
Showing posts from January, 2013

WebRTC media over IOS -

I want to use the WebRTC media layer with a proprietary signal on iOS. Is it possible to use only the WebRTC media layer from the ObjC library released for iOS (libjingle_peerconnection_objc.a)? Yes. The Peer Connection object provides all WebRTC APIs, which by default does not include hardware capture, media rendering, and signaling. If you want a complete solution, you will need those 3 pieces. The AppRtdio code ( provides audio and video capture and renderers the benefit of the original iOS framework, from which you can reuse the box. Then you can replace yourself as a signaling (GAE channel) Signals for original handshake (offer / answer) and media / data path setup (ICE candidate exchange) and WebRTC part will be used.

html - CRUD'ding with PHP and Oracle -

I am trying to create a form that updates user information stored in the Oracle database, not updating properly I am going and I can not see any problem because I have been presenting SQL in Oracle and it all checks out. Here is a php that takes the form of a connection: & lt ;? Select Php $ sql = "Select from Member * where Member ID =". Get $ _ ["member"]; $ Conn = oci_connect ("user", "pass", "conn"); $ Stmt = oci_parse ($ conn, $ sql); Oci_execute ($ stmt); $ Line = oci_fetch_row ($ stmt); Oci_free_statement ($ stmt); Oci_close ($ Conn); ? & Gt; Here is the form of an example or two forms: & lt; Div class = "topwrapper" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "Logo .png" alt = "Peak Park Sailing Club" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Form name = "form1" method = "post" action = "editmemhandler.php" & gt; & Lt; Input name = "MemberI...

angularjs - angularfire binding to primitive -

I'm trying to bind with an accidental here's how I'm doing it: $ firebase (fb.child ('calculation / node')). $ ('Value' is $$ scope.nodeCount = Obj.snapshot.value}) at function (obj) Is that correct? This API is very different from the rest of the Firebus. I expect to get an SS as a callback and ss.val () but this does not seem like it. Can someone confirm whether it is or is it going wrong? Thank you. itemprop = "text"> Generally, as mentioned in the above, you should get the view in the data directly: // javascript $ scope.messages = $ firebase (new firebase (url)); & Lt ;! - html - & gt; & Lt; Li ng-repeat = "Message in message" & gt; {{Message}} & lt; / Li & gt; If you want to iterate the data in a controller (bad) or service (better), you can read the key in the form of a database by using $ getIndex () . // javascript var ref = $ firebase (newfile rebase (url)); Referee [$] ('...

objective c - iOS multiple string localization -

Does iOS support many localization of wires, depending on the available width? If this happens then how can it be done? Or do I have to manually (by handling the states of the applications)? For example, you can provide multiple strings in QT, each version is separated from the spatial characters and they are started from the shortest word for the longest time. Br To be more specific: I have some UI elements that resize on the basis of Orientation. All this is fine in all languages, but the Russian Locale and Portrait Orientation are cut into lessons. I want to decide it without boiler plate code (problem with only localization), but it seems that it is inevitable. iOS does not have a similar support, usually you adjust the layout of your label based on the length of the string To use AutoLayout (I think you need to vice versa). I will receive the function that you set text based on sub-coding UILabel and override setText method, the width of the label ( Size WithA...

php - Why I am not getting the POST data of image? -

मेरी index.html फ़ाइल: & lt; form action = "upload.php" विधि = "पोस्ट" & gt; शीर्षक: & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" नाम = "शीर्षक" आवश्यक = "आवश्यक" & gt; & lt; / br & gt; फ़ाइल नाम: & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "फ़ाइल" नाम = "फ़ाइल" & gt; & lt; br & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "सबमिट करें" नाम = "अपलोड" वर्ग = "सबमिट करें" मान = "अपलोड करें" & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; और upload.php: यदि (isset ($ _ POST ["अपलोड"])) {अपलोड (); } अच्छा, मेरे पास एक फ़ंक्शन है जो अपलोड करता है और कोई समस्या नहीं है, उस फ़ंक्शन में मुझे लगता है। Plzz इसकी वजह यह है कि फ़ॉर्म आपकी फाइल को एन्क्रिप्ट नहीं करता है। बस इसका उपयोग करें: & lt; form action = "upload.php" विधि = "पोस्ट" एनकटीप = "मल्टीपार्ट / फॉर्म-डेटा" & gt; के बजाय & lt; form action = "upload.php" ...

web applications - Bootstrap a Web App with Groovy config in Spring -

Whether Java Configuration is a way to bootstrap a Web application using Web App Configurations like Groovy Context as Web Applications Context . And I know that Grails is under it's hood but I do not use grails. You can use which is the basic support for groovy and Gradle Then, deploying a Jar Launcher embedding your application with Tomcat or Jetty is easy; You can use a gradeau job to make a war too. Here's an example of a boot app configuration by greeting: import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication; Import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration; Import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan; Import org.springframework.context.annotation.configuration; @Configuration @ComponentScan @EnableAutoConfiguration class greeting application {public static zero main (string ... args) { (greeting application, args)}}

java - Arabic_CI_AS is not displayed correctly -

मैं वर्ण एन्कोडिंग अरबी_CI_AS के साथ एसक्यूएल सर्वर डेटाबेस का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और मेरे पास html पृष्ठ है कि यह अक्षर एन्कोडिंग है यूटीएफ -8 है और यह पेज डेटाबेस से डेटा प्राप्त करने के लिए सर्वलेट के साथ संचार करता है और उन्हें पृष्ठ में फिर से दिखाता है, मेरा मुद्दा यह है कि अरबी डेटा को प्रदर्शित किया जाता है ??????? पृष्ठ में कृपया यह तय करें कि कैसे ठीक करें। जब आप लिखते हैं तो यह समस्या यूनिकोड और कोलेशन से संबंधित है (डालें / अपडेट करें) आपको सभी पाठ, वर्ण, वृरार, नचर और नैवर्चर डेटा प्रकार के सामने "एन" जोड़ना है। और उसके ऊपर, उस तालिका में प्रत्येक स्तंभ का डेटाटाइप नचोर या नवरर्चार होना चाहिए। ध्यान रखें कि पाठ डेटा प्रकार को नापसंद किया गया है, इसलिए आपको एक मौका मिलता है कि आप इसे नवरचार (मैक्स) में बदल सकते हैं। नमूना: तालिका_नाम (नाम, पता) मूल्य (एन'जोन ', एन'123 एबीसी डॉ।') में डालें। जब आप इस तालिका में आप जो भी लिखेंगे वह प्राप्त करेंगे, जब तक कि नाम और पता कॉलम डेटा प्रकार नकार के अलावा, नवरचर यदि आप "एन" अनफिट और /...

c# - Entity framework loads navigation properties without asking for them -

While working in a project, I saw a strange behavior that I can not understand with the loading properties of navigation properties. This is a small example that repeats this "problem". My code: I want to load one year without data of the company (navigation property) without Int id) {var reference = New Test Model Container ()) {Var result = context. // test of company = reference CompanetSet Where (C => CID == ID). FirstOver Default (); Return result; }} It gives the year I would like, without the data in the navigation property, but if I want to delete the line and I just execute the line, probably because of its name Need to know the company or whatever, the company's figures are included in the company's navigation property of the year. How can any idea stop this behavior? For security reasons, I want to avoid the data from 'parent'. I am using EF 6, .NET 4.5. The reason for this is that you are executing your orders in the sam...

expected unqualified-i before '.' token - C struct -

I am coding a Pokemon fight and using structs to define tricks and individual pokemon I try to start a straight variable, it throws the error above and I can not see anything wrong with syntax in the context of missing semicolons. Any light to be shade will be highly appreciated. Here's a snippet: Type-Effect Structure Level {string name; Int power; Int accuracy; String type; } Qik_attack, pin_missle, shadow_ball, thunder, mental, fast, earthquake, ice meltdown; = "Quick ATke"; Qik_attack.power = 40; Qik_attack.accuracy = 100; Qik_attack.type = "normal"; this typedef struct move {.. . Qik_attack defines qik_attack as a type of name. but = "Quick ATK"; You are using qik_attack as a variable. Just remove that typedef and try again. Of course, you should put those functions in the function.

osx - How do I make the PHP CLI use newlines on OS X? -

I have a problem with the interactive shell for PHP on Mac OS X Terminal. That is, it does not break the line after each command: php> echo "hello heap overflow!"; Hello Echo "As you can see, there was no new line."; As you can see, there was no new line. Php & gt; Echo "As you can see, there was no new line" If I go up and down in history then it also removes my sentences. "; If I go up and down in history then > As you can tell, I can not go up and down in my history, because It corrupts the buffer and does this so I do not know what I am writing. Does anyone know how OK this is? My PHP version: $ php-v PHP 5.4.24 (CLI) (Created: Jan 1 9, 2014 21:32:15) Copyright (c) 1997-2013 PHP group Zend engine v2.4.0, Copyright ( Mr.) 1998-2013 Zend Technologies If you want the new line CLI, then use clear return carriage to: $ php> echo "Hello \ r \ nWorld!"; should output: $ Hello World!

sql server 2008 - Render Vertical Line at specific date Line Chart -

I was wondering if there is no way to present a vertical line on a particular line at a specific point on the axis of a line line Was Report Builder 3.0. As you can see in the image, I want to render a vertical line where all the DAPPoints given below come together and start their decent way. In this case it will be on the "January 20" mark below. I have tried to use the stripline, but I have not been able to get the results I am not sure I am using them right. @The answer to Adam-bird worked for me to expand on: Click on the horizontal axis. Go to Properties window -> click on Stripline -> Oval. Strip line. In stripline properties: interval. Interoffit = date value ("some data"). ToOadate In Stripline Properties: Interval. Inter offline form = day In stripline properties: interval. StrikeView = 1 In Stripline Properties: Interval. Stripwidth type = day

oracle - Re-use a calculated field value in the same row - SQL -

What I'm trying to do is writing a query that gives the following output: The value of the day for an account number is a calculated field, Which calculates the information with that number is currently in DB, then for day +1, I need to start calculating with the value of the day. But how can I pass this value so that I can use it in 1 +1 for my calculations? how can I do this? They do not like PL SLL at my workplace, so this is the worst condition. To get information for all 16 accounts for the current one I wrote the query: OBforeachaccount.accountnumber selection accountnumbers, (OBforeachaccount.ob - NVL (IDforeachaccount.sumamounts, 0) - NVL (paymentsforeachaccount.sumpayments, 0)) Day1, Day1 + 5 --ophalen van CB day -1 (ACCOUNT_ID AccountNumber, cal_date, fillinggaps g to cb_amount_default OB, dim_date d select day2 Where g.balance_date = d.cal_date and d.cal_date = TO_CHAR (sysdate-1, 'DD / MM / YYYY') ACCOUNT_ID, cal_date) Order by OBforeachaccount, (a...

junit - Can Behat treat scenario with undefined step as failed? -

Especially I am interested in marking Jenkins as the reason (or bugs) for failing in undefined steps in any scenario. Beat integration with Jenkins, is done through JUNIT format reports. Then, Question 1: Can the UGIT report write for the situation with an undefined step due to failing? Question 2: I have seen that the return code of beta = 0 if all the tests have been successful, but some of them are undefined steps. Are there any flags to change this behavior, and for such cases, there is a Bihat return code other than 0? You can use the plugin to search the console log to match RegEx to "undefined step" You can use it, and if it is found then change the build position.

csv - Encoding hell with R's `read.` functions -

लंबी कहानी कम, मेरे पास यह data.csv फ़ाइल है जिसका उपयोग मैं Read.xls और write.csv , पढ़ने योग्य और लिखने योग्य उस क्रम में। समस्या यह है कि भले ही संरचना काफी अच्छा लगता है और अनुकूलित करने के लिए तैयार है I एन्कोडिंग = "UTF-8" या fileEncode = "UTF-8" । जब भी मैं कोशिश करता हूं, मुझे एन्कोडिंग = "यूटीएफ -8" अप्रयुक्त तर्क , कोई वैध इनपुट आदि जैसी कई त्रुटियां नहीं मिलतीं। उदाहरण प्रतिलिपि प्रस्तुत करने योग्य है इसलिए परीक्षण करने के लिए स्वतंत्र महसूस करें (बस .csv फ़ाइल में पेस्ट कॉपी करें और एक्सेल में या जो कुछ भी खोलें)। तो यहां data.csv सामग्री का एक छोटा सा हिस्सा है जिसे मैं कन्वर्ट करने के लिए खुश से अधिक होना चाहता हूं। "v1" "v2" "" "" v3 "" "1 एनए" "1" "\" वी 2 \ "\" वी 3 \ "\" वी 4 \ "\" वी 5 \ "\" वी 6 \ "" 2 1 "" एनए \ "Ξ ™ Ξ ' ΞΞΞ ¥ Ξ'ΞΞ ™ ΞΞ £ \ "NA \" ...

c# - Having an XPath how to check if it will try to match element or attribute? -

What I really need is a method to identify an XPath 2.0 expression element (s) or attribute (s) that is used to identify Assume a method with the following prototype: for input like XPathResultType IdentifyXPathResultType (string xpath) // Parents [@ id = '1'] / child / child [@name] The method should return something like // Parents [@ id = '1'] / child / children for input such as XPathResultType.Element / @ Name method XPathResultType.Attribute Applying the above example is easy But XPath 2.0 There are many features and is required to implement a smart parser. Is there a library or feature in JavaScript that can accomplish such a thing? I need it with client side javascript. Further solutions are acceptable for .NET in C #. XPath 2.0 defines an example Examine the example attribute of code> // guardian [@ id = '1'] / child / child / @ () in this case true Depending on which XPath parser you are using, ...

javascript - Location reload in Jasmine -

I'm not really sure how to test it? (SpyOn?) function Reload page () {$ ('# Logo'). Click (function () {location.reload ();})} Any advice will be great! The reason for this is how you test this piece of code because it is 2 different Click on event handling Reload page So why not break the logic? Function Reload Page () {location.reload (); } Function Bind Aventus () {$ ('# Logo'). Click (reload page); } Now you can test them separately by using spies: Description ('When the logo is clicked', the function () {Var logo; var handlers; first (each handle (handle) {handlers = {locationReload: location.reload, // handles for location. Reload () reload page: reload page / handle for your reload page ()}; Logo = $ ('# Logo'). ReloadPage); // Attach the detective to the reloaded page and call the function via spyOn (handler, 'reload Page '). And attach the spy on location.reload (); spy on (handler,' space reload ...

mysql - Unknown column in on clause, cannot reproduce in Workbench -

निम्नलिखित क्वेरी त्रुटि उत्पन्न करती है अज्ञात स्तंभ 'a.household_id' में 'पर खंड ' में phpmyadmin लेकिन नहीं MySQL कार्यक्षेत्र में Phpmyadmin (3.5.3) MySQL सर्वर 5.5.27 चल रहे एक दूरस्थ सर्वर पर देख रहा है, कार्यक्षेत्र 6.1.4 स्थानीयहोस्ट 5.5.37 चल रहा है। [मैं Workbench में MySQL किए गए दस्तावेज़ डॉक्स इस त्रुटि को दूर करने के लिए तत्काल कोई दिशा प्रदान में वर्णित अज्ञात स्तंभ में त्रुटि reproduced है।] @end_year सेट = (का चयन करते हैं (महीने (अब ( )) & Lt; 7, वर्ष (अब ()) -1, साल (अब ()))); SET @start_year = @end_year - 4; का चयन करते हैं (MONTH (contact_date) & gt; = 7, concat ( 'वित्तीय वर्ष', वर्ष (contact_date) + 1), concat ( 'वित्तीय वर्ष', वर्ष (contact_date))) वित्तीय वर्ष के रूप में, स्वरूप (योगफल (A.size), 0) के रूप में डि, प्रारूप (COUNT (c.household_id), 0) संपर्क में आने से DH के रूप में शामिल (m.household_id का चयन करें, अगर (COUNT (जन्म तिथि) = 0, 1, COUNT (जन्म तिथि)) सी से सदस्य मीटर ग्रुप आकार से m.household_id)...

matrix - Matlab: How to get all the possible different matrices by shifting it's rows (Update: each row has a different step) -

चलिए कहते हैं मेरे पास 3x5 मैट्रिक्स है a = [1 2 4 7 5; 3 4 5 6 2; 6 7 1 2 3]; मुझे पंक्तियों को बदलकर सभी अलग-अलग मैट्रिक्स प्राप्त करना है। मैंने लिखा कोड a = [1 , 2,4,7,5, 3,4,5,6,2; 6,7,1,2,3]; जम्मू = 1: 3 के लिए मैं = 1: 5 ए (जे,:) = सर्कशीफ्ट (ए (जे,:), [i 1]); डिस्प (ए) एंड एंड समस्या यह है कि मेरे पास 25 अलग-अलग मैट्रिक्स हों, लेकिन इसके बजाय मेरे पास 15 (I के 3 छोरों में से 5 छोरों के कारण) मैं कैसे कर सकता हूं इसे ठीक करें? क्या ऐसा करने का एक सामान्य तरीका है (विशिष्ट आकार के मैट्रिक्स के लिए नहीं) (EDIT) मैंने देखा कि यह मेरे कार्यक्रम (10x24 मैट्रिक्स के लिए परिणाम बहुत बड़ा है) के लिए कुशल नहीं था, इसलिए मैंने कार्यक्रम को थोड़ा बदल दिया। नई समस्या: कहें कि मेरे पास 3x6 मैट्रिक्स a = [1 2 4 7 5 7; 3 4 5 6 2 9; 6 7 1 2 3 4]; मुझे पंक्तियों को बदलकर सभी अलग-अलग मैट्रिक्स प्राप्त करना है I लेकिन चाल यही है कि हर पंक्ति में एक अलग बदलाव कदम है। (एक अलग मैट्रिक्स के अंदर मूल्य से परिभाषित) उदाहरण के लिए: पंक्ति 1 में 3 (2 अलग पंक्तियों) का...

javascript - Calendar Control do not load on IE 9 - ASP -

यह प्रश्न एक सटीक डुप्लिकेट है: 2 जवाब मैं नीचे कोड का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ कैलेंडर नियंत्रण के लिए जो चयनित दिनांक को पाठ क्षेत्र में देता है। यह IE 8 के नीचे ब्राउज़रों के लिए ठीक काम कर रहा था, लेकिन IE 9 नहीं था। क्या कोई इस कैलेंडर नियंत्रण को IE 9 या 10 में काम करने के लिए कुछ अंतर्दृष्टि प्रदान करता है। F12 डेवलपर उपकरण कंसोल संदेश: HTML1113: दस्तावेज़ quirks मोड के लिए IE9 मानकों से पुनः आरंभ इसके अलावा: SCRIPT438: ऑब्जेक्ट इस गुण का समर्थन नहीं करता या विधि: 'document.all.calendar1.value' & lt; head & gt; & Lt; शीर्षक & gt; SELECT A DATE & lt; / title & gt; & Lt;! - & lt; मेटा http-equiv = "X-UA- संगत" सामग्री = "IE = 8" /> - & gt; & Lt; META http-equiv = "सामग्री प्रकार" सामग्री = "पाठ / html; वर्णसेट = विंडो -1252" & gt; & Lt; मेटा HTTP-EQUIV = "समाप्ति" CONTENT = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; META HTTP-EQUIV = "Pragma" CONTENT...

javascript - Max value from json file using D3.max function -

{"डेटा": {"वर्ष": {"YR1998": {"सप्ताह": {"डब्ल्यू 1 "{" मतलब ": {7.8}}," डब्लू 2 ": {" मतलब ": {6.1}},}}," वाईआर 1 99 99 ": {" सप्ताह ": {" डब्ल्यू 1 ": {" मतलब ": {5.1 }}, "W2": {"mean": {8.1}},}}}}} मेरे पास निम्न json फ़ाइल है और मैं अधिकतम "मतलब" D3.max फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करते हुए लेकिन y अक्ष पर नतीजे नहीं मिल सकता है। मैं जिस कोड का उपयोग कर रहा हूं वह निम्न है, var डेटासेट; D3.json ("ili.json", फ़ंक्शन (त्रुटि, डेटा) {डेटासेट = डेटा;}; var y = d3.scale.linear ()। डोमेन ([0, d3.max (डेटासेट, फ़ंक्शन (डी) { रिटर्न d3.max (d.years, फ़ंक्शन (e) {रिटर्न d3.max (e.week, function (f) {रिटर्न d3.max (f.week, function (g) {return g.mean;}}} }]। श्रेणी ([ऊंचाई, 0]); पहला पैरामीटर d3.max () को एक सरणी होना चाहिए, यह कुंजी-मान ऑब्जेक्ट्स के साथ काम नहीं करता है। क्योंकि जिस ऑब्जेक्ट में आप गुजर रहे हैं वे मान्य लंबा...

version control - automatic, implicit, easy and reliable source revision indicator for maven+jenkins multi-module SNAPSHOT builds? -

I currently have a set of Maven modules, whose versions are set to 1.0-SNAPSHOT, which specifies the current trunk Are there. Those modules are made individually inside Jenkins, share the same SVN repo, but do not share any checkout, so I can not take svn amendment of checkout modification of build - and this has become my main problem : I usually wait for all the activities to stop in Jenkins and everything is green (or blue), so I know that everything is fine and SVN research of the final production product All sources of trunk-based modules are in line with the revision. If you can not follow me to this point, please tell me. Is there any way to improve it, that is, make it more automatic? Two possible disadvantages I can see with that solution: First of all, the Jenkins dependency proposal may be broken, etc.. This can lead to an incompatible mapping between the last product modification and possibly the old dependency modification (because their construction was not trigge...

windows 8 - c# calling value from another page -

Work on the Windows 8 Store app, so I managed to pass a parameter to another page, but how I call On the second page? Private Zero Button 1_Click (Object Sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {frame. Navigate (typef (test), testbutan); } As you can see TestButton, what I am doing, so I want to call it on any other page, then I will disable the button on a button click. Disable button part I know how to do that

Mini Profiler and SignalR -

I have ASP.NET MVC 4 website which uses a mini profiler. More recently, I have started using Signal R for more interactive pages. When I take a long time, the Mini Profiler repeatedly generates an arithmetic overflow error because the signalR request is open. I think it is possible to ignore the signal r requests for the mini profiler. Although I'm still curious to analyze the performance of my personal signal R action within the request using the mini profiler. Is there any way to do this? The way the MiniPuffler runs, get started () your request In the beginning, which starts a miniprophiler example to collect your time. Then call Stop () at the end of the request, which will record your time. In your case, you can not do this because the request continues for a long time. But you still want to record time for individual actions within a composite signal R request. In this model, your actions are actually going to be considered in general web requests in a w...

.htaccess - Apache rewrite to save Get parameters -

I have a script to render many catalogs ( /home/catalogues.php ) is . To rewrite the next relay rule and re-submit those catalogs correctly, rewrite rules / supplies / Catalog catalog.php? $ 1 rewrite rule ^ / hardware list Php? $ 1 So when I'm getting such a URL / supply / cartridge / brand% 5b% 5d = HP and brand% 5b % 5D = HP and type% 5b% 5D = Mono and page = 2 GET parameter is empty. It is determined that when form actions are directly / home / catalogues Redirects to php, but it breaks the connection of one page and the connection to DB because the tablaanum passes through the url, it seems that A very simple question. You should add a query string after the rule: [ksa] example: rewrite ^ supply /.* catalogs.php? $ 1 [QSA] Rewrite Rule ^ Hardware /.* Catalog Php? $ 1 [QSA]

c# - XAMLparse exceoption error -

Please help me ... my program that I am using C # and post relational database but I I get this error XML parse exception error was rejected, please where I am going wrong code & Lt; Border borderbrush = "#ff 0aa 9" borderticiness = "1" height = "25" horizontal alignment = "left" margin = "6,145,0,0" name = "border1" vertical alignment = "top" width = "93" cornerreadia = "10" background = "# 95005202" & gt; & Lt; Button Content = "Add Animal" height = "23" name = "addAnimal" = "addAnimal_Click" width = "87" background = "# 95,005,202" padding = "0" BorderBrush = "# 95,005,202" foreground = "# F2C1D42D "/> & Lt; / Border & gt; & Lt; BorderBrush = "# FF101010" BorderThickness = "1" height = "25" name = "border2" width = "9...

java - jquery/javascript: download a file from any webserver -

I am creating a JS / JQUERY web application that can be able to download 3D geometry files from any server And then display that file in the window The following functions work locally for this purpose: function file_download (filename, callback) {var model = new object (); $ .jax ({url: filename, data type: 'text', success: work (data) {model = new obj_create (data); callback (model);}}); } However, whenever I try to input a URL which is outside the server, I get the following error: XMLHttpRequest not loaded Can do '& lt; URL here & gt; 'No access-control-permission-origin' header on requested resource is present Original '& lt; My local server URL & gt; ' So login is not allowed The file can be opened manually in my browser, but can not be automatically captured through AJAX. I have tried to do this with a CORS request, but I can see that I need to be able to edit the permissions on the target server. I need to be able to...

Android Retrofit - onProgressUpdate for showing Progress Notification -

I am currently using Retrofit for Android network communication. Is there any way to achieve progress for making a progress progress notification, something that uses Facebook when uploading an image? Using the case must load the image without full image quality Compression or scaling. I know how this is possible with an asynchronous, but it will defeat the purpose of using retrofit. Although this may be the way I have to. This has been withdrawn for answer 1, for a solution compatible with retrofit 2. I had the same problem and finally managed to do it. I was using Spring Lib and what I showed below worked for spring but since then it was inconsistent because I made a mistake in using it for inputstream. I had transferred all of my APIs to the use of the restoft and uploaded the last, I read the output stream by override to write typed file to update me on the bytes I do Maybe this correction can be done but as I said I made it when I was using Spring, so I used it...

html - Anchor with hash in href attribute is opening a new page -

I've never seen this behavior. I have a simple hash link on the website that looks like this: & lt; A href = '# view_123' & gt; Click & lt; / A & gt; On my test server, when I click, this URL should only be 23] and the page does not redirect anywhere. However, when I put this same link on my live server, the browser causes it to redirect: It does not make sense to me the only one around it The way that the page in the href Areas to be added to hash attached to the end of the URL, but am I going to cause other problems and it's not what I wanted. I have found the clue only the mime type, but I'm pretty sure that "right to text / html" is for this reason there is no JavaScript I can hover over, and the URL signals in Chrome show the wrong URL. Have you tried changing the target tag? & lt; A href = '# view_123' t...

c# - Brokering IO requests in a static class -

I have a single, static broker class with a group of 'drivers' The network IO that creates the request for the tool I have examples of a device class that tells the device to read the data through the drivers. The broker is present to meet the requests of other sections because we have a limited number of concurrent connections which we can do. The problem occurs when devices share the same driver type and make overlapping calls for data. Driver is a shared resource and both can not serve at the same time. Here is a meaningful implementation (not running, how do I just do it): Public static zero ReadDataItem (driver type driver type, string IP, Datatam Aadress Address, Action & Lieutenant (ILIIT & LT; USARRT & gt; & gt; Callback) {// Type var driver = Recovery driver (driverType), one of three drivers can return one of the examples; If (! Driver! Initial) {// Note: Make sure the connection is set to correct PLC} Task & lt; IList & lt; ...

angularjs - How do I use jsonp with angular-ui calendar -

I am using the angular-u calendar to try and drag events from my API. The API is on a different domain so I have to use jsonp. I have tried many ways to get this work, but events on my calendar can not be found. I create a service to call API angular.module ('', ['ngResource']) .factory ('SurgerySource', ['$ Resource', ceremony ($ resource) {return $ resource ('', {start: ' @start ', end' @ end '}, {Jsonp_query: {method:' JSONP ', isArray: true}});}]); In the controller for my calendar, I can call it directly and get the event on the calendar angular.module ('myapp.schedule ', [' Ui.calendar ',' ui.bootstrap ','']) .controller ('ScheduleCtrl', function ScheduleCtrl ($ scope, SurgerySource) {$ scope.surgeries = SurgerySource.jsonp_query ({start: + 13...

mysql Undefined index on dynamic query -

I have a database table, which stores the values ​​used in a dynamic query, which in other Pulled data from the stored table name column. For example, an entry may be: selects . table name ------------------------------------------------ - ---------------------- fName, lName, email, phone, address, city, state, zip | Then I accept this and use it to create a dynamic query, then I run with my DB class ... something like this: $ Fields = $ connection-> Runquay ("Select Selection Item, Foo with Table Foo;"); $ Query = "SELECT" $ field [0] ['Select'] From "FROM" $ field [0] ['tagname']. ","; $ Result = $ connection- & gt; Runable ($ query); It works fine, but if I try to select some values ​​like this: selects . table name ------------------------------------------------ - ---------------------------------------------- CONCAT (Fanam , '', LName) as the full name, email, phone, address, city, state, zip. ... - Display a txt file on website in a message box in vb -

How can one drag text from a txt file into a vbb website and show it in a message box Checker For example, if there was a TSTT file, how can I see that message in a message box when vb is active in msgbox ( Show_txt_from_txt_file_from_website )? I just able to do this by applying a server side application and I can change the txt of the message without updating the application again / it is difficult to understand what to say Trying but I hope someone can understand my problem "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Quick'n 'dirty: MessageBox ((New System .Net Webclient). DownloadString ("")) Better: New Way Using wc as a bclient () ends with the use of (wc.DownloadString ("")) - Convert from VB to C# certificate -

I have this code in Visual Basic: String = Dim like CERT_SIS = "My Cer "System as String Deam Ceratus as" Smiling Edges " Security. Cryptography X509 certificate. X509 certificate CERSAT = System.Security.Cryptography.X509 certificate. X509 certificate. Make FrameCrittfile (CERT_SIS) CerNo = StrReverse (System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString (CERSAT. GetSerialNumber)) I want to convert it to C # ... And it gives me an error with this code: CerNo = StrReverse (System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString (CerSAT.GetSerialNumber)) How can I do this?

mysql - SQL Joining Autoincrement pseudo parent_id -

नमस्ते मेरे पास लाइव पाठ्यक्रम डेटा की एक साधारण तालिका है t_course_live -> आईडी (आईएनटी) (प्राथमिक कुंजी ऑटोऑन्सेन्मेंट) व्यापार_टाईमस्टैम्प डाटैटईम दर फ्लोैट आईडी | Trade_timestamp | दर 1 | 2014-04-28 20:53:32 | 1.38629 2 | 2014-04-28 20:53:34 | 1.38623 3 2014-04-28 20:53:39 | 1.38625 इसलिए मुझे यकीन है कि ऑटो_इन्रिट्रेट अनुक्रम में छेद है और ट्रेड_टाईमस्टैप्स हमेशा आईड्स => ट्रेड_टाईमस्टैंप (आईडी) के साथ बढ़ता रहता है & lt; Trade_timestamp (id + 1) मैं "अगले माता पिता" के साथ प्रत्येक पंक्ति में शामिल होना चाहता हूं। इसका मतलब आईआर + 1 के साथ पंक्ति है, इसलिए मैं टाइमस्टैम्प के बीच अंतर की गणना कर सकता हूं। मेरा एसक्यूएल दृष्टिकोण निम्न की तरह दिखता है, जो काम करता है, लेकिन बहुत लंबा रास्ता लेता है, क्योंकि पहले से ही 900k + प्रविष्टियां हैं। SELECT ... (t1.trade_timesamp और t2 के साथ गणना करना .trade_timestamp) ... से t_course_live t1 बाएं जुड़ें (चयन करें t2_inner। *, ( + 1) के रूप में अगली_ओआर से t_course_live t2_inner WHERE D...

mysql - php fatal call to member function prepare() on non object -

I'm exploring everywhere to answer why my PDO prepared () function is giving me this error: / P> PHP Fatal Error: Call a member function () in line in /var/www/database.class.php Create non-object I will talk about this Seeing the post but none of them help to clarify this error. I started here: use it with a poster Some changes to come This is my database. Class.php: & lt ;? Php class database {Private $ Host = "Localhost"; Private $ user = "nicholas"; Private $ pass = "12345"; Private $ dbname = "sstest"; Private $ dBH; Private $ error; Public $ stmt; Public function __ composition () {$ dsn = 'mysql: host =' $ this- & gt; Host '; Dbname = '$ this- & gt; Dbname; $ Option = array (PDO :: ATTR_PERSISTENT = & gt; true, PDO :: ATTRRAMODE = & gt; PDO :: ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); {$ This-> Dbh = Try new PDO ($ dsn, $ this- & gt; user, $ this- & gt; pass, $ option); } Hold (PDOException $ E) ...

How to get nested prompts result in yeoman generator -

I'm a JavaScript beginning and read the following write your first generator tutorials and other generators code I managed to get this Is away with my first generator I have tried many ways to get this work done and have failed miserably, if someone can point me in the right direction then I would be grateful. . I should probably say I used generator-generator v0.4.3 Oops forgot to say the problem is getting feedback from the flavor list askFor: function ( ) {Var done = this.async (); Var prompts = [{name: 'sitename', message: 'What do you want your app / site name to be?', Default: 'new project'}, {type: 'checkbox', name: 'utilities', message : 'Please select additional features' option: [{Name: 'Modernizr', Value: 'includeModernizr', checked: false} {name: 'answer', value: 'includeRespond', checked: false}]} , {Type: 'list', name: 'taste', message: 'what type of CSS do y...

Why does my javascript button dissapear onlick(in-line method) -

I know some javascript but it does not quite understand why this code disappears. & lt; Input type = "button" name = "clickable" value = "click me!" Onclick = "clicked ();" & Gt; OR & lt; Button onclick = "clicked ();" & Gt; Clicks & lt; / Button & gt; This is my function clicked the function () {document.write ("thank you"); } As you can see, this element is not going to hide or tell anything like that. Can anyone explain this? One solution would be good. document.write overwrites the existing HTML page. You can try something like this: script: clicked the function () {document.getElementById ('myOutput'). InnerHTML = "Thank you"; } HTML: & lt; Input type = "button" name = "clickable" value = "click me!" Onclick = "clicked ();" & Gt; & Lt; Div id = "myOutput" & gt; & Lt; / Div ...

c - Char Pointer Arrays -

itemprop = "text"> I have a skeletal code that allows me to read a list of words with a four indicator array (wordslist) from a text file Lets have been given in. I tried to move the values ​​to the 2D array (word), it compiles right away, but when I try to print the array, I am getting new lines instead of stars. I think the problem may need to be done with the indicators and can be especially on line 55 but I am not sure what I am doing. // Lab 10 Extender Locker skeleton code # include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; #include & lt; String.h & gt; # Include & lt; Ctype.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; # Include & lt; Ncurses / ncurses.h & gt; #define MAXWORDS 100 #define WORDLEN 11 #define DEBUG 0 // Set to disable debug output from Word word (four * wl [MAXWORDS], char * filename); // reads the word from the file // wl and trim the white space from the end / s / s on the right side to trim the white spot from zero trim (four * s...

c++ - Including thrust/sort.h before curand_kernel.h gives compilation error -

यह कोड ठीक संकलित करता है: #include & lt; curand_kernel.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; जोर / क्रम। & Gt; Int मुख्य (शून्य) {वापसी 0; } जबकि यह संकलन त्रुटियों को देता है: #include & lt; thrust / sort.h & gt; # शामिल करें & lt; curand_kernel.h & gt; Int मुख्य (शून्य) {वापसी 0; } CUDA 6 मुझे तीन त्रुटियों को देता है: ... curand_mtgp32_kernel.h (315): त्रुटि: __device__ फ़ंक्शन ("__ सिंकट्रेड्स") को कॉल करना __host__ __device__ फ़ंक्शन ("curand_mtgp32_single") से अनुमति नहीं है ... शामिल / curand_mtgp32_kernel.h (373): त्रुटि: __होस्ट__ __device__ फ़ंक्शन ("curand_mtgp32_single_specific") से __device__ फ़ंक्शन ("__ सिंकट्रेड्स") को कॉल करने की अनुमति नहीं है। .. curand_kernel.h (392): चेतावनी: गैर-शून्य समारोह "__curand_uint32_as_float" पर CUDA 5 के अंत में वापस लौटाने की कथन मुझे केवल मिलते हैं: ... curand_kernel.h (405): चेतावनी: गैर-शून्य फ़ंक्शन "__curand_uint32_as_float" ...

python - arcpy query not working -

I have an ArcPy script whose purpose is to select the desired attributes (both E-dom> and e -subdom & ndash; a feature based on a question, see the examples given below from the table.) myQuery = '"VM_POLY" = \' e-dom \ ' Or "VM_POLY" = \ 'E subdom \' myInputShapeFile = r 'd: \ FieldStudy.shp "myOutputShapefile = r' d: \ Endangered.shp" arcpy.Select_analysis (myInputShapeFile, myOutputShapefile, myQuery) When the script ends, only one type of attribute is selected from the query myInputShapeFile e-dom and e-subdomain attributes, but the script will only return e -> myOutputShapefile Suppress me I know that the problem is probably in the query ( myQuery ), but I'm not sure how to solve it. If someone provides some guidance If so, it will be appreciated. Could it be that you get your opossom wrong? myQuery = '"VM_POLY" = \' e-dom \ "or" VM_POLY "= \ ...

javascript - Cannot click Image into Preview Repsonsive Filemanager -

I have a problem when I am using the standalone responsive file manager, then the problem occurs when I get to the dialog Want to click the bar. Responsive file manager then add in preview DIV. My code to call the file manager here & lt; A href = "" class = "btn iframe-btn" type = "Button" & gt; Choose picture & lt; / A & gt; The script is included There is an error Unkot type error: The property of 'tap' document can not be read. In.min.js line 11 "post-text" itemprop = if you If you use the document then write (); In the JavaScript document. Writing () Currently the information that is parsed can be used to write documents, and contains the code code that this tag places in the tag of the tag, places text in an HTML document. In the top-level code tag document only. () Can be c...

angularjs - Angular Ui Router :same state with different url -

मेरे ऐप के पास दो राज्य हैं घर.summary (पैरेंट स्टेट) और घर.summary.detail (child state) और मैं एक ही स्थिति में विभिन्न यूआरएल के साथ दिखाना चाहता हूं। क्या यह हासिल करने का एक तरीका है? घर की स्थिति से। URL: / home / summary और उसके बाद / home / summary / detail /: id स्थिति बदलने के बिना। अंगुलियस संस्करण: 1.2.14 कोणीय- UI -उत्तर संस्करण: 0.2.7 मार्गों। Js नीचे उल्लेखित जैसा दिखता है: .state ('home', {सार: 'घर', 'url:' / home ', templateUrl:' scripts / home.html '}) .state (' home.summary ', {url:' / summary? UserId ', विचार: {' सारांश ': { TemplateUrl: "scripts / home / summary.html"}}}) .state ('home.summary.detail', {url: '/ detail /: id', विचार: {'विवरण': {templatehttp: "script / home / detail.html"}}}) मेरे ऐप में कोणीय- UI- बूटस्ट्रैप टैब हैं और जब टैब के बीच स्विच करने की आवश्यकता होती है यूआरएल बदलें। सार टैब जो कि स्टेटिक टैब है और home.summ...

javascript - Set php session value to text box value -

I am working on a PHP "interactive text game" for an assignment. In my program, the user is prompted to enter information in various text boxes (character name, etc.), which appear after each other, because the user completes the previous text field is. What I want to do, receives the value of the text box (user input) and stores it in the PHP session. I understand that I want to use AJAX to get the text value dynamically. I do not want to click on the "Submit" button first, I have to accumulate the value when the user presses or clicks outside the box. Here is a sample of code I have not yet including unnecessary lines like / with Ajax / Stylesheets etc. The key pressing code, that is, this part of the $ ('Input') method should be obtained with the method, text code "# name" and ... it's somewhere PHP code should be given in? ? I am very new to PHP and Javascript: php session_start (), ( & lt $ _SESSION ['name'...

math - Clojure Trigonometry -

In 2014, where can I get closing trigonometry functions like sin and ana2? I have some Contrib.math now but it does not have these functions. You can call the function from the closure. Java: Math (x) Closer: (Math / Sin x)

sql server - Error Msg 213: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition -

I have created a table with a stored procedure and I am trying to insert the data into it, but this error Message 137, Level 15, State 2, Line 49 - Scalar Variable is required to declare "ampleIID") Please help Do it! Create table human resources. Employees (employee employee four (3) hamper pkemployeeid primary key, first name varchar (20) not tap, last name varchar (20) zero, emp_Address varchar (30) blank, title char (30) barrier ckTitle check ',' Senior executive ',' management trainee ',' event manager ',' senior event manager ')), phone deal (20) 9] [0-9] - [0-9] [0-9] [0 -9] [0-9] - [0-9] [0-9] [0-9] - [0-9] [0- 9] [0-9] ')) Archived Procedure: Create a function Auto_EmpID @ First name varchar (20), @LastName varchar (20), @ address warc Announce the form of Har (30), @Title varchar (30), @ Phone varchar (20) AM @ EmployeeID char (3) if present (Select employee from HumanResource. Where is EmployeeID = 'E10...

bash - awk program from solaris machine gives warnings in linux nawk -

I'm trying to run a script that was showing the warning in the Linux machine that was in the solar system nawk: Cmd line: 7: warning: escape sequence \ & lt; 'Plain' is considered as & lt; ' I can not change the version of awk Is there any other way to delete this warning? Edit: My awk file will simply print the XML tag in the function. function PrintExamHeader () {Print "& lt; test"; # I have removed it \} Now it is warning the line number, where there is no such pattern. BEGIN {# here is giving this warning OFS = ""; Index for # Series Structure IDX = 1; Number = idx ++; IATATE = IDX ++; # And 3 more times on such lines = idx ++; Date = idx ++; Warning (GNU awk ; On some Linux systems, is a symlink for GNU awk, gawk ): awk 'BEGIN {print} \ & lt; Examine "} '# - & gt; If your output is OK, and all you have to do is get rid of the warning, just delete \ . : awk 'BEGIN {Print ...

php - Removing Date/Time/Author Name in WordPress Posts -

I currently have a WordPress site have been developed and what changes in the template file tags.php it would like to know the date in , Time and the author's name This is the code that I believe I need to change, though every time I welcome the deadly screen of death. if (! Function_exists ('makewp005_posted_on')): / ** * Prints HTML with the current post-date / time and meta information for the author. * / Function makewp005_posted_on () {$ TIME_STRING = '& lt; Time class = "Publish date of entry" datetime = "% 1 $ s" & gt;% 2 $ s & lt; / Time & gt; '; If (get_the_time ('U') == get_the_modified_time ('U')!) $ TIME_STRING = '& lt; Time class = "update" datetime = "% 3 $ s" & gt;% 4 $ s & lt; / Time & gt; ; $ TIME_STRING = sprintf ($ TIME_STRING, esc_attr (get_the_date ( 'C')), esc_html (get_the_date ()), esc_attr (get_the_modified_date ( 'C')), esc_h...

c# - Linq ForEach vs All Performance review -

For most of the time I'm using All (and Returns Right) instead of ForEach to use all the time For everybody (in the case of IEnumerable), it is a good practice to use all, I understand that everyone can be run on IEnumerable, while foreign only runs on the list var Wells = GlobalDataModelWellList.Where (U = & gt; U. Reef projectname == project.OldProjectName); If ( (well) All. (U => {u.RefProjectName = project.ProjectName; back true;}); } Var wellsList = GlobalDataModel.WellList.Where (U = & gt; u.RefProjectName == project.OldProjectName) .toList (); Well list Foreic (U => U. Reef project name = project.product name); No, you are misusing the all method . Take a look at It determines that all elements of the sequence satisfy a condition. Should be used to determine that all elements are true / false, in some situations, this is not to produce side effects . list. Foreike is for use for side effects if you already have the list & ...

javascript - How to get the value onchange of Hidden text field value -

& lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "text" id = "date-range1" class = "embed width230 teaxtboxCal" शैली = "प्रदर्शन: कोई नहीं;" & gt; मुझे टेक्स्ट बॉक्स में मान प्राप्त करना है जब भी कोई परिवर्तन होता है दरअसल मूल्य जब कैंडर पॉप अप बंद होता है। अपडेट: मैंने datepicker closeDatePicker () में ट्रिगर बदलाव को बुलाया था और फिर मैं ऑनchange फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करने में सक्षम था। धन्यवाद, फ़ंक्शन closeDatePicker () {$ ('# date-range1')। ट्रिगर ('परिवर्तन'); // कुछ कोड //} मेरी एकमात्र चिंता यह है कि मैं '# date-range1' आईडी का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, लेकिन मैं चाहता हूं कि ऐसा कुछ होता है जो सभी आईडी के लिए ट्रिगर होता है जहां यह प्रयोग किया जाता है। $ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (function () {$ ('# Date-range1')। पर ('परिवर्तन', फ़ंक्शन () {चेतावनी ($ (यह) .val ());});}); यह है कि यह jquery में कैसे करें। या बस .bind का उपयोग करें

php - Delete operation in CGridView in yii. -

I am using CGRidVeiw to create a list of my records from the database, one edit and delete one in each record The button has. Ethernet is working except for the fn9 removal operation, in fact it is seeing error after clicking on the deleted icon, but its still working. It's a snap below how it actually looks, After refreshing the record is not being shown to me as my idea and contoller is below. // contoller Public function ActionDialtemier () {$ Models = New AdminDeleteEmployer (); If (isset ($ _GET ['id'])) {$ id = $ _GET ['id']; } $ Query = "Delete from user, jobs using jobs, jobs on job, = WHERE = $ id"; Yii :: app () - & gt; Db- & gt; CreateCommand ($ query) - & gt; QueryAll (); $ This- & gt; Redirect ('admin / site / manageEmployers'); } View /// Manage Employers & lt; Div class = "form" & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ this- & gt; Widgets ('zii.widgets.grid.Cgrrid...