Magic is ...

c# - Serial coms; configuring rts -

I attempted to communicate with a win CE device via a rs485 connection configured as 8/1 I am doing and there is no handshaking. The problem is that there are two ways to act as a device's receiver or transmitter. To change between two methods of operation, I need to turn RTS ON / OFF. I have tried to do this, but till I use breakpoint, where RTS is enabled or disabled, I believe that one There is a problem of time and before I manage to send anything (the default mode is received) RTS is closed and closed. Try searching for Non and I tried Google, but so far I did not do anything. Can anyone help please? This is my code: Send public static usage Send_rs485 (byte [] toSend) {try {rs485.Write (ToSend, 0, ToSend Length); } Hold (Timeout Exceptions) {Message Box. Show ("COM port error"); } Return (0); } Private Zero Button 2_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {if (COM_opened) {bool CTS = false; Rs485.RtsEnable = true; Rs485_Execute_cmd (ON_OFF); On_off =! On_off; Rs...

sqlite - SQL - row that is a combination of rows in another table -

I have a system in which many software is running. Let's say that the system extends a pizza for cooking from 0. The following sub-systems are: Method: Selects the selected content. Ingredient Mr.: The material spreads on the dough. Oven: Pizza makes it with specific temperatures. Each of these subsystem runs an independent software that can be upgraded independently. For each pizza, we need to know the various software used to make it. For example, Pizza N ° X, Recipe Wizard v1.0, Component Mixer v2.3, Oven v1.1 I have done the following (simplified): Make Table Table (ignore id_pizza not the original primary key, something unknowingly, ...,); A software has properties in this table, there may be several versions of a software, but with a different version or modification. This allows me to know which software is installed throughout the system. Make Table Software Properties (ID_ Software Software), Tap Primary Key Faucet, Name VARCHAR (16) Faucet, Versio...

nuget - Using msbuild /p:OutDir with projects that reference different versions of the same library (PCL) -

Reference: I am creating a solution on AppHarbor, which basically says MSBill in this way () : msbuild solution.sln / p: Configuration = Release / Property: Outdoor = C: \ Temp To make the scenario somewhat simpler Say, I have these three projects in my solution. A refers to a .NET 4.5 project Newtonsoft.Json (.NET 4.5) B is a portable class line Reri Nutonsft referenced. Jason (PCL) C is a PCL referenced B The point of construction of C, I have an MSbuild See error: C: \ Windows \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework 64 \ v4.0.30319 \ Microsoft.Common.targets (1605,5): Warning MSB3268: Primary Reference "B" Can not be solved because this framework assent is "indirect reliance on" MScRillib, version =, culture = neutral, public keycon = B 77A5C 561934 E. 9 9 ", which currently exists The target structure can not be resolved. ".NETPortable, version = v4.0, profile = Profile47". To resolve this problem, either remove the refe...

regex - How do I redirect all requests that does NOT contain certain string to 400 using nginx -

I am trying to block or redirect all types of requests, which do not include some strings or keywords in Yuri. I am looking for a solution using NGNX. Especially if "not wired wire" is not possible! (Node) matching, there is no alternative. I would recommend using a map: map Starting by assuming $ uri $ bad_request {# this is a bad request default 1; #If any of the following matches, clean the $ bad-request variable ~ e-required string 0; ~ Required-string 0; # ...} location / {if ($ bad_request) {return 400; }}

javascript - Rotate image by 90 degrees on HTML5 Canvas -

I'm having trouble moving an image using the HTML5 canvas. I think my mistake is wrong, and appreciate any help in getting it right. On mobile devices, I am capturing a user signature at 150px by 558 px canvas. I am trying to create a 558px 150px image which has only been captured the signed 90 degree rotation. Below I am a snippet of code that I am currently working with. As you can guess, I have no good grip on this math. I believe that I have the process right, not just numbers. What I am trying to do: 1) Set the center of the canvas in center, offset the height and width of my image 2) Rotate the canvas by 90 degrees 3) Drag the image 4) Canvas Translate Edit: Here's a JSFiddle: Var $ sign = $ ("#signature"); Var signaturedata = $ signature.jSignature ("getData"); Console.log (signatureData); Var img = new image (); Img.onload = function () {var rotationCanvas = document.createElement ('canvas'); Rotationcanvas.wind = img.height; R...

php - Symfony2 Customize the Form from the Simple Registration Tutorial -

I have followed it and the registration is working fine. I have only one issue in this form: User I do not want this title I can customize it Want to do How do I change this title? Everything for the code is in the form of except my controller: / ** * @ root ("/ signup", name = "wx_exchange_signup") * @template ("WXExchangeBundle: user: signup.html.twig") * @ method ({"GET"}) * User sign up - open to the public * creates new users based on the information they provided * / public Function Signup Action (Request $ Request) {Receive ($ -> this-> (Receive 'security.context') -> Aggregate ('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) // // Authenticated User on Homepage Redirect to $-$ this- & gt; Redirect ($ this- & gt; generateUrl ('wx_exchange_default_index')); } $ Sign = new registration (); $ Form = $ this- & gt; CreateForm (new registration type), $ registration, array ('action' =>; $ ...

Regex to get words between ":" and "," in javascript -

I'm learning regex. I am trying to get the most correct regex for: is input: category: first, category: second, subject: math, subject: bio , Room: nine expected output: store first, second, math, bios, nine Want the above output in a string; var s = ""; Whatever I have tried here: (:) (. *) (,) However, I should also want the last word Use: var again = /:(.*?) (: | $) / G; // `, | $ `: Match`,` or end of string Var str = 'class: first, category: second, subject: math, subject: bio, room: nine'; Var result = []; Match match; While ((match = re.x)! == faucet) results push (match [1]); result. Include (',') // = & gt; The use of 'first, second, math, bio, nine'. : var re = /: (. *?) (,) / G; Var str = 'class: first, category: second, subject: math, subject: bio, room: nine'; Str.match (re) .map (function (m) {return m.replace (/ [,:] / g, '');}). Join (',') // = & gt; 'First, se...

Creating a network in Python using XML data -

I have an .xml file here and I want to read the attributes to create Python In a network I could only succeed in reading the properties and I do not know how to proceed. I need to create a bi-directional network using the data in the .xml file. My Pyro code looks like this Can any of you help me with this? Thanks and Regards import sys to import xml.dom.minidom xml.dom from xml.dom import minidom xml to .dom.minidom import parse imported OS Read_Data Node.hasAttribute ("id"): node = node.getAttribute ("id") xCoordinates = node = "node" = "node" = "node" .getElementsByTagName ('x') [0] yCoordinates = node.getElementsByTagName ('y') [0] Print "% s:% s% s"% (node.getAttribute ("id"), XCoordinates.childNodes [0] Link: link = link.getAttribute ("Id"); link = link.getAttribute ("Id"). Link = link.getAttribute ("Id") Source: link = link.getAttribute ("Id") s...

java - JAR ignores files inside it -

I have a program that I want to save as a jar, and so I use it to eclipse I'm an expert. When I open it as an archive, I can clearly see that my text files are, but when I try to run a jar from the terminal, it does not find a file that has no exceptions. Am I clarifying something here? To access files inside a jar, you or must use methods because they are normal Files are not visible for operation. Note that these are not static methods (I was thinking that they were, whoops), then you would probably like something ... InputStream In = this .getClass () GetResourceAsStream ("path / in / textfile"); Note that web applications have their version of these methods in the ServletContext category.

c# - ConcurrentBag Alternative In Portable Class Library -

I have an application that contains a list of objects stored in static concurrentabs. UI is a timer that runs methods that can update the object in concurrently. Only one thread (started by the timer) will attempt to update these objects. Although this thread will tell through the list and then it will update according to the item. At the same time these objects can be read by the UI thread. The concurrent bag is working perfectly, I have a mind to do. All business logic is in a separate project and now I have to port everything for iOS and Android. I am doing this with exploitation and therefore I am converting business logic into a portable class library. However, the targeting that I support supports the concurrent bag, when I try to access it in PCL system, the compilation is not available. Even if I have targeted only 4.5 4.5+ and the Windows + Store app (both I have used a concurrent bag for both), even then if another for a concurrent bug Is Option or Are I Just ...

php - SF2 Flash Messages not showing from FlashBag -

I am trying to output a flash message to the screen, although I have no luck in doing so. This is my current setup, as you can see that my administrator has set up a message and then trying to output my tweep template. In practice, I'm going for a message on this page, so the code is probably not for loop but I do not know why this code is not working for me. I did not get any errors, nothing on the screen output. In addition, if I die in code on $ message I get my message that I want to show. In my Controller: $ message = $ this-> Get ('translator') - & gt; Trans ('ContactThanksMessage'); $ This- & gt; Receive ('session') - & gt; GetFlashBag () - & gt; Set ('contact_thanks', array ('message' = & gt; $ message)); $ $ Return - ($ a- this-> the generated URL ("ayrshireminis_contact")); In my twegg templates: {% if app.session.flashbag.get ('contact_thanks')%} {In the app for Fl...

log4j and MulticolorLayout print signs instead of colors -

To print log messages in different colors according to logs severity, I am using log4j and MulticolorLayout . The problem is that I'm getting a strange sign instead of colors on the console log and on the file log. For example - [[0; 37 meinfo [m any advice? Thank you, Shirley. / div> Good, you do not get any color in a file Only Meta symbols, it is logical, why do not you see colors in the console - this is a question. I think the problem is with your terminal. It does not properly emulate the Unix terminals.

c++ - Is there a difference between defining member functions inside vs outside the class definition? -

निम्नलिखित चार सदस्य कार्य घोषणाओं और परिभाषाओं पर विचार करें: // ==== फ़ाइल: xh #ifndef X_H # परिभाषित X_H कक्षा X {सार्वजनिक: int a (int i) {वापसी 2 * i; } इनलाइन एट बी (इंट आई) {रिटर्न 2 * आई; } Int c (int i); Int d (int i); }; इनलाइन ई एक्स :: सी (इंट आई) {रिटर्न 2 * आई; } Int x :: d (int i) {वापसी 2 * i; } #endif पूर्णता के लिए, यहां सीपीपी फ़ाइल है जो एक एक्स का इन्स्तांत करती है और तरीकों को कॉल करती है ... // ==== फ़ाइल : X.cpp #include "xh" #include & lt; stdio.h & gt; Int main () {X एक्स; Printf ("a (3) =% d \ n", x.a (3)); Printf ("b (3) =% d \ n", x.b (3)); Printf ("c (3) =% d \ n", x.c (3)); Printf ("d (3) =% d \ n", x.d (3)); वापसी 0; } मेरा प्रश्न: क्या चार तरीकों में कोई मुख्य अंतर है? मैं एक टिप्पणी से समझता हूं कि कंपाइलर स्वचालित रूप से उन तरीकों को इनलाइन कर सकता है जिन्हें कक्षा परिभाषा में परिभाषित किया गया है अद्यतन बहुत से जवाब यह मानते हैं कि मैं इनलाइनिंग और नहीं के बीच अंतर के बारे ...

windows - Can't get native messaging to work in Chrome Extension -

Hope you can help me call me an executable jar with a chrome-extension So I first edited it as my extension and said: "permissions": ["originalmotion"], I can see in the overview, that is allowed. I'm working on Windows so I added a registry key: with HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Google \ Chrome \ NativeMessagingHosts \ myextension: C: \ path \ to \ myextension.json "myextension.json" includes: {"name": "myextension", "description": "my extension", "path": "myextension.bat", "Type": "stdio", "allowed_origins": ["chrome-extension: // [key] /"] myextension.bat includes: My Excel In JS tension I try to call it this: var port = null; Var hostname = "mitigation"; [...] $ (this). Children (". ABC"). Click (function () {// warning ("test"); port = chrome.runtime.connectNative (hostname); warning (port...

c++ - SendMessage WM_GETTEXT error -

I am trying to create a program that will name the window of any other program. For this, I want to use the SendMessage () function with the WM_GETTEXT message. I know that I am probably doing a lot of things wrong, so I have the code used here: string text; SendMessage (windowhandle, WM_GETTEX, size (text), larampam (text)); I'm sure ... I have a lot of things wrong: LPARAM (text) is probably wrong since MSDN, it says that this parameter is: Text buffer To an indicator The problem is ... I do not know what the buffer is and how to declare it ... and how to change it in a string variable with the name of the window inside. I found the error: Error: type 'std :: string {aka std :: basic_string & lt; Char & gt;} from 'Invalid Cast' LPA {aka long int} ' Send a message to the line with the error. So my questions are: What am I doing wrong? What is a buffer? How do I declare buffer? How do I convert that buffer to a text file? If someone can...

wordpress - display comments on different categories -

I want to display a comment on one of the categories on my WordPress site, for example, for example my peer A comment function will be available on posts in the category, but the comment section on my orange page will be disabled. Any suggestions? content.php file change: & lt ;? Php if (comments_open ()):? & Gt; & Lt; Div class = "comments-link" & gt; & Lt ;? Php comments_popup_link ('& lt; span class = "leave-reply" & gt;' __ ('Leave a reply', '20th'). '& Lt; / span & gt;', __ ('1 answer', 'Twentieth times'), __ ('% answers', 'twentieth')); ? & Gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt ;! - .comments-link - & gt; & Lt ;? Php endif; // comments_open ()? & Gt; to & lt ;? Php $ postid = get_the_ID (); $ Range = get_the_category ($ postid); $ Range = $ range [0] - & gt; Cat_name; If ($ range == "pear") {if (comments_...

bluetooth - android hciattach bcm43xx bd_address -

I'm trying to get my BCM 43xx chip on running on my Galaxy Note 2 KitKat. I have my Bluetooth subsystem backed up and changed to Bluedroid (which I have migrated in my ROM) from hub to hciattach, hciconfig, and others A reboot I run The following Modprobe bluetooth // Backupported subsystem Moderadob load hci_uart modprobe hci_smd "1" & gt; Repeat / Sys / Class / rfkill / rfkill0 / state hciattach / dev / ttySAC0 3000000 flow 79 BCM43xx: 59: 5E: **: **: ** // bt is loaded with addr / EFS / Bluetooth / bt_addr in which * * The actual hex hciconfig is hci0 Anyway I have modded the hciattach as I find it difficult to find my Bcm4334.hcd firmware file in which my ROM / system / bin is hard-coded It was going to be in the source and everyone feels like I get in '/ system / bin': '/ system / bin' success: '/ system / bin /.ext 'in Saf Crack: Break in Success '/system/bin/.ext': Success Flash Firmware /system/bin/bcm4334_semco...

apache - htaccess wildcard redirect not working -

I have an htaccess wildcard redirect on a website, it redirects another domain to a main page and from www Redirects to any www. Wildcard for the main domain The following rules are made with cpanel, although it does not use wildcards. These same rules work well on many other sites, not just in one question. RewriteCond% {HTTP_HOST} ^ www \ .domain 1 .ca $ RewriteRule ^ (. *) $ "Http \: \ / \ domain1 \ .ca \ / $ 1" [ R = 301, L] rewrite% {HTTP_HOST} ^ domain2 \. Com [$] [or] rewrite angle% {HTTP_HOST} ^ www \ .domain 2 .com $ RewriteRule ^ (. *) $ "Http \: \ / \ domain1 \ .ca \ / $ 1" [R = 301 , L] Any ideas? I am out of ideas due to this. To add more explanation: If I go to then call it However instead it goes to . Checked in each browser, the rules were rebuilt, all caches removed and multisited DNS flush, nothing has changed. You can use: {HTTP_HOST} ^ www \. (. +) $ [NC] rewritel...

angularJS -Change in variable visible between html links -

मेरे पास यह कोड है: & lt; li ng-repeat = "ड्राइवरों में objekt "वर्ग =" मिश्रण {{objekt.Objekt.Type}} "& gt; & Lt; a href = "objekttest.html" डेटा-एजेक्स = "झूठे" एनजी-क्लिक = "objekt.Objekt.Active = 'yes'" & gt; & Lt; img ng-src = "../ छवियाँ / अंगूठे / {{objekt.Objekt.Thumb}}। Jpg" शैली = "मार्जिन-दायें: 0;" & Gt; & Lt; span id = "list" & gt; {{objekt.Objekt.Name}} {{objekt.Objekt.Active}} & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; span id = "listmala" & gt; {{objekt.Objekt.Type}} & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; objekt.Objekt.Active परिवर्तन जब मैं संबंधित & lt; li & gt; टैग पर क्लिक करता हूं। हालांकि , अन्य HTML लिंक पर, मेरे पास है: & lt; div ng-repeat = "ड्राइवरों में objekt लिस्ट" & gt; {{Objekt.Objekt.Name}} {{objekt.Objekt.Active}} & lt; / div & gt; इस ब...

variables - Executing powershell script from PHP with arguments -

I'm ending my mind and my pc on it, hopefully someone can help me. I have a PHP site that needs to execute PowerShell script which is executable and executable. PHP, which calls .ps1 define ('UpdaterPath', 'C: \\ Artemis \\ DbUpdateUtility1.0.12.2'); ('OutputLocation' updaterPath '\\ Output'.); $ CMD = Updater Path '\\ ArtemisXmlUtil.exe'; $ Action = 'import'; $ Args = '-f' outputLocation; $ PsScriptPath = ' \\ get-process.ps1 '; $ Query = shell_exec ("powershell-command $ psScriptpath -cmd '$ cmd' -action '$ action' -paras '$ args' & lt; NUL"); My .ps1 script is: param ([string] $ cmd, [string] $ action, [string] $ paras) & amp; $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ From Php, it runs only with $ CMD variables and ignores $ action and $ paras. I tried to configure the variable in all 1 string, but it fails becau...

ubuntu - There is olny a in my github -

I tried to upload my code after following some tutorial but the last step could not end. The way I am using Ubuntu I am sorry that I do not have enough reputation for posting links in these command line but I am sure they were right. Add yes / no-virtualbox: ~ / desktop / chen / project0-1 $ git Remote Original Han @ Virtual-Virtualbox: ~ / Desktop / chen / project0-1 $ git push -u Https:// * [New branch] Master - & gt; for Basic Master Username Password Install the Han branch to track the distant branch master from the original Basic Master Master: ~ / Desktop / CN / Project0-1 $ git Remote Original Fatal Add: Remote Origin already exists Han @ Swan-Virtualbox: ~ / Desktop / CN / Project0-1 $ git push -u Username for the password for the branch master installed from the original master to the remote branch master track. Everything Updated Hans @ Han-Virtualbox: ~ / Desktop / Chain / Project0-1 $ git add As you can see, I tried two m...

xmpp ios : which xmpp delegate to use to get chat notifications (XMPPMessage+XEP_0085) -

I am implementing XMPP in my iOS app, let me know about the XMPPMessage + XEP_0085 category Running in which there are some simple methods like addActiveChatState , addComposingChatState and some others. I want to show chat notifications eg When the user is typing or paused the message. I am using the following code to send the message: NSXMLElement * message = [NSXMlelement elementWithName: @ "message"]; [Message addAttributeWithName: @ "Type" stringValue: @ "Chat"]; [Message addAttributeWithName: @ "stringwolves: user]; [message addAttributeWithName: @" id "stringValue: messageID]; [message addChild: body]; [message addChild: settings]; // Chat Notifications XMPPMessage * xmppMessage = [XMPP message message Related to: message]; [XmppMessage addActiveChatState]; [XmppMessage addComposingChatState]; [XmppMessage addPausedChatState]; [XMPPMessage addInactiveChatState]; [XMPPMessage addGoneChatState]; [_appDelegate.xmppStream send...

android - Genereate a pdf file from activity view -

Is there a way to create a PDF file from the actual activity displayed on the screen? I have a scroll view with some text views in it, and I want to get the contents of the scroll view in a PDF file, after which it should be able to share it later. You can use later lib to create PDFs similar to your approach in different logic

regex - RegExp and special characters -

I need to use regexp to match and the code below works fine. However, I should keep dollar sign ($) as a true dollar mark and not a special character. I have tried to leave but nothing is working. IE: [^ $] Here is the code. It works as expected, except $ or IS $. textNode = "$ 19,000"; Regex = RegExp ("$ 19,000", 'ig'); Text = '$'; TextReplacerFunc: Function (TextNode, Reggae, Text) {var sTag = '& lt; Span class = "highlight"> "; Var istag = '& lt; / Span & gt; '; Var re = '(?! [^ ]>> (' + Text + '(?! # 8212;));'; Var regExp = new RegExp (again, 'IIG'); = (regExp, sTag + '$ 1' + tag); }, RESULT: $ not highlighted desired result: $ 19,000 Be sure to avoid $ : text = '\\ $'; Since you are creating a RegExp example using a string here

Split R dataframe according to number of cases per row -

मैं एक डेटाफ्रेम को कैसे विभाजित कर सकता हूँ a & lt; - c ("a" , "ए", "ए", "बी", "बी", "सी", "सी", "डी", "डी", "डी") बी & lt; - c (1,2,3,1 , 2,1,2,1,2,3) डीएफ & एलटी; - डेटा.फ्रेम (ए, बी) एकल डेटाफ्रेम में जिसमें समान लंबाई के केवल मामले होते हैं, अर्थात्, सभी डेटाफ्रेम में तीन घटनाओं वाले मामलों और दो घटनाओं को अलग-अलग में से सभी मामलों के साथ? आउटपुट होना चाहिए: dfa a 1 a 2 a 3 d 1 d 2 डी 3 डीएफबी बी 1 बी 2 सी 1 सी 2 विभाजित और ? Ave : विभाजन (df, ave (df $ b, df $ a, fan = length)) # $ `2` # एबी # 4 बी 1 # 5 बी 2 # 6 सी 1 # 7 सी 2 # # $` 3` # एबी # 1 ए 1 # 2 ए 2 # 3 ए 3 # 8 डी 1 # 9 डी 2 # 10 डी 3

objective c - Container view with UITableView makes every child the same screen size -

जॉब टेबल व्यू कंटेनर कार्य तालिका दृश्य नियंत्रक स्क्रीन पर आधा आकार बनाता है, जो वांछित परिणाम है लेकिन जब मैं एक कक्ष पर क्लिक करता हूं और यह नौकरी विस्तार दृश्य नियंत्रक को जाता है, तो यह अभी भी आधा स्क्रीन आकार है मैं कंटेनर को विस्तार दृश्य नियंत्रक स्क्रीन को प्रभावित नहीं करना चाहता। मैंने इसे करने की कोशिश की: - (शून्य) तालिकादृश्य: (UITableView *) टेबलदृश्य ने चयन किया थारोअटइंडएपपाथ: (एनएसआईंडएक्सपैथ *) इंडेक्सपेथ {यूआईटीओरीबोर्ड * स्टोरीबोर्ड = [यूआईटीओरीबोर्ड स्टोरीबोर्डथ विथनाम: @ "मेन" बंडल: नाइल]; JobDetailViewController * jobDetailViewController = (JobDetailViewController *) [स्टोरीबोर्ड इन्स्टिटियेट ViewControllerWithIdentifier: @ "jobDetailView"]; [स्वयं। नेविगेशन नियंत्रक पुश ViewController: जॉब डिक्टिव्यू विज नियंत्रक एनिमेटेड: हाँ]; } और यह: - (शून्य) तैयार करें ForSegue: (UIStoryboardSegue *) सेगू प्रेषक: (आईडी) प्रेषक {if ([[segue identifier] IsEqualToString: @ "jobDetail"]) {[[गंतव्य गंतव्य दृश्यकंट्रोलर]] भेजे...

apache - Universal file protection for any doamin throug .htaccess -

I want to de-access PDF files for unregistered users. And I know how to do this through the .htaccess file rewrite% {HTTP_REFERER}! ^ Http: // RewriteRule \ .pdf $ - [L, F] Only registered users can view the page but I need this type of rule to fit any domain, something like this: RewriteCond% {HTTP_REFERER}! ^ Http: //% {HTTP_HOST} / module rewriting ..pdf $ - [L, F] Is this possible? Just remove the host part and enter / module as the referrer URL Check: Rewind Conduit% {HTTP_REFERER}! / Module rewrite \ .pdf $ - [L, F] but % {HTTP_REFERER} is not a very strong check because the client can deceive it.

c++ - Converting Character data to QString in Qt Creator -

मैं एक क्यूटी प्रोजेक्ट (क्यूटी प्रोजेक्ट 5.2.1) पर एक फ़ंक्शन के साथ काम कर रहा हूं जो एक यूडीपी डेटाग्राम में डिवाइस के आईपी पते को प्राप्त करता है। मुझे इसे QString को स्क्रीन पर सही ढंग से आउटपुट में बदलने की आवश्यकता है। डेटाग्राम एक क्यूबाइटअरेरे में "बफर" को पूर्णांक डेटा के रूप में संग्रहीत किया जाता है - इसलिए का आईपी पता 0A010A3C के रूप में डेटाग्राम में दिखाया गया है। मैं एक कस्टस्ट्रिंग "nburn_data" में आईपी पते को स्टोर करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं वर्तमान में मुझे यह संभाल करने के लिए यह कोड है: nburn_data.append (QString :: fromUtf8 (बफर। बायें (2) .toHex ()। ToUpper (), बफ़र। बायें (2) आकार ())); जब आउटपुट को स्क्रीन पर रखा जाता है (GUI) मुझे "" नहीं मिलता है, मुझे "0A.01.0A.3C" मिलता है मैंने सही तरीके से बदलने के लिए कुछ अलग तरीकों की कोशिश की है, लेकिन कुछ भी काम नहीं कर रहा है। कोई सुझाव? संपादित करें: @ लाज़ोलो पेप- मैंने सुझाव कोड से आउटपुट (हाइलाइट) के साथ एक छवि संलग्न की है। मुझे समझ ...

flask - Run Gunicorn from Python with FlaskScript -

I have a flask app that I want to run with gonoricon server rather than in wkrkzug (even in development) I am But as an app is created using the create_app function, Gunicorn can not be started from the command line with my_module: my_app . In addition, I have a script written with the help of a flask-script extension to run the server and some other operations. I like as the solution is proposed here in the same style :, but the app_uri attribute on my code object is not found . Does anyone have an idea of ​​how to do this? You are remembering the same obvious thing that I once did. ;) gonocorn 'my_module: create_app ()' - Multiple SQL statement using VB -

I have the following code, where I am trying to trigger multiple SQL statements. I'm new to SQL, can someone help me with the right syntax? Personal sub button 2_Click (sender as object, and event as ARG) button 2 handles. Click as Deck Com SqlConnection = New SqlConnection ("server = barry SqlCommand = New SqlCommand (" Create table "+ TextBox2.Text +" + "(myId INTEGER Primary key," + "My name is CRAR (50), my address CRR (255), Mibylance Float), Con Dm CMD 2 in the form of SQL Commands = New SQL Commands ("Update Tariffs Set Name = '" and Text Box 2. Text and "', Con ') Con Open () In VB.NET The string conjunction operator is the ampersand character actor (& amp;). You can also use the + symbol but it is not recommended because this can cause the side effects when the rotation is Ambiguo. said that you can only use one SQL command, two command texts are divided by a semicolon Also keep in mind tha...

nsdate - How to calculate iOS app boot time -

I was thinking that opening an app on a fully loaded timeline is a quick and efficient method of determining time . I was thinking that I want to get into NSDate object didFinishLaunchingWithOptions and my UIViewController , its Compare them later However, I'm not sure if this is completely correct, is there a better way of doing this? This will not really work because it needs to load the iOS and launch your app. Is not related to. You should do the best to log in a timestamp in main , but again, it will not include the time to join the iOS app at that point of loading and launch To do that is called main . Whatever time you do, it will be from that point which can still be useful depending on your goal.

mysql - Import CSV Line Break Woes -

I am using BASH script to run data loaded INSILE to MySQL. I have a problem correctly Trying to finish After running my script I find out that every other line has left. Here are some example data: CSV file read: "POL", "condition", "type", "code", "MODE", "number" "220", "TGS", "NA", "N", "N", "N", "AS", "M6", "793930" "220", "1653912," "TGS" M6 "," 793975 "" 220 "," 1471618, "TGS", "NA", "AS-T6", "M6", "793915" " CSV file to import bash script: pass mysql -u $ -p $ D $ Db But here my rows appear in my database: 220 1243918 TGI NA-T5 M6 793,930 " "220 220 1,471,618 as TGS NA - T6 M6 793,915" "220 Documents in the previous field NUMBER notes two quotation marks and CA Notice the fir...

ruby - Rails 4 Create record with of join table -

Ruby on Rail 4 I am trying to create a form in my test table. Near the record should be included near the ID (S), which is named as Question_Test. Do I need to create a record in the questions of questions from questions and then create a record record? How would you do this? Model (Not sure I have enrolled in the right table): class test My schema: create_table "questions", force: true do | T | T.string "content" t.string "question_type" t.string "category" t.integer "product_id" t.boolean "active" t.datetime "created_at" t.datetime "updated_at" t.integer "user_id" end add_index Using the "question", ["product_id", "created_at"], name: "index_questions_on_product_id_and_created_at", :: btree create_table "questions_tests", id: false, force: true do | T | T.integer "test_id", blank: incorrect t.integer "question_id...

Problems with setting HTTP Cookie -

itemprop = "text"> I have a cookie for the base64-encoding a JSON string below the paste header from the server when I go to the resources> Chrome cookies tab in dev console I'm not looking cookie there is anything wrong with this response header set-Cookie: cookie_vals = eyJjb29raWVCdW5kbGVLZXlOYW1lIjpbeyJLZXkiOiJ0ZXN0aW5nX2ludCIsIlZhbHVlIjoiNSIsIkV4cGlyYXRpb25NaWxsaXMiOjEzOTg3MjE3NTY0ODUsIlJlbmV3T25BY2Nlc3MiOmZhbHNlfV19; Domain = local host; Expiry = Tuesdays, 28-Apr-2011 21:48:13 GMT; Path = /

php - How to hide a custom Post Type Category using pre_get_posts -

My theme is a custom post type in my theme. Its categories are called project categories to log in to members I am trying to exclude a project category. My first question is, can I give project categories as a general post category reference? This is a code that is not working yet. I've read through codex but I think I'm missing something function exclude_category ($ query) {if (is_user_logged_in () and $ query- & gt; is_main_query ()) {$ Query- & gt; Set ('cat', '-94'); }} Add_action ('pre_get_posts', 'exclude_category'); There are custom post type classifications # ------------------- - -------------------------------------------- # # of Classified Affiliate Portfolio for ----------------------------------------------- -- ---------------- # $ category_labels = array ('name' = & gt; __ ('project categories', NECTAR_THEME_NAME),' singular_name '= & gt; __ (' project ( "all project ca...

ruby - Rails post from RSpec throws "no route matches" -

मेरे पास मार्ग परिभाषा है पोस्ट '/ सत्र / बनाएँ' = & gt; 'सत्र # बनाएँ', जैसे: 'create_session' नियंत्रक वर्ग सत्र नियंत्रक & lt; ApplicationController response_to: json skip_before_filter: verify_authenticity_token,: only = & gt; : डीआरएफ बनाने के लिए # कुछ कर्मचारी अंत का अंत करें अगर मैं रेसकॉनोल का उपयोग करते हुए पोस्ट अनुरोध भेजता हूं - ऐसा काम करना चाहिए, लेकिन अगर मैं आरएसपीईसी परीक्षा से पोस्ट की तरह नीचे भेजना चाहता हूं - यह फेंकता है । अपवाद 'spec_helper' की आवश्यकता होती है वर्णन SessionsController दे सकता हूँ (: user_data_to_post) {FactoryGirl.attributes_for: उपयोगकर्ता} जाने (: उपयोगकर्ता) mock_model उपयोगकर्ता अंत करना 'नया सत्र सफल होना चाहिए बनाने' का वर्णन करते हैं पहले पोस्ट कर (create_session_path, user_data_to_post.to_json, { 'HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE' = & gt; 'आवेदन / json'}) इसे समाप्त "उपयोगकर्ता मॉडल की search_by_email बुलाना चाहिए" User.should_recive करते हैं (: search...

javascript - Uncaught ReferenceError: Ajax is not defined onchange issue -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: 1 उत्तर मैं इस ट्यूटोरियल का पालन और भी वर्ग TestItController & lt; ApplicationController def index @genres = genre.find (: सभी) @artists = Artist.find (: सभी) @songs = Song.find (: सभी) end def update_artists # genre = genre.find पर आधारित कलाकारों और गाने अपडेट (पाराम [: genre_id]) कलाकार = शैली। कलाकारों के गीत = genre.songs प्रस्तुत करना: अद्यतन करना | पृष्ठ | Page.replace_html 'कलाकार',: आंशिक = & gt; 'कलाकार',: वस्तु = & gt; कलाकारों पेज.रेplace_एचtml 'गाने',: आंशिक = & gt; 'गाने',: वस्तु = & gt; गीतों का अंत अंत डीईएफ़ update_songs # कलाकारों के आधार पर अद्यतन गाने कलाकार = कलाकार.फैन्ड (पाराम [: कलाकार_आईडी]) गाने = कलाकार.songs प्रस्तुत करना: अपडेट करें | पृष्ठ | Page.replace_html 'गाने',: आंशिक = & gt; 'गाने',: वस्तु = & gt; गीतों के अंत का अंत यहां मॉडल: वर्ग शैली & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस है has_many: कलाकारों has_many: गीत, के माध्यम स...