ios - Make a QBFlatButton Shimmer with FBShimmer -

I'm trying to get Shimmer on programmer added button It is a QBFlatButton, userStateButton = [[QBFlatButton alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake ((cellView.frame.size.width - (80 + 20)), (self.screenHeight / (cellCount * 4)), 80, ( (Self.screenHeight + (cellCount * cellCount)) / (cellCount * 2))];

When I turn Shimmer, the whole range that I began flickering set button (there's no surprise, thats what sets the limit as I) Fbshimmeringviav * Shimmeringviav = [[Fbshimmeringviav light] Initvitःfrme: Ussersttebuttonkbonds];

11 screen 21 10 am

2014-04-28 Shot How do I get the text of the button just for flicker? I already shimmeringView frame titleLabel the frame (which is trying to figure out {{0, 0} {0, 0}}

Any way it is?

you must set contentView property FBShimmerView. to ensure proper effect of visual size So that you do not need to set limits.


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