c# - XAMLparse exceoption error -

Please help me ... my program that I am using C # and post relational database but I I get this error XML parse exception error was rejected, please where I am going wrong code

   & Lt; Border borderbrush = "#ff 0aa 9" borderticiness = "1" height = "25" horizontal alignment = "left" margin = "6,145,0,0" name = "border1" vertical alignment = "top" width = "93" cornerreadia = "10" background = "# 95005202" & gt; & Lt; Button Content = "Add Animal" height = "23" name = "addAnimal" = "addAnimal_Click" width = "87" background = "# 95,005,202" padding = "0" BorderBrush = "# 95,005,202" foreground = "# F2C1D42D "/> & Lt; / Border & gt; & Lt; BorderBrush = "# FF101010" BorderThickness = "1" height = "25" name = "border2" width = "93" margin = "+61857641 9 5" CornerRadius = "10" background = "# 95,005,202" & gt; & Lt; Button content = "visible animal" height = "23" name = "visibleAnimal" click = "visual enngligly" width = "86" background = "# 95005202" foreground = "# F2C1D42D" /> & Lt; / Border & gt; & Lt; Border borderbrush = "#ff 0aa 9" bordertyxize = "1" height = "25" name = "border3" width = "93" margin = "6227,764,153" cornerreadia = "10" background = "# 95005202" & Gt; & Lt; Button content = "updated animal" height = "23" name = "updateAnimal" click = "updateAnimal_click" width = "84" background = "# 95005202" foreground = "# F2C1D42D" /> & Lt; / Border & gt; & Lt; Border border border = "#ff0dc" bordertyxize = "1" height = "25" name = "border4" width = "93" margin = "6,268,764,112" cornerradia = "10" background = "# 95005202" Gt; & Lt; Button content = "archive animal" height = "23" name = "archiveAnimal" = "archiveAnimal_Click" width = "84" background = "# 95,005,202" BorderBrush = "# 95,005,202" padding = "0" foreground = "# F2C1D42D "/> & Lt; / Border & gt; & Lt; Content control height = "326" horizontal alignment = "left" margin = "105, -1,0,0" name = "contentarria" vertical alignment = "top" width = "758" /> & Lt; Image height = "72" horizontal alignment = "left" margin = "1,333,0,0" name = "image2" source = "/ zoo systemworking; component / images / grass.png" statchch = "fill" vertical alignment = " Top "width =" 145 "/> & Lt; Image height = "72" HorizontalAlignment = "left" margin = "142,333,0,0" name = "image3" source = "/ zooSystemWorking; component / images / grass.png" stretch = "fill" verticalAlignment = "top" Width = "145" /> & Lt; Image height = "72" horizontal alignment = "left" margin = "286,333,0,0" name = "image4" source = "/ zoo systemworking; components / images / grass.png" fill = "fill =" vertical alignment = "top "Width =" 145 "/> & Lt; Image height = "72" horizontal alignment = "left" margin = "42 9, 333,0,0" name = "image5" source = "/ zoo systemworking; components / images / grass.png" fill = "stretch =" Vertical alignment = "top" width = "145" /> & Lt; Image height = "72" horizontal alignment = "left" margin = "572,333,0,0" name = "image 6" source = "/ zoo systemworking; components / images / grass.png" fill = "stretch =" vertical alignment = " Top "width =" 145 "/> & Lt; Image height = "72" horizontal alignment = "left" margin = "717,333,0,0" name = "image 7" source = "/ animal presentation activity; component / images / grass.png" fill = "stretch =" vertical alignment = " Top "width =" 145 "/> & Lt; Border background = "# 95005202" borderbrows = "#FFDDC" bordertyxize = "1" cornerRadia = "10" height = "25" margin = "6,305,763,75" name = "border 5" width = "93 "& Gt; & Lt; Button background = "# 95005202" Click on BorderBrush = "# 95005202" = "reportGen_Click" content = "report" foreground = "# F2C1D42D" height = "23" name = "reportGen" padding = "0" width = "84 "/ & Gt; & Lt; / Border & gt; & Lt; / Grid & gt; & Lt; / Window & gt;  


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