javascript - Location reload in Jasmine -

I'm not really sure how to test it? (SpyOn?)

  function Reload page () {$ ('# Logo'). Click (function () {location.reload ();})}  

Any advice will be great!

The reason for this is how you test this piece of code because it is 2 different

  • Click on event handling
  • Reload page

So why not break the logic?

  Function Reload Page () {location.reload (); } Function Bind Aventus () {$ ('# Logo'). Click (reload page); }  

Now you can test them separately by using spies:

  Description ('When the logo is clicked', the function () {Var logo; var handlers; first (each handle (handle) {handlers = {locationReload: location.reload, // handles for location. Reload () reload page: reload page / handle for your reload page ()}; Logo = $ ('# Logo'). ReloadPage); // Attach the detective to the reloaded page and call the function via spyOn (handler, 'reload Page '). And attach the spy on location.reload (); spy on (handler,' space reload ');}); (' will load the page function execution ', function () {logo Hopefully ('click'); hopefully (handlers. Reloaded page) .Hobbine collade ();}); ('Page will be reloaded', function () (Logo.trigger ('click'); Hopefully ( Handlers. Location Transfer) .toHaveBeenCalled ();}); After each (function () {// clear the event binding after each tTT (' It is not necessary to test that the  reloadpage  handler is correctly configured by  #logo  has been added to the event because the test is simulating a  .click ()  and checks that the  reload page is called  or not. 

So it is most likely that you will only need ('will reload the page') not both, the spec.


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